Isekai'd Shoggoth

Chapter 37. Alyssa Gillespie, The Wingwoman Extraordinaire

Things settle down after dinner, as Bridgit and Moon Unit start helping the other three to settle in. Selene initially pitches in too, but bows out soon enough, citing the necessity to keep abreast of her homework. Me? I've been excluded from domestic chores by popular vote, much to my displeasure. So instead, I elect to spend my time more proactively, and go knock on the next door neighbor's door. Since our last meeting, Hiram apparently left some specific instructions about me, because as soon as his manservant saw me, he invited me inside and asked me to have a seat while he would go and fetch Hiram.

Hiram himself glances at me warily, but sketches a shallow bow and kisses my hand like a gentleman he is. "Lady Gillespie." - he offers - "I hope this visit is going to be less jarring than your last one."

"Don't worry. No heads in the sack this time." - I tell him blithely, making him flinch a bit.

"I have heard about your recent... trouble with Sultanate." - he proffers - "And your solution to it. Honestly, I'm not sure if I should congratulate you on handing them such a vast blow or just stare in horrified awe. Cursing the whole country at once? One big enough to look down on the rest of us? Father's court is abuzz with rumors and worries about you. I've been getting missives to establish friendly connections with you almost on daily basis. Some go further and suggest I attempt a courtship... Which, frankly, I think is a very foolhardy idea, given you're already engaged to prince Edward. So. What brings you to my door today?"

"Ah. Well, first of all, call me Alyssa. I do find you a pleasant company, and I'm sure your father's court would be well pleased if you were to report you have had advanced our friendship to first name basis, if nothing else." - I tell him - "Don't hold your breath on the courting, though. You're a fine man, an exemplar of a noble and gentleman, if I am to be honest, but my tastes lie elsewhere."

He nods sagely. "I did not want to presume, but given how often you are seen with ladies Lux and Selene, and how little attention you pay to Edward..." - he proffers with a wan smile - "I do have a feeling that Katherine might have better luck with courting you then I will. And yes, call me Hiram. I daresay we can find common topics with ease. And... unofficially, thank you for putting a decisive end to this foolishness Klaus attempted."

"Much obliged, Hiram." - I agree - "Now, second. It's not urgent, but I thought you might want to run the idea by your father and get his opinion on the matter. As you know, I am congregating dwarves in father's county... well, duchy, now. They have had reached the level of production where I feel comfortable offering Kraut kingdom an option to purchase ripple steel, should you want to. Not much, so far, they are still building up the smelters and forges to ramp up the production, but I daresay we should be able to manage some spearheads and arrows. Maybe some of the less war-oriented wares too."

He grins - "Well, that's certainly of interest to my nation. I will pass the word to my father. Should his representatives contact you or your father, though?"

"My father. I have already discussed the matter with him and he had achieved his highness permission to supply you. I should warn you, however, that until the production picks up sufficiently, king Abraham had imposed a limit of five quintals on the total weight of ripple steel to be exported to Kraut. Hopefully, by the winter we shall surpass the gross quintals he set as a goal for domestic production, and all the excess could be traded freely. Until then, Kraut kingdom gets the consideration as our close ally and neighbor, and the rest of countries will have to bargain with king Abraham himself, if they want any." - I explain to him. He frowns at first, then does some mental math and doubletakes.

"Wait, five QUINTALS? As in, five thousand livres?" - he asks incredulously - "And the goal is gross quintals which you expect to reach within this year?..."

He shakes his head at my nod, and sighs - "Just when I thought you can not surprise me with anything anymore. Very well. I will have to notify his highness king Cullen about this, obviously, and if he confirms the terms you have outlined, your father can expect emissaries from our nation as expeditiously as possible."

