
Chapter 16 - 16:Feelings

I just left the Hokage's office after deciding how things will go with Hiruzen well it's life I guess.

Right now it's night time and I'm walking on the streets of hidden leaf it's pretty calm as there's little to no people around and it's pretty nice to walk in a calm night like this one.

I'm still deciding where I'll go and where I'll stay, I could stay in my apartment I bought some years ago but I don't feel like going there so I'll just go home right?

I put a smile on my face and think of how much they're going to try and beat me up, well let's see how this ends. I head to my old house the Hatake residence.

Karaki: it's a little weird to be out here again, well let's go in.

I go in without knocking the door and head to the dining room and seat on a chair after waiting for a little.

Sakumo: so decided you're ready to be back.

He asked with a complicated expression and tone like that of someone who's unsure of how to feel.

Karaki: well I had ninja reasons to leave.

Sakumo: I see so that was it, huh, well if that's the case there's enough space for you in Kakashi's Room.

He said way calmer and happier.


I said as o left for my room.

He seems to have been affected by what I said cause he spaced out for a while and said.

Sakumo: be careful Kenyshi might kill you. She seems very unhappy with you lately. Hahahahaha, good luck.

He said and then started laughing.

That's just what I needed, ain't I supposed to be super lucky, why don't I feel that.

Karaki:yh thanks for the hint.

I say then I leave and head for Kakashi'room when I get there to knock the door.

*poh* *poh*

Kakashi: dad what is it this late at-.

He was saying while having a sleepy look and opening the door. Really? Is this guy a ninja or what?

Karaki: are you sure you're a ninja?

And then I got punched in the face, well that was expected I could have dodged but it's best if I don't.

Kakashi: well you didn't turn into smoke what a surprise.

He said being sarcastic.

Karaki: did you really have to punch my pretty face? Anyways you seem lively for someone who just woke up.

I said to him with a calm expression and tone not even minding to pretend his punch hurt me.

Kakashi: it felt right to do so, you had been asking for it. Also, I know you came to the village a couple of times and you didn't visit or talk to me a single one of those times. Even Kenyshi got to talk to you, we were supposed to brothers you know.

He said looking quite pissed which isn't fully evident with his mask on.

Karaki: ok, ok that's true what can I say. I'm sorry. Also, why do you still wear the mask?

I said with an apologetic tone and expression.

Kakashi: you'll need to compensate me, and it's my style to wear this is there any problem?

He said with a still not happy expression and tone.

Karaki: ok but what kind of compensation are you talking about?

I asked to make sure.

Kakashi: a good and old fight between brothers let's see if you got any better after living with a Sannin for so long.

He said with an excited expression and tone.

Karaki: no problem, I'll kick your ȧss easy.

Kakashi: you got this ċȯċky huh? I'll show you tomorrow.

I have to beat him up fast so that I can go on my date.

Karaki: just don't lose instantly.

Kakashi: who do you think you're talking to?

Karaki: to my punching bag.

Kakashi: heh wanna start it up now?

Karaki: you're up for it.

Then we both got hit in the real hard.

What the hell? I actually felt that what kind of monsters besides Tsunade has this monster like strength.

Kenyshi: I'm trying yo sleep you, idiot who are you even.... you, you, it's you. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!

She said then started punching me multiple times, over and over.

Kakashi: Kenyshi chill, didn't he talk to you befo-.

Before he could finish speaking he was interrupted by her.

Kenyshi: shut it this has nothing to do with your big brother.

She said very furiously.

Did her shyness die somewhere?

Kenyshi: you stupid jerk, you give me something like that and then disappeared again what's wrong with you? I forgave you the first time without even asking you for a reason and then you gave me that choice and when I decided you left again to be with that woman your just...

She kept punching me while say that and the more she talked the worst I felt.

I didn't say anything because I don't have the right to.

Kenyshi: but even after you've done that I can't hate you, believe me, I'm trying but I just can't, you're always in your own world thinking about God Knows what and you leave us all out. Do you think nobody was worried about you? Do you know how I feel? But no matter how I try I just can't hate you, so I'll give you one last chance and I'll be very honest I don't care if you like her or whatever you do I just want you to love me more. Can you at least do that? (AN: this line could make a good love song????)

She said crying rivers of tears. Right now on top of me both of us looking at each other's eyes with saddened expressions.

Sh*t I hardcore f*cked up, well it's expected when I just keep ignoring how everyone feels, is this partly because of <gamer mind>? Well, there is the possibility. While I'm thinking without me noticing tears fall down my face but I don't know what I am feeling. What the hell is this? Has this been happening to me all this time? Did I lose all my feelings?

Karaki: I-.

Before I could say anything she kissed me and I could feel the softness and warm of it while we twirl and swirl our tongues in synchrony as our kiss deepens exploring what each has to offer while looking at each other's eyes without stopping and even tho I'm happy for the moment I can't feel more than that happiness as we are exchanging saliva and our feelings this goes on for a little while before we separate still looking at each other's eyes trying to figure what we feel.

I now understand that maybe <gamer mind> is more negative than positive at least for me.

