
Chapter 15 - 15:back to the leaf village and a new mission

Karaki:(that's one I didn't expect I guess somethings are bound to be.)

Even tho unsurprised I at least thought this wouldn't happen. I wonder, why would someone who got proper education do this?


Tsunade said unsatisfied with the current situation, it's expected knowing how she is.

Shizune: even tho I believe Lady Tsunade should calm down, it's unacceptable for someone to do this to such an important symbol of the legacy and history of our village. This asks for punishment.

She Shizune said not happy about what's been done.

Cause a classic any real Naruto fan laughed at has happened, yup Naruto must have painted the rock faces because I don't believe anyone else would have the courage to do so but we never know in this different world.

Karaki: both of you should calm down, whoever did this will-.

I said trying to calm them down but get interrupted by Tsunade that doesn't seem like she will listen to a word.

Tsunade: didn't you say something about your special eyes that are very effective and similar to Sharingan?

Karaki:yh I do have that but-.

Tsunade: we have to find that transgressor now!!!

She's not listening at all and isn't even letting me finish speaking well I can only watch over so that hidden leaf doesn't end up destroyed.

Shizune: I totally agree with Lady Tsunade this time, but what did she just say about you? You have Sharingan aren't you from the Hatake clan?

Just great.

Karaki: not really I'm from a different clam that is a highly ranked secret and it's not exactly Sharingan.

I said calm but this isn't the best situation to explain my made up clan.

Tsunade: Shizune it's ok just let him find the transgressor.

Seeing how calm Tsunade is about me Shizune calmed down.

I'm actually also curious about if it really was Naruto doing it so I use my Tentai-sutāgoddoai.

My eyes become black with a white iris that becomes a white diamond ♦️ with a cross (X) pattern inside it, around it there are white six rings similar to rinnegan and in the first ring of each eye there is a red tomoe, according to Rikune that's only the first phase of my Tentai-sutāgoddoai and it will change with each phase.

I use my eyes to look at the Hokage mount and unexpectedly I find the culprit still there or should I say the culprits considering the Hokage mount received a full face painting for each Hokage, it kinda makes sense that it's more than one person.

Karaki: found them, they seem to be inside the Hokage mount.

I said while I deactivated my Tentai-sutāgoddoai.

Tsunade: as expected of Kylan to find them immediately, please take us there.

She looked at me with puppy eyes knowing that I can teleport us instantly but even tho it's tempting I'm not completely convinced.

I asked wanting something in return even tho it's a simple thing but I'll see if it's useful.

Tsunade: your terrible trying to steal from an old woman have some shame.

She said the look of someone who is experiencing a great injustice.


This is simply *sighs*, so it's fine to be an old woman in this kind of situations huh?

Karaki: Let's just go and get this done.

I pull them both and use {instantaneous flicker technique} and we immediately appear inside of the Hokage mount that is a pretty big cavern system that has large and small caves in it.

Tsunade: I always get a little dizzy with how fast and precise this technique is.

She said while holding her forehead indicating her dizziness.

It's hard to teleport into a close space like this one. Unlike the {body flicker technique} that can only move at very high speeds with low control, the {instantaneous flicker technique} can actually teleport since it's a variant with space-time affinity necessary but it also requires that the user can perfectly see where they are going otherwise they might end up in between walls or similar situations, so for anyone who doesn't have a good eye technique it's basically useless since it would be almost impossible to control where you'll land.

Shizune: How can you even do this?

She asked even dizzier than Tsunade, well this takes time to get used to, of you don't have a body that automatically adapts to almost everything.

Karaki: I know your there stop hiding it won't help you?

As I said that a masked kid came from behind some rocks and jumped to punch me in the face, even tho for me he's extremely slow for his age it's pretty impressive since he should be at least a mid-Chūnin. But I easily dodge it and he tries again with the other fist but I once again dodge it like nothing and he tries to give me a helix kick while still mid-air but I stop it with my hand grab his leg and hit him on the ground while still grabbing his leg making his back hit the hard rocky ground with some strength but I was careful not to use too much force since I only wanted to make him understand the basic difference in strength between us.

And when I look around I see similar scenes with a red-haired girl inside a crater close to Tsunade and a neutralized girl with orange hair with a needle on her neck close to Shizune.

Like usual I think Tsunade went overboard but I at least know the poor girl is alive.

Karaki: so do you give up?

I asked the masked blond kid that is obviously Naruto while holding him upside-down from his right leg.

Naruto: who the heck are you? You don't look like an Anbu and I never saw you in the village.

Karaki: are you saying you know every person in the hidden leaf?

