After a long time, the two of them woke up.

Last night, Wu Liang and the other two drank a lot of wine and went to bed in the second half of the night.

The next day, near noon, the three woke up one after another.

"Sir, you drank too much wine last night, so I made some porridge. Drink some to warm your stomach."

"Okay, Coach Jiang, Geerdan, come and drink porridge."

Although Wu Liang and the other two got up late, Lin Qiao had already prepared food.

It is not appropriate to eat big fish, meat, or spicy food at this time.

Drinking some porridge is the most comfortable.

"Wu Liang, I didn't realize you can drink so much. Even I was a little dizzy after drinking."

"That's not comparable to you. You were a little dizzy, but I was completely confused. I don't even remember how I got back to the room."

"Hahaha, there is no man in Mengcheng who can't drink. Anyway, you are better than Jiang Feng, he is the fastest!"

"Praise Wu Liang if you want to, why are you talking about me? By the way, Wu Liang, are you going to the China World Trade Center to find the one who sells fake wine?"

Wu Liang and the other two chatted while drinking porridge and eating light side dishes.

"Well, I'm going to go after drinking the porridge. Do you want to join me?"

If it wasn't too late yesterday, when he knew he had bought fake wine, the China World Trade Center was already closed, Wu Liang would have gone directly to settle the account with the other party.

Today, I will definitely not drag it out. The sooner it is resolved, the better.

"Originally Jiang Feng and I had this plan to go with you, but now it's not possible. I have to go to the airport later."

"I have to see Geerdan off, so I can't accompany you. How about you come with me to see him off, and then go to the World Trade Center together?"

"Don't bother me. I'm not going to fight. I can go alone. Geerdan, then I won't see you off. I wish you a safe journey!"

You can go anywhere with reason, but you can't go anywhere without reason.

Besides, the World Trade Center is Wu Liang's own. He is afraid of being at a disadvantage if he goes to the other party to settle the account of fake wine.

After a simple meal, Wu Liang, Jiang Feng and Geerdan separated outside the gate of Binjiang Zuo'an and went to their respective destinations.


Driving to the World Trade Center, Wu Liang held the remaining five bottles of Maozi and went straight to the Selected Famous Tobacco and Famous Wine Store.

"Welcome... Sir, it's you."

"I bought a box of Maozi yesterday, but you finished it so quickly? Are you going to buy a few more boxes today?"

It was still the same lady boss from yesterday.

When she saw someone coming, she was about to welcome him with a smile on her face, but when she saw it was Wu Liang, her smile got even bigger.

"Drink? Keep it for yourself."

"Yesterday I thought you were a good person, and I really planned to buy cigarettes and alcohol from you for a long time in the future, but it turned out that all you sold me were fake alcohol!"

This lady boss is really good at pretending.

Can't she see the half box of Maozi in her hand?

But she likes to pretend, and Wu Liang is not in the mood to pretend with her. He put the box on the counter and shouted coldly.

"Fake wine? Don't spit on me. This is an authorized store of Maozi. How can there be fake wine?"

"I said, you look decent and wear branded goods. I gave you a discount yesterday, but you turned around and tried to blackmail me. It's really a case of good intentions not being rewarded."

Wu Liang thought that if he exposed the fake wine, the proprietress would probably not admit it directly, but she would probably panic.

As a result, she didn't blush at all, and said that Wu Liang was blackmailing her with a confident attitude.

"You don't admit that the wine is yours?"

"Don't forget, when I bought the wine, you issued an invoice. There is a code on the invoice. You can tell if it is your wine by scanning it!"

Some things you can admit if you want to, and not admit if you don't want to.

It's no secret that Maozi has a lot of fake wine. Wu Liang also knows it.

But why didn't he doubt it at the beginning? First, the Select Famous Cigarette and Liquor Store is in the China World Trade Center. Second, the boss lady had a good first impression. In addition, when he bought the liquor, the other party gave him an invoice.

With the invoice, the source of the goods can be traced, and it can be proved where the Maozi was bought. Even if he wanted to deny it, he couldn't.

While talking, Wu Liang took out the invoice and shook it in front of the boss lady.

This time, you can't continue to be stubborn, right?

The result...


"What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at your naivety, what's wrong with having an invoice?"

"The invoice can only prove that you bought liquor from me, but who can prove whether you have touched the liquor inside? I

I suspect that you replaced the wine inside my wine after you took it back!"

This lady boss is really good at putting the blame on others.

It seems that she has been prepared for a long time, and it is probably not the first time she has done such a thing.

Because what she said does make sense.

The invoice only scans the code, not the wine inside. The code only matches the packaging and bottle, but it cannot prove the wine inside.

"If you know what's good for you, take these fake wines and leave quickly. Don't make trouble for yourself, otherwise I will call the security guard or even call the police to report you for blackmail."

Looking at Wu Liang, whose face became more and more ugly because of what he said.

The lady boss smiled very proudly. He was still too young to fight with her.

If he didn't even have this trick, how could he dare to sell fake wine to him.

"Call the security guard, okay, then call it. ”

It’s obviously impossible to reason with the lady boss in front of him.

But if a woman gets violent with him because of a few bottles of fake wine, Wu Liang feels that it’s a bit of an exaggeration.

In this case, it’s best to call the security guards over and let the China World Trade Center handle it.

“Okay, then you wait.”

“Brother Zhou, someone is making trouble here, bring someone to help me deal with it.”

The lady boss glared at Wu Liang with a look that said, “You kid won’t cry until you see the coffin.” Then she picked up the phone and made a call.

Soon after, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came over with two security guards.

“Brother Zhou, you’re here. You’re pretty fast today.”

“Look at what you said. You called me, and I always came as soon as you called me. “

“Who is coming to you to cause trouble? ”

“It’s him. He said I was selling fake wine. Brother Zhou, you have brought people to check all the wines here. You know the real ones best. He is just blackmailing me. You have to make the decision for me.”

“Don’t worry, sister. I am here. How can you suffer any loss?”

In the selected famous cigarette and wine store, besides the boss lady, there is only Wu Liang.

Besides Wu Liang, who is the troublemaker in the boss lady’s mouth, can anyone find another one?

This service department supervisor named Zhou Daqiang, who is called Brother Zhou, is he blind?

(The badge says the property service department supervisor: Zhou Daqiang. Wu Liang saw it.)

“It seems that Zhou Daqiang has an unusual relationship with this boss lady. "

Zhou Daqiang must be good, otherwise why would he flirt with the lady boss?

Wu Liang sneered in his heart, no wonder the lady boss was so confident and dared to ask for security guards, there must be someone in the property!

While he was thinking, Zhou Daqiang also looked at him...

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