Kakashi: get a room!

said Kakashi To ruin the moment.

Kenyshi: I'll take this as your answer your terrible with words. Remember the last chance.

She said ignoring Kakashi and then left.

What happened to this girl? Like really?!

Kakashi: well someone was on fire today, and you how you handle it?

He asked me still on the floor thinking about what just happened.

Karaki:you should ask her how she's doing cause I'm sure she needs it.

I said still processing what just happened.

Kakashi: not now she needs some time alone right now and I think you should also take some time to think or you might regret it.

He said seriously for the first time.

Kylan: well I guess your right.

Kakashi: I'm gonna sleep and try my best to erase that image from my brain. You should rest as well.

Karaki: yeah goodnight.

Kakashi: goodnight.

We both went to sleep in Kakashi's room.

-the next morning-

Karaki: well I couldn't exactly sleep.

I have been thinking in all that happened and how <gamer mind> limits my feelings.

Kakashi: are you ok?

Karaki: well this is another day.

Kakashi: just take a bath and be ready for your ȧss to be kicked.

Karaki: don't regret it later.

Then I took my bath and dressed with one of my spares of clothes that are in my storage.

Then I waited for Kakashi to be ready and we went to the kitchen. I stayed there preparing breakfast and Kakashi went to talk to Kenyshi.

After I was done doing the breakfast Sakumo came and greeted me.

Sakumo: good morning, how did you survive yesterday? I only heard I thought you were done for.

He asked worriedly.

Karaki: well I'm not sure anymore.

I said calm but confused.

Sakumo: son, you should be careful with your actions or you'll lose everything.

He said trying to help.

Karaki:yh I got that, don't worry I'll do better.

Sakumo: well at least it seems to have ended well.

Then I changed the subject and started asking about his ninja adventures and time went by and Kakashi and Kenyshi came in.

Kakashi has spiky silver hair often oriented to his left-side, dark grey eyes, and typically a relaxed and carefree expression. A flak jacket, dark blue pants, and a long-sleeve shirt. He also wears fingerless gloves with metal plates on the backhand and is seen with a chain necklace underneath. he also wears a mask and a forehead protector but not covering his eye.

Kenyshi has straight long silver hair and keeps bangs on each side of her face, she typically has a calm and shy expression that gives of the aura that she isn't good with strangers but that was only true as a child and nowadays shows little to no signs of shyness. She wears a mask on her but only during battle or mission, as for clothes she wears a flak jacket and a skirt with a black under-short. She is a very beautiful woman with crimson red eyes that only adds to her natural beauty. About her height she should be 1.76 height in terms of brėȧst she should be a cup D.

I kept starting at Kenyshi like it was the first time I saw her.

Kenyshi: you're going to kill me if you at me like that you know. Good morning Dad.

She said with a calm tone and a little blush on her face.

Kakashi: I saved your ȧss cry baby now let me kick it. Yo morning Dad.

He said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

Karaki: just eat.

We had breakfast like nothing changed it was so weird but it was nice.

Then outside the house me and Kakashi were looking at each other getting ready for the fight but to my surprise it seems they called other people to watch as I can see Rin, Obito, Guy, Yūgao, Anko, Tsunade, Shizune, Hiruzen and even Minato and his family and a lot of other random and known people. What are all these people doing here?

Karaki: who invited everyone?!

Kakashi: I might have posted one or two posters and screamed in the street that this was going to happen and it seems your pretty popular and everyone wanted to watch you lose.

I feel bad because I planned to give him an instant K.O poor guy.

Karaki: well I'm ready at any time.

I say as I relax and stand here waiting.

Then Kakashi pulls out two swords his white saber and an S rank chakra sword with lighting affinity I gave him.

Kakashi: I'll have to tell you that I really like this sword you gave me it was called thunder master right it fits me {Lightning Release: Chakra Mode}.

He said as he covered himself with lightning chakra and covered his swords ready to attack and advanced towards me at full speed. Really?! He can use this level of technique as expected of someone trained by White fang.

He comes at me pretty fast and slashed with ~lightning masters~ and I dodged and he used white saber almost instantly I dodged but got slightly hit in my arm.

Karaki: can't take it easy can I?

Kakashi: your a freakin monster to keep up with my speed this easy.

Karaki: well wind is known to beat lightning after all.{wind release: chakra mode}

Kakashi's eyes widened looking at me like I'm a monster.

Karaki: aren't you overreacting?

Everyone was looking at me in surprise but Hiruzen was grabbing his forehead.

Tsunade: Beat him up Karaki.

Screamed in support.

Kenyshi: Karaki just end this.

Kenyshi looked at Tsunade the wrong way and then said this.

Kakashi: you're my sister you know!!

Kakashi said unhappy with the situation everyone started making noise and supporting who they want to win.

Part of the public: Kakashi, Kakashi, Kakashi!!!

Another part of the public: Karaki, Karaki, Karaki!!!

Karaki: well time to finish this.

Kakashi: let's see about that.

(No Author's spot this time and I don't know when I'll write one again)

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