
Chapter 10 - 10:I’m rich!!! It’s so boring.

It's been 5 years and some months since I left the leaf with Tsunade and Shizune, now there's only about 1 year left for naruto to be born in this time I trained like there was no tomorrow not having to worry too much about being under surveillance also remembering to take breaks and flirt a little with Tsunade since she still sees me as a child can't give too big steps or this might end up bad.

In the beginning when we came to Tanzuka town Shizune was cold and very wary of me as she saw me as some kind of rival because of Tsunade, but I then told her that we don't have to fight and there's enough Tsunade for as both(translations: if your not a lesbian trying to seduce her we are ok) and she got embarrassed about a child being more mȧturė than her and changed her attitude towards her which was pretty mȧturė of her.

In the first week we got attacked by a bunch of ȧssassins and kidnapping attempts on Tsunade but since she's too relaxed it had to be me and Shizune taking care of it, she got surprised by my abilities and wouldn't stop pestering me about wasting such talent following Tsunade instead of staying in the village to train and a load of other annoying stuff and she wouldn't stop for months but eventually she gave up and left me alone.

Me and Tsunade went to gambling together at first she was reluctant to take me but I used my charm(translation: cuteness) to make her understand she needs me there(translations: begging her till she gave up) so we gambled together(translations: I didn't let her do a thing except bet the money) and won every single time everyone was suspicious of cheating even tho it's true they can't prove it. Won so much the owner begged us to not go there so frequently and we would have free vouchers to every interesting place in town, I wasn't interested but when he talked about the youth thermals and treatment Tsunade immediately accepted even tho she won't be aging for many years and looks younger and more of a beauty than ever she still wants more? Women and beauty I'll never understand it.

I did all that and had fun with both Tsunade and Shizune here and there while more than 100 clones did the training thankfully my race, bloodline and <gamer mind> help me with the mental expression and for physical the same except it's <gamer body> instead of <gamer mind>, well <adapting body> also helps but it's different. I didn't forget to order them to always use <Demigod of concealment> while training and with that I was able to master many many arts and even to create my own ones having a very big arsenal of techniques of all variety and types but I like to use mine the most especially the new release I created using my bloodline as base to respect my bloodline I named it shikahen release it has many awesome techniques some are new forms of already existing techniques but others are my own creations, Shikahen release also makes use of all my different affinities, in other words, it has techniques of all types. After creating Shikahen release I decided I'll only use it when strong enemies appear because it's too OP for small fry, not that I'm trying to be ċȯċky it's just the reality as the weakest of it can already be used against mid-Kage level so it's no joke. I could have made it stronger but it wouldn't be fun if I did.

I've also been thinking about the tailed beast gotta catch em all plan and decided I'll get them whenever I have the chance cause I don't need them that much I'm only catching them because I want to. Then I decided I'll catch three tails when It's implanted in Rin and I even have a plan to trick Madara and Black Zetsu.

And that plan is to use my Tentai-sutāgoddoai, it only awoke when I become a peak/senior Kage level ninja it shows how powerful it is it has 9 stages and I'm only in stage 1 right now and I'm a Hashirama and Madara level ninja it was hard and it took a lot of me(translations:I did it all in the laziest and slowest way possible because I didn't want to be unnecessarily OP). So my Tentai-sutāgoddoai is powerful as hell see it's ability.


Stage 1:This eye technique in its initial stage can only copy any techniques of any kind(meaning: eyes techniques, combat technique, ninja techniques, etc.), it's completely unaffected by any illusionary technique and can nullify until intermediate level seal techniques easily besides being able to create very high-level illusionary techniques that feel exactly like reality better than Sharingan, seeing at very long distance and through any substance or material better than byakugan and can even access the six deva paths too a level Rinnegan will never be able to. Being able to use Shikahen chakra as your base for its power it can manipulate it and control its shape and format users will, making the owner of this eye technique a tailless Beast.]

This is stage 1?! really isn't this the most OP eye technique ever hahahahaha. Let's make this world go upside down.

If your asking yourself why I'm still this weak after all this time well I concentrated more on my foundations than anything, I have to be strong in my bases so that I can become stronger without problems and I'm in no hurry and don't want to be unnecessarily OP so this pace is good for me and just my Bloodline, Race and unique release make me someone Kaguya would think twice before acting against me.

Well, back to getting the three tails it won't be that hard with my plan and will even work for Obito and Kakashi to awaken their mangekyo Sharingan without Rin dying.

As for how things are in Hidden leaf their pretty much the same Kenyshi is not shy anymore and changed quite more serious person as well as Kakashi but their not cold or mean just serious well not that much anyway. About their strength well since they went to war, their training stagnated a bit but in exchange they got battle experience so it's worth it, they should be about peak Chūnin level in CP as for Kenyshi's body strength and combat technique their both new jonin level the same for Kakashi's Sword technique while his body strength is peak Chūnin level.

