The day after we struck down the general of Gungel.

We were once returned to Arborest, where we were called to meet with the heavy towns of the kingdom.

Because we are going to need a lot of rewards for settling this war, so we have to get a reward step and other explanations from King Arborest.

Most of all, before we were able to end the war with the addition of the brave Lyon, everything was said to be our medal.

Maybe even if he didn't add up, the result wouldn't have changed, but that's it, this is it.

But he says he's sorry that there's more troublesome smugness in this world, and he hasn't made the truth public in this country because he doesn't like his presence to be out of the ordinary.

His membership will be a major card for other sub-gods in the world, such as the future Demon God and the Destroyer God, so it's more important than that.

Now that I want to make my relationship with him a good one, I listened to that desire to keep my presence quiet.

Honestly, the strength of the brave men of other worlds has something to keep an eye on, and even the Mizette is just the one with a thousand forces that are out of reach one-on-one.

I'm not sure which one is stronger than the brave ones in this world, but if you're going to follow me as an ally, I'm not saying no.

By the way, there were other hands of the demon gods who were joining Gungel, but as soon as they realized it was the brave men of their world who were joining us, they blued their faces and surrendered without resistance.

Apparently, he realized the difference in his power in an instant.

How big a name is that, brave guy in the world over there......

Well, it's good to save time.

The hand of the demon god, who was never on the battlefield, can't be too far-fetched.

"... Hmm. So you don't need a title in this country? Whatever this is, your work was also fertile and no longer worthy of being unrivaled. If you don't like to buy the repudiation of the nobles of our country, Arborest, then this self, the king, will silence the nobles?

And when I was meeting the brave man, the king said that.

Of course, this meeting is to pre-arrange our prize, to show the majesty of the king at the prize ceremony that takes place between sights, but still, I can't be a nobleman.

There is certainly no reason why I, God of Creation, shoulder in one country, but I will end up with one point: because it is impossible for us to do aristocracy, which will either skip the times and travel to the future.

I have declined many times because of this, but there is no reason to tell the truth, so the excuse became fuzzy, and it seemed that the other side could not convince me to leave.

As I twisted my head about what I was going to do, Mizette, who was wearing an arm on the side, now gave the king an awesome stare and advanced to the king.

"King Arborest, we have our situation. I don't know what to say, but we can't stay in this age forever. I don't know if you guys really believe this, but I'm a real legendary knight in this day and age. It's Mizette Galhart, the Holy Knight....... it would be useless to say"

He blew my consideration that there was no reason to tell the truth, and Mizette blew it that way, but it still seems to be ineffective.

On the contrary, some noblemen here say, "You, how are you turning to the king!" or "There's no reason for Miga to be real or anything!" I hear voices like that.

Well, I can't help it.

But the king doesn't seem to care anymore, and he seems to be thinking of something.

No, the same seems to be true of the Knights Commander, the Hall of Heroes, and Mr. Eugrin, who experienced with the power of Mizette as well as the King.

"Right... Surely there is no way to bind Mizette Galhart, the Holy Knight of humanity and supposed apostle of God, to a single nation"

"King!? Do you mean to believe such bullshit!?

One nobleman, stunned by this flow, makes a scene, but King Arborest sighs in such a way as to stir up his nobility.

"No. I believe it. It's not a matter of not believing. Think about it, fool. Whether she is the true saint Mizette Galhart or not, she has already shown the corresponding power according to the legend. Her holy sword poured down on the battlefield like rain, striking down the enemy general."

Place a beat, and the king continues.

"And most importantly, they converged this war with one blow, which we struggled with and were neither hands nor feet. How can you keep someone with the power to do this? Do you want to assassinate him? Not staying in one country, until you put your own country in jeopardy, against a being who says it will cross time again?... you should chill your head a little."

"Gu, gu..."

I know you're half-hearted about the existence of legends, but I guess the king understands the sincerity with which I said I wouldn't stay in one country.

Yes, to say that you will not remain in this country is nothing more than to say that you will not be a force of war that threatens your country across other countries.

If so, I guess I stepped on that I shouldn't add extra stimulation against my will.

Excellent king indeed.

Perhaps my sudden appearance of a headline, unknown to anyone anywhere, supports the reason that I'm not staying in one country.

If power seems to be tied to some country from the start, it's a strange story that it's been anonymous.

"But I have one question"


"Why did Miss Mizette, who is supposed to be the legendary saint, only help our country in this battle, and show up in this day and age? I have no choice but to question that."

Mizette sends her sights to Chillari and me in response to the king's inquiry, but she can't create chaos in this world by talking about the invaders of other worlds.

I have promises to brave men, and I give them instructions to shake their heads sideways and deceive them.

"... right. Strongly speaking, I wonder if the movements of the sub-gods of the demonic world will be active soon. At least this war had its impact. I can't tell you the details, but that's why Gungel, a small country, was able to resist this country, right? Nonetheless, both Gungel and Arborest are victims of the demon gods. No more battles are barren, so don't resent them more than you have to."

And he said so, laying all the blame on Gene, the demon god of this world, after laying low the information of other worlds.

I thought it seemed a little pathetic to him, but Mizette's face was really clear as to whether the depression of being cocked by scattered jeans in the labyrinth of the world tree cleared up.

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