Isekai'd Shoggoth

Chapter 38. After The Longest Day

As much as I'd love to just leave Rafiqa with Hiram, it would be too much too soon. So after making a bit more of smalltalk and politely sipping tea, we bow out. I can tell Rafiqa needs time to process the situation, so I nudge her back to her own room and extract a distracted promise to visit for supper in the evening. I make a mental note to show Rafiqa some of the cosmetic options that would underline the subtle Cleopatra looks she has going on. Then I make a further mental note to invent the missing cosmetics, because it suddenly hits my mind that available methods of toning include such wonderful things as lead and antimony.

Back to our muttons. Now that basic necessities are sorted out and everyone is more or less settled in, there is something I need to address. Namely, the topic of education. Rafiqa... Yeah. She's going to be a concentrated effort, and I might try to conscript Hiram to help out, if things pan out. One on one study sessions are a good way to foster some... dating interest. Though, I would need to see how Hiram handles the tutoring first. He might be not apt at teaching others, in which case it's going to be less of a bonding and more of alienating. Not exactly a desired outcome.

Lily-Anne is on the other end of the spectrum. In fact, I have a suspicion she can already handle the Academy load and might in fact aid me in bringing Roxolane and Rafiqa up to speed. Roxy, though? This is what we're going to settle. So, I visit my rooms, collect Roxolane and Lily-Anne and take them out to the gardens to see how well they grasp the basics of magic.

"Right." - I begin - "First thing. Put those on." And I hand them sets of faux-sleeves with some flowers on them, continuing - "Facsimile casting is often looked down on because it is inherently weaker than using live flowers. However, it also has a bevy of advantages that nobles often overlook. Namely, facsimiles don't wilt, nor do they break if handled a little roughly. So, put those on, and make sure you have those on at all times. Having some access to magic all the time is going to do wonders to your safety and comfort."

They put the sleeves on, though not without some fumbling. Roxolane frowns at them thoughtfully. "You know, my family used to wear embroidered clothes all the time, but father never said anything about facsimile casting." - she muses - "Is it really.. well, useful?"

I lift my hand and let the fingertips ignite, sending both girls reeling back. "I would have to say... yes." - I drawl - "It is a common mistake, and until recently, we had a dueling tutor in this very academy who prescribed to same notions. Of course, he was also a fool who lost a training duel against me ignobly and tried to demand apologies over it." I pause and shake my head - "And while normally beating the stuffing out of your teacher is indeed something to apologize for, in this particular case? Well, one has to ask - is tutoring by a man who was beaten in his own subject by a student really worth it? He had utterly neglected the utility of reinforcement spells, electing to extol the 'glories' of casting overpowered flashy ones that take way too much time to set up and call for a verbal formula to enact. Which, in a fight, is a horrible idea. Why would you want to warn your enemy about the exact way you intend to attack them in? To let them counter you in the most effective way, if not outright dodge and stab you in the side while you're busy with your grand showing?"

I chuckle bitterly - "I mean, honestly. Who would want to learn how to duel from a man who is defeated by a kick to the face?" Lily-Anne snickers. "Oh, I heard about that one. Hardlock's been trying to petition father to 'remonstrate the disrespectful bumpkins', to quote. I don't think dad cared much for his tone." - she offers gleefully - "Did you really kick him in the face?"

"Ask Alistair, if you don't believe me. He saw it with his own eyes." - I retort - "Anyway, let's see. Do you both know the basic channeling? Try and show me the exercise. Channel through the sleeves. Air, water, earth, fire, light, darkness in that order. If something does not come well, skip it, and go with the next one. Ok, on the count of three, channel some air."

It takes them a couple tries to properly work it out. Lily-Anne, in particular, keeps trying to grab the sleeve with other hand. The consequences of being trained exclusively on live flowers, I'm guessing. Still, they both manage on the third try.

"I... think it actually works better now." - Roxy mutters, as she keeps the simple breeze going - "I remember getting tired doing this, but right now..." Water makes the issue more obvious. The exercise is very basic, just cup your hand, channel water and there will be a bit of water in your hand. Only this time both of them have their arms soaked down to the elbow. Yelps and frantic shaking off ensue.

"What's going on?" - Lily-Anne demands - "Why am I suddenly so much stronger?"

Well. Darn. "You mean it's not obvious yet?" - I shake my head - "Both of you pulled your blindfolds off way too soon. You're right now in the initial stages of defilement."

OOh, that got a nice startled reaction. "Defilement!? But... how!? What happened?"

"How do you think I got you back from Sultanate to Champagne in a second? Teleportation magic literally drags you out of the world for a moment and then back in in a different place." - I explain - "The whole reason why Sultanate version of it kills mages is because their version of the spell creates a teeny-tiny world for people teleporting to be in, while transitioning. And you really have to be a god to create a world without dying for it."

