A few dozen minutes after the King agreed to the proposal I took and the simulation was officially decided in the form of a small hand check.

Me and Mizette were facing opponents, the Knights' elite, at the Knights' training ground, which was co-located next to the Royal Castle.

Interceptions are still to be made without full plate mails, captain of the knighthood, whose appearance is unclear, and its elite.

And a hero, Curly, with long blue hair and a fresh green cape.

By the way, Red Leaf and Sie are not taking part this time.

Three tailed red leaves can be as powerful as a common intermediate adventurer by this world standard, but just as a hero is bad for his opponent.

Besides, it is impossible to fight the leaves in every way.

It was almost identical to the red leaves in terms of sheer capacity and was rejected for similar reasons.

So, this one has to collide head-on with the enemy troops that only two of us will have to triple, but still, there will be no shaking this victory.

"Oh man, it's trouble for King Arborest too... No matter how hand-worked you are, I didn't know you had to beat only two of them with the help of the Kingsguard knights and me and Master Carly... Do we need to preserve the majesty of this country until then..."

That's what the Knights say.

It is true that there is a difference in numbers, and the other side has put in personnel that can be called almost the highest fighting force, but the idea is that it is early.

I cannot accurately read the thoughts of King Arborest, but in view of the suggestion from me and even the admission of the hero Carly, perhaps I do not believe that this battle will end with a victory on my part.

Because if you settle for so much difference in power, you will crush Eugrin's face, who introduced you to us as a collaborator.

Unless you are a fool king, you will not bother with such a lacking extraction of consideration.

"Hey Kenji. Looks like that's what you're saying over there, but how long do I have to be serious?

"Uh-huh, right...... I have sealed the power of the sub-gods, and I wonder if Mizette is as big as the holy sword invitation. Think about it at about 50% of your strength."


Mizette hears the great mourning of the Knights.

I honestly feel like I'm doing 50% too much, but in order for my partner, who doesn't like to lose even though he mocks, to win steadily, he thinks he should let it go to about that.

In the first place, just because you're a racially evolved hero doesn't mean you're more 'combative' than anyone else.

It is true that there is also a bottom-up of the basic function that occurs by race evolution, but there will be too many individual differences and it will be a slight thing compared to Mizette, our mother-in-law princess.

If so, he is merely a great magician, saying that he possesses no power over the human race in fighting no matter how many heroes.

that no one beyond our partner will be quite there in terms of violence.

Judge Kingsguard Knights arrived after withholding King Arborest and Mr. Eugrin from the tour seats, ready both during and beyond such an in-person meeting.

"That's both of them, are you ready?

"No problem."

"It's no problem here, either."

Confirm my agreement with the Knights Commander, and finally the referee will call out 'Introduction'.

Well, how do we get out first...

And where I thought so, our reliable avant-garde, Mizette, attacked the Kingsguard knight unintentionally.

"I'm not talking to you! Holy Sword Invitation! Hey!"


And one of the Kingsguard knights to be knocked down in an instant.

He is too much of a No. 1 shepherd.

They were forming themselves over there and showing a full posture, but my partner was also accumulating licked depression (puffiness), apparently only seriously attacking the speed of movement.

Of course, the damage seems to be reduced to the point where the knight's armor has fallen, but the Kingsguard was knocked out with a single blow because he was too abrupt to act and fight.

It also has to do with the fact that Mizette was originally the ace of the Holy Knights more than a thousand years ago, it's good to poke at the other person's void.

He seems familiar with how knights can't handle it.

He is still flirting with his opponent at a rate to strike a further chase, trying to make a second and third victim.

Is that it?

This doesn't seem to have my curtain anymore...

"Damn, what speed! I can't handle it! And the Holy Sword invited!?

"You idiot, it's not natural! You are too saggy with your Holy Knight opponents! Start over with the new America!

Mizette, who has taken the test as a new American knight to the bewildered Knight Commander, crosses with the new American knight.

How about this.

I don't know which one of you is a student anymore.

"Ha-ha-ha! This is good, Euglyn. I knew it from the beginning, but your prospective warriors seem quite hands-on."

"Right. Anyway, the girl is naming that legendary knight, Mizette Galhart, so I need you to do this much. I don't think it's real, but it's rude to be a fairy tale, as it seems to take a back seat to a few Kingsguard knights."

But was it enough as a performance in a mock battle, the king and Mr. Eugrin converse with a satisfied look?

And 'fairy tale'?

He doesn't seem to understand that he's a real Mizette Galhart over there either, but he thought this legend was still breathing.

It's been a little over a millennium, so the foot color seems to be amazing, but I'm just a little interested in the content.

"Hang in there, girl! Show the rice balls a good place!"

"Of course I do! I'll make you fall in love with me again!

Red Leaf cheering is added, accelerating the momentum of the Mizette.

Already, my only role is to visit Mizette.

Very free.


"Are you all right, Sie?


See was trembling in small pieces as she watched her activity while wearing her arms because she was free.

Well, I'm sure Sie didn't know what we were capable of yet.

I know you've seen Mizette publicly executed by the Nine Tails in the Temple of the Creator only once, but that was just the scene of death.

Well, if you look at where the main power is being played, you can't help but see this happening.

Even I can't beat Mizette without an EX profession.

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