The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"Wu Liang, Wu Liang, save me, save me..."

Wu Liang, it's Wu Liang who's here.

Murong Yan's mouth was covered by Olit, and she couldn't speak normally, but she still made a sound of humming after seeing him.

Her eyes were not only red, but she had already started to cry.

Her face was full of grievances and helplessness. In her heart, Wu Liang was her hope at this moment, a light in the darkness.

Because his appearance was so timely and so tight.

If he had come a few seconds earlier, Murong Yan wouldn't have felt this way now.

"Murong Yan... Fuck You, Let Go!"

Although Murong Yan only made a mumbling sound.

Wu Liang didn't understand what was going on, but he knew what was going on.

Because Wu Liang saw her grievances at the moment, his heart was throbbing, and he was furious.

Seeing that Olit turned his head to look at his face, he didn't speak Chinese, but spoke English instead.

You don't understand Chinese, but you understand English.

While speaking, he rushed towards Olit.

"Weak Chinese man, you are asking for trouble!"

Olit's Chinese sounded awkward and not very standard.

But he knew a lot, even idioms.

Looking at Wu Liang who was rushing towards him angrily, and seeing that his body was several levels lower than his own, Olit's face was full of disdain.

He released his hand that was covering Murong Yan's mouth, and swung his arm, which was almost as thick as Wu Liang's thigh, and punched him.

In Orit's opinion, with the power of his punch, if he couldn't kill Wu Liang, he would at least cripple him, break a few bones, and make him scream and wail.

The result...

"Bang... Crack..."


The sound of bones breaking rang out, and screams and wails also rang out.

But these were not from Wu Liang, but from Orit.

Wu Liang had never practiced fighting or kung fu, so there was no question of whether he was skilled or not.

All he had was brute force, the brute force that could carry a 600 kg barbell for a deep squat.

When facing Orit's punch, he didn't think of dodging, and even if he wanted to, he didn't know if he could dodge, so he simply punched him.

The two fists collided, and Orit's strength was indeed great. Wu Liang felt a little numb in his hand, but that was all.

Looking at Orit again, his arm was directly deformed, his hand bones were broken, and the broken bones pierced the skin and were completely exposed.

The unexpected result made Orit a little difficult to accept.

But the severe pain made him very sober, screaming and wailing, and the whole person squatted on the ground holding the broken arm.

"Wu Liang... woo woo woo..."

"It's okay, it's okay... It's all my fault. I should have been with you all the time, and I shouldn't have let you work out alone."

"I was so scared just now, so scared, woo woo woo..."

"Don't cry, I'm here, don't cry, it's all over..."

Olite squatted on the ground and howled, and neither Wu Liang nor Murong Yan looked at him.

As he squatted, Murong Yan was relieved and threw herself into Wu Liang's arms.

Holding Murong Yan in his arms, the two bodies pressed tightly together, soft and warm, Wu Liang had no evil thoughts at this time, just kept comforting her.

At this time, Murong Yan was aggrieved like a child. Listening to her crying, Wu Liang did feel a little regretful, even annoyed.

Murong Yan came to the Golden Sunshine Fitness Club today, all because of him.

If it weren't for him, Murong Yan would not come here even if she really planned to exercise today.

She came with him, whether she had thought about what dangers would happen here or not, he should accompany her

Even if he had to talk to Geerdan and Jiang Feng about something, what would happen if he took her with him?

It's not a big secret, what can't be seen in the light.

But his comfort did not stop Murong Yan from crying.

Because Murong Yan had never been so aggrieved as today since she was a child, and had never encountered such a situation, she was really scared.

"Fuck, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

After Wu Liang comforted

When he saw Murong Yan, Orit, who was squatting on the ground, also completely accepted the fact.

The unexpected result made him very angry.

Looking at his broken arm, his blue eyes immediately became bloodshot, and he roared angrily, like a beast, grabbing a dumbbell beside him and smashing it towards Murong Yan.

Hit Murong Yan? Shouldn't he hit Wu Liang?

The person who broke his arm was Wu Liang, not Murong Yan.

It's not that Orit didn't want to hit Wu Liang directly, but because of the position of Wu Liang and Murong Yan at this time, Murong Yan was closer to him.

"Be careful!"

"Bang... Kacha..."

"Uh... Pu..."

Murong Yan turned her back to Orit, and her head was leaning on Wu Liang's shoulder and crying.

She couldn't see the situation behind her, and even if she heard Orit's shouting, she didn't react.

But Wu Liang saw everything.

He hugged Murong Yan tightly without any hesitation, and moved his body quickly, leaving his back to Orlite, who took his dumbbell.

Orlite's strength was really great, and the dumbbell he smashed in anger was even more terrifying.

Even though Wu Liang had drunk the oral liquid for strengthening muscles and bones, and his body was much stronger than normal people, he was still hit by this blow and his ribs were broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Wu Liang? How is Wu Liang?"

"Ahem, I'm fine, I'm glad you're not injured."

"Why are you so stupid, you... don't..."

Although Wu Liang's mouthful of blood was not completely spit on Murong Yan, a few drops of blood still dripped on her face.

If it were normal, Murong Yan would definitely care about it, because she still loves cleanliness.

But at this time, she completely ignored it, because her eyes were full of Wu Liang.

He was injured because he was trying to protect himself.

This made Murong Yan's heart deeply touched, and she felt very heartbroken.

When she wanted to ask Wu Liang about his injury, she saw that Orit had raised the barbell again and smashed it towards Wu Liang.

Seeing this, just like Wu Liang had protected herself before, Murong Yan stood up decisively, stretched out her arms, blocked Wu Liang behind her, and prepared to block the barbell herself.

"Chinese woman, you want to die, then I will fulfill your wish."

"Murong Yan, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Olit was really angry, he really wanted to kill him.

The barbell he smashed even injured Wu Liang. If it hit Murong Yan, what would be the consequences?

Looking at Murong Yan who was going to help him block the barbell, Wu Liang shouted anxiously.

But his body was already injured, and his reaction speed was obviously not as fast as before. It was too late to pull Murong Yan away...

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