"Speaking of expeditious, this is another matter I wanted to discuss with you." - I tell him, and he snaps up at attention - "By the end of the autumn, the tar road should reach Ashenvale. If Kraut kingdom is amenable to this, I would like to extend the road through the Ashenvale to your kingdom. We are prepared to offer the technology for constructing the roads to Kraut kingdom in exchange for your cooperation and help in reestablishing a viable highway through the Ashenvale. I've been asked to propose the idea to you, as due to... certain political considerations it would be best for everyone involved if Kraut kingdom reaches out with initiative first. As far as I can fathom, I think king Abraham does not want to appear as one dictating terms to your nation."

"Done and done." - he answers immediately - "I shall appraise my father with all due haste. Making land trade route available for caravans again had been a concern for our country for quite some time, and if Champagne is prepared to cooperate on this matter, we certainly are. What of the dwarves, though. Will they be resettling Ashenvale?"

"Not immediately. It is in consideration, but you have to admit, with the current state of the valley, it would be a long endeavor. Ash is not a good foundation for a home. It does, however, have certain applications in construction, and if my experiments pan out, then yes. Dwarves might reestablish some presence in Ashenvale. Some, mind you. They are getting settled in pretty firmly in the northern part of the mountains and we do not plan to dislodge them even if Ashenvale regains some of its appeal. We do hold high hopes for them eventually repopulating enough to establish their settlements throughout the northern part of the mountains, but this is obviously not something that can happen overnight or even overyear. In half a century, maybe." - I explain, and he nods.

"Entirely understandable. Still this is very good news. We had feared that dwarves had reached their dusk as a race... That is, until you had given them a new dawn." - he admits - "Thank you for doing that, by the way. The world would be poorer for their passing."

I nod - "It would. Well, that covers the topics I wanted to discuss with you as a prince. I have one favor I want to ask of you as a gentleman, though."

He blinks. "I'm listening, Alyssa, but I make no promises until I find out what is that you want." - he offers cautiously.

"Last day, emir Abbas had attempted to abduct princess Lily-Anne to exert a pressure on king Abraham and make him 'reign me in'. A foolhardy attempt, as you might well guess." - I explain, and he squares his jaw, frowning - "I have had rescued her, and, in the process, I ended up taking two more girls from Sultan's castle."

"Wait, wait, hold up. How did you manage to reach his castle and return in a single day? It's two months by the sea at favorable winds both ways." - he objects.

"Well... I'm sure you've heard of a spell Sultanate has for instant travel. I've caught one of their mages during the kidnapping attempt, pried the spell from his mind and adjusted it to be less demanding. My version does not require of mage to sacrifice themselves in exchange for briefly making the departure and arrival points hazardous to be in without blindfolds." - I tell him and see his jaw fall open in shock.

"Are... you telling me that you also possess a way to just appear anywhere you desire?" - he demands incredulously.

"Not quite. I have to be either familiar with the place, scry it somehow beforehand, or have a fresh spelltrail to follow. In this case, it was the latter. Sultanate had one of their mages sacrifice themselves to get Lily-Anne to the Sultan's castle, I followed the trail and... yeah. Unfortunately, Salaadin and Abbas had fled before I could reach them, but I was able to recover Lily-Anne, and..." - I pause, and sigh - "I have ended up taking one of Salaadin's wives and his daughter. No, not as hostages, both of them had very good reason to want to flee the Sultanate. Roxolane was abducted and forced into Sultan's harem against her will, and Rafiqa... Well, let's just say that Sultan's daughters are usually treated as prizes to hand out to particularly loyal and valuable beys. Rafiqa found it disagreeable to be given like an adornment to a man thrice her own age, and I don't see any fault with that logic."

He swallows. "Good thing Klaus wasn't married." - he jokes feebly - "Goodness gracious, you don't do things by half, do you? Alright, so what is that you need me for as a gentleman?"

"Rafiqa has... low opinion of southern men. Justified, I have to admit. She is eager to find out how northern gentlemen are, and I couldn't think of a better person than you to show the sheikha of Sultanate around our fine city. No pressure, Hiram. I do not demand you cater to her every whim or something. Just take her out to see the city when you have time. I think you'll find she's pleasant enough company. Obviously, I'll introduce both of you first." - I explain to him, and he slowly nods.