I asked while looking at the kind of beat up Naruto in front of me.

He thought for a little and didn't say anymore, I'll be taking it as he gives up.

Karaki: why did you do that to the Hokage mount?

I asked since I'm curious as to why he would do it considering he has parents and isn't hated by everyone.

Naruto: because they are all idiots, they all say they want peace but don't do anything for it, all they did was make it worse except for my father who's really awesome but also an idiot for giving up not even halfway through it. But I, on the other hand, will show all these old fools how to make a peaceful world correctly because I Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto will be the greatest Kage ever Dattebayo!!!

Even tho he seems a little smarter and stronger it seems his base is still the same, somethings never change do they?

Karaki: well good luck on that, Know that you're talking to future the strongest ninja ever.

Naruto: hmph! I'm sure my dad could kick your ȧss easy.

Karaki:(I wonder how he would react if he knew I kicked his father's Ass.)

Rikune:[ I wonder how he would react if he knew you got your ȧss kicked in the first round]

Karaki:(that was a mistake the author made, what would you expect of a newbie writer apprentice But no crying over spilled milk). (AN: forth all breaking????)

Karaki: well if that's not true until I fight him.

Naruto: whatever!

Karaki: well it's time to take you and your sisters to the Hokage.

Naruto: NOOO!! Not the old man!! He's so boring!

Tsunade: shut it brat!!! Be happy Karaki is such a nice person if it were me you would be getting a good beat up right now!!! Don't think that just because your father was the fourth Hokage that your more important than others and get away with your Sh*t!!

She said very pissed at Naruto's attitude.

Even if Tsunade wasn't in the hidden leaf she's well aware of what has been going on since I would fill her in from time to time.

Tsunade: Do you really think someone like you can become a Hokage never in a million years give that up people like you aren't fit to be Hokages!!!

Seems she still has a little of her not becoming a Hokage complex.


He screamed with all his strength seem his idiocy still lives there, I'm naive in my own way and I'm aware of that but that's a part of me I guess but this kid is well..... Naruto.

Karaki: you just dig your grave good luck.

I say as I let go of him and back away since you could see all the veins coming out of Tsunade's face from how furious she is.


She said absolutely furious.

Karaki:(I hope you survive)

I said inside.

Rikune:[wanna make a bet on how he's not walking ever again after this?]

Karaki:(even with my luck I think I would lose if I made that bet)

Shizune: that's what he deserves for being so disrespectful and insolent.

She said while she ties Naruto's sisters with a rope.


He screamed as he got heavily beat up, this is going to cause a hell of a problem if Kushina knows of this, I can only imagine.

-Later on the Hokage's office-

Hiruzen: what do you have to say for yourselves?

He asked while smoking and looking at the kid in front of him, and Naruto survived(?) But got so extremely beat that I had to heal him immediately otherwise well war would go on between Tsunade and Kushina.

No answer was given.

Tsunade: answer otherwise.

She said with a still pissed expression.


From the looks of it, it was Naruto alone who did it while his sisters tried to stop him and ended up in all this, poor girls.

Hiruzen: well at least you seem minimally reflecting, your parents will be here in a while so I'll leave it to them to decide what to do with you.

Hiruzen said with a calm face, looks like he's still too soft.

When Hiruzen said that Naruto seemed to have a troubled face it seems he's afraid of Kushina since Minato is well Minato.

Not long after Minato and Kushina came in with worried faces and came to see their children Kushina got furious when she saw Naruto covered in bandages and a great discussion between her and Tsunade started and me and Minato had to stop them. It was a very long a bothersome situation but we could solve it in the end and Naruto got super scolded by Kushina witch was expected that's what he gets for being a natural trouble maker.


Everyone left and now it's just me and Hiruzen.

Hiruzen: she seems as lively as when she was my student, thank you very much.

He thanked me with a very sincere expression and tone.

Karaki: no need, I was just completing a mission.

I said with my usual calm state.

Hiruzen: now we have a very important matter to discuss.

He said with a now serious face as he made a signal for all the Anbu to leave.

Karaki: there are still root anbu there.

I said calm but that Danzō really doesn't stop does he? At the moment I said that the root anbu disappeared.

Hiruzen: that Danzō really has no respect. Well now's not the time to deal with that but as expected of you, your aware of it.

He said trying to praise me.

Karaki: well I have my tricks, so what do you want to talk about?

Hiruzen: once again thank you for completing that mission you can come get your payment tomorrow. And now I need to inform you that you have to restart from the ninja academy since you never became a Genin.

What did he just say?

Karaki: your kidding right? You can just make me a special exam and skip all that.

Hiruzen: yes but I need you to keep an eye on someone else.

