
Chapter 11 - 11:Catch em all(first target)

It's been some weeks since I was complaining about my boring days and some things happened during that time and went in slightly different way of that of the canon, just like in the canon after Minato left Obito, Kakashi, and Rin, Rin got captured by the Rock ninja but unlike in the canon this time immediately she got captured both Kakashi and Obito went after the rock ninjas to save her.

They fought in the cave just like in canon but this time Kakashi didn't lose his left eye and they were winning. Seeing things were getting complicated both Taiseki and Kakkō decided to escape sooner than in the original using his {Earth release:rock lodging destruction technique} and the cave started collapsing that were about to escape safe and sound when Rin got hit in the left leg by a kunai thrown by Taiseki and he got killed by Kakashi with Obito's instructions as he could easily find Taiseki with his 2 tomoe Sharingan that I or better say my eternal clone fȯrċɨbŀƴ awakened with an illusionary technique while Kakkō escaped and got killed by one of my eternal clones waiting outside. Inside the cave while the trio tried to escape just like in canon a rock was about to smash two of them but this time Rin and Obito instead of Obito and Kakashi. Just like in canon Obito sacrificed himself but more satisfactory feeling inside as he saved the girl he loved and just like in the original he gave his Sharingan to Kakashi but this time it was more like switching eyes between them since Kakashi didn't lose his eye in the fight like in canon.

After all, went basically the same and Obito was taken by Madara, Kakashi and Rin were rescued by Minato.

Now Rin was kidnaped and rescued by Kakashi and their currently surrounded by mist ninja who were after them.

Karaki: it's time to make my appearance.

I say this then I and an eternal clone switch places with my {space-time release: clone switch technique}, and appear in the same exact location.

I then use my {perfect transformation technique} and turn into some random guy and put a mask with holes for the eyes on and a black cloak. And then appeared in the middle of the battle and opened his eyes while everyone was looking at him and then also not forgetting to change my voice for the sake of my safety.

Rin: Kakashi we can't escape and even if we could I can't go back to Hidden leaf with this monster inside of me.

Kakashi: Don't worry I promised Obito I would take care of you and I'll do it.

He said determined to protect her while preparing a Chidori.

Then Kakashi ran in the direction of a mist ninja with his Chidori But way more powerful than it should be by now, he pulled his arms with the Chidori back and then pushed his arm forward to kill the mist ninja in front of him but Rin jumped in front of him and it was too late to stop then.

Kakashi: No....this, this can't be.

He said shocked by what's in front of him his hand just pierced through Rin's heart. Tears could be seen falling from his as his mangeyo Sharingan awakened.

Rin: sorry this was for the good of the Hidden leaf and you all guys please be happy without me.

She said with an unreasonably beautiful smile while dying.

Then both fainted.


Karaki: well this should be enough.

I said while a huge puddle of blood surrounded me with all the mist ninja dead on the ground, Rin and Kakashi on the ground fainted both alive.

Obito is also unconscious on the ground not too far from here.

Karaki: you should take him, even Madara was out after I used my World break.

I said while looking at the empty forest. Madara is weakened after all so it was easy to put him under an Illusionary technique even my level not being so high.

Karaki: I know your there Zetsu or should I call you Black Zetsu.

Then he appeared out of the ground and said.


He asked confused and wary of me.

Karaki: I was starting to think that maybe you really weren't here. Well, why should I answer any of your questions? Well, good luck taking Obito back to Madara. Now get out of my sight before I decide to kill you.

Not that I can do it without alerting the Ōtsutsuki and I don't want their attention just yet.

Black Zetsu: who do you think you are to order me around?

He asked while thinking he's superior to the one in front of him.

Karaki: Kaguya's future Daddy. Now get lost, I have important work to do.

I said completely not minding his presence.


He said furious about what he just heard but he was interrupted by a thunder blade that went through him.

Karaki:Chidori: long blade.

Karaki: seriously, I'm losing my patience so pick Obito up and get out of my sight.

Black Zetsu looks at me stupefied and says.

Black Zetsu: I've never seen eyes like those but they have a small resemblance with the eyes of that clan, are you perhaps just one of their variants? Who knows? Interesting Hahahahaha, and don't forget I'll have my revenge.

He laughed as he disappeared into the ground then Obito's body was also pulled in.

Karaki:(Rikune which clan was he talking about?)

Rikune:[well he was probably talking about your original clan the one you belonged to when you came here]

Karaki:(what do you mean? Wasn't I supposed to not have a clan?)

Rikune:[you don't have parents but have a clan to where your initial modified Sharingan belongs to but they are currently hiding but where? I don't know]

Karaki:this is not good, why did that guy have to be here and why is he so hard to find I nearly couldn't find him and I even have to worry about my secret clan just great, *sighs* well it's best not cry over spilled milk and just finish this, I'll worry about this clan thing later.

