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"Mr. Wu, I understand."

"Everyone, although I am the general manager of the International Trade Building Property, I have always been fair in my dealings. Wrong is wrong and right is right."

"Today's incident is already very clear, and I also No need to explain further, just follow the property management system now. Zhou Daqiang, you abused your power, accepted benefits from merchants privately, and allowed merchants to sell inferior goods as good ones and fake goods as real ones. From now on, you are no longer the head of the service department. "Manager Liu, as the manager of the service department, you failed to supervise your subordinates. This is your dereliction of duty, so you and Zhou Daqiang are both fired!" "Everyone feels very sorry for my decision. It's reasonable, right? Does anyone have any objection? "

Wu Liang said that Zhu Hong would take care of it, but he did not directly participate in it.

In fact, his attitude has already said it all.

Looking at Zhou Daqiang and Manager Liu with a cold face, Zhu Hong did not Without any regret or emotion, he announced his decision.

What he said was more reasonable and well-founded, instead of acting like he was the general manager and told you to get out.

"No problem, no problem."

"Mr. Zhu's decision was really wise."

"This kind of person Staying in our property is a disgrace to us. Firing them is the least of their duties. They should be asked to pay compensation..."

As the general manager, Zhu Hong makes decisions that the department managers of these properties would not dare to make on weekdays. To refute.

Refutation is not only ineffective, but will also offend Zhu Hong, because this is simply a provocation to authority.

In this situation, it is even more impossible for everyone to refute, and they will only fully support.

Zhou Daqiang's behavior is simply It affects everyone's interests.

As for Manager Liu... it's his bad luck, he hired the wrong person!

"Mr. Zhu, I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. It was her. She seduced me. I was confused and went to bed with her... No, she tricked me."

"I was fooled by her. I indulged her and helped her because I had the evidence. I will never do that again. Please don't fire me. Give me another chance. "

Zhou Daqiang knew how much trouble he had caused, and he also thought about how he would What consequences will he face?

But when he heard that Zhu Hong was going to fire him, he was still unwilling to face it and wanted to fight for a chance.

In order to shirk his responsibility, he said all the excuses he had thought of long ago.

In fact It's not really an excuse, it's just putting all the blame on the proprietress of the Select Famous Tobacco and Liquor Store.

"Zhou Daqiang, you bastard."

"Who seduced whom in the first place? Who promised me solemnly that as long as I was there, even if I replaced all the cigarettes and alcohol with fake ones, nothing would happen."

" Now that something has happened, you are playing this game with me. You were not a man in the fucking bed, and now you are even less of a man! "

"I... I will smash you to death!"

The lady boss knew Wu Liang's identity. After that, she realized that what she said before was useless.

Her store would definitely not be able to run here, and she had to pay for her mistakes.

But Zhou Daqiang now blamed all the mistakes on her. She couldn't stand it if someone threw dirty water on her.

What a joke, the property and the business had a contract, if the problem was all on her, the compensation she would have to face would be very high.

The point is, Zhou Daqiang's words, It’s not entirely true.

Frustrated, the proprietress picked up a bottle of fake Maozi that Wu Liang had placed on the table and threw it at Zhou Daqiang.

"Bang... Crack..."

"Ah... you dead woman, you're really serious, You said I'm not a man, I'll show you now whether I'm a man or not! "

Zhou Daqiang thought the boss lady would be angry.

But he didn't expect that she would throw straw at him.

The straw flew, and he didn't know the boss lady would be angry. Did he practice shooting? He was very accurate.

He hit Zhou Daqiang's head squarely, the bottle shattered, the wine splashed, and Zhou Daqiang's head also turned red.

Blood mixed with wine flowed all over his head and face, looking It was quite creepy.

Zhou Daqiang, who was already ashamed and angry because of the boss lady's revelation, also exploded at this time.

A pair of scarlet eyes on the bloody and ferocious face stared at the boss lady and rushed forward while roaring.

"Stop him, drag him out!"

"Yes, Mr. Wu."

I don't care whether it's right for a man to hit a woman, but what we are seeing is Zhou Daqiang and the boss lady.

When they were scolding each other and fighting.

Zhu Hong frowned, and the two security guards who were beaten by Wu Liang before also recovered at this time, and rushed up and stopped Zhou Daqiang.

Then he dragged him out like a dead pig.

While dragging him, he also kicked him secretly.

Don't blame the two security guards for playing dirty with him, mainly because they also hate Zhou Daqiang.

If it weren't for him, would the two security guards have been beaten by Wu Liang just now, and would their hands be swollen.

Fortunately, Zhu Hong didn't fire the two like he fired Zhou Daqiang, otherwise, I'm afraid it would be more than just a few kicks in secret.


Someone was fired because of Zhou Daqiang's involvement, that is Manager Liu.

Manager Liu felt wronged, but he didn't beg Zhu Hong like Zhou Daqiang always did, because he knew that Zhu Hong would never change his mind, so it was useless to say it.

At this time, he looked at Zhou Daqiang being dragged out by the two security guards and followed him out directly.

A pair of red eyes that seemed to be spitting fire stared at Zhou Daqiang, and he untied his belt while walking. It was estimated that he would vent his anger on Zhou Daqiang after he went out.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu, thank you."

To be honest, Zhou Daqiang looked really scary just now.

The boss lady was also very scared.

Although Zhou Daqiang was indeed incompetent at some times, he was a man after all, and he was extremely angry. If a fight really broke out, the boss lady, a woman, would definitely suffer.

Seeing him being dragged away, the boss lady breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Zhu Hong.

"Hmph, you don't have to thank me. I am considering the image of the China World Trade Center and the property. It has nothing to do with you personally."

"Your store will be withdrawn from the China World Trade Center from today, and it will never be allowed to settle here again. As for other compensations, follow the contract. Someone will talk to you."

Zhu Hong couldn't bear the boss lady's thanks, and didn't want to accept it.

After saying two words coldly, without looking at his expression, he looked at Wu Liang with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Wu, are you satisfied with what I did?"

"Yes, it is well-founded and the punishment is reasonable!"

"Then Mr. Wu, can we continue the contract renewal between our property and the China World Trade Center?"

"Renew the contract?"

Zhu Hong's punishment cannot be said to be very heavy, but it is already good.

Wu Liang can't take their lives for a few bottles of fake wine, plus the other party denies it.

But when he heard Zhu Hong say that he wanted to renew the contract, he was slightly stunned.

No wonder Zhu Hong was so straightforward and always asked if he was satisfied. It turned out that he was waiting for him here...

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