"So... your request, to sum it up, is simply to introduce me to the sole princess of Sultanate, and be a gentleman to her?" - he quips - "That is far less onerous than I was fearing. Sure, I would like to meet her and accompany her a time or two to the city, if she finds my company acceptable."

"Hiram, she's used to men treating her like a piece of jewelry. Trust me, she won't find your countenance lacking in any way." - I reassure him - "Mind if I go fetch her to do the introductions?"

He scuffs the back of his head lightly - "...Very well. Give me a few minutes to arrange for some refreshments, though. There are certain expectations to formal introductions."

Nodding, I stand up, and he follows, kissing my hand again. "I'll see you in a few, then." - I tell him and leave to take a stock of the situation. I have had the foresight to suggest the girls handle Rafiqa's room first on the grounds that it will clear up a lot of elbow space with our rooms. It seems they have had done so and left Rafiqa in her own room to settle in. I take a peek into my own rooms, note the lively bustle and step out of it to let them work in peace. Rafiqa answers the door quickly, once I knock.

"Yes, who is... Oh. Alyssa. What I can help you with?"- she asks politely, taking a step back to invite me in. I peek into the room.

"Nice. I see you asked for Champagne fashions?" - I ask her, and she nods.

"I had quite enough of Sultanate." - she offers back tersely, her face mellowing as she continues - "And some of those things are just fascinating. The hot plate, for example, I have never seen anything like this before. To think, you can have your tea warmed on demand. So convenient."

"Good, good. Now, I wanted to ask if you want to be introduced to your neighbor next door." - I offer to her.

Rafiqa fidgets, but then straightens up with a look of resolve. "Yes, I should get acquainted with more people. I've been sequestered long enough." - she offers, trying to sound braver than she feels. Poor girl.

Hiram's manservant ushers us in, obviously prepared, because he does not even ask what the purpose of my revisit is. Inside, Hiram is already at the table, and on seeing Rafiqa he beams and comes over. Hands are kissed (Rafiqa is immediately blushing. I am guessing she's been barred from seeing any males period during her upbringing.), and Hiram bids us to sit.

"Well, let me introduce you to each other. Hiram, this is sheikha Rafiqa bint Salaadin, the runaway princess of Sultanate. Rafiqa, this is kronprinz Hiram Hohenzollern, the firstborn of king Alphonze Hohenzollern of Kraut kingdom." - I offer, and she stares at me in barely suppressed panic.

Hiram is much more comfortable. "Charmed." - he offers with an easy smile - "If I remember the naming conventions of Sultanate right, I should call you lady Rafiqa, correct? Lady Gillespie had asked of me to meet with you, and I must say, I am quite glad she did. Neither of us has any expectations of you beyond merely making acquaintances, but I am hoping you will permit me to accompany you to the city sometime to show you around. Lady Gillespie confided to me that you had preciously little positive experiences of men, and I would like to prove to you that gallantry is not an empty word in the north."

I lean to Rafiqa, and whisper to her - "This does not constitute for any obligations on your part. Hiram is a consummate gentleman and I could scarcely think of a better person to show you the difference in treatment you can expect from men in Champagne and Kraut kingdoms. You are entirely free to accept, postpone or refuse his invitation, and no one would think less of you regardless of which you elect."

She gulps, but visibly steels herself to answer - "Lord Hohenzollern, I am honored to meet you, and I am looking forward to visiting the city with you sometime. I would ask of you to give me a few days to settle in and get used to my surroundings, however."

"Ah, call me Hiram. No need to stand on ceremony, we're not talking politics here." - he replies - "And of course. I understand that the circumstances of your departure from your homeland were less than pleasant, so I could hardly expect of you to jump into social caucus on the very first day. Instead, if you are amenable, would you like to accompany me to the People Square next Sunday? I hear there will be a traveling troupe giving a performance that day, it should prove to be entertaining."

She nods, blushing - "I'd be delighted to, then."

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