
Chapter 8 - 8:In one month

It has been a month since I first came to hidden leaf village, some weeks since the ninja academy started and I have been training in secret since Sakumo left for his mission and I got my new race and bloodline.

Since the Anbu sent to keep me under surveillance don't seem to be taking their work seriously I have been taking the opportunities they give me to train and do my stuff, it became specially easy after I started using Shadow clone technique, normally you would need to be at least a Jonin to use it properly but because of my race and bloodline I could still use it with little consequences but nothing that isn't solvable if you consider my regeneration ability and if that doesn't save me I still have the eternal Youth water.

I have given my clones different tasks:

1-I have given the first 2 the task of improving my CC and they did it not taking more than hours to master the tree-climbing exercise making my CC rise till 30% which was a great thing. Then I told them to do the water walking exercise and after many hours almost a day they successfully mastered it which surprised me at first but considering my current potential and talent it only makes sense, my CC raised till 50% so I told them to walk in hot water that was way harder and they mastered it in two days with some hardships leaving CC at 70%, so I sent them to the waterfall exercise next because they were doing very well and after a whole week they mastered it fully leaving CC at 90% which surprised me cause I thought it would be higher but this level of control is already SS rank of control it made me question it cause according to Rikune most Kage level only ever reach 80% at max and 10% more is a very very big difference. I decided to leave it for now and try to think of a way to improve it later. Also, my CP increased quite a lot because of it.

2-I sent other two clones to learn and practice all techniques starting from the E rank ones and thankfully the hidden leaf library's security ain't much at least until rank B techniques but rank A or S are more complicated and right now I can't reach them but thanks to my bloodline and perfect memory I could easily remember all techniques from reading them in the place and didn't need to take any scrolls with me. And so these two clones have been learning all those many techniques for a month and already dominated most.

3-I made these two clones concentrate on weapons and support items like shuriken, kunai, swords, etc. And so they trained in all that for the whole month improving very fast and steady. Not forgetting to train my sensory abilities that are now very high because of my Uzumaki bloodline part and can now easily detect any ninja from high jonin or lower.

4-I made these two clones concentrate in close combat and close combat technique, they spared everyday for the whole month and the improvements are noticeable and now I can say I'm pretty good at close combat.

5-these two I kinda pity them because they had to study and master all the sealing techniques I could get my hands on since this is also only until rank B. They had a hard month and couldn't really master the sealing techniques but are still getting better.

6-this was done by me the original set to train medical techniques I asked for Tsunade's help and thanks to that could improve very fast learning and mastering the Mythical palm and other miner medical techniques.

7-And I made the last two practices for sage Mode and for the whole month they haven't really stepped far from the meditation but the improvements are praiseworthy and are now very close to sensing nature energy.

And so that was basically my training schedule for the last month I also didn't forget to send a clone to the twins to train with them and give them advice, they have been improving a lot I even gave Kakashi some tips for him to develop Chidori faster and Kenyshi is becoming a monster of brute strength I don't know what kind of physical training she does but she's pretty much a Tsunade junior, not forgetting to improve her close combat she seems to have given up in sword arts. By the way my own concealment abilities raised a lot because I got the skill <concealment king> that is a stronger version of <presence concealment> and now only Hashirama and Madara level opponents or higher can detect me with this and to make better I got this skill from the random skill card and it fused with <presence concealment> and became <Demigod of concealment> only high-rank Ōtsutsuki clan level or higher can detect me.

Also the Anbu on me only follow me till I get to Tsunade after that they leave me in peace and I can improve faster cause I don't mind showing my talent to Tsunade I also asked her to keep it a secret and she agreed, I've been helping her as much as I can cheering her up and even helping her with her Blood phobia(hemophobia) by practicing with fake blood first because she's too afraid of the real one and even the fake one made her paralyze and become completely incapable of doing a thing but with time and countless tries she improved very very slowly but steady. Right now she still fears blood but it's not the same as it improved a lot cause now she can look at blood for a little while before feeling very uncomfortable and then paralyzing. But if we consider how long normal people take to recover from their fears it's actually a miracle speed compared to them.

I also helped the twin's chakra control improve till 40% and they are very close to being able to walk over water which impressed me a lot even tho they spent the whole month training to get there but I still believe their improvements are very good.

Then not too long after Sakumo came back which surprised me cause I didn't expect him to be back so fast but he's only staying for a week before going again. So our family life went on with Kakashi bragging about how good he became at chakra control and that he taught Kenyshi about it, don't worry it was me who told him to do that with made-up story of how Tsunade explained to us how the exercises work and Kakashi was the first to master them helping us improve also everyone believes my CC is at 30% right now expect Tsunade who knows the truth. I also plan to tell her more of the truth later when we leave the village, we already started planning on when and how to leave the village but I asked for more time since I want to make sure Sakumo doesn't suicide while I'm out, we will stay here for some more time.

