
Chapter 17 - 17:Date or Dates?!

I looked at Kakashi as he was covered in {lightning release: chakra mode}.

Kakashi:{lightning release: lightning speed}

He started launching lightning blade projectiles against me.

Karaki:{wind release: massive destruction punch}

Then a huge amount of wind was formed to cause a very high-level destruction taking out everything on its own completely knocking out Kakashi and destroying the ground.

Karaki: what kind of dullsh*t Is this did I take him out with one punch? F****ck!!!

Everyone started looking at me like their definition of common sense just died. But then.

Both(Tsunade and Kenyshi): Karaki you're the best!! I knew you would win!!

They both looked at each other and sparkles could be seen between them.

Just great, are these two able to get along? Well, I expect that someday they do, since I choose them both.

Then everyone started clapping hands and celebrating.

Then I went back to where home with him and put him to sleep by the time I was outside, I found Hiruzen, Tsunade, Kenyshi, Yugao, Minato's family and in the back I could see some people discussing and in between them Anko.

Karaki: hi guys, what up?

Hiruzen: I wonder how you plan to pay for the damage caused?

Oh yh that, well I'm like super-rich.

Karaki: in cash.

Hiruzen looked at me disappointed as he expected me to struggle a little. Not this time old man. Then he congratulated me on my victory and left.

People in the back were starting and probably gossiping trying to figure out how important I am to talk directly to the Hokage.

Minato: hi nice to meet you I'm Namikaze Minato and that was an amazing ninja technique, I didn't expect to see something like that you're a great ninja it's good that hidden leaf has you.

Karaki: well thank you, I'm Karaki. Shikahen Karaki, It's also nice to meet you.

Minato:(I never heard of that clan but it's not the moment to ask besides he seems to have connections with Lord third so it should be fine) the last time we couldn't properly introduce because of the situation, I'm sorry for any trouble my son caused you-.

He was saying but got interrupted by Naruto.

Naruto: but dad that guy was the one-.

He was saying but got hit by Kushina.

Kushina: shut it you idiot, behave for once, will you? I'm sorry for my son. I'm Uzumaki Kushina. The last time we couldn't properly meet each other because of certain people.

She said the last part while at Tsunade who was pretending to have nothing to do with it while looking away.

Kylan: no problem those things happen.

Kushina: actually there's two people who want to meet you. Girls! Present yourselves dattebane!

The two sisters were of Naruto came closer both of them very shy.

Orange haired: you go first.

They discussed and in the end, the red-haired one won and orange-haired one came to present herself first.

Orange haired: I- well am ve- very happy to meet you, I'm Nayana, Namikaze Nayana. Very pleased to meet you.

Kylan: nice to meet you too, I'm Karaki. Shikahen Karaki.

Kushina: don't be so shy. Weren't you commenting on how amazing mister Karaki is just a while ago?

Nayana: mom not now!!

Kushina: but if you don't-.

Minato: Kushina don't force it to her your embarrassing the poor girl in front of her first cool ninja crush.

Nayana becomes fully red and.

Nayana: your both terrible!!

Kushina: oh I'm very sorry for this she's not a bad girl.

Karaki: no, I understand no problem.

Kushina: Minato stay here I'll go after her.

Then Kushina went after Nayana.

These two are very good at embarrassing their children.

But I have fans? I didn't expect that yet well I did do something pretty outrageous.

Minato: so aren't you going to present yourself.

Red-haired: only if you promise you won't speak.

She trying to not be embarrassed huh. I wish her good luck.

Red-haired: I'm Uzumaki Shina. I'm very happy to meet mister Karaki, your so strong and cool. Could you give me your autograph?

She seems way less shy than the other one.

Karaki: oh please just call me Karaki, and of course I'll give you my autograph. I'm also happy to meet you.

I then pulled a random paper from my inventory signed on it and give it to her and she was very happy then I called Minato and give him another paper with my signature so that he can give it to Nayana to help calm her down, he kept thanking me and wanting to pay but I really give no importance to money at this point. I only take money from the missions as it's my job.

Then Minato, Naruto, and Shina went looking for Kushina and Nayana.

Right after Obito and Rin came.

Obito: hi, how you doing Karaki? Long-time no see.

Karaki:yh, I'm good and you.

Obito: I'm great. Rin aren't you gonna greed him?

She said this with a hesitant tone and expression.

Karaki: hi Rin, good to see you fine.

Rin seemed to calm down after I said this.

Obito: I told you he doesn't hate you.

Rin: Obito!!!

Obito: sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Hahahahaha.

This one livened up pretty well.

Then we talked a bit about the past, laughed it out and then they went away.

The commission still didn't stop? really what are all those people discussing?

Both(Kenyshi and Tsunade): Karaki tell her you're going out with me!!

What? How did it end like that?

Yūgao: Hi, Karaki long time no see, sorry to budge in but are you really going out with someone?

Can this-no I'm not gonna ask that question.

Karaki: girls your all making honored that your interested but unless you're all going on a date with me, I have already planned a date with Tsunade first and then one with Kenyshi.

Yūgao: I'll go. (I'll make sure to make Karaki fall for me, I'm sorry for the others but I won't lose)

Kenyshi: I'll be going one way or the other. (I'm not letting the old hag or any other take him away from me again)

Tsunade: I'll obviously be going, the date was mine, to begin with(don't think I'll just let some little girls take my Karaki from me)

How did this become a foursome?

Karaki:*sighs* I-




So there were bets on this fight huh? That explains why so many people came.

