
Chapter 4 - 4:Hatake Karaki’s talent

I can't believe what I'm seeing with my eyes, right now in front of me there's a female version of Kakashi, considering how good looking this guy is, in the future, this girl will be a Beauty among all beauties hahahaha god I don't know your plan but I'm in. Luckily my thoughts don't affect my facial expression, I trained a lot for this poker face but it was worth it. And she's already the most adorable thing in the world well there are some exceptions here and there but she's definitely real cute.

Sakumo: you two this here is your new brother. his name is Karaki. Hatake Karaki.

Both of them were very surprised by what their father just told them while Kakashi was staring at me intensely Kenyshi was hiding behind her brother, is she perhaps the shy type? Well not like that is a problem anyways, I just didn't expect that from Kakashi's sister I expected her to be cold but I have to consider their father is still alive so their personality change didn't happen yet, should I change things and save Sakumo? How do I even save someone who suicided? How do I convince him to not suicide? I really don't know if I can help him, well I still have some years to decide so I'll leave this for later and focus on my chakra for now.

Kakashi: Dad what do you mean by new brother?

Kakashi said with a confused expression and tone while Kenyshi in the back was nodding in agreement with her brother.

Sakumo: well Karaki is my son with another woman, so he's your brother. I didn't know I had another son until a while when I got called by the Hokage saying they found a little boy that they found is my son after some exams.

Sakumo said with a calm expression and tone. If it was me I wouldn't be so calm.

Kakashi: if that's true why is his skin darker than ours.

Once again he said with a confused expression and tone while Kenyshi once again nodded in agreement to her brother's words.

Sakumo: well that's because his mother is from a village where people have darker skin tone so he got his skin tone from his mother.

He said with a smile and happy expression while speaking with a calm tone.

Kakashi: hmmm. Okay.

He said with still suspicious expression and tone. While his sister once again agreed by nodding.

Sakumo then puts me down in front of me then and I'm a little taller than them. Then Sakumo says.

Sakumo: today instead of helping cook why don't you kids get to know Karaki better and you Karaki get to know Kakashi and little princess Kenyshi.

He said so with a smile. This guy smiles a lot doesn't he, not that it's a bad thing anyway.

Kenyshi agrees by nodding while still being behind her brother. And Kakashi also nods while still eyeing me suspicious.

Kakashi: ok let's go to the room.

Kakashi says while he makes obvious that he didn't like me. Really aren't these kids with chakra powered brain a little too sharp. They both should be about 4-5 years.

Oh I just remembered that Rin exists, I should save her it's a waste for such a good person and medical ninja to die so young. While I was thinking we got to the room.

Kakashi: well since dad said we will be brothers I'll introduce myself properly. I'm Hatake Kakashi, I'm 4 years old and I wanna be a cool ninja just like dad. Oh yeah and I didn't like you. Kenyshi it's your turn.

Kenyshi nodded and stared at me for a while and then.

Kenyshi: I'm Hatake Kenyshi, I'm also 4 years old and I want to be a ninja specialized in both medical techniques and combat techniques. I don't have anything against you but if my brother doesn't like then your probably no good.

Well, she's not as shy as I thought maybe she's just shy with strangers, and she has such a cute voice. Now Kakashi sure is direct but they don't seem to dislike me that much, their probably mostly confused because of me suddenly becoming their brother if I was introduced as a friends child things would probably go better, but no use in doing that in my situation that would only make it worst because sooner or later we would be known as siblings so it's easier this way.

Karaki: As for me I'm Karaki, Hatake Karaki and just like you guys I'm 4 years old, and I will be the greatest ninja ever. About what I think, I think you're both really cool and that's gonna be awesome to have you both as siblings.

I said with excitement and shining eyes.

Kakashi looked at me still not really convinced but Kenyshi looked more as if she was unsure how to judge me.

Kakashi: Dad said that next week we will join the ninja Academy, are u also gonna come?

Both looked at me while waiting for my answer.

Karaki: well yh I will if I want to be the greatest gotta start from somewhere. Also, it's a good chance to spend time with you guys.

Kakashi: ok fine by me but don't get me wrong I still don't like you.

Kenyshi: I Wish we can become good friends.

While Kenyshi's approach towards me seems to be changing, Kakashi seems reluctant to accept my presence.

After our introductions Kakashi proposed we play some games but since all the one he proposed required combat skill or chakra I simply suggested we play some old era games like hide and seek which I won mostly because of my skill but I decided to lose sometimes to maintain the fun, we also played cops and robbers which I lost mostly because of my lack of chakra, also tell a tale where I told them some famous stories like Cinderella and they liked it the one who liked the story the most was obviously Kenyshi and even pestered me for a while to tell her more but I told her that if I tell her all stories in one day I won't have stories for tomorrow and she agreed to have me tell her one bedtime story every night. As for Kakashi since he didn't like princess stuff so much I told him other stories like the three musketeers and he really got interested and also asked for one bedtime story a night even tho he said it doesn't mean he accepts me, he really is a stubborn one just like in the anime.

Then father called us to eat and we all went back inside, while we were eating they wanted to tell Sakumo stories I told them but I stopped them by telling them it's a secret if they want a bedtime story and both agreed to keep it a secret but then they talked about how much we played without mentioning the stories and Sakumo was happy to see us get along as me and Kakashi were discussing who will be the best ninja and Kenyshi was laughing at us with her cuteness motivating me to continue even tho there was no point in doing so.