Then I turned to Rin who is now unconscious.

Karaki: let's get this done. {True connection technique}

Then a green aura started covering both Karaki and Rin as proof that they are fully connected, this is done to reduce the pain and damage of taking the tailed beast from its host by a lot.

{Tailed Beast extract technique}

Then a red chakra starts coming out of Rin and into me it has a form of Isobu you could see a large turtle, but with a crab-like shell, spikes all over its body, and three shrimp-like tails. Under its shell, it has red, muscle-like tissue. It has a pair of human-like arms and hands, but no hind-legs. His face is concealed between a large forehead and lower jaw — both of which have spikes. Its eyes are red and have crimson pupils. Having its right eye closed.

This huge mass of chakra stated entering my body in a quite fast place and I could feel some changes in my body and my affinity with water element getting stronger than 100% becoming 200% literally multiplied by 2 and now my strongest affinity not counting Shikahen affinity that is far beyond.

Not long after all that mass of chakra finished entering me.

Rikune:[would you like to create the duplicate? Y/N]

Karaki: do it and sand it somewhere close to Hidden mist village but in a not too violent state.

Rikune:[will do boss]

Sometimes she's a little weird.

Karaki:(well I'll talk to Isobu later now I better leave after I heal Rin)

I then used {palm of eternity technique} to fully heal Rin. It's a technique I created with Tsunade it's levels apart from the Mystic palm.

Karaki: well it's time to leave.

As I was about to leave I felt something was wrong with my animal senses and dodged when I looked at what I dodged I knew this wasn't good as it was obviously a kunai but not just any kunai, it was a Flying Thunder God Kunai. I could only think of one thing at this moment "Sh*t".

A yellow light flashed as he appeared the legend, the yellow flash of hidden leaf village.

Minato: not so fast.

Karaki: Just my luck, to find the yellow flash in a place like this.

I jumped back as I said.

Minato has blue eyes and spiky, yellow hair. Minato also has jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face, His normal attire consists of a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue forehead protector, and blue sandals.

Minato: Who are you and what are you doing here? You don't have a head protector so are you a rogue ninja? Are you involved in what happened to my students? Answer, you have 2 minutes.

He said so very serious also even tho he seems to simply be standing there defenseless I can't find a single opening, it's expected I still don't have enough battle experience to fight someone his level, this is not good I have to prepare an escape plan I can't forget this guy is a sealing techniques master that has access to many Uzumaki sealing techniques if I'm not careful even with all my techniques and powers I'll lose instantly. Well, Let's try to talk it out first.

Karaki:I was simply passing by whey I heard battle noises and hid back there in the forest but after a while I didn't hear anything else so I came to check if it was safe and found those two unconscious, as for my forehead protector I lost it in a battle but couldn't get it back as I had to escape because I was outnumbered.

Well, I sure have no talent to lie under pressure but at least I tried.

Minato stopped for a second as if considering what I said and the kept his Flying Thunder God Kunai and said.

Minato: what village do you belong to?

What an annoying situation.

Karaki: I'm a from howling Wolf Village and I'm working in medicine delivery.

Minato: to who may I know?

This guy doesn't give up.

Karaki: to mist village.

Minato: Well if it's that then.

When he says that he throws 3 Flying Thunder God Kunais at me one from the right one from the left and one in middle and since I don't know which one he will teleport to I just parry the middle one and put my sensory at high alert also counting with my highly enchanted abilities from Inuzuka bloodline part. And as the left and right Flying Thunder God Kunais are passing besides me he teleports to the left and throws a normal Kunai at me I dodge it and use {Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet} and launch the dragon-shaped fireballs at him and he immediately appears behind me and kicks me in the stomach and I'm sent flying some meters away. I understand he didn't throw that normal kunai at me but at his Flying Thunder God Kunai changing its trajectory making it possible for him to appear behind me and kick me, this guy really is a monster just the fact that he's going easy on me proves it.

Karaki: hey monster how did you discover me?

Minato: no messenger or delivery ninja reveals information to unknown or enemy ninja in no circumstances.

Karaki: well I guess that was my mistake for being too nervous.

I said as I got up.

The moment I got up a Flying Thunder God Kunai came my and I dodged sideways and while I'm doing so I leg coming in the direction of my face I lower my body to dodge but feel a weird chakra fluctuation and when I look to the side I see a Flying Thunder God Kunai and think "when the hell did he-" and before I could finish my thought he appeared with a Rasengan towards my face but I use star chakra proprieties of my Shikahen chakra to make a chakra mask over my mask a get hit and thrown away some meters.

Minato: you have dodged that easily with body replacement technique(substitution technique) since you noticed it in time, why would you let yourself get hit.

He asked aware that I noticed him in time this guy really is something but he's underestimating me too much if he fell for this one.

