
Chapter 7 - 7:New Bloodline

I think I'm having hallucinations cause this can only be a dream right?!? Doesn't this mean I'll be immortal once I drink it? This is too good for me but I'll still take it.

Karaki:(is this really the same water that made Ban immortal?)

Rikune:[it is but a modified version of it, it's effects are basically the same but with some additions and effects are different when given to others]

Nice so I can give it to others this will definitely be useful.

Karaki:(what are the effects when given to others?)

Rikune:[when given to others there will be no immortality effect no matter how much they drink they will only get eternal youth but still die of old age but their bodies will be stronger against diseases, poison, etc. And it can't give them any additional years of life their lifespan will be the same]

So others can't become immortal with me huh, this is too unfair!!! Not cool F*ck.

Karaki:(is there any way to change that?)

Rikune:[no, it's one of the little number of rules that exist in this system's base creation. For example, if you ever or when you became able to world travel you won't be allowed to bring and take people from one world to another and I'm not sure yet but it's possible that once you leave this world you will never be able to come back]

Never come back? Isn't that a little too much?

Rikune:[well this is an alternative naruto world so it's mixed with billions if not trillions of other alternative naruto worlds so to be able to find the exact alternative world twice is quite the miracle but also to enter it again is an even bigger problem because of continuous space-time distortions it's very hard to enter this alternative worlds but you were sent here when there was an opening so it was fine but who knows when the next opening will be? Nobody so it's almost impossible to come here again so I advise you to finish everything you have to do here even if you get the world travel before only use it after your sure]

Well, that was quite something to discover.

Karaki:(what about taking people? is it a no-no?)

Rikune:[ I was not given that information yet me getting it depends on you. Cause I don't only get new functions but overall I evolve to say so when you become stronger]

This is getting complicated but I have a big question.

Karaki:(Just what/who is your creator?)

Rikune:[thanks for asking. My creator is an existence called the will of the void and just as the name says is the will of the void known as one of the most powerful beings that ever existed, the will had initially only watched and guided soul go and come but it's time had come it was gonna died and reincarnate anew to start from the beginning because it finally reached its apex and would now go back to the beginning with no memories of the past and it would be weakened not ever being able to reach this level again. So in its last job before restarting it decided to give a soul the chance to decide what they do with their existence, and that was you Kylan, my host. I'm the Void will's system but most of my capacity is still not available yet and to get it you have to become stronger]

So that was all me being lucky for dying? What about the thief that invaded my house? (AN: this is in the synopsis for those who don't know what he's talking when he says that a thief invaded his house)

Karaki: what about the guy that invaded my house?

Rikune:[you don't have to worry he died after you and the will of the void only choose one person and that was you]

So I really am a too lucky person huh. Not thinking too much is always the best option in these cases, or my brain will explode before it rotten from not being used.

Karaki:(Well I still have a mystery bag, open it please)

I'm expecting to get some really badass things.

[opening mystery bag...Done

5xrandom bloodline tickets

10x Beast Domain

1x Bloodline creation card ]

WTH!!!!!!!!! This luck is too powerful 5 bloodline tickets in one go and I'm sure that if I use them I'll be getting awesome stuff.

Karaki:(what are Beast domains?)

So I can get the tailed beasts for myself hahahahahahahaha. I always thought they deserved better and I'll be the one given it to them.

Karaki:( But by domain is it like their own realm?)

Rikune:[yes something like that and it becomes how they would like it to be, something like their personal paradise]

Great, Great, Great and I already know the perfect moment to get the nine tails but what about the others how do I get them? Maybe I could get them from Akatsuki, yeah and I can use the eternal youth water to save their lives. Perfect, perfect simple perfect.

Karaki:(is it possible to use the eternal youth water to save someone at the brink of death?)

Well since it's effects on others are weak I have to ask to make sure and not regret it later, cause I actually like most of the Jinchūriki.

Rikune:[yes it is very effective to heal anything as long as their not dead that is the only effects that never disappears, sorry forgot to mention it]

I'm not mad everyone makes mistakes. And to know I have the strongest medicine in existence right now with me hahahahahaha.

Karaki:(oh yh, won't my blood have the same effects of the youth water after I drink and become an immortal just like with Ban?)

Rikune:[yes but since it's a modified version host has the power to control that and can turn his own blood into it at will]

Like I said before being too blessed is my curse, or at least I wanted to say it before. I thought with a huge smirk on my face.

Karaki:(what about the not aging part?)

Rikune:[host won't age after drinking the water and become immortal, but host can also simple lick the water and for each lick, host won't age for 10 years]

So it's like that great.

Karaki:(use the 5x random bloodline tickets)

[using 5x random bloodline tickets.....done

Hyūga bloodline

Hoshi bloodline

Uzumaki bloodline

Ōtsutsuki bloodline]

Ain't I already a full-fledge Ōtsutsuki already just with those 4?! what am I with these 5?? Hahahahahahahaha. Then I told Rikune to fuse the bloodlines into me since I'm alone at home right now, and she warned me about the pain and I told her to create a sound barrier which was 500 SP around the room and that I'm fine with I but I was wrong.


