The new account was opened, and the new account was opened.

Although Wang He had to return the account to the company according to the original contract requirements when she was dismissed by Yunshang Culture Media.

But when she was in Yunshang Culture Media, she had already started to use a small account, which is very normal in the live broadcast industry. Many big hosts have more than one account.

As for the purpose, to put it nicely, it is to better consolidate fans and increase stickiness with fans. In fact, it is to keep a hand and prevent trouble before it happens.

It is to prevent the contracted company and the union, and also to prevent the platform.

If you have one more account, if your account is blocked due to violations, you can still use other accounts, as long as you don’t block the person.

A small account with more than one million fans is much worse than the previous millions of fans.

But most of these fans are die-hard fans, who are very supportive of Wang He.

Today is Wang He's first live broadcast at Changyun Media after leaving Yunshang Culture Media.

Before the live broadcast, it was announced two days in advance, so there were a lot of viewers for this live broadcast, more than 100,000.

Wang He was very excited that so many people watched his live broadcast at the same time, because even when he used a big account before, it was rare to have so many people watching at the same time.

Because whether it is one million fans or several million fans, no matter what these people pay attention to him for, it is impossible for them to watch every live broadcast.

But Wang He was excited, but the expression on his face was exactly the opposite of his heart.

At this time, she had tears on her face and talked about her "unfortunate experience" in a crying voice.

"Although I used to be a live streamer with millions of fans, many people thought I was very successful, and I must have a high income and live happily every day. In fact, everyone was wrong."

"The contract of Yunshang Culture Media is simply an overlord clause. They have many restrictions on the live streamers in the contract. If they fail to perform according to the contract, they will face huge fines, ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands or even tens of millions."

"So whether it is me or other live streamers, we have a hard time every day. In order to make us make money for the company and to squeeze us, Yunshang Culture Media not only requires us to guarantee more than ten hours of live streaming every day, but also arranges scripts and words for us to stimulate Incentivize fans, cheat fans to give rewards, and there are also quota requirements. "

"If you can't do it, not only will the live broadcast for a day be in vain, but you will also face a fine, which means that not only will you not make money after the live broadcast, you will have to pay the company yourself... Especially after the new chairman took office, it's even more excessive."

"He not only increased the daily task quota, but also reduced the share. Even if the task is completed, he will find various reasons to deduct wages. He also takes the female anchor out for social gatherings and drinks every day, and asks us to be with him... with him... woo woo woo... He is just a bastard, woo woo woo..."

Wang He cried directly at the end of his speech, looking like he couldn't bear to look back on the past and couldn't say anything.

Seeing this, netizens also began to be indignant and turned into messengers of justice.

God damn it: Our He He is so pitiful, Yunshang Culture Media is a black company, and the boss is an old pervert, an old bastard.

I have a machete: He He, don't cry, your crying breaks my heart, I will book a flight tomorrow and take my 40-meter machete to Lincheng to chop that bastard.

Kaihoujian: Sue him, you must sue them, we all support you, we will crowdfund to bring him down. ”

There is a soil under the character Wang: Yes, crowdfunding, sue them, I will go first...

[There is a soil under the character Wang, send a mysterious garden]

[Open the throat sword to send 1314 little hearts]

[Will roar and send 100 beers]

[Cannot send 2 roses continuously]

Various messages and gifts began to fill the screen in Wang He's live broadcast room.

Looking at these gifts and messages, Wang He wiped his tears while saying "thank you".

As for his heart?

Haha, he said that these people were stupid and easy to deceive.

When she was in Yunshang Culture Media before, she did play a script. Not only her, but which anchor has not played a script.

But the actual situation is definitely different from what she said.

And today, in order to play this script well and promote today's live broadcast, Changyun Culture arranged several agents for her. The first person to speak and send gifts was arranged by Changyun Media.

Looking at the effect now, it is much better than expected.

Roughly speaking

After a while, in just a few minutes, Wang He received more than 1 million gold coins, which is more than 100,000 Chinese currency.

"Heh, such low-level acting skills can still deceive so many gifts and support."

"I really don't know whether to say that Changyun Culture is good or the people watching have low IQ."

After listening to Wang He's accusation, Wu Liang sneered and shook his head at the gifts in the live broadcast room.

Yunshang Culture Media was constantly smeared by her, and she was blackened to the end.

But Wang He's acting skills are really not good, and there are many loopholes.

It's just that at this time, except for the people watching the fun, there are only her diehard fans in the live broadcast room, and no one will go into it.

If someone follows and leads the incitement, the thoughts of the crowd will also be deviated, so there is this result.

"Thank you for your support and understanding, thank you."

"Next, I will sing a song for you. What do you want to hear?"

Wang He's live broadcast was mainly to expand his previous accusations against Yunshang Culture Media and continue to throw dirty water on them.

But this matter cannot be discussed forever.

Now that the effect has been achieved, it is time to stop doing other things.

"Host, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is a bit depressing now. Let's play a more exciting song for everyone, preferably with singing and dancing, to ease the atmosphere."

"Yes, how about letting the host sing a thunder?"

"Thunder is good. I see that many live broadcasts are playing thunder with rewards. What do you think of a paper crane of love and a thunder of thunder?"

"Agree, support."

"Okay, let's play it like this..."

Thunder? A paper crane of love once?

Seeing someone make such a request, and others continue to agree.

Wang He's expression changed somewhat, and the smile on his face stiffened a lot.

Her original intention was to ease the atmosphere, so she thought of just singing a song, but if she did it this way, she might end up digging a hole for herself.

Because playing this kind of game, you could get yourself into trouble at any time.

"Okay, as long as everyone is happy."

"It's just a bomb, no big deal, let's play."

"But I want to change the requirements, one hot air balloon once, I'll jump as many times as everyone swipes!"

Wang He was reluctant, but she still agreed to it given the current situation.

However, she didn't want to pay 99 gold coins for a love paper crane, she wanted 520 gold coins for a hot air balloon.

Speaking of which, when others play bomb jumping, they only jump once for a pair of glasses or a lollipop, and the love paper crane is not low.

But she still proposed the hot air balloon, and did so to prevent some people from deliberately playing tricks on her.

If she wasn't afraid that her request was too exaggerated and caused dissatisfaction among everyone, she really wanted to say one Huazi once...

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