
Chapter 6 - 6:An infinite cup?!?!?

We went inside the classroom and saw most seats were already taken, everyone looked at us dazed by our good looks this was already expected. Looking around I could see both Rin and Obito in the classroom but Guy is not here he's either in another class or in the hospital for getting beaten up.

[-Quest-be a good student

Make a question that nobody can answer.


-New system function

-1000 SP

-mystery bag ]

[-quest-first steps into becoming the best ninja


-1x random D rank technique ticket

-1000 SP

-1x random skill card]

Finally!! I was starting to think I wouldn't get any quests, well the first one is extremely easy and has a pretty great reward.

Then I, Kakashi and Kenyshi sit together in the back and to make it better we are right behind Obito that is sited next to Rin and there is a vacant space next to them it's like the universe wants me to meet them. Everyone was glancing at us and gossiping, then the teacher came in and the class became silent and he started by introducing himself and said something about a speech Hiruzen gave before the academy started but I guess we were too late to listen so I Thanked Kenyshi.

Karaki: thank you Kenyshi.

I thanked her sincerely because it would be very boring to listen to that speech at home at least we talked during the time we were waiting.

Kenyshi: hum, what did I do?

She asked not understanding why I'm thanking her.

Karaki: you're cute.

I take the chance to tease her a bit.

Her face becomes a little red from blushing and she nods to my words.

Kakashi: pay attention, I don't want to get sent out of class on the first day.

Kakashi said as he rolled his eyes to my teasing cute Kenyshi.

Then we all started to pay attention he said some super basic stuff and then told us to introduce ourselves.

And one by one everyone introduced themselves and after some time it was finally my turn I was the last in class.

Karaki: I'm Hatake Karaki and I'm 4 years old.

When I was introducing myself and everyone was focused on me I could see some girls blushing and some guy hating and the rest just interested. Even when Kakashi was introducing himself the results were almost the same just mine were bigger.

Teacher: Does anyone have a question?

Just what I was waiting for. Nobody raised their hands mostly because some are shy and others understood and the rest just doesn't care so I raise my hand which surprises both my siblings that perfectly know I don't have a single doubt about what he said because Sakumo already thought us all the basics but said we should learn the rest in the academy.

Karaki: teacher, how did the first Hokage die? I was told he died young so how did the strongest ninja in the world die young?

The teacher completely froze after the question obviously he didn't know the answer but he can't just lie to the son of a legend like the White fang, what if he discovers I lied to his son bluntly and takes the wrong way? I would be done for. And if he simply said he doesn't know the answer to a question that seems to have caught the interest of all the students on the first day he would lose all his credibility as a teacher. In the end, he couldn't take the pressure and fainted.

Sorry dude I had to do that for my quest hope you recover. Some of the kids were worried as they saw the teacher faint and others were laughing. But then everyone's attention was focused on me and I simply left the classroom to call for someone to take the fainted teacher when they asked for the reason he fainted I told them I asked how The first Hokage died they had a mental block for a little while and then decided not to think about it and simply took the teacher and we had free time for the rest of the day because all classes were full and no teachers were free.

Then when I was in class I went to talk to Rin and Obito.

Karaki: yo how you doing?

Rin looked at him blushing and then turned her face away and said fine in a very low tone. While Obito.

Obito: I'm good what do you want?

He asked while making it obvious he doesn't want me there. Will it be like this with all the guys I meet? I hope not.

Karaki: well you two seem cool so I just wanted to talk and maybe make friends.

When Rin heard that her eyes brightened while Obito was well being Obito.

Obito: why would you want to be my friend?

He said still not liking me. And shouldn't you ask why would I want to be my friend instead?? Well not that I care.

Karaki: because I don't have friends besides my siblings.

I answered with a very big smile while saying it witch made sound a little off.

Obito: you're weird.

He said confused.

Rin: I would like to be your friend.

Karaki: cool come to meet my siblings.

I said while I grabbed her hand and then.

Karaki: and you just came as well already.

I also pulled Obito in and then presented them to the twins.

Karaki: Obito, Rin these two are my siblings.

I said with my usual excitement. I got so used to it. It's becoming a part of me.

Kakashi: nice to meet you. I'm the strongest and the most reliable one of us, Hatake Kakashi.

Kakashi said with his usual bragging. What's with the Kakashi in this world not that it's hatable but it's becoming annoying will this bragging habit die? I hope it does.

Kenyshi:hi. I'm happy to meet you. I'm Hatake Kenyshi.

Karaki: Kakashi, Kenyshi these are my new friends Rin and Obito.

I said with my usual happy expression and tone.

Rin:hi. I'm also happy to meet you. I'm Nohara Rin.

She also said shyly they are totally in the same vibe.

Obito: hey who said I'm your friend. Uchiha Obito doesn't need that. I'm not introducing myself.

He said with an air of I don't have to tell you anything while the others looked at him like he was an idiot. Well, he also introduced himself in an unusual way.

And so things went on just like that we talked a lot and become quite close Even tho Obito keep saying he's not my friend and ended up joining together with Kakashi to send me hate. Seriously!? Is this world made to pester? I really miss Tsunade her hugs always lighten my day but she has been really occupied lately because of the war the hospital has been pretty full.

