
Chapter 9 - 9:Leaving Hidden leaf

Karaki: Hi, your that guy that only does combat techniques training because you can't use ninja techniques or illusionary techniques right? (AN: it sounds so mean the way you just said it Karaki????)

I said with my innocent little boy smile even tho it came out a little wrong.

Guy: yeah it's me and I'm very proud of my combat techniques so you can make all the jokes you want I'll never give up the YOUTH PATH!!!! I'll be the strongest only with my combat techniques and my hard work I don't need any talent!!

He said with burning eyes and great determination, it seems he's already been influenced by his father somewhat.

Karaki: chill bro, I'm here to say I admire what you're doing and that I'm sure that all your hard work will pay off so never give up. Or like you said ALWAYS FOLLOW THE PATH OF YOUTH!!

I said with my cheerful smile.

Guy looked at me totally amazed by what I said he totally wanted to cry but contained himself.

Karaki: oh yeah I also would like to be your friend.

I said while extending my hand to him.

Guy was hesitant to take my hand as I could still just be more one of those guys trying to make fun of him but he looks me straight in the eyes and shakes my hand while crying and saying something about YOUTH again.

Then we talk for a while and I tell him to start training with us and he immediately accepts but asks if it's really gonna be ok with the others and I say it's all fine.

After I take him to meet the others since there's still a little while before lessons start.

Karaki: guys I made a new friend this is Guy, Guy these are my friends, my siblings Kakashi and Kenyshi, Rin and Obito.

Then each of them presented themselves.

Kakashi: hey your that combat technique crazy dude right? Well, I'm Hatake Kakashi nice to meet you and if you want a good beat down I can give you one since I'm the strongest of the group.

He said still bragging. Really?! Maybe I need to beat him for this to stop. Everyone is used to it and is simply looking at him with "Really?!" Look even tho it's true that since I haven't shown my full abilities he's the strongest of us but does he really need to say it like that?

Kenyshi: hi I'm Hatake Kenyshi nice to meet you.

She said with way less shyness than before because she's been talking with Rin a lot and they become great friends, helping each other get through shyness even tho Kenyshi is still a little shy but Rin is already nearing how she was in the series.

Rin: Hi I'm Nohara Rin and I'm happy to make a new friend.

She said with a big smile. Really can't let her die, can we? Of course not.

Obito:I've said it countless times but I'm not your friend, cause Uchiha Obito doesn't need friends like you Kenyshi, Rin and even Pervert blockhead bragging Kakashi are enough but I'm happy to meet a new guy since they say your good with combat techniques you might be strong enough to fight me.

Another one bragging but this one is even more stubborn than the first one since Kakashi no longer cares for his said hate for me and fully treats me as his brother more precisely as his older brother and throws all his responsibilities at me saying I'm the new older brother. Well not like I mind it anyways. But Obito is too stubborn and also started developing his crush on Rin since she's getting nicer by day, at least he doesn't go after cute Kenyshi well it's probably because of what happened last time to summarize he got totally friend-zoned by Kenyshi with all the other boys but unlike Obito who gave up the others are still trying but he only gave up when Rin was the one cheering him up after getting friend-zoned and he started hating on me more because he knows Rin likes me because even my ninja abilities at least what I show, isn't that much above average but in academics and everything else I'm the best having a tie with Kakashi and Kenyshi because we have the same academic score being in the top but Kakashi doesn't mind it since in ninja related I'm only a little above average and he's in the top again, Kenyshi being in second place when it comes to that. As for the others, Rin and Obito are average Obito having a pretty low academic score and Guy doing quite better since if he doesn't there's no way he will ever be a ninja.

Then we talk all we can before the teacher comes in and I also take the chance to invite Obito, Rin and Guy to start training and studying with us and of course all of them accept even tho Obito was trying to sound uninterested, I simply said I would tell his parents that he refused to be in a studying group with the best students of the academy and we all know how that would end so he immediately changed and begged me not to do it so it was decided that after school we would meet and I doubt their parents will refuse.

So the lesson was as boring as ever and I remembered I haven't been training illusionary techniques and asked for permission to go to the bathroom. When I got in the bathroom I made more two clones and ordered them to study and practice the illusionary techniques I got from the library but forgot about. Really I'm such an airhead sometimes, then my clones did as I said and used <Demigod of concealment> to conceal their presences while they train.

I went back to the classroom and had the rest of the boring lesson at the end of the academy while we were leaving I once again went to the bathroom and made a clone to go with the others because I've already made all the other clones sooner in the day. while I went to the hospital to study more medical techniques with Tsunade while we continued her therapy.

And so my days went on like that and during that time something happened. First Guy's father Might Duy was suspicious and thought we were just trying to make fun of his son and hurt him so he followed us for two whole weeks even tho it was a clone and not the real me with them when some bullies tried bullying Guy again so we defend him.

Bully kid(1): hey your that combat techniques loser who can't even do easily ninja techniques, and you think you can be a ninja. Hahahahaha.

He laughed with his two goons just following.

Really?! Why does it have to be an idiot? Well, I guess Kakashi can take care of them with one arm so I can beat them without having to worry.

Guy: you don't understand the PATH OF THE YOUTH for those who never give up and always work hard.

Bully kid(1): what a weak freak trying to be strong. Your weak so just go do some weak loser stuff and give up being a ninja.

He said in a mocking tone and with an annoying expression.

Goon kid(1): yeah freak!

Just like before his goons were well-being goons.

Karaki: you guys are completely useless and don't even do a thing for the village, while Guy is trying hard to actually do something so get your ȧsses out of the way before we do it for you.