Then a huge fight because of the bets started, where is Sakumo when you need him to do stuff for you? Now I have to stop the commission because it's happening close to my family's house. Have to be careful if a lost ninja technique damages the house Sakumo is gonna put it on me and Kakashi.

Then in the fight, Anko was kicking some ȧss with her snake ninja techniques and then stole the money. But then some guys decided to gang up on her, and she came running my way.

Anko: hey pretty boy save me and you get a date.

Karaki: even tho-.

Random ninja(1): hey she's hiding behind the cheater get her!!

Random ninja(2): catch her, she has the money!!

Then before I could answer these idiots tried to gang up on me. Are you joking? These guys only have 10 Jonins. But I guess them being more than 35 makes it hard for normal ninjas.

Karaki:{wind release: Great breakthrough}

And out of my mouth, an enormous quantity of wind blew them all out in one go.

Anko: what the?! (is this guy some true master of the wind release or something?! I've never seen anybody use it to this level, it's even said to be the hardest element to work with in terms of control. This guy is dangerous.)

Karaki: like I was say-.

Kenyshi: your truly the worst to save her just because she said she would go out with you.

Yūgao:(is this really the Karaki I know?)

Tsunade: young man and their overly grown ŀust.

Where the hell is my so-called luck of dreams?!?!?! (AN: some people don't see how lucky they are)

In the end after the matter with the bets was solved I went with the four girls on me and everyone was looking at us.

Karaki:(Well I guess this isn't that bad)

[-special Quest-Clan restoration project.

The Shikahen clan is a little clan having only one member and a clan's strength also lies in its numbers so to have a strong clan you'll need more members meaning descendants.

Make sure to ɨmprėġnȧtė at least 10 strong women(at least Jonin).


-New system function

-1000000000 SP

-new secret technique of the Shikahen clan

-Shikahen's Mark

-personal dimension

Time limit: till Kaguya is revived. (AN: you have enough time so don't mess this up Karaki)

In case of failure: new function will be deleted forever, other rewards destroy and system restart]

[-hidden Quest- why stop there?

If you're the strongest man in the shinobi world, don't you deserve the strongest woman?

Make the mother of chakra your woman(Kaguya)

-5x random Mythical tickets

Time limit: till before Kaguya is sealed.

In case of failure: lost of Shikahen(bloodline and race), power nerfed and system lost(no more system brother)]

Oh my god, did this just happen? 10 women? I guess I have time so I won't worry too much. But the Kaguya thing is going to be troublesome it's not like I wasn't aiming for it but I never really thought I could accomplish it and now I have to do it for sure.

Karaki:(Rikune, what is this?)

Rikune:[you triggered those missions yourself now deal with them yourself]

Karaki:(well I was always interested in Kaguya, this won't be easy but I like it)

Rikune:[you and your weirdness]

Well, let's go back to the main point.

We walked for a while and when we reached a certain area they asked me to wait a little further and started discussing and even if I could eat it if I wanted, I decided not to as it will probably be problematic.

Since right now I'm close to Ichiraku's Ramen I decide to go and try it since I'm curious about how good it is.

Ayame:hi...sir please have a seat, I'm Ayame and this is the Ichiraku's Ramen, what would you like to eat?

She said and stopped may be surprised by my looks and continued, I got used to this reaction.

Karaki l: well I'm Karaki and I'll have the Miso Chashu Pork Ramen.

Ayame: right away. Dad make a Miso Chashu Pork ramen round!!.

Teuchi: will be done in a sec.

Ayame: well it will only take a while and you'll be tasting the best ramen in the world.

Karaki:hehehe. I expect so.

Ayame: sorry to ask, but are you knew here? I never saw you in the leaf village.

Here comes another person that speaks like they know everyone in the village.

Karaki: not really, I'm just not usually here because of missions.

Ayame: Oh, your a ninja mister Karaki?

Oh yh I don't even have a head protector, I always forget I didn't finish ninja Academy.

Karaki:yh I keep forgetting to wear my head protector since I'm always in missions far away.

Ayame: Oh, then aren't you really strong?

Karaki: well I should be.

Ayame: that's really cool. What's your ninja rank? If you don't mind answering that is.

Not good, I'm literally not even a ninja if she asks to see my identification it's gonna be troublesome as I'm only registered as a normal citizen.

Teuchi: here your Miso Chashu Pork ramen round.

Karaki: thanks.

Teuchi: your welcome kid, it seems my daughter here got one of those young people first sight crush. Hahahahaha.

Ayame: Dad!!

Teuchi: sorry hahahahaha.

Is today embarrassing women day and I wasn't informed?

All of them(Kenyshi and the others): Karaki come we need to talk to you.

Karaki:but I didn't even get to eat my ramen yet.

All of them(Yūgao and the others): just come you can eat ramen later.

Why are all of them synchronized?!

Karaki: okay just let me pay.

All of them(Anko and the others): do it fast!!

I pay for the ramen I didn't even eat, Teuchi tried to refuse but I say I'm paying for the nice company and reception they gave me, and also because I don't want to have as much money as I have but I won't just throw it away. I have to properly spend Igor something close to that.

Karaki: what is it, girls?

All of them(Tsunade and the others): we decided that you're going to have dates with us in separate along the week!

How did they become this synchronized?! At least it should be simpler if it's separated.

Karaki: ok who's first?

Tsunade: that will be me.

The others simply looked at her a little annoyed except Anko but didn't say anything.

Karaki: good then let us start.

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