
Chapter 2 - 2:An angel that fell from the skies

In the hidden leaf village inside the hospital as usual there are people coming and going nonstop, in this hospital there is a cute little boy that has two leaf ninja with him following him everywhere, and if you look at the cute little boy's face could see countless kiss marks on his face and also that it's rather red from getting pinched many times. And the two leaf ninjas keep laughing at the kid.

Leaf ninja(1): you 7 years old kids sure have it hard. Hahahahaha.

Leaf ninja(2):yh yh, to think mothers can pester so much. Hahahahaha. Reminds me of the past.

Leaf ninja(1): I know right.hahaha.

Kylan: I'm 4 years old.

Leaf ninja(2): what really!?!

Leaf ninja(1): aren't you a little big for that kid?

Karaki: I don't know I only know my name and age, I don't know anything else about my life.

It's kinda true I don't know anything about this life. Since it just started 6 hours ago. Those mothers didn't want to let go of me at all when they heard my age, name and that I didn't remember anything else.

Leaf ninja(1): sorry about that, it must be hard not being able to remember your family.

Leaf ninja(1): I get that right.hahahaha.

Do these two take anything seriously? I don't think so well I just hope they make this quick.

Karaki :(system won't there be a problem if they find out that I have a 100%pure Uchiha bloodline?)

[yup there's definitely gonna be one, as for your memories they will only be able to read what happened from when you woke up on the forest and nothing about me or your reincarnator soul]

Karaki:(what am I gonna do?! if I get discovered I'll be used as a tool weapon)

[chill brother you have a beginner pack given by the great entity, there might be something to save you there, so do you want to open your beginner pack? y/n]

Karaki:(obviously yes)

[beginner pack opening: B rank technique ticket x2, B grade recovery pills x2, kunai x100, shuriken x100, bloodline concealment card x1, Random skill card x1]

Karaki:(isn't it a little too convenient?)

Karaki:(thanks a lot but how long does the effect last)

[bloodline concealment card- it's an item used to conceal your bloodline's true strength making it look weaker to others it's effect is continuous but once deactivated you will need to use a new one.

Note: if use your innate abilities of the bloodline under concealment it will automatically deactivate.]

Karaki:(well it's kinda annoying but fair).

Karaki:(use the bloodline concealment card)

[on it...done]

I feel some kind of aura suppressing me, well at least it means it's working I really thought I was going to have a very restricted life there but hopefully I don't have to, thank god I have a system but it was kind of my fault for coming here without thinking about it before but it's not like I could live in the forest in my current condition so I would have to come here, either way, let's just be more careful with our actions from now on ok me. Even if I tell myself this I'm sure I'll act without thinking first again so let's just pray for me.

Karaki:(now about the random technique tickets and the random skill card can I use them now?)

[of course, you can it's your system your items your call on when to do things and when to not even tho I will give you advice and help if you need or ask for it]

Karaki:(true, then use them all it's all random after all there's no use in keeping them for later).

[using B rank random technique ticket x2 and random skill card...done, got Earth Release: Earth Spear, Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet and <presence concealment>]

Karaki:(nice I got good techniques but can you show their description so I'm sure I understand the techniques and do the same for the skill).

[Earth Release: Earth spear-The user flows earth-natured chakra through all or parts of their body, causing it to become noticeably darker, all while increasing their defensive power to become as hard as diamond. As such, this allows the user to easily be able to withstand most attacks with little to no damage, with the exception of Lightning Release ninjutsu. Furthermore, the destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great all-purpose technique.

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet-After kneading chakra, the user breathes fire from their mouth. The flames are manipulated into the shape of a dragon and directed to strike at the target from multiple directions. Unlike the Great Fireball, which covers a wide area, the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet makes focused strikes, quickly reducing targets to ash upon contact. Because of the power of this technique, as well as the amount of skill it takes to control the flames.

<presence concealment>: this skill is a skill that allows the user to hide his/her/its presence from anyone with a level of detection abilities lower than peak/senior Chūnin. The skill has its limits and gets weaker the closer the user is from who's trying to detect the user, it's lowest being not detectable by anyone who's sensor abilities are lower than new Chūnin.]

Karaki:(this really is something else even tho I can't use any of the techniques now and for quite some time they will certainly be useful later).

Leaf Ninja(1): hey kid, are you listening?


I let out a small scream upon being called and when I turn what I see is a quite irritated leaf ninja the same that has been with me all this time, it seems I got lost in my own thoughts and ended up ignoring reality I really need to get rid of this habit.

I said with a slightly sad voice and expression well I really was remembering something just not what they think I was.

Leaf ninja(2): well forget that your gonna get checked up by one of the world's greatest medical ninja prodigy so be happy.

World-level prodigy well it's obvious he's talking about is none other than Senju Tsunade, thank god I came prepared otherwise I would have been found out by Tsundere and her god-like medical technique.

By now She should be about 28-29 not sure since I don't know which day is today but she is still a natural beauty and not an old hag with an illusion I hope I can help her, nobody wants a body in that state.

Then the leaf ninjas tell me to go into a room and wait after half an hour of waiting Tsunade came and just like I thought a beauty. As she walked in I looked at her up and down and can happily say that this woman looks even better then I thought.

So she already has her strength of a hundred seal huh.

Tsunade is a fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead. Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower back. As for her hairstyles she now uses a high ponytail. The Strength of a Hundred Seal - taking the appearance of a violet diamond shape - is clearly visible on her forehead. Tsunade is a slender woman with a curvaceous frame with above-average height and obviously large brėȧsts.

Tsunade: so your the brat they were talking about, hate to admit it but you're really cute.

