
Chapter 5 - 5:Training before the ninja academy

After a whole night of training with Sakumo I was finally able to show a little of chakra(I could handle pretending to have low talent anymore and ended up showing a little of real effort when it was morning and I was able to keep the leaf from falling from my forehead.

In the end Sakumo I was praising me a lot for both my talent and concentration, he said that if I go on like this I'll be a great ninja also saying that even tho Kakashi and Kenyshi dominated this a little faster their concentration was way less than mine and that just being able to do this much proves how dedicated I am.

After hearing all that I felt a little bad because I wasn't really trying but one day I'll apologize to him and tell him the truth but only when I'm able to properly protect myself. And this guy really is a great father he would calmly and patiently point out my mistakes in a kind way, I feel like I can't let this person die or I won't sleep well. Then we went for breakfast that was prepared by Kenyshi with Kakashi's help, they said it's welcome breakfast for me and I really got emotional there letting they're of happiness out of my left eye.

Sakumo looked at me with a happy expression, seems he understood what happened here.

But the twins aren't that sharp at least not yet.

Kakashi: what are you crying for real ninja don't cry you know?

Kakashi said with his usual rude tone to me but it's obvious he's worried.

Kenyshi: no don't cry we were just trying to be nice.

Kenyshi being more sincere showing her worry openly.

Than Sakumo looked at me with eyes that said: "tell them".

Kylan: no I liked it, I really liked it and I'm crying because I'm happy. I didn't have anyone but now I have this awesome family.

I said with an emotional tone and expression.

Both of them look at me confused but then Sakumo explains that I lost my memories and don't remember much. Both of them looked at me with pity and it's not like I don't understand why but I dislike getting looked at that way.

Sakumo: Kakashi, Kenyshi and Karaki. I'll be taking you all to the ninja academy next week and will come to get you but the week after I'll have to go on a mission so you'll have to take care of each other like good siblings you heard me?

He said calmly and kindly while a bit of sadness could be seen. It must be hard to not be able to spend much time with your kids.

He said a little sad knowing his father will have to stay away for a long time.

Kenyshi simply nodded with a slightly saddened expression that was more noticeable than Kakashi's.

Karaki: yes dad.

Said in agreement, it's not that Karaki dislikes Sakumo it's just that if he wants to do some real training he has to do it when Sakumo is not home.

Then we all ate the breakfast made by the twins not that I'm a picky eater or anything but this is way better than I expected, well their kids so who would have thought their food is really good I really need to learn how to cook, in my past life my mother would always try to teach me but since she didn't have much time because of work we never really passed the basics and even tho my father was also really good at cooking he was rarely home because of work. So I ended up not learning properly because my mother insisted she wanted to teach me and I also wanted to learn from her and don't blame her for not knowing how to cook it's more my own fault than anything but it's no big deal I can just learn with my new family.

Sakumo: why don't you kids go play outside? Dad has to take care of some things.

He said with a calm tone and expression.

We all nodded and washed the dishes together before going outside. Then Kakashi suggested going to the training ground and we agreed, it's a good place for me to train and since Sakumo has his ninja stuff to take care of I can use my skill and I doubt I'll have problems.

Not too long after we get there and the twins started combat training with way simpler lightsaber that their father uses and they seem to already know the basics well with their father this much is only expected. While they were doing that I was doing the leaf Concentration training but this time for real unlike with Sakumo where I wasn't even trying and it didn't take long for it to increase my CC actually I only trained for about 1 hour before I mastered it and now my CC is at 10%. At first the leaf would stay for 5 minutes before falling but once I concentrated seriously it took 15 minutes to fall, then learning from my mistakes I was able to make it stay for 20, then I did it for 20 minutes and it didn't even weaken the chakra connection at all from the beginning to the end but i had to stop because my chakra pool was nearing its end as I only have the chakra pool of a beginner academy student and a 10% of CC so it's actually very good that I managed to do this also my chakra pool increased almost to the new Genin level but it increasing doesn't mean it will automatically be refilled with chakra so I have to wait but my chakra recovery is also pretty fast.

Then I went closer to the twins to watch their training battle and it was pretty good for the child, from what I could see Kakashi is better with his Sabre but Kenyshi is better with her hand-to-hand combat. So that when they were fighting with swords Kakashi was at the advantage and was winning by cornering Kenyshi that was able to only bȧrėly parry his attacks and ended up losing her Sabre and I thought the battle was over but to my surprise she was able to dodge Kakashi's attacks better than she could parry them and was even and to counter his attacks in the end Kakashi won for having higher physical strength then her but it was a very good fight and even their movements were slow enough for me to perfect follow but they were really something for kids their age.

