Maybe we can work something out with the problem of mana depletion.

Having made a big deal out of the brave, I suggested that the detailed explanation be put forward again later, and for now, put an end to this war between Gungel and Arborest.

Sure, the problem with his world is a big one, but I'm not talking about welcoming doom right now or anything like that.

Ten more years, a hundred more years, that kind of talk in the span.

If so, that's why we first decided that stopping this war, which is our current problem, is our top priority.

While this is happening, the damage is spreading, and this war has begun to be quite resistant with Arborest putting in a powerful force: me and Mizette.

Until now, the war seemed to be undergoing retreat without much damage, but this time only, unless we do something about the hand of the demon god who nests in Gungel, we won't be able to collect it.

"Oh, I got the story. Then I'll transfer it to the general around Gungel, so I'll take his neck first. What, no matter how many demon men suddenly show up, there's no way they can handle us."

is the valves of the brave lion.

As far as we are concerned, it is a wish or a fulfillment, so there was no objection to the proposal.

Apparently, from the beginning of the conversation, the brave Lyon had some knowledge of the invaders, and he understood the general circumstances, placement, and power of the demon gods and other hostile forces.

This is a wonderful and dependable guy, too, as a source.

"Then stay still for a while because we will slack the phase in the space-time junction and place it around the back of the enemy general. The easiest way to transfer a presence with more than a certain amount of power is if the opponent is not resisting. If resisted, it could fail. - Let's go, time and space transfer!

That way, when you cover the space of everyone, including him, with the magic of a brave man, the scenery switches in an instant.

In front of you is a magnificent man who would be an enemy general and the hindsight of the knights who escort it.

Perhaps this magnificent man was the conductor of this war.

He possessed the same collar as Sie, a communications machine from different worlds, in that proof that he would be one of the devil's men.

... Now let's get you out of this world.

"Mizette! Let's go! Holy Sword Invitation!

"Yeah, leave it to me! Holy Sword Invitation/Disturbance!

When me and Mizette attacked from behind due to the ability of the Holy Knight, the attack pierced a general who would never have thought to get an unintentional blow.

He gets pierced by Mizette and my holy sword without having to utter a word, making his body a hive in an overkill mood.

... maybe a little too much.

When I looked around, I could see the knights trying to move, but apparently the brave unfold something like a junction that acts on space, blocked by invisible walls and unable to come close.

That's brave, working fast.

By the way, the red leaves seem to be hiding themselves and activating the concealed form the moment they transfer here.

My sensing abilities no longer show signs of fine dust.

If you look bad in a place like this, you may be taken hostage by the power of the red leaves, so it's the best choice for action.

"Bye, silly..."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't put this war away other than to do this. You can resent me, but die responsibly more than we've ever had a fight."

When I tell him that, the general who was hived all over his body strips away his white eyes.

There is no shock because it is not the first time that people have been killed, but when I think that they were also stuck by the irresistible phenomenon of mana depletion, I don't feel bad.

Absolutely, what is the Creator God of the rest of the world doing?

I want to punch you once I see you.

With that in mind, Mizette severed the neck of an exhausted general by the Holy Sword and began a high declaration of victory toward the battlefield with magic on his voice.

The knights, who cannot move because they are held back by the kingdom, also seem to have already lost their will with Mizette's holy sword invitations and ramblings and a true hit on the power of the brave.

Even with the difference in power, I can see a glimpse of that kind of giving up when the battle is already on.

"Okay, is this settled or what?

So when I thought it was settled, I noticed that the smartphone in my pocket was vibrating.

─ ─ ─ Pipipi.

─ ─ ─ Pipipi.


I think it's early to speak of avoiding the debacle of creation, but what the hell is it?

[Achieved the specific action 'End of War' in Story Mode earned you Achievement. Achievement also unlocks the new feature "Temple of the Creating God: Level 3"]

[Temple of the Creating God: Level 3]

The Great Temple of the Creating God that exists in different spaces.

As a new feature, you can now perform the Apostolic Selection ritual, [Contrast Mode], at the altar of the Great Shrine.

Why not give a special power to the beings you rely on?

I'm sure it will go a long way towards future adventures.

Aim, Apostolic Master!

"What, like this sales talk?"

... is the first achievement won in a long time that has been shabby though.

Replay Mode, Creation Mode, Time Machine and then Contrast Mode?

The temple's notation has also been altered with the Grand Temple, and apparently it made a bigger upgrade than expected.

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