Rin is just her usual good person And in terms of strength and CP, she should be a new Chūnin level and the same for Obito. Guy, on the other hand, has really become a fighting machine being a High jonin level in body strength and combat technique while having a mid Chūnin level chakra.

These kids improved at a very good pace so I will reward them when I finally go back but that's really for later. I also managed to sense and absorb nature energy but I discovered my Shikahen release also has a sage Mode that is based on my mix of chakras between star chakra and normal one, but since I thought it would be troublesome to get all the chakra types from bloodlines, creatures or people I decided to hunt chakra beast for SP and got lots of it in these 5 years and bought all types of chakra and two more bloodlines, then I decided to not use the shop for power-up no more I just bought techniques from all categories that were opened as I got stronger and completed minor quests. The two bloodlines I got were Inuzuka and Jūgo because Inuzuka have the improved senses and animal instincts that will be very useful and Jūgo to get sage chakra easier and of course I fused them both with my original bloodline but it didn't really change it just got the new abilities added to it but then I got a warning from Rikune saying I can't get any more bloodlines through the system even tho I can still get them myself but I don't really feel like I need any.

After that, I gained access to a new type of chakra like mentioned in the description of my eye technique the Shikahen chakra that is the only one that can activate Shikahen release so literally nobody besides me can use it. It has a jet-black colored exterior aura cover and the inner is like a rainbow with constant change in color.

Because of all that now I have to work mega hard to get Shikahen sage Mode even with my Jūgo bloodline part abilities to absorb chakra without doing a thing I can't get enough to unlock it even I put all the clones on it it it didn't work so I decided to simply go slow and steady.

Well enough about my developments and improvements in training. Even tho I said Tsunade sees me as a kid my relationship with her ain't that far from lovers well in a sense, cause I created some habits while I still had the supreme cutest like:I grab her buŧŧ whenever we are walking side to side at first she would get embarrassed because people wouldn't stop looking at us while thinking that I'm her son or something like that because I was really small she also got sometimes got mad because of it but then she started to simply ignore it, the same goes for my habit of sleeping in between her bȯȯbs that was the real advantage of being small they felt so nice and smelled so good that I would always sleep like a baby and some things I did. When I did those things to Tsunade Shizune would look at like I'm guilty of some crime so I also started doing some of my 'good habit actions' to her well her brėȧsts were only big enough for my head to sleep in between them so I sleep like that with my head in between them and the buŧŧ grabbing even tho I didn't do somethings to her cause I couldn't. Well, when I started sleeping with my head in between Shizune's brėȧst Tsunade seemed to have gotten some mother like jealousy and they literally squeezed me in between their bodies especially the bȯȯbs and mostly Tsunade. Well, you can say I had a good life these years besides getting rich with Tsunade. Once she got ċȯċky and went without me and instantly lost everything since that day she never once in life went there without me she even begged me for help when she lost everything and I said I wouldn't help just to tease her. During this time I also talked with Rikune a lot and she's way more talkative than she initially seemed but sense her voice is godly I don't really mind it, we have a pretty great relationship just like Tsunade and even Shizune. Also, Tsunade's pig really likes me for some reason and keeps following me all-time at first I even thought it was to keep me under surveillance but it wasn't the Tonton just really liked me.

Karaki: I have 2 billion Ryo and nothing to do with all this money.

I said while looking at the selling since Tsunade and Shizune decided to go shopping today I'm just here chilling also the reason why I only have 2 billion is because I give Tsunade and Kenyshi the rest I don't really have any use for it so yh. And I used an eternal clone to send the money to Kenyshi I also give some to Kakashi, Sakumo and the others I know expect Hiruzen well he's a Hokage I wouldn't feel okay giving him money.


Author's spot

What if I was reincarnated in Naturo part 1

WTH? Why naruto world? Well it's bad but not the worst I guess and I don't even seem to have cheat besides my knowledge great.

-in the classroom in ninja academy-

I have done it, I'm finally out of options and can't do anything else I have to do this it's going to be the most humiliating thing I'm going to do in both lives well wish me luck.

Sakura: hi and what do you want with me!

Look what I reduced myself to I seriously could have done but no use in thinking about it now just do it and end this torture up fast.

NR: Haruno Sakura. Will you be my girlfriend?

I just did the most humiliating thing in my existence I feel like I sold my pride to the devil himself.

Sakura: of course not I'm only for Sasuke!!

She said and punched me out of the way, I hit the ceiling and then the floor.

NR:hurrgh at least it almost worked.

I said as I fainted.

Choji: Shikamaru I think we should help that guy.

Shikamaru: why do something so troublesome?

He asked not wanting to move a muscle.

Choji: because he actually tried asking all the girls in the village and won that bet.

He said still eating chips.

Shikamaru: What a drag!!! Why did he have to be such a persistent weird guy? Okay, let's help him.

Then they helped me and took me to the nurse.

(AN: If you ask why I did this? Simple it came to mind and I just did it. But do tell me if you like it)

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