
Chapter 1 - 1:I died

I was just thinking what happened? Where am I? And no matter how much I tried I couldn't get an answer at least that's what I told myself but deep inside I know what's going on but I don't want to accept it who would?

The time goes by and I can't take it, yes I did it with no regret but would you like to experience this at the age of 17 would you? No nobody would. This is not true this can't be true I gotta be dreaming yes a dream this must be a dream yeah it's all just a bad dream, why me? Why my family? I didn't want this!!! I had a life, I had a bright future ahead of me, I had a family that truly loves me so why did this have to happen??

MC(main character): Hahahahahahahahahahaghaha!!!!!

I laughed like a maniac.

The only thing I can do now is laugh to keep the little speck of sanity I have, no I don't I have been here for hours, days, weeks, months and even just maybe years and the only thing I had was myself, would you be okay if that happened to you? No, no one would at least no human would. This place is a place people would call the void, the nothing, death why am I just here doing nothing?, I know I'm no saint but am I really bad enough to go to hell?


I once again laughed like a maniac.

Truly annoying if I ever get out of here I'll live my life the way I feel and not care for what others will think, in my past life I worked so hard to make others have a good impression of me I couldn't handle knowing someone doesn't like me and all that acting and faking my attitude towards everyone, just thinking of it makes me feel sick makes me wanna give up everything I achieved there and start all over.

Mc: if I had another chance I'd stay true to myself.

[is that really what you want?]

Mc: of course that's what I want if you can give it to me I'll do anything.

I was so eager to get my wish fulfilled that I didn't even think about what I was doing? Or what or who was that? And how can it even help me? All I wanted was my second chance to live.

[then your wish shall be granted but be warned that shall you leave the world you'll be sent to you will suffer consequences way graver then death as you've experienced it once, so do you accept it the same?]

Mc: I accept.

I didn't really reflect on what I was doing I just wanted two things, one a second chance to live and two a way out of this place nothing else mattered. I would maybe even sell my soul if necessary that is how desperate I'm so this is not the worst-case scenario.

[Good luck strong soul may your second life be better than the first and worry not I will send you a companion to aid you in your life]

Suddenly a bright light started shining and a great pain invaded me I felt like I was hit by a truck then ran over many times.


In a forest, there are numerous trees with a beautiful green underneath those trees there is a boy a kid that seems to be about 6-7 years old is laying on the grass unconscious. Anyone who saw this would think this boy is a fallen angel as he has a platinum bright white-colored hair while his hairstyle is the same as Uchiha Indra's, he has a beautiful and smooth dark skin, a quite slender but well-built physique which is unexpected in such a young boy and his clothes also stand out as he's wearing a white open-collared, one-sleeved on the left arm long overcoat which is now tucked in and zipped but it still being possible to slightly notice the inner shirt if looked with attention he also wears bandages on his right arm, as for his lower body he wears the typical Anbu ninja black pants with bandages on both his legs while using the typical blue ninja sandals.

This boy looks like a sleep beauty of the fairy tales waiting for it's prince but the boy doesn't need such things as the breeze of the wind blows his beautiful hair his eyes start to slightly move as a sign that he was about to wake up and then his eyes open fully at once and the very cute little boy starts screaming like a damsel in distress.


*huff* *huff* *huff*

(Mc's point of view)

I heavily breathe from panic a second ago I was talking to some entity about a second chance life and then suddenly a light covered me with no explanation and now I wake up here without understanding a thing.

Mc: just what's going on!!??!? Calm down, relax, calm down, relax. Okay, I'm fine.

I said this while doing a breathing technique to calm myself down.

Now from what I can get at least, I seem to be alive, even tho I don't know where and when but at least I'm alive that's the first step.

[you seem to have calmed down a bit so I'll be fast, I'm your system A.I call me whatever you want, as for my purpose its to serve you and help you get to the top of the world don't worry as I have many functions ready to help you to make sure you can achieve your objectives. As for what those functions are right now you only have access to 1.Status, 2.Quest, 3.Store, and 4.inventory. You should be pleased to have all these already you know.]

Mc: wait so you mean this is like a game or one of those novels I read before.

[kinda like that but don't worry with me your life is going to be awesome]

Is this for real? Well, I was trapped in some weird void place for so long my concept of real probably will never be the same.

Mc: well I hope you mean it. Also where and when am I?

[your In Narutoverse or world call it how you feel you've been reborn here by a great being that created me to help you and as for when, if my calculations aren't wrong and believe me they aren't your 9 years before naruto was born]

Wait what!?!? Did I hear wrong? No way the Narutoverse this has got to be some sort of dream come true. Thank you mysterious entity.

