
Chapter 3 - 3:New family

Hiruzen: really what an interesting choice. Do you know what a ninja is?

Hiruzen who is still smoking asked me.

Karaki: a ninja? Hmmm...Aren't they the people that go on missions to protect the other people in the village.

I said with a questioning tone and expression.

Hiruzen:hahahaha, that's an interesting answer kid, well it's not wrong but it's not exactly right so I'll give you a passing mark.

He said with a smile on his face.

Karaki: huh?!

I looked at him with a confused expression and tone.

Hiruzen: don't worry even tho I think you should choose something else but you seem to know what you want so I'll let you start ninja Academy after we check if you have the ability to become a ninja. (poor kid only having the intelligent of a normal child it's a very low probability you will be able to become a ninja even tho you do have chakra at the level of an academy student such a waste of possibly good ninja but at least such a good child won't have to go to war).

Karaki: really!? This is so cool, I'll be the best ninja ever.

I said with stars shining in my eyes and with great excitement.

Hiruzen: that's the spirit. One more thing kid do you know who I am?

Karaki: well you're the Kage right? The leader of the village.

Hiruzen: yes I am, here in the hidden leaf we the leaders of the village are called Hokage and I'm Sarutobi Hiruzen the third Hokage of the hidden leaf, so now that you know my name can you tell me yours?

Karaki: I'm Karaki.

Hiruzen: good Karaki do you know your clan?

Karaki: oh yeah my clan is called Uchiha. I'm Uchiha Karaki but I don't know anything about my clan.

Hiruzen's eyes widen he almost had a heart attack just now.

Hiruzen: why do you say that Karaki?

He asked trying to maintain a calm stature and composure. And then goes back to smoking.

Karaki: well that's the name I remember, that's my name.

Hiruzen: well for now let's get you home and someone to take care of you.

He said so the waved his hand and a masked woman suddenly appeared in the room. This woman is obviously an Anbu.

Karaki: wow a ninja appeared out of nowhere!

I exclaimed excitedly.

Really sometimes I feel like my brain is gonna regress if I continue pretending to be a kid. I'll have to put my hands on Shadow clone Technique if I want to be able to improve without them noticing, maybe the system can help me with that but first I'll have to increase my CP(chakra points/pool) and my CC(chakra control), if I want to use the technique without dying that is.

Anbu kunoichi: Lord Third what are your orders?

Hiruzen: is Hatake Sakumo in the hidden leaf?

Anbu kunoichi: he is, he came back from a mission not too long ago.

She answered while kneeling.

Anbu kunoichi: yes Lord third.

She disappeared right after answering. Really?! Is he really going to put me under the care of the legendary white fang and father of the copy ninja? Well, I do have white hair so pretending I'm his son is not impossible.

Then we had to wait a couple of hours and talked about the village it's more like Hiruzen talked while I listened to his stories but he seems to be running away from paperwork but it's not like I can judge him there's just too much, while we were talking someone finally came and just bugged in without caring to knock and that was obviously Tsunade. Who came in with a worried face.

Tsunade: old man this is serious after doing countless tests the results say the boy is undoubtedly an Uchiha. This is not good if those Uchiha clan people get this information they will make a lot of trouble to get the kid.

Hiruzen: do you not know how to knock a door, at least you didn't scream this time I give you that but you really need to stop coming in like that I'm an old man I might die before you know it.

He said while sighing.

Tsunade: don't even try that one on me we both know you're in perfect health. You're just perverted and lazy.

Hiruzen: that's not how you should talk to your elders especially to your master who thought you how to be a ninja.

Tsunade: now's not the time for your little act. What did you do to the boy?

Hiruzen: it seems your getting senile before me, he's right beside you.

