If you are going to give a brief overview of the EX vocation, it is the power of the sub-gods.

Power that would transcend superior professions that all bear the name of God, such as' Holy God ',' Beast God ',' Wisdom God 'and' God of War 'alongside Zlari.

And at the same time, sub-divine items that have not yet existed (...) in my world.

All of that was the essence of the power given by the Creating God at the beginning of this EX vocation.

However, it does not appear that this is not yet present in the world, so that we cannot choose the strongest 'dragon god' or comparable 'demon god' already present in the app world.

Perhaps human superiors and conditions are the same and can only manifest themselves in one pillar of the world.

If it's true, the Dragon God or around the Demon God is the most dependable force, but I can't help but waste it because I can't choose what I can't choose.

Let's just say I give up honestly.

But this was a bonus that I don't really have to take into account such tying.

Every EX occupation is difficult to put on A and B when it feels like a flush, and it seems to be the first performance worthy of the name of a sub-god, albeit for a long time and a short time.

For example, even one sacred magic (Sacrid Magic), an early skill of the Holy God, is more applied and effective than the end-of-life skill of the Virgin, Holy Sanctuary, a superior position.

Originally, Holly Sanctuary is a survival specific defensive skill that hangs a strong bond and sustained recovery buff on the Virgin and the humans around her, but how is it that the balance is broken when it comes to going beyond this in its initial skill?

Because it is a historical skill that has saved the valiant and the world from time to time, the Virgin's feat of using Holy Sanctuary has been repeatedly reported in the [log] of the app, and as much as it was a legend in the world before I got off using my avatar...

Well, aside from that, what's important now is what to do with the frame that's become my only one.

I'd like to think about it carefully at a time like this, but unfortunately I don't have time to think about it.

"... it's not like I've actually seen that power before, I can't help thinking about it"

I probably don't think the hassle profession exists, and I wouldn't have a problem choosing it simply because it seems highly combative.

I decided that and then decided to be ready, tapping 'God of War' without thinking particularly deeply.

But there is something wrong with the indication of the god of war who tapped and filled the remaining frame.

No, it's not weird, but somehow it was specifications that I could tap again.

Moreover, there is no indication of the 'level' that must be.

... hmm?

I'll tap it again.

"Oh, I could remove it..."

That's silly.

Once you decide, you can remove the profession, it's too light.

Can you change it if you like, or is the EX profession part-time or something......

I want to ask you what my problem was earlier.

But now I know why there is no level display.

I guess the specification is that you can't be proficient because you can replace the EX profession as many times as you want without completely settling in.

The Creator God at the beginning said it was an apology, but you're well thought out not to break the balance of the world. This specification......

"Well, come on. Let's just leave the god of war. There's more buffs on your health parameters than you can possibly have in your initial state."

As much as I'd say there's a health correction or a bug in the early state than the current level of the Holy Knight, but if you're strong, that's ok.

There's nothing wrong with that.

However, when this happens, it will not be possible to apply the bonus of the app to the EX profession.

Well, let's just say you allocate your experience around the Saints and Demons appropriately.

Operate the smartphone screen with a pounding and apply the reward part two.

Um, after all, the level of combined positions did not usually rise at the level of experience of about 50 basic job levels.

"Well, shall we call back our people one last time? No matter how strong you get, you can't fight the Nine Tails alone, who have a long history as land gods."

Red leaves, black ladies, mizettes and deuces are summoned from dimensional storage.

It's kind of been a while since you've seen the red leaf face firmly.

I didn't look closely because I was in a hurry to store it.

Oh, this guy has a grain of rice on his cheek...

Now, even when we were working hard, we ate and slept in the temple and sang about Nettle's life...

"Uhm! It's been a long time in this world! I feel the strong demon of my mother in the bin. We're finally back together. Are we all surprised to see that we've grown beyond our rigorous training?

"Um, it's not. You've been sneaking around, even if you're fat."

You never did strict training or anything, don't lie to me.

The presence of rice grains on that face doesn't reveal my personal life.

Well, fine.

The red leaves are not the type to push them off with power from the start, so I'm not going to take them or make them pure combat power.

One of the triggers for this Kowloon attack is the extent to which it should be in some way.

But I hit and changed with such a swallowing red leaf, and the look on the face of Miss Kuroko is not excellent.

... Again, when the influence of the Nine Tails is so intense so far, they will assume the worst.

Even I can tell this is an anomaly, and I can't help it.

So this is where I have to encourage you to be an adult at the bend.

"... Saito-sama"

"It's okay, you don't have to worry. Yuen San's grandfather is alive. There's no such idiotic story about a grandfather who has a habit and two habits that can't be outdone for just two weeks."

If you can't prevent it for two weeks, you wouldn't have said the deadline is a month, etc.

I'm not an idiot to overstate my strengths, and if that grandfather is okay in the meantime or so, I guess he's really okay.

You've been impressed by my blatant attitude, and the complexion of Miss Blackie is getting some better.

All right, that's fine.

By the way, although Mizette understands the situation by her usual super intuition, she still hasn't broken her strong attitude.

Perhaps this much training ground has been dived through many times.

The other world is more of a struggle with the survival of a country than this one, or a world that's usually there.

Am I used to it?

So, Deus at the end......

"Master, its power..."

"Oh, after all, when you become a sub-god, do you know the power of existence of the same kind?

The subgod of the end is also a pillar of God present in the world.

He soon realized that I had gained new power.

That's great.

However, this is not the case if we are still providing a detailed explanation of the situation.

For now, we'll just have to get him to recognize that he's gotten stronger and get here.

"Well, it's a waste of time getting ready. Sorry about that without further explanation, but we're gonna hit it out."

Declared so, and I took them out of the apartment room.

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