The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Get out of the way, I don't know you."

"NONONO beauty, don't you Chinese people often say that meeting is fate? We didn't know each other before, but now we know each other."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Orit, I'm from the United States, and I'm glad to meet you."

"What's your name, where are you from, I don't want to know, get out of the way immediately!"

At this time, in an independent gym in the Golden Sunshine Fitness Club.

Murong Yan looked at a tall and burly foreigner in front of her with great disgust.

After she finished warming up on the treadmill and felt that her muscles had relaxed, she wanted to find a relatively quiet place to do some strength training.

So she chose a separate room where only a few people were exercising.

As a result, she was entangled by the foreigner in front of her just after doing a set of dumbbells.

"Isn't your China a country of etiquette?"

"I am a guest from abroad. I just want to be friends with you. How can you refuse me?"

Olite saw Murong Yan's displeasure, but he didn't give up.

Instead, he spoke Chinese with a strange tone, approached Murong Yan a little closer, and even reached out to touch her shoulder.

"Don't touch me."

"It's true that our China is a country of etiquette, but haven't you heard that when friends come, there are good wine, and when enemies come, there are shotguns?"

"If you harass me again, I will call for help!"

Olite's unreasonable behavior made Murong Yan's face even uglier.

She glared at the other party, dodged her body backwards, avoided Olite's hand, and her tone of voice became more angry and cold.

"Call someone? Who? Him... or her... Who of you wants to take care of this?"

Although there were not many people in the independent gym, there were several men and women there.

Originally, these people wanted to help Murong Yan.

On the one hand, they were all Chinese, and on the other hand, a man bullied a woman, so it was reasonable for them to help.

But when Orit looked at them, he clenched his fist as a threat.

Looking at his fist that was as big as a human head, his biceps that were deliberately bulging, and his pectoralis major that was deliberately trembling, these people could only lower their heads, choose to ignore, and quietly leave the room.

It's not so easy to be a hero. It's obvious that he can't beat the other party with his body.

"Beautiful lady, did you see that? This is you Chinese!"

"There are only two of us left in the room. Can we get to know each other and communicate now?"

"Oh, by the way, you just said you have a shotgun, right? How can you, a woman, have a shotgun? I doubt it. Do you want to prove it to me?"

Looking at the people who left with disdain, Orit became bolder and more unscrupulous.

Not only did his smile become more uncomfortable, but his words were full of hooliganism. His eyes looking at Murong Yan even swept towards some sensitive places.

"Hoodlum, get out!"

Orit's behavior was inappropriate from the beginning, and it was harassment.

Although Murong Yan showed dissatisfaction and disgust, she still chose to endure it and did not do anything too radical.

But at this time, she really couldn't stand it.

As he spoke, he slapped Orit's face directly.


This time, I don't know whether Murong Yan's move was too fast or Orit was not expecting it at all and his reaction nerves were too slow, but he was slapped hard on the face.

"Chinese woman, you dare to hit me."

"Your rude behavior has completely angered me, and you must pay the price for it!"

Orit rubbed his painful face, his eyes full of anger.

Not only did he not expect Murong Yan to hit him, but he also did not expect her slap to be so strong.

If he was not thick-skinned enough, I'm afraid his teeth would fall out.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"I tell you, I have practiced fighting!"

In the room where only Orit and himself were left, Murong Yan's situation was already very bad.

But she dared to hit the other party. Was she blinded by anger?

Of course not, but Murong Yan had indeed practiced fighting for a period of time and had some self-protection ability.

Looking at Orit who was looking at him with anger and ill intentions, approaching him little by little.

While speaking, Murong Yan

With a crotch kick, she kicked towards Orit.

It was ruthless and accurate, and the move hit the vital point directly.

It was no wonder that Murong Yan did this. Although she had practiced fighting, the Orit in front of her did not look like an ordinary fitness enthusiast. He was too strong.

With his muscles, with Murong Yan's two moves, kicking him would probably be useless.

So if she had to attack, she would have to use a ruthless move, find the opponent's weakest point, and defeat him with one move.

"NONONO, rude Chinese woman, you can't kick there."

"If you kick it and break it, how will you know how much braver I am than you Chinese men."

Although Murong Yan had a good idea, her move was also fast, accurate and ruthless.

Unfortunately, the result was not as she wished.

When her foot was about to kick Orit, Orit clamped his legs together and grabbed Murong Yan's calf with his hands.

"Let go, let go of me, let go quickly... I'm going to call for help, come on..."

Olite's hand was like a big iron clamp, tightly grasping Murong Yan's calf.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free.

Murong Yan was really scared at this time, and she really started to shout for help.

"Fuck (fuck, your mother), Chinese woman, shut up!"

From Olite's performance, he didn't take the Chinese people in the room just now seriously.

After he simply threatened them, those people left tactfully.

But it's impossible to say that he was not worried about Murong Yan calling for help.

Even if Olite thought he was strong and had no problem dealing with a few people, there were far more than a few people in the entire Golden Fitness Club.

Once more people came, he would be in trouble.

After angrily swearing, Olit grabbed Murong Yan's calf and pulled her towards him, while his other hand was about to cover Murong Yan's mouth.

As long as she couldn't scream and her body was under his control, he could do whatever he wanted to her.

"Ah... help, someone come..."

Although Murong Yan couldn't break free from Olit, she couldn't let Olit manipulate her.

Her body couldn't resist, but she still screamed.

"Fuck, Fuck, shut up, shut up."


But how long could Murong Yan scream?

After all, she couldn't resist Olit's strength, and her mouth was covered by him. Her body hit the wall directly, with a painful expression on her face and a painful groan.

"Chinese woman, get ready to enjoy it."

Looking at Olit's face, which was only a few centimeters away from her, she listened to what he said.

Murong Yan's eyes immediately turned red. All her usual toughness and coldness disappeared at this moment. She was just an ordinary woman now.

Just when she thought that she might encounter an accident today.

An angry voice sounded: "MD, let her go..."

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