I also made pills with eternal youth water as base for it and made an all healing pill(heals everything diseases, severed limbs etc as long as your not dead it can heal you, they also heal stamina and mental exhaustion they are too good), a non aging pill(not aging for 10 years for each pill consumed the max can be consumed per person is 10) but I didn't tell anyone about them because they would want me to distribute it to all ninjas and like hell I'm going to do that. I'm planning on giving some to Sakumo so that when he goes on his life destroying mission it goes better.

Karaki:(now let's sleep and tomorrow I'll take care of giving Sakumo the pills)

-the next day-

Today just like all other days I wake up and go brush my teeth, take bath and then dress up today is again a day for me to use my Noctis clothes after I wake the twins up and go to the dining room where Sakumo just finished making breakfast.

Karaki: good morning dad.

I say with my usual high spirits.

Sakumo: good morning Karaki, as early as always huh.

I nod at his words and sit down on a chair.

Sakumo: so are the sleepyheads already up?

He said while putting the food on the table.

Karaki: yup I woke them up not too long ago.

I say with a happy expression and tone.

Sakumo: that's good, they really should learn from you I think they are getting sloppier every day.

He says and also sits down and we start talking about many things like our objectives after we graduate from the academy and how we have to be ready for the war, also how the responsibility of being a ninja is a big very high etc. after 30 minutes or so Kakashi came in pretty lively and started talking about how awesome the technique he's developing is going to be in the future and after 1 hour and half or maybe a little more Kenyshi came when we just finished re-heating the food and then start eating and talking, laughing just like the happy family we are.

Before leaving for school I give 20 all healing pills to Sakumo telling him they were developed by Tsunade and are still not that many so not made public because the materials to make them are very rare and he was reluctant to accept because they were too precious and given to me by Tsunade, so I told him that it's for the good of the village and to make sure we don't lose any companions and he immediately accepted and said I'm too much of a good son for him. Also, he didn't want to stay with all I had so he wanted to give me half back but I insisted that he stayed with them since I'm not a ninja yet and don't really need them and after a big discussion he stayed with 15 and give 5 back. Really what's up with this guy and being too nice?!

Then we parted to school after we waited for Kenyshi that still wasn't ready after our one hour of discussing about the pills.

We got to the ninja academy not long after and like every day a faction of Kenyshi fans came with signs and decorations with her name on it, I'm sure that if they had pictures they would also have her face.

When Sakumo saw that he contained himself not to explode only letting out an ominous aura that could be cut with a sharp sword or even a knife of how dense it was of course the kids couldn't handle it and started crying some even fainted and Sakumo got swarmed by angry mothers while their husbands didn't want problems with White fang and were trying to calm them down with no success, some, Kakashi and Kenyshi simply ran inside the academy and wished him good luck internally.

Once inside both my and Kakashi's fan factions and even some members of Kenyshi's fans who are more than us both together since almost all guys in academy came to greed her while girls are divided between me and Kakashi but, of course, I have more fans than him hahahahaha. Kakashi always says that it's because he never took his mask of that we have such a big difference in the number of fans and I agreed but I would still win tho.

Just like always Kenyshi was hiding behind us both while we just ignore all girls and head to our classroom. Going into the classroom Rin, and Obito started coming early to school because of us. So came to greed us and we sited in our usual places but today someone else has come back and it's obviously MIGHT GUY EX THE STRONGEST NINJA because I'm the NEW STRONGEST NINJA. I believe Guy to be the strongest because he was the only one Kicking TEN TAILS MADARA'S ASS without any external help he did it with his own power that he got from all the hard work, cause Kakashi had Obito's Sharingan and didn't do much to Madara, Naruto had Nine tails borrowed power and even later six paths borrowed power to bear Madara, the same for Sasuke that also got Itachi borrowed power and later Rinne Sharingan borrowed power to beat Madara besides they had to do it together while Guy beat Madara up himself. And even if someone says that eight gates are borrowed power it's not because it's a limit breaker so it means it's your own inner power to the max of all your capacities and he got there himself. That's the reason I think Might Guy is the EX STRONGEST NINJA since I'm here now and tho I'm also getting help from the sister I didn't exactly instantly power up like what Hagoromo did to Naruto and Sasuke. But in the end, Guy will always be the Strongest since no one without borrowed power is doing better than him even I'm using the system so I'm also cheating.

Then I decide to leave that thought behind and go talk to Guy.

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