I said with a serious expression and tone.

Kakashi: Yeah, you heard him didn't you?!

He said while also serious.

Guy who saw this was moved and started crying as he didn't expect us to defend him even tho the guys only said somethings you could see that they were annoyed and ready to kickass. Even the girls said somethings as well, as they were obviously also pissed especially after what the idiot said next.

Bully kid(1): you think I'm afraid of some weirdos that hang out with the freak. And why would I ever be afraid of girls their all weak anyways?

goon kid(1): yeah all girls are weak.

Goon:yh very weak.

He said this with his goons and then ran towards me wanting to punch me, seriously his movements are soooooo slow it's pitiful I know this is probably a normal chakra kid but after getting used to my siblings this becomes so boring. So he came at me with his weak punch and when it was really close to my face and he had a victory smile on his face I simply dodged sideways and put my foot in front of his leg making him fall flat on the ground.

Seeing this his goons try to come at me but Kakashi kicks the face of one and one hit ok, while the other one well I pity this one because he got punched by Kenyshi fury mode and got sent flying for about 30 meters or so imagine how far he would go if she had added chakra to that.

Duy who was watching the whole thing was in tears of happiness for his son.

Duy: Thank you, thank you for giving my son such good friends!!!

He said while crying very loudly so his son and the others discovered him and Guy started another discussion with his father.

After we all started doing Guy's Combat techniques training and it was really something at first we could handle it at all but then it became easier with time, since we were catching up with him Guy increased his training and was suffering from it so I gave him and all the others 10 all healing pills each a explained what they are with the same lie I told Sakumo and told them to keep a secret and even Obito understood so all fine I also made sure the Anbu couldn't hear us by using 500 SP to make a sound barrier. Since then our training increased for some days because of pills, it was not something you would see every day we trained in ninja techniques, Illusionary techniques, combat techniques and studying or more like me teaching them except for Guy who only trained combat techniques and studied. well, at least that's what my clone did with them while I trained and helped Tsunade, also having my clones do a lot of training as well. Everyone developed their own techniques as the fruit of the training but that's for later.

After some months passed both twins were called and promoted to Genins but still had to go to the academy like all others because they were too young to be full-fledged Genins, I guess they are going to abolish this policy in the future. Then I made a decision and gave Tsunade some non-aging pills and even all the wrinkles from too much stress and over usage of the strength of a hundred seal disappeared and she became a beauty in her best once more I guess even I didn't know all the effects of the pills. At first, she didn't believe me about the effects but then she was stupefied by it and thanked me millions of times.

-3 years and some months later-

It's been three years since I came to this world. And last year the twins were promoted to Chūnin and taken to war I give them more All healing pills and made some eternal clones follow them. And all of the others Rin, Obito, and Guy were promoted to Genins but it seems they are avoiding sending fresh Genin as they only become canon folder and since we are winning there's no need for useless sacrifices, it's definitely Hiruzen's doing. I'm already Strong enough to act normally but since I'm going to leave this place it's best if I don't become a Genin, Tsunade paid my debt to the village and I feel kinda bad about that so I'll just use my unreasonable luck to get it back when she starts gambling.

About the eternal clones, they are a variation of the Shadow clone technique I created. They are just like normal Shadow clones but they have different flux and chakra that instead of expanding it compresses making it possible for them to absorb chakra and maintain themselves naturally so they only disappear if dispelled or destroy. And I made some take care of my siblings better safe than sorry.

Also, Sakumo came back from his mission with all his companions without falling the mission so he's not depressed and even thanked me countless times saying that if it wasn't for the pills they wouldn't have made it out of it. He was also worried about the twins but trusted them and believed they would make it. I then told him about my plans of leaving with Tsunade.

Sakumo: Do you plan to ever come back?

He said with a serious expression and tone.

Karaki: even tho it will take time yh I do plan to come back. And also I'll leave some clones.

Sakumo: well that's a nice thought but clones don't last that long.

Then I explained a lot of things to Sakumo who got very surprised but understood my reasoning and only wished me good luck while saying that Kenyshi would kill me if she discovered and that Kakashi would mock me for the rest of my life and I do agree so my clones better be careful.

After I met with Tsunade who already had Shizune with her for quite a while and we left the hidden leaf village. We had talked to Hiruzen previously and he tried to convince us to stay but it didn't work.

We traveled for days, camped outside and were even attacked by rogue ninjas or bandits but they were easily dealt with. Tsunade was also able to successfully sure herself from her blood phobia with my help and didn't show mercy to the rouge ninjas even less to the bandits. I also am not missing what's happening in the hidden leaf as my eternal clones just have to make Shadow clones of themselves and dispel them for me to get their knowledge and that's how I've been keeping myself informed of what's the situation.

Tsunade: little brother Karaki you sure are something else leaving such a great family to spend time with an old hag.

She said with a sad expression and tone

Karaki: don't say things like those, also I'm not leaving permanently and you know I left my eternal clones there so it should be ok. Besides what better opportunity could I get to have my big sister all for myself.

I said with my usual bright smile.

Tsunade: your really a tiny sweet talker. I feel sorry for the girls. Hahaha.

She said while she crushed me with her brėȧsts in a hug.

Shizune could only look with a wryly smile at us doing that like nothing while being surrounded by corpses of bandits and rogue ninjas.

After walking aimlessly by some villages, I suggested we simply headed to Tanzuka town and Tsunade easily agreed.

So we finally headed towards the town where Tsunade originally loses everything but now to win. Hahahahaha being too lucky is just the best, Just wait for me Tanzuka town I'll make all those who gamble there poor Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

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