Then Tsunade turned to her right side and could see cute me making an innocent and confused expression and didn't resist as she started hugging me tightly. This feeling is simply great, as a man, I've always considered my self a member of Oppai and Loli faction(in brėȧst size) because real man loves all sizes and shapes of brėȧsts. But I'd be lying if I said I don't love these Oppai more than a flat ċhėst, don't get me wrong I will always believe that brėȧst is justice but I can't deny the greatness of Oppai over Loli.

But I better be careful if I lose myself in the brėȧsts way I might end up like issei the legendary Oppai Dragon King of all perverts(High school DXD) and that's a no-no.

Tsunade: big sister is happy to see your fine, how did the old man treat you?

She asked with a smile while looking at Karaki.

Karaki: he was really nice to me, he said he'll give me a house and a family to live with and told a masked woman to call someone called Hatake Sakumo.

I said with a big smile satisfied with the hug. We all need more beauty in life.

Tsunade: your gonna put him under white fang?

Hiruzen: well if you consider it for a while you can see some similarities between both of them use a very similar hairstyle, both have white hair and he also has good looks. If you told me he's white fang's son I wouldn't doubt it at all.

Tsunade: it's true that they have a big resemblance big but what about his skin tone?

Hiruzen: We can say he's from an old relationship with a hidden cloud village kunoichi. The problem is, will he accept such a thing?

Tsunade: that might work but we also need to make sure that the people that have been in contact with him till now don't divulge any information.

Hiruzen: aren't you too dedicated today? Do you already have this much affection towards the kid? Or Did you fall in love with the kid with your age?

Hiruzen said with a mischievous smile.

Tsunade blushed in anger as she finally let go of Karaki wish was still in her embrace.

Old man why did you have to ruin my moment. Tsunade please hit him hard. She was even holding me properly so that I wouldn't die suffocated by those mountains that supposedly have 106 cm measured by Jiraya.

Tsunade then grabbed Hiruzen and was about to start beating him up.

Hiruzen: wait are you really gonna beat up an old man in front of a child?

Hiruzen said with an apologetic tone and a worried expression.

Tsunade looked at me sighed and then asked.

She had an extremely appealing face that even if I wanted to reject I wouldn't be able to.

Karaki: hit him hard.

I said with thumbs up and a big smile of satisfaction for seeing a new expression on Tsunade. I now understand the man that said that women make the best expression you'll ever see in your life.

Tsunade smiled and started beating him up bad and she did listen to what I said, maybe I shouldn't have said hit him hard now I feel a little sorry for Hiruzen but it's his fault for interrupting a man's happiness.

After a good beat up Hiruzen's face was looking bad well I hope he recovers. Not long after we heard a person knock the door.

*poh* *poh*

???: Lord third I heard you've been looking for me. May I come in?

This was said in a very respectful tone.

Hiruzen: you may come in.

He said with his voice slightly weakened.

The man that can in was obviously Hatake Sakumo.

Sakumo has a kind face with dark eyes that had deep lines running underneath them. He has spiky, silver-colored hair that reaches into the middle of his back tied in a ponytail and bangs that hung over his forehead protector. He wears a standard Konoha-nin uniform with a pair of gloves, a flak jacket, bandages on his right arm, and the addition of distinctive short white sleeve which has red edges and the standard crest of Uzushiogakure on it. He also carries a holster worn diagonally over his right shoulder which holds his White Light Chakra Sabre.

But when he was inside he was shocked to see the Hokage in such state as Hiruzen had his face all inflated from the beat-up Tsunade gave him.

Sakumo: Lord third what happened here your face is?!?!?!

He said with a very worried expression and tone.

He immediately panicked thinking that something grave might happen to the village seeing his Hokage in such state.

Hiruzen: don't worry, this is nothing and the village is okay at least for now.

Sakumo looked around the room and he saw Tsunade with a mischievous smile and me being pampered on her ŀȧp, she's treating me like a cute pet but I don't mind.

Once Sakumo saw Tsunade with a mischievous smile, he calmed himself down as he could picture what happened as it wouldn't be the first time it happens.