Karaki: let me guess the Namikaze kid?

Hiruzen: exactly to be more precise the three of them.

Karaki: you really like to give me this safekeeping kind of job.

Hiruzen: you want I can even name you the guardian angel ninja Karaki. HAHAHAHAHA.

He said and laughed loudly.

Karaki: please don't, I don't think that name fits me at all.

Hiruzen: you say that but when you got here people were calling you an angel that fell from the skies.

Karaki: please don't talk about that ok, I'll take the mission it's not like I'm doing anything else, what's the rank?

Hiruzen: since these kids have parts of the nine tails in them it's another rank S mission.

Karaki: you just said I'm not even officially a ninja since I never completed the ninja Academy but you keep giving me all these S ranked missions, do you know it's illegal.

Hiruzen: ok calm down, I'll register whatever you do while your a student in the academy this time as your records from back then and you'll finish it normally is it fine this way?

Karaki: I have already accepted it anyways but I get to chose my look.

Hiruzen: of course as long as you don't look the same.

I then used {perfect transformation Technique} and turned into a kid with baby blue and slightly spiky black hair with long bangs on both sides and yellow eyes.

Hiruzen: you truly are a genius like none other, I know you transformed cause I saw you doing it but it's amazing how I can't detect it in the slightest.

And then we stayed there deciding the other details for the looks of it this mission only starts in two weeks. So for the time being let's have some fun with Tsunade and go meet with Kenyshi.


Author's spot

What if I was reincarnated in naruto part 4

Am I Maybe pampering her too much?!

Just like any other day I'm relaxing in my apartment while trying to at least absorb natural chakra but I can't get there but I don't really need it right now. Since I'm going to have to repeat my ninja Academy exam, yeah I failed but it was only because I was interrupted by a situation that was happening and couldn't pass but was allowed to repeat next week, it's been some months since I did the first try.

Right now the dilemma I'm facing is Tenten, in the beginning, I just saw her as my protection and a friend nothing more but now I actually feel something for her and don't want to be the useless guy who always gets protected.

But that's also not the real problem is her father is really pissed at me, it all started three months ago.

-three months ago-

Nr: well you're all beautiful as always.

I say this while cuddling with her.

Tenten: stop it, your too showy there's too many people here.

She said while blushing.

Nr: are you afraid they get jealous.

Tenten: you don't have a cure.hehehe.

We were as well as ever.

While we were walking around on one of our many dates we stopped by a weapon shop and she was fascinated by some weapons so I bought them for her and she was reluctant to accept but I said something about her not giving value to my love and she ended up accepting.

Then life went on and we would date and would go on giving her things.

-Then one day-

Tenten's father: kid when you started dating my daughter I was comprehensive and let it be since your a nice kid and even tho weak you have a high academic score the highest in the academy but you don't know anything about being a boyfriend.

Nr: what? Really did I do anything wrong? Did I not pamper her enough?

Tenten's father:*sighs* no you pampered her way too much!!! You have been buying her all those expensive weapons and clothes and other things, I as her father am very embarrassed to say I can't give her all that even if I wanted to. Do you know what you're doing to my daughter? Do you know how hard it is to educate a humble person? And you're just going and trying to turn my daughter into a materialist with all your giving her, she even once said that she doesn't need a present I bought her saying you give her something way better looking at me like I was doing nothing as her father. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING HERE YOUNG MAN?! Even my wife hasn't been able to make her happy with the clothes she makes her. Yours destroying my family if you don't solve this immediately we will have a true problem and I swear to my life you'll never get close to my daughter again.

-back to the present-

I was shocked by all he said and actually started reflecting on my actions and he's probably right and the thought "am I Maybe pampering her too much?!". I have been trying to think on how to stop myself but wherever I see if wants something it's like an instinct that tells me I have to make her happy.

Nr: what I do? How do I solve this?

I have been killing my brain to think of something to solve this but I'm not sure how because I'm too woman weak. Especially since I started liking her.

Well, there's only one person I can ask for help.


Nr: and this is my situation.

Shikamaru: you're too troublesome, how do you even have money after buying all that? Does your store really make that much money?

Nr: you don't even imagine.

Shikamaru:well your money aside, it's very simple start walking with little money and convince yourself you don't have more, also stop buying everything she seems to like and pamper her more with you complements and etc. seriously how do you not know the most basic about dating, well you did help me with my mother and she has been bugging me way less so this is only the minimum good luck.

I then left the place reflecting on what I was told.

Shikamaru: this guy always has a weird situation it's funny and such drag at the same time but it does feel nice to think of this kind of thing once in a while.

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