Aaand now they're both quiet and thoughtful. The mood persists as I run both of them through further exercises. Both have good power levels, but Roxolane lags behind in conventional spell knowledge. On the flip side, she knows a bunch of spells that are not really common in Champagne, including, much to my bemusement, an air-water spell that braids hair. On a side note, I have to mention that braided Lily-Anne is excessively cute and causes passing by students to stare and trip into the hedges.


The supper is a quiet affair. Mostly. Rafiqa is still in a pensive mood, and Lily-Anne and Roxy have their own thoughts to mull over. Which suits me just fine, as I can put more attention towards Bridgit and Moon Unit. Don't want them to feel neglected, obviously. Moon Unit ventures an interesting idea - group magic studies. Not the theoretical stuff, obviously, that is all over the field, but practical exercises. All of us, including Bridgit, much to her stammering denial. It takes a couple of kisses and reassurances to make her feel less daunted by the perspective of doing magic "like noble ladies". Thankfully, I have a good counterargument - we'll be all doing it like commoners, facsimiles only. I mean, honestly, if you can channel through the embroidered flowers, then real ones are a snap. All they add is a good deal more of power, and regulating that is the same exercise across all elements. Moderation and control, that's all there is to it.

The conversation over the meal is thankfully devoid of any heavy topics. Petty plans, pass the salt and other innocent and mundane topics float all over the table. The only thing worth of importance is the discussion on which lessons everyone is interested in. There is a notable disparity. Lily-Anne is waxing poetics about dueling class. Rafiqa is apparently interested in arts and social studies. Roxolane initially demurs from answering, but eventually cracks and admits she is curious about calculus and mathemagic. Note to self, I might want to look into latter ones too. Magic computers are really a fascinating topic, though obviously not something to be developed in a day or even a year. Still, Moon Unit and Roxolane end up splitting into their own conversation about mathematical underpinnings of magic, which is honestly way more advanced than I expected from Roxy. She might be more scholarly than I expected. Then again, what chances did she have to show this side at Sultanate? They do not appreciate educated women at all.

Rafiqa then surprises everyone by asking to go out tomorrow as a group so that everyone can be shown the bazaar. I'm initially surprised, but she quickly lets slip that she wants to see my shop. Oh well, this is doable, and having a whole lot of pretty girls eating there at once is just free PR anyways. She departs soon after, leaving the five of us to settle in for the night. Out of consideration for Lily-Anne and Roxolane, we take turns using Moon Unit's room to change into our nightshirts. I don't quite think they're ready for everyone to just strip naked, not after the explanations in the morning. Roxolane is fidgeting more than enough as is. Lily-Anne, on other hand, is way too eager.

Moon Unit takes the lead, as she was the first one to change, and by the time I come back in my own nightgown, she and Lily-Anne are already on the bed. Bridgit and Roxolane round up the order, but... Well, Bridgit settles down easy, she's been doing this for more than a few times already, and extra girls are not so much of a problem. Roxy... Well.

"If you want to sleep in the next room, it's fine." - I tell her - "Or, if you want, I can drag one of the beds here, if you'd rather not be alone in the room."

She slowly shakes her head. "No, I... I shouldn't let my fears get the better of me." - she objects. Still, she is more than a little discomforted as she perches on the edge of the bed. Gah, no, this is just not it. So, I do the obvious. I reach out and draw her into a hug. Bridgit quickly gets the idea and spoons her from the other side. I think having more than one person hugging her actually calms Roxolane down, because she stops shivering pretty quickly. The tenseness remains for quite a bit of time, however, and she does not participate much in pillow talk. Lily-Anne, on the other hand, takes to the whole situation like fish to water. Maybe a little too well, I think as I nudge her hand off my breast for the third time. Persistent cheeky... argh. The game had preciously little info on Lily-Anne, and my own memories are not sure-fire, but it might be that Lily-Anne is a latent lesbian much in the same way Alyssa was. Might. Or maybe she's just being a cocky youngster and pushes on into things she's not properly grasping. ...Alright fine, there is nothing wrong with her grasping per se except for the simple fact that I do not want to freak Roxolane out even further by molesting Lily-Anne right next to her.

Thankfully, very thankfully, Moon Unit comes to my rescue. It is hard to make out in the darkness, and I avoid busting out night vision options out of sheer laziness, but I think Lily-Anne just got well and properly groped by elven waifu, if muffled squeaking and giggling is of any indication. Not that it stops her wandering hands. Or Moon Unit's wandering hands, for that matter. Or Bridgit's wandering hands! Goodness gracious, how the hell does she even reach me across Roxolane like that? ...And, of course, the coup de grace is when I find Roxy's hand on my belly. And she IS also copping a feel, because I can FEEL her inching upwards. Jeez. Girls. Honestly.

"This is much nicer than I thought." - she whispers into my ear suddenly - "Cozy." I sigh, wrap my arms around the expanded harem (because yes, at this point it becomes rather obvious I just gained two more wives, even if one needs a much softer touch than other), kiss four foreheads and go to "sleep".

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