In the end of the day things aren't that different we do get along better but it's not like relationship of a family can be built in one day, Kakashi still hates me(even tho he's being stubborn), Kenyshi doesn't know what to think of me and Sakumo I can't read him all that well but he seems to be okay with me. Right now I'm in the room with my two new siblings and not long ago I told them each a bedtime story and they went to sleep but before Sakumo came and give each one of us a goodnight kiss. He really is a good father such a waste for this ninja to suicide.

Karaki:(system? Are you there?)

[yo brother you finally remembered me?]

Karaki:(sorry a lot was happening and I finally decided your name)

[so what's gonna be my name]

Karaki:(your name is Rikune)

Rikune:[your naming sense isn't much is it? But at least I have a name now]

Karaki:(Rikune how do I get SP?)

Rikune:[by completing the Quests or by killing]

Rikune:[not yet]

This means there be in the future huh.

Karaki:(Is this an alternative version of the original narutoverse?)

Rikune:[yes it is]

Ah, I knew it.

Karaki:(so why didn't you tell me?)

Rikune:[ I didn't want to ruin your fun of discovering it yourself]

Karaki:(well I guess that's a good reason, but are any other changes?)

Rikune:[there are some]

It seems I won't get my answer.

Karaki:(by the way, do you have a gender?)

I asked curious.

Rikune:[no I'm what you want me to be, if you want a woman I'll be a woman and if you want a man I'll be man]

Now that I think about it I haven't heard a voice-only simply got messages directly into my mind.

Karaki:(well I want a woman)

I like women's voices way more.

Rikune:[creating woman persona and voice...Done]

Karaki:(so now how far can my inventory reach when storing something? Do I have to do something to get a quest? Can I look at the store now?)

Rikune:[its possible to store an item at a distance of 15 meters at max for now. No there's nothing in special needed to be done quest will simply appear when the time comes. Yes, of course, you can]

She said with a goddess voice. It's simply beautiful.

Karaki:(one more thing can you change the opinions name from store to shop?)

Rikune:[yes I can]

Karaki:(then please do so)

Rikune:[will do.....done]

Karaki:(now please show me the shop)






-pills and medicine

-combat techniques(Taijutsu only)


-sword techniques


Etc(still not unlocked)]

Karaki:(wow there's already this many and I still have to unlock stuff!?)

Rikune[I there's still things like sage techniques, curse techniques, curse mark techniques and etc. So you still have much to do considering all types of chakra that exists yh, your going to have a lot to do]

Karaki:(what?!? Are there that many types of chakra?!)

Rikune[from my knowledge there are 11 types of chakra that exists right now]

Karaki:(really?!? Well even if they are, why do I care?)

Rikune:[you said you'll be the greatest ninja ever that means master all types of chakra, techniques and etc]

Well, she does have a point at least it means I'll have a lot to entrain myself with.

Karaki:(show me the bloodline section)


Ōtsutsuki-1000000000 SP

Senju-100000000 SP

Uzumaki-10000000 SP

Hyuga-10000000 SP


Lee-10 SP

Iburi-100000 SP

Inuzuka-10000 SP


Karaki:(what a long list. Also does this system only have things of this world?)

Rikune:[yeah at least for now we only have Naruto world related stuff]

It's a bit disappointing but it also means it might be possible to go to another world eventually.

Karaki:(but how am I supposed to get stronger fast without any SP?)

Rikune:[sometimes I ask myself if your brain is still working but as my host I have to respect you, but your forgetting you have 100% Uchiha bloodline your talent is on par with Uchiha Indra and if you get 100% Senju bloodline you will be on par with Senju Ashura as well even tho he didn't have as much talent as his brother he has a superior potential]

Karaki:(yh I remember seeing that, what about if I get 100% Ōtsutsuki bloodline would I be on par with Kaguya?)

Rikune:[ well if you had 100%Ōtsutsuki bloodline you would be on par with the Ōtsutsuki Emperor wish information about is not known. About Kaguya she should have at least 40-50% of purity of bloodline at max even tho she was supposed to be a princess she was born with low purity and power that's also the reason she was the one sent so that she could prove that she's not useless but she betrayed them and it ended that way, supposedly the Ōtsutsuki should eventually come back to destroy and conquer this place]

Shit, I forgot the whole Ōtsutsuki thing but not that I have to worry about it now, I can solve that later like many many years later.

Karaki:(even tho that worries me right now I'm too weak to think about Ōtsutsuki clan level enemies but your right about my talent, the problem is training without Sakumo noticing and they'll probably put Anbu on me when he's out for a mission my only hope is Shadow clone Technique)

Rikune:[your concealment skill is quite versatile if you want you can conceal only your chakra and if you do so they won't be able to notice your progress as long as they don't send from peak level Chūnin up but your just a kid right now so you still have chances]

Karaki:(so I'll be depending on luck huh)

I sigh internally at the thought and ready myself mentally for the changes that might appear in this world.

Karaki:(Well no use in overthinking)

Then after that, I decide to try it out a little and I go out of the room to get some leaves, doing my best to not make noise but when I come in I find Sakumo, as expected of a ninja his level. He has a very serious face and asks.

Sakumo: Karaki what were you doing outside at a time like this don't you know it's dangerous at night.

I can feel a mix between a dad and a ninja aura it's really intimidating not as much as those mothers but it's also really bad in a different way.

Karaki: I was collecting leaves because Kakashi told me about an exercise you can do with leaves to improve chakra control and since they both already know how to use chakra I also wanted to try to catch up.

I said with my usual innocent and childlike voice and expression.

Sakumo looked at the leaves in my hand and then said.

Sakumo: it must be hard to have to siblings that are ahead of us besides being the same age *sighs*, well let me teach you come.

Then we spent the rest of the night with me trying to do the exercise(not that I was actually trying) and Sakumo helping and giving me motivation.

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