Sakumo: I'm truly sorry Lady Tsunade I got distracted by Lord third's state and didn't even notice you.

He said with an apologetic tone and expression while bowing. This guy is truly admirable he's a greater legend than her and still shows this much respect.

Tsunade: I've told you all many times that I'm too young to be called a lady.

She said with a slightly annoying expression and tone. Really?!? Just how much do you value being considered young? I can't get it.

Sakumo: sorry once again miss Tsunade.

He said a little lost not knowing how to act in this kind of situation.

Tsunade:*sighs* let's just take care of this cause my extremely cute little brother depends on it.

She's said while petting my head and speaking like when we speak to our cute pets.

Sakumo not knowing what to say simply looked at Hiruzen not even bothering to ask about me at this point.

Then Hiruzen explained to him that he would have to pretend to be my father from a secret relationship with a hidden cloud kunoichi and that my mother died while trying to bring me here and in that incident I lost my memory and ended up here, they also explained that I'm an Uchiha with an unknown background and that since I have resemblance with him, he would be the perfect candidate when considering his strength and the fact that he often goes on missions to many different places.

Hiruzen: so what do you say Sakumo? Do you accept this mission and the burden that comes with it?

Sakumo: for the village's peace I accept.

He said with an honorable tone and expression.

Hiruzen: thank you very much for all you do for the village.

He said with a very satisfied tone and expression.

Sakumo: I'm only doing my job.

Tsunade: I'm not trying to ruin the mood but remember, you can't tell anyone the truth, not even your child. It's better that way.

Sakumo: I understand.

Tsunade looked at me with sad eyes

Tsunade: okay little brother now you will be living with this man and he will be your father so remember to always be respectful big sister will visit you whenever she can.

She said so with a sad expression and tone, then she put me down and kissed me on my forehead.

Tsunade: it's gonna give you luck from what you said all the time while we talked you really want to be the best ninja ever it's a really silly dream but be happy I'm giving my Good luck charm kiss.

She said with a very melancholic expression and tone.

Karaki: Don't worry big sister with your good luck charm I'm sure that I'm definitely gonna be the best no doubt.

Who wouldn't do their best after receiving such a present from a beauty? Hahaha receiving the legendary kiss in the forehead of Tsunade so soon such a lucky man I am. really are a dreamer huh. Only an idiot would follow such a dream even becoming the Hokage sounds more realistic. But your my little idiot so don't you ever give up okay?

She said once again melancholic. But this time with a big smile.

Karaki: of course big sister.

I said with a confident smile.

Tsunade: now go before I decide to keep you locked in a room so that you never go.

She said with a playful tone and expression but it was obvious that she was being serious.

Then I went to Sakumo that had a somewhat discomfort weird expression because of the whole situation while Hiruzen was laughing.

Karaki: so where are we going mister Sakumo?

I said with my usual innocent tone and expression.

Sakumo: call me dad and we are going home.

He said with a kind voice and expression while he grabbed me to his embrace and so just like that we went out of the Hokage Residence.

While the two that stayed in the room went back to serious talk.

Then while I and Sakumo walked my stomach started making noises, and actually, I'm pretty hungry, even tho I did eat a little in the hospital but if this was a normal child's body it would be much worse.

Sakumo: looks like someone is hungry.

Said with a playful tone and expression.

Karaki:yh I eat didn't much today.

Sakumo: then let's go home fast and eat.

Then Sakumo speed up and jump, as he traveled from building to building with me.

Not long after we reached the house. Then went in.

Sakumo: I'm home and I brought someone you two will be happy to meet.

He said in a quite loud and excited voice with a happy expression. Wait did he just say two?!?!!?

Then two-child came in both with white hair, wearing masks and very cute.

Noooooo wayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Sakumo: these two are twins, Kakashi and Kenyshi. And they are your new siblings.

He said with a kind tone and a happy expression.

But I could only think of one thing "KAKASHI HAS A TWIN SISTER?!?!?!?"

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