The girls also seem to be getting along and so our first day finished just like that.

Before leaving I sneaked into the academy library and asked Rikune to copy all the techniques there. All rank E and some rank D were there, But since the scroll was copied I'll have to understand and learn the techniques myself which shouldn't be hard with the talent level of Uchiha Indra.

After I went back to the group but they were so distracted they didn't even notice I was missing and we left the academy.

Outside waiting for us is Sakumo as expected and we go to him but to my surprise, Tsunade was also there when I see her I run to her while shouting her name.


I say while I run and hug her. She also hugged me tight and said.

Tsunade: so you really missed your Big sister, it's good to see you this energetic. Sorry, I couldn't visit you like I said but things have been hard in the hospital. So how was your first day made any friends?

She asked with a big smile not letting go of him. Like a little girl with her precious doll.

Karaki:yh I did I made two friends Rin and Obito they are really cool even tho Obito is a bit complicated but he's a nice guy.

I said this with my usual happy state.

Tsunade: oh that's good, Big sister is happy to see you made friends and have been doing well. But I have something important to tell you.

She said with a happy expression and tone but in the end, her voice saddened and her expression darkened.

I have a hint of what she wants to tell me but it's not something I want to hear. Then she looked at Sakumo and said.

Tsunade: can I take little Karaki for a while?

She asked with a slightly sad tone and expression.

Sakumo: of course, he's so attached to you I wouldn't get surprised if he called you mother by accident.hahaha.

He said with his usual happy expression and tone.

Tsunade: hahaha. True, so these are your other kids they're cute not as much as little Karaki but still.

She said as she looked at the twins.

Sakumo: say hello this is Lad-Miss Tsunade and she's the greatest medical ninja ever.

He said while looking at them.

Kenyshi had shining eyes as she sees Tsunade as her Idol and admires her.

While Kakashi didn't see her as his idol he also admired her as she's a legendary Sannin. And even if his father is a greater legend it doesn't mean he won't admire her.

Kenyshi: it's a great honor to meet you, Miss Tsunade.

She said real fast with her eyes still shining.

Kakashi: it's an honor to meet you miss Tsunade.

He said calmer but also happy to meet a legend.

Tsunade: so your brats have good manners I like it.

She said with her usual aura.

Then I whispered to her that Kenyshi wants to be a medical and combat ninja.

Tsunade: I've heard you want to be a medical ninja. Is it true?

She asked Kenyshi not letting go of Karaki for a second.

Kenyshi:y-yes Miss Tsunade I want to be one.

She said with her shy determination.

Tsunade: good I'll teach you when you're a Genin.

She said with a smile.

Kenyshi got a happiness overload and fainted but Kakashi caught her before she fell. Well, at least she's happy I guess. Kakashi was worried while Sakumo Just didn't know how to react to the situation.

Tsunade: you know what?! Today I have a lot to do. We can talk some other day. Bye.

She gave me a tight hug and didn't wait for my answer and went away.

She must be having a hard time.

Then we all went back home and did the usual cycle, and so days passed with us doing the same training and going to the academy. After the week was over Sakumo left for his mission, then I was under surveillance by the Anbu some low-level Chūnin. That didn't even care.

Karaki:(I haven't seen my rewards yet, Rikune show it to me again please)

Rikune:[on it]

[-Quest-be a good student(complete)

Make a question that nobody can answer.


-New system function

-1000 SP

-mystery bag ]

Karaki:(Good, what function did I get)

Rikune:[you got a lottery]

Karaki:(that sounds great, did it come with any tickets?)

Rikune:[yh you got some for unlocking the function]

Karaki:(good show me)

[1x legendary ticket, 5x rare tickets and 10 normal tickets]

Karaki:(are legendary the best?)

Rikune:[no the best are Mythical tickets, legendary are second best]

Karaki:(well that's already great use them all)

[using normal tickets.....done

-5x chakra pills

-2x random D rank techniques tickets

-3x explosion tags]

[using rare tickets...done

2x 10000 SP=20000 SP

1x random C rank technique ticket

1x random B rank technique ticket

1x random skill card]

[using legendary tickets...done

1x random multiverse sacred item]

Karaki:(didn't you say I can't get other world stuff?)

Rikune:[ with legendary tickets it is possible hard but possible, consider yourself lucky]

I must be the king of luck.

Karaki:(use the skill card first)

[using random skill card.....done

Skill <God of luck> acquired]

No wayyyy this is sooooo awesome!!! Now I'm bound to greatness.hahahaha.

Karaki:(use all the random technique tickets)

[using all random technique tickets....done

Body flicker technique, Shadow shuriken technique for rank D. Drunken fist technique for rank C. Shadow Clone Technique for rank B.]

Hahahahaha I finally have, Shadow Clone Technique now just have to increase my CP.

Karaki:(Great techniques I got, now use the random multiverse sacred item)

[using the random multiverse sacred item....done

Infinite youth water cup(modified item from seven deadly sins world)]

What did I just get?!?!?!?!

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