If she goes on like this she might end up like Sakura and Tsunade, that is if her physical strength jumps up.

Then after a while they decided to stop and we went back home I also thought it would be a little too much for me to start tree climbing on my first day so I'll leave it for later, after all some Genin don't even know how to do it and both Kakashi and Kenyshi should be only at 6% CC according to Rikune, so I should calm down and go slowly at least a little bit. Also, it's not like any big incident happens anytime soon.

Then the days went on and we would train every day, of course, I started joining them in combat training as well and as I'm a fast learner I didn't take long to catch up with their level of hand-to-hand combat even tho I was pretty beat up by them before that well I can't say I'm better then Kenyshi that is a natural but I'm already on par with Kakashi but decided to only show skill somewhat weaker and Sakumo who came with us every day after the first said I have potential and decided to train me himself like he did with the twins at first but now is letting them develop themselves and will start training them again once they reach a certain level, and just like that the week passed and tomorrow will be the first academy day.

Sakumo: your kids have been working hard and you will do great in the academy. So no need to be nervous.

He said it in a calming tone and with a kind expression.

He said this because Kenyshi is nervous about tomorrow while Kakashi also has his doubts and is only acting though as usual but has his legs trembling. I am like Saitama would say ok. No really this doesn't transmit me anything, I don't have this kind of new school nerves at least if I'm entering a school with someone else why would I, I know I won't be alone so why panic? While I have these thoughts my heart be is already in another world from how fast it got, why am I even nervous I don't have reasons to be but I just can't shake this feeling.

Sakumo looked at us and started laughing. While the there of us were hugging together to drive our anxiety away.

Then we had dinner but could hardly eat just, where is this anxiety coming from? After we finish we wash the dishes together Kenyshi almost broke a plate with her hands while drying it, it seems she has been following my advice cause lately she has been focusing on hand-to-hand and she did say swords were never her thing, Sakumo agreed to it because she has been improving a lot so Kakashi has been working harder to keep. After that we went to our room to sleep like usual Sakumo came and give each a goodnight kiss and then I told each of them a bedtime story and we tried to sleep but it didn't work so well.

Kenyshi: are you boys ready for tomorrow?

She asked while being sincere showing she's worried.

Kakashi: I'm always ready and I'm going to be the best student in the whole class. So you don't have to worry about bullies.

Kakashi said while making himself sound confident to help Kenyshi, well at least he's a good older brother. (AN: Kakashi came to this world some seconds before his twin sister)

Karaki: well I'm ready, I just expect we make friends. So you shouldn't worry too much.

I said with a smile while thinking of how to befriend Obito and Rin.

Kenyshi:yh you boys are right, dad also said we will be fine so I just have to make friends.

She said much calmer and more determined, well she doesn't have female friends so I guess that's her objective.

Kenyshi: Goodnight boys sweet dreams.

She said and then fell asleep not long after.

But me and Kakashi couldn't sleep.

Kakashi: Kenyshi you're taking too long we will be late for the first day.

Said Kakashi with his inpatient tone and tired expression. Well we didn't sleep so this was expected but what is a 4-year-old doing to take this long really?! Girls getting ready is a mystery to me.

Karaki: calm down, she will be here so.

I said with a tired expression and a calm tone.

Kakashi:yh but if I want to be the best student I have to get there on time.

He said with an annoyed tone and expression.

Sakumo: you boys should get used to it, women are all like that.

Sakumo said with an awkward expression and a tired tone.

So he also feels like me that it doesn't make sense. We had breakfast and washed the dishes a while ago and then Kenyshi said she still had to do some final arrangements before we go and we have been waiting for half an hour.

Then while we were discussing she came with the same look she always has and I thought "what was the point then?" But didn't say it and decided to simply compliment her and the other two followed up and we went to the ninja academy.

After some time we got there and Sakumo looked at us with Caring eyes and said.

Sakumo: have fun and be respectful to everyone, don't get in trouble and if anyone tries to get in trouble with you just ignore them, if they don't leave you in peace tell the teacher. I'll come and get you all later have a great first day.

We all nodded to his words while many similar scenes can be seen around us with parents leaving their child for the first day. Then we all went in and were guided to our classroom by some random Genin.

Then we were in front of the door of the classroom and about to go in we looked at each other and then went in.

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