She said with a smile while she pinched my cheeks, I never expected this from her I guess all women have a thing for cute little kids.

She said still smiling and pinching my cheeks.

Tsunade: well I'm not adopting you sorry but this big sister girl can't take care of you.

She said with a quite saddened expression and tone while emphasizing the big sister part, your still young you know you don't have to emphasize that I thought but dared not to say it after all I'm too young to die a second time.

Tsunade: oh your really too cute mind telling big sister your name?

Karaki: my name is Karaki.

I said with my child voice that only makes me cuter, well I don't mind being cute but all the pestering from women is kinda annoying but not annoying enough for me not to appreciate I guess.

Tsunade: I was told you lost your memory is that true, come on you can trust big sister.

She's trying to see if I was sent as a spy huh, well it's indeed a good method to use on a child.

Karaki: no big sister I don't remember anything before I woke up in that forest.

Tsunade:ownnn come here big sister is gonna give you a big hug.

Bingo!!! Hahahaha, I know I could just ask for a hug but it's much better to get a voluntary one.

As she hugged me I could feel her huge brėȧsts pressing against me the filling is very pleasant as they are very soft and she has a very pleasant scent on her. I know my child's body feels nothing towards this but my teenager mind is happy.

We stayed like that for about 5 minutes before we separated, did she feel that I resemble one of those two? Maybe.

Tsunade: okay I'll put you to sleep during the process but don't worry it will be a fine big sister is a great medical ninja.

She said with a melancholic smile on her face and I nodded to her words and the I was put to sleep and she did many different types of exams, if I was a hidden leaf village inhabitant this wouldn't be necessary but since I came from nothing in a period of war this much is only expected like I said before other villages would have done much worse to me and even tho hidden leaf is not a paradise it's way less brutal than the others. Well at least in the open cause they also have their share of bullshit.


It's been some hours since this started and I'm now currently sited on Tsunade's ŀȧp, she really liked me? Didn't she? Well, I guess that's good.

Tsunade: It's all done, and when we know the results we will do what we can to find your family.

I hate to break it to you but you won't find what you're looking for, sorry I don't have a family in this world.

Karaki: really!?

Tsunade nods and then says.

Tsunade: of course, what kind of big sister would I be if I didn't?

And she still emphasizes the big sister part every time, really what's wrong with women and age? I also don't want to get old like most people but don't women take it too seriously? I think there's nothing to be done about that.

I give her a hug and say.

Karaki: you're the best big sister, as expected of a beautiful young girl like big sister.

While I say the I emphasize the young girl's part to make understand I understood she's young.

She makes a big smile and hugs me tighter while saying.

Tsunade: this is my little brother hahahaha.

Then I nearly died suffocated by her brėȧsts but luckily she noticed before I was done for.

After that I was taken by the leaf ninja that first came with me to the Hokage's residence, Tsunade wanted to come but she still had to confirm the results of the test she did to me. Not too long after we reached the Hokage's residence, on the way a lot of people were looking at me gossiping I wonder if the women I met on the gates of the village already spread some weird rumors and considering how I'm getting looked at it seems so. Even tho I know I'm cute from how young I am but I haven't seen myself in a mirror yet but I'll have to do that later.

While I was having these extra thoughts we reached the door to the Hokage's office. Then one of the leaf ninjas knocks the door.

*poh* *poh*

Leaf ninja(1): Lord Third can we come in?

He said with a respectful tone and expression.

Then we could hear an old man answer.

Hokage: you may come in.

As he said so the leaf ninja opened the door and we went inside.

As we went inside you could see an old man seated on a big chair with a huge mountain of paperwork. Yes the man in front of me is obviously the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Hiruzen has a lighter skin, his hair is grey, his face is gaunter, and he has the wrinkles and liver spots of old age. His physical is the normal expected from a well fared old man being slender but still in good health.

Hiruzen: what is it? Can't you see I'm very busy now? It better be important if not I'll take care of it later. I don't even have time to breathe with all this hellish paperwork that doesn't stop coming.

He complained with a tired expression and a pissed of voice.

Leaf ninja(2): Lord Third we have brought the boy who comes to the village today with no memory and was being examined by Lady Tsunade.

Hiruzen:*sigh* that Tsunade is truly something else to have finished all of it in mere hours she truly deserves her title. Both of you thank you for your work later you will receive your compensation for the extra work. Your both dismissed.

Both: thank you, Lord third.

After thanking Hiruzen and bowing they went out. Then Hiruzen sighed again and looked at me before saying.

Hiruzen: so your the kid that has been causing such a commotion on my village huh. You truly look as angelic as they say, are you sure your, not an angel that fell from the skies like the rumors say?

The man said as he started smoking with a worried expression.

Poor Hiruzen. But really what's with people and making these weird rumors? Is it really necessary, I'll never get it. Well, at least they called me an angel.

Karaki: I don't know but I don't think so.

Hiruzen: I see the poor child to have forgotten your own parents but worry not we will be giving you a home temporarily and will decide what to do next when we get the results of your exams but if the exams show that you're not dangerous for the hidden leaf what will you do to help us?

Karaki: help you?

I said with an innocent and confused expression and tone.

Hiruzen: yes we will give you a home and a safe place to stay so how will you help us as we helped you?

He said with a smile while letting the smoke out.

Karaki:ohhh, weeellll I'll, I'll, I'll be a ninja and help.

I said with a determined tone and expression. Man pretending to be a kid is quite tiring but I don't want them to think of me as a genius of any kind and attract unwanted attention like that bastard of Danzō.

Hiruzen: really what an interesting choice. Do you know what a ninja is?

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