Karaki: well your shoulder should have the answer.

I said as I looked at the explosive tag I put on his flak jacket while I make the hand sign to activate it.

Minato: nice try.

He said before disappearing and the explosion happened farther away just like planed of course I didn't expect to beat him like that I simply wanted to distract him since I knew he would risk having as explosion this close to his students now I better leave before he comes back because he won't be going super easy on me no more. Of that if he was taking me seriously he would never let me do something like put an explosion tag on him but you wouldn't expect that from someone that just took a Rasengan head on his face, thankfully it worked or I would have to use some techniques I don't want to use on the open yet. Well, I'll leave fighting Minato for another day.

{space-time release:clone switch technique}

Then I successfully change places with the eternal clones make a Shadow clone give the order to hide using <Demigod of concealment> and go on observing them while informing me and dispel the shadow clone so that the eternal clone gets the information.

Karaki:(well it's a pity I can't fight him yet it was being really fun and exciting)

Rikune:[says the host who got his ȧss kicked really hard, are you a mȧsȯċhɨst?]

Karaki:(that was only because of the difference in experience and if I really tried I could probably beat him up in some minutes)

Rikune:[maybe but you undoubtedly took a beating]

Well, she has a point there I guess but someday I'll have my rematch Hahahaha.


Author's spot

What if I was reincarnated in naruto part 2

Tenten's new style

I've been living here for some years and even have a stable income but no matter how hard I try I just can't get a girlfriend.

But I've made a plan with my past life abilities it should be possible.

Then I head to the academy, and there find the person I'm looking for.

Nr:hi Tenten.

Tenten: ah Nr it's you do you want to talk about the new weapon models they are so awesome.

She said with sparkling eyes.

Nr: even tho it's tempting I'm here for another thing.

Tenten: what is it then?

Nr: Tenten will you be my girlfriend?

I asked with my usual charming expression and tone.

Tenten: I told you before that if I was your first option I wouldn't mind it but you left me at the end of your list just before Sakura.

Well it's true I did that but it's not like I did something others wouldn't do in my place.

Nr: But it was only because I didn't know how amazing you are back then.

Tenten blushed a bit and thought for a while and then.

Tenten: ok but don't you dare try to go after other girls while you're with me.

She said pretty seriously.

Nr: don't worry as proof of my dedication I'm making you a new style after the academy.

Tenten: wait I don't need a new style.

She tried to refuse but I won and made her a new hairstyle and give her new clothes like I said I have pretty stable income.

Tenten: how do I look?

She said timed while coming out of her room we are in her house.

Nr: you look very beautiful.

I said admiring my work.

She now wears a Blunt bob hairstyle and she's wearing a Japanese mini dress.

Even tho this is small changes she looks like a new person.

-the next day-

In the ninja academy

Random kid: who is that girl? She's very pretty.

Random kid(2): I don't know but you probably don't have any chances hahahahaha.

Then later Tenten went inside the classroom room and comes to sit next to me. Some days ago I just went to naruto's classroom to get rejected by Sakura. But well true man never gives up.

Nr: good morning as much of a beauty as ever.

Tenten: Good morning don't be so shameless. But you're really good at this even my parents wouldn't stop praising my new style.

Lee: Good morning beautiful damsel would you mind marrying me?

He said kneeling.

Nr: hey Lee she's my girlfriend you can't just come and do as you please.

Lee: really I thought your girlfriend was Tenten, I'll tell her your cheating on her.

Neji: Lee that is Tenten.

Lee: what!!! Really???

Lee: well Nr I accept your challenge for Tenten's hand.

Nr: when did it become a challenge.

Tenten: what do you mean by that you muscle brain idiot?!??

Lee: don't worry I'll definitely win.

Tenten beat Lee up like there was no tomorrow.


Lee: so you really came?

He asked with his beat-up face.

Nr: no you made me come here.

Lee: well then we shall start this battle for love.

Nr: wait I neve-.

Lee kicked me and I was knocked out in one move all that were watching started laughing at me.

Tenten: Nr!!! Are you ok? Lee, you brute you hurt him.

Lee: sorry I was just trying to show my love but I went too far as to hurt my own friends still have a long way to go.

Sasuke: what trash down in one move.

Naruto: this guy is really unlucky he gets beat up more than me.

Sakura: that's what he gets for being a loser right Sasuke?

Ino: what a weak guy.

Shikamaru: why does this guy keep getting beat up all the time. What a troublesome person.

Choji: well he's our friend so I think we should help.

Neji: this was his fate.

Then Lee, Choji, Shikamaru, and Tenten took me to the nurse.

Another day in my life in the naruto world.

(AN: Another short story I don't know how long I'll do this but I'll probably do it until I'm bored of it)

(AN: I'm only talking about the Author's spot, not the story, cause I don't intend to drop it)

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