The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Do you need me to make a decision? What's the matter?"

Thinking that Zhou Ying would not call so late for no reason, Wu Liang's face froze after hearing that she did have something to do.

"Mr. Wu, the matter is about Zhang Li, the details are like this..."

Wu Liang asked, and Zhou Ying did not delay.

She told him the details.

It turned out that since the "accidental planting of willows and willows into shades" operation that day, Zhang Li's popularity has been growing continuously in the past two days, with more than 10,000 viewers every day.

Although she is a talent anchor, she sings and dances every time she broadcasts live.

But now live broadcasts, just watching singing and dancing is boring, and there is always a feeling of boredom.

So many people have also tried new tricks, such as Wang He's previous reward dance challenge, but most people still choose PK.

Zhang Li occasionally participates in PK at the suggestion of netizens, and there are wins and losses, but it has never been a big deal.

But today, something unexpected happened.

Half an hour ago, Zhang Li once again started a random PK at the suggestion of netizens.

Unexpectedly, she met Wang He.

Wang He and Zhang Li did not know each other, but Zhang Li's profile was filled in Yunshang Culture Media.

As soon as he saw that Zhang Li was the anchor of Yunshang Culture Media, Wang He smiled.

But this smile was not a funny one, but a sinister one.


"Well, it's really good to meet you, Lili, rush forward? Are you the new anchor of Yunshang Culture?"


"Then do you know who I am?"

Zhang Li only PKs occasionally, and there is no fixed PK target, all are randomly selected.

No matter who she meets, she will not feel anything.

The same was true for the previous PKs. There might be only dozens of fans, or tens of thousands, or even millions of fans.

When she met Wang He at this time, she didn't feel anything.

After taking the initiative to greet him, she shook her head in response to Wang He's question. How to answer.

"I don't know!"

Wang He nodded and smiled, and said softly:

"I am Wang He, the former number one of Yunshang Culture Media!"

"Little sister, I advise you to leave Yunshang Culture Media as soon as possible. It is a black company, and the chairman is a black-hearted boss."

"I think you look good, and your live broadcast room is also popular. If you are willing to leave Yunshang Culture Media, you can come to me. I will recommend you to Changyun Media, which is much better than Yunshang Culture Media."

Meeting the anchor of Yunshang Culture Media is a narrow road for Wang He, because she has already torn her face with Yunshang Culture Media.

If it is an anchor she knows, she will be more proactive and aggressive.

Zhang Li was a strange anchor in front of her, so what she had to do was not only to attack Yunshang Culture Media, but also to poach people in public.

"Oh, so you are the ungrateful female anchor who was fired by the company for being arrogant and domineering."

Zhang Li really didn't know Wang He.

But she had heard some things about her after coming to the live broadcast base for a few days.

Now she knew who she was after hearing what Wang He said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I advised you with good intentions, but you actually slandered me. It's really a good deed."

"Then I can only wake you up. Family members, get ready, start PK now, come on!"

Wang He's face was a little wrong when he heard Zhang Li's words, because what she said was all true.

These words were very unfavorable to Wang He.

She actually wanted to argue with Zhang Li, but she was afraid that she would be too excited and show her bad side. At that time, her personality would completely collapse.

So the best choice is to not say much and just start fighting.

"The female anchor on the opposite side is really ungrateful. She won't even listen to nice words. Such a person is not worthy of pity. Beat her."

"This female anchor doesn't look like a good person. She probably likes to be taken advantage of. Brothers, come on together!"

"Come on, come on together. Beat her up and make her cry today."

Liangliang sent out 10 bricks.

Jiuzhi sent out 1 Porsche.

Laxiba sent out 1 rocket.


Compared to Zhang Li, Wang He has been an anchor for a longer time, has more fans, and is more experienced.

Coupled with some help from the live broadcast room, the gifts in the live broadcast room began to flood the screen as she finished speaking.

In an instant, Wang He's score broke 50,000 points.

On the other hand, Zhang Li was still

It was 0.

Wang He was unethical and announced the start without even asking Zhang Li, so the people on her side had no reaction at all.

"Fuck, what kind of person is the host on the other side? Too unethical."

"Disgusting Bai Yueguang, she's actually a green tea, everyone fight back."

"Score, score, we must not be timid..."

But soon, Zhang Li's people also started to fight back.

Gifts were delivered one after another, and the health bar gradually showed a trend of recovery.

But compared with Wang He's side, Zhang Li's side was obviously much worse, and the final score was fixed at 86053:10025.

Zhang Li lost!

"Little sister, not bad, you can even score 10,000 points."

"But compared to your sister, you are still too bad, are you convinced now? If you are convinced, kneel down and pay your respects."

Wang He was somewhat surprised by the result in front of him.

She was not surprised that she won, but that Zhang Li's score could reach more than 10,000.

Otherwise, what Wang He is going to say at this time will be even more unpleasant.

"This woman is so hateful."

"But what can I do?"

PK has wins and losses, which is normal.

In the past, Zhang Li didn't feel anything special every time she lost in PK.

Even if the other party said something sarcastic, she wouldn't feel anything.

But when facing Wang He in front of her, it was different.

Whether as the anchor of Yunshang Culture Media or Wu Liang's classmate and friend, she wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

But Zhang Li was also powerless, because her strength was really not as good as the other party.

When Zhang Li didn't want to give in, but didn't know what to do.

Mr. Zhao from the live broadcast base came to his live broadcast room and motioned her to continue.

At the same time, he secretly sent her a message: "The company will support you, keep playing!"

"It's just a win, what's the big deal, keep going."

With the support of the company, Zhang Li has the confidence.

Wang He was happy when he heard her words, and nodded disdainfully: "Okay, then come on."

The PK between the two of them started a new round.

The result is predictable. With the support of Yunshang Culture Media, Zhang Li won the PK with a score of 108900:91002.

In the previous round, Zhang Li only had more than 10,000 points, but this round broke 100,000.

Wang He frowned slightly when he saw this result.

"It must be Yunshang Culture Media that supported her, it must be."

"You play this trick with me, do you think only your company can do this?"

Wang He has rich PK experience. In order to win, she has gained points herself, and she has encountered too many things about the company gaining points.

She figured out what was going on at once.

Then she began to contact the live broadcast manager of Changyun Media, and the other party also began to support her.

The next PK became a contest between companies.

However, Changyun Media's support is obviously more than that of Yunshang Culture Media.

So in the next few PKs, Zhang Li was always at a disadvantage and lost several games in a row...

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