Mc: so where exactly am I?

[you're in the nation of fire 3 km northeast away from the hidden leaf village]

Thank god I'm close to a village otherwise this would be dangerous.

Well since I'm here please show me my status.


Name:Uchiha Karaki

Age:4 years old (17 years old)



Bloodline:Uchiha(100% purity)

Body physique:academy level



Cp:100/100(academy level)










Innate abilities:





<Gamer mind>,<Gamer body>,<adapting body>.

Karaki: Uchiha!? Why not Ōtsutsuki? And if I'm an Uchiha how do I have all affinities? And how exactly is my Sharingan modified?

[well basically you made all this choices subconsciously in a half dormant state and you did want to choose Ōtsutsuki but you didn't have enough sp(system points) and since you wanted the Sharingan you choose Uchiha, you used sp to get all affinities and your Sharingan doesn't need a tragic experience to evolve you only need to get stronger and it will naturally unlock of course you can also use sp but that's your decision]

Karaki: now what's up with my age and race?

[your age just like the rest was chosen by you and your race is human(?) because your body was created by the great and marvelous entity that created me]

So I'm not a real human well kinda a chock but nothing can be done about it.

Karaki: I see but what do my skills do?

[<Gamer mind>-it's a skill that helps host maintain a calm mind and thought at all times being able to use his abilities to max in any situation.

<Gamer body>-it strengthens and modifies one's body to that of a game character, feeling less pain and getting powered up by stats and skills.

<adapting body>-the ability to adjust to any kind of world and environment no matter how harsh it is. Making the host capable to live anywhere, and adapt to anything.]

Wow, these are really useful if I had instant mastery together with those wouldn't I be unbeatable. Hahaha, it's good to have positive thoughts but for now, let's concentrate on getting out of this forest I guess Hidden leaf village is not the worst and it's the closest one so I'll just head there.

After having decided to go to the hidden leaf village I start moving following the indications of the system. Oh yeah, you have to think of a name for it, well for now least leave that for later I also have to check the other system options later and see how they work.

I advanced for quite a while trough this forest and I still don't see any signs of hidden leaf village but I can't panic so easily as I have a smaller body and constitution.

I believe that it won't take too long for me to get there also I have to tell them something well I'll just tell them I woke up with no memory and even tho it's simple, it's probably the best and it isn't really a lie.

After 4 hours of walking at a normal pace basically nonstop with this child body and I finally reached my destination hidden leaf village.

Karaki: well just a little longer and I'll be there.

And so I go on walking in hidden leaf village's direction and not too long after I reach the front gate I'm quite tired so I'm walking slowly. Then when I finally get there I'm questioned by two ninjas working as gate guards.

Leaf ninja(1): hey little boy what are you doing?

Even tho he said that his aura says that he obviously thinks I'm a spy or something like that. Well, that's unexpected with this village's low-security system but their not fully idiots so this much is only minimal, if it were any other village by now I would be captured and in interrogation.

Karaki: I don't know, I've been walking for hours after waking up in the middle of nowhere.

As I say so I start fake crying if you want to have a good relationship with everyone acting is a skill you must master.

Both ninjas look at each other and then look at the very cute little boy in front of them who has snot coming out of his nose as he cries. They were about to decide something when they noticed the glares from the nearby mothers these women's maternal instincts shot at seeing such a cute little boy cry and were ready to beat up the two ninjas responsible for that, the leaf ninjas felt a chill go down their spine and decided to take me to the hospital first to be checked up, only after to the interrogation room and in the end to the Hokage's place.

leaf ninja(2): don't worry kid we'll take good care of you. Now please come with us to the hospital to see if your not hurt this forest is pretty dangerous you know.

He said so while giving me his hand and when I toke it I could feel him shaking and thought how bad can those glares be and when I turned around I regret it I could see an aura so ominous it became visible and was pure black and thought "as expected from mothers" but long after seeing me turn to them they came and started treating me like the very cute little boy I appear to be, they were pulling and poking my cheeks while calling me cute and saying that I would be very handsome in the future and that if they had the chance they would kidnap me, some were saying they would be proud to have such a cute son others were praising my hair for being smooth and healthy while asking me for my secrets, seriously I thought I would be better off with the interrogators then with those women, in the end, it was almost impossible to take me away from them some were even already discussing who would adopt me, seriously what did I put myself into.

Karaki:(system help me!)

[sorry bother your on your own for this round]

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