Negotiations with Wang Shangland Eugrin have led me to show a cooperative attitude towards this great power, Arborest, but to some extent, I have decided to allow myself to pass the demands from here.

That demand has changed slightly and will never make our existence public.

Why did you make such a request so that the other side wouldn't understand our movements?

As the saying goes, the first way to deceive an enemy is from an ally, so much so that inside information is out of the hands of the demon god (Sie Information) by some means, it is not that we know where information can be leaked from the aristocracy and soldiers who are allies.

This is why I was asked to put a lid on this information, but there are people who really need to talk through it.

That, of course, is the king of this country.

Well, as a matter of course, if Mr. Eugrin, a merchant attached to the royal family, counts "a line in possession of the collar of an apparently suspicious enemy executive" as a force of war, the reason is that he can never do anything about it is to let the king, the head of the country, dive into the army on his own without any contact.

It was therefore an inevitable flow that Mr. Eugrin was taken to the Wang capital within that day through his connections, and after a week or so of carriage life, he was passed to the royal castle.

By the way, I am now in a meeting with a king backed by some mighty knight and a female wizard in a conference room in Royal Castle.

"Hmm...... Surely what this slave is doing looks like the same magic equipment they have. What do you think, Carly?"

It is the man with brown hair who looks like he is in his mid-forties, King Arborest, the head of this great nation.

And perhaps this wizard, called Carly, has awakened as a hero in a race evolution, the Ace of the Army.

"Yeah, for sure. Because that's not the case with this magical artifact that I don't know is engraved. But that would also be a thin line between people from other countries. This lady knight and young man even I have the unseen magic of the bottom. Even so, in view of what that Eugrine introduced me to with without vigilance..."

"… so, is there"

The king who roared at the words of the hero Carly puts his arms together and ponders for a while.

No, and it's been quite a while since you created the world, but this is the second time you've met the king of this world in person.

The first time I was on edge in an empire I visited with Argus the Sage, how dare you have so many face-to-face events with the great man.

I have some verses that are moving to avoid the breakdown of creation, but the essence is the desire to indulge in this world created with the power of apps.

So it's true that I want to avoid being blinded by a powerful man like the king and bound to freedom of adventure... well, that's already been the case since I met Mizette.

I somehow took care of the Count Galhart family back then, and I guess this is one of the story mode pleasures in the end.

While I was bogged down with such thoughts in mind, the king finally opened his mouth to see if his thoughts had finally come together.

"Uhm. If so, as Eugrin offered, we will temporarily welcome these men as new American knights, okay? And the Knights Commander. Is that a problem?

"That would be nice. I will consider the assignee later, but there is no room for me to pinch it in my mouth about my personality if Lord Eugrin, the king and not only the king, and Carly, the Arborest hero as court magician, have agreed to it."

That's what I said, Mr. Strong Knight. The Knights Commander.

Despite being indoors, I can't see the appearance from being fully armed with full plate mail, but apparently I've settled on the story.

But not only the king, but this Eugrine old man, recognized by the Knights Commander and heroes, was a pretty good doer after all.

Now he's holding back beside us and making it big, but maybe he's a super first-rate warrior, instead of a warrior who can fight that pretty hard.

In terms of combining my eyesight as a merchant with my power as a warrior, don't feel competent reminiscent of Argus, the most powerful sage I've ever met.

The contents Just an old man assesses doesn't create a lot of value or anything, but it's still a big deal.

But that's how there was a voice waiting where the story was about to get wrapped up.

"But I have one concern."

"Hmm. Let me know."

"Ha.... I told you earlier that I have no problem with my physique, but until that strength I am unknown. Sure, there may be something so extraordinary that Master Carly admits it..."

"I see..."

I would go on to say that, Mr. Knights Commander, which I was in favour of earlier in Norinoli.

Well, I don't know what you're trying to say.

Our figure is guaranteed by Mr. Eugrin, and the magic will not be covered by Carly, the hero who is also the Great Mage's mentor, and because the King has decided where to assign him.

But what you need to do to be active in actual combat is combat power, not physical or magical.

I guess that's why they're creating a stream that's trying to show us strength.

In the first place, I have no complaints about this because it is a more natural consideration than being assigned to my unit.

Rather, I am so sorry that Mizette, who heard the current dialogue, is reacting with Pickle and is starting to bump her gaze like "Yan or Ora".

I want to put in an apology for my child being very rude.

All right, before Mizette blows up, I dare you to tell the story here.

"Excuse my remarks. Yeah, if that's the case, how about a small hand check, Master Knights? You, the Knights Commander, and the other elites, that unit and I will be conducting simulated warfare. That would be just as good as introducing yourself to the Knights."

I don't want to use much noticeable power, but if it's in the form of a new America of Expectations that came to take on what looks like an entrance exam at Knights Commander Conne, leaking information isn't a big threat.

Rather, it's the power of the EX profession that I have to hide most from the other sub-gods of the world is the Creator God (the player).

If you're even careful about that, there are things like leaking information about a slightly stronger New American knight.

It is these 'strengths' and our 'comings' that should not be made public.

"Is that a small hand check? But no matter how much you acknowledge Lord Eugrin, you will not compete in a head-on collision with our elite troops..."

"Oh, that sounds interesting. That's a good idea. If that's the case, let's say I join the war. I was curious about your power."

"Become!? Ka, Lord Carly!

He was the head of the Knights Mouthpicking about how confident they were in their power, but he has rather joined the battle to small scrutiny in the sense of increased combat power.

You can't use very powerful powers, so I don't think you can just stand up to heroic opponents, but this is an ant.

Because of this, and I'll try to get her to hang out with the Mizette arm trial, which is going to be raging now.

Mizette, who still can't reach a hero one step, and the power of a hero who has made a racial evolution.

I wish something Mizette could be the hang-up for breakthroughs.

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