I screamed with all my strength and i could feel it every single of my bones and organs being destroyed and reconstructed in a very slow and painful process, for a long time I thought I was going to die during this process but then I simply braced myself and resisted with all I have and I think I really nearly died but was able to survive and I could see an unbelievable quantity of sweat on the floor and all over my clothes.

Karaki:(maybe I should have undressed before doing this)

Then I clean the room which took quite a while and then go take a bath it was relaxing after I go to the wardrobe and get some clothes I bought with Sakumo since I only had the ones I came with the first day, and I put them on.

I'm now wearing a white jacket with a steel red shirt with skull prints. For the lower body, I'm wearing white cropped trousers, with bandages on his legs and black ninja sandals with red soles along with black motorcycle gloves on both hands. (AN:it's just like what Noctis(final Fantasy) wears but with different colors in some parts and some additions)

After I'm finally ready I ask Rikune if I can't fuse the bloodlines to create a new one with the Bloodline creation card and she said I can.

And I did just like that but this time I took my clothes off so that I can wear them later and fuse all the bloodlines. And once again go through hell with even more intense pain but my body was already stronger so it wasn't as bad but still the worst.

After some a long while it's already getting dark and the twins will be back from their training soon, this time I told the Rikune to clean the room while I take a bath and simply bought food from the shop for 10 Sp since I was supposed to cook today, I've learned it since I came here but today I was really distracted with system stuff but thankfully it's really cheap, I then dressed in some other simpler clothes to sleep in and decided to wear my Noctis like clothes tomorrow.

Then the twins are back we talk while having dinner, then the usual bedtime story and then go to sleep, since I was really tired I fell asleep very easily.

-the next morning-

I woke up first just like usual I went to brush my teeth, take a bath and then dressed up with my Noctis clothes. I went downstairs and prepared breakfast and then woke up the twins so they will go get ready while I wait I decided to take a look at my status.


Name: Shikahen Karaki

Age:4 years old (17 years old)

Race:Celestial Star God(?)/Human(?)

Lifespan:1000 years.

Gender: M

Bloodline: Shikahen Bloodline(AN: it's a made-up name and yes my naming sense is bad)

Body physique: new Chūnin level

Affinities: All



Cp:2500/2500(new Chūnin level)









Luc: unknown


Innate abilities:

Tentai-sutāgoddoai(modified)(locked)(AN: it supposedly means: Celestial Star God Eyes But it's probably spelled the wrong way)


Earth Release: Earth Spear, Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, Body flicker technique, Shadow shuriken technique, Drunken fist technique, Shadow Clone Technique.


<Gamer mind>,<Gamer body>,<adapting body>,<presence concealment>,<God of luck>.


2x B grade recovery pills, kunai x100, shuriken x100, 5x chakra pills, 3x explosion tag.

Karaki:(I'm officially a Chūnin huh)

Even if I say that to distract myself it doesn't work just what did I become? So this is my bloodline, Shikahen is it? What kind of name is that? What is it even supposed to mean? Well, it doesn't really matter, what is important is my eye technique(dōjutsu) it really sounds exaggerated just like my new race.

All I want to know is what it can do. Even my stats got a jump and are now on a new level.

Karaki:(Rikune please show me data of my new race, new bloodline, new techniques, and my new skill)

Rikune:[on it baby]

Did she just call me baby? No this can't be.

[Celestial Star God(?): this is a new race that has immense power, natural abilities, and talent. They don't only have access to all the skills/abilities of all the bloodlines mixed for this race to exist but they also have an affinity with everything, basically a race that can use and learn any kind techniques. Having star chakra in their bodies that are naturally refined by absorbing the chakra in the air, thus making their star chakra stronger with time. They are naturally stronger and have a higher level of talent than humans since they have the natural Characteristics of Celestial beings(Ōtsutsuki clan).

Shikahen Bloodline:it's a bloodline that comes with many abilities from a perfect memory to natural regeneration besides having its own unique eye technique(dōjutsu) named Tentai-sutāgoddoai, They have strong bodies that easily adapt to anything.

Tentai-sutāgoddoai(modified)(locked): their eye technique can copy and even improve any eye techniques(dōjutsu), Bloodline Limit(Kekkei Genkai), Bloodline Selection(Kekkei tōta) and even Bloodline Encompassing(Kekkei mōra). This eye technique has many more abilities but since it's still locked it's knowledge will only be given later.

Body flicker technique: with this technique a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination.

Shadow shuriken technique: The user places two shuriken together and throws them both at a target simultaneously; the larger the shuriken that is thrown, the greater the necessary skill. The goal is for targets to focus their attention on whichever of the two shuriken is on top, not noticing the second shuriken traveling below it. Ideally, targets will dodge the upper shuriken in such a way that they are left unable to dodge the second. If targets do at any point realize there's a second shuriken, the technique is rendered ineffective.

Drunken fist technique: This is a style of taijutsu that is only possible while the user is very drunk. Because they are intoxicated, users move irregularly and erratically: they attack with no warning and defend with unconventional motions. Users have no conscious awareness of what actions they'll take, which also means opponents can't predict what they'll do.

Shadow Clone Technique: This Jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on. Depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they make, this rapid depletion of their reserves can be dangerous. Because of this, usually, only those of at least jōnin-level can safely use the standard Shadow Clone Technique.

<God of luck>: it's a skill that makes whoever has it experience luck that should only exist in dreams.]

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