The two sides have been fighting for a long time.


"You want to punish?"

This is not the first time Zhang Li has PKed.

But the previous PKs were all friendly PKs.

They just chatted with each other and PKed at the same time, which did not hurt feelings or hurt each other.

But punishment is normal among PK anchors.

For professional PK anchors, if there is no gimmick or something that fans like to watch, who would give you gifts every day?

Zhang Li has also played a few PKs with punishments, and the punishments were just singing a song and dancing.

But Wang He in front of him obviously would not be punished in this simple way.

After all, both companies have spent more than 200,000 or 300,000 Chinese yuan today, and fans have also spent a lot.

It is impossible without some harsh punishment.

"Why, you don't dare?"

"If you are afraid of losing and don't want to fight, then you can stand up now, bow three times to my family, and then say that Yunshang Culture Media is a black company, the chairman of Yunshang Culture Media is a pervert, and the anchors of Yunshang Culture Media are all garbage."

"If you are willing to do it, I will let you go, otherwise accept my PK, and the punishment at that time will be more severe than this, think about it."

Wang He looked disdainful, and his words were even more arrogant.

Looking at Wang He now, Wu Liang couldn't help shaking his head.

"Doesn't she think what she said is ridiculous?"

"Who does she think she is? Even if Zhang Li doesn't want to punish, don't PK with her, just hang up directly, why do you do what she says."

"This woman is really not very smart!"

When Wu Liang murmured softly, the netizens in Zhang Li's live broadcast were also indignant.

"Fuck, the host on the other side has a hole in her brain. She said such an excessive thing. Who gave her the confidence? I don't know if I thought she won just now."

"The host on the other side is too disgusting. The company that can sign such a host is also rubbish. What a joke."

"Host, accept her PK, set a harsher punishment. We support you. We must let her know what it means to be pretentious and get struck by lightning..."

Obviously, everyone is very dissatisfied with Wang He's attitude at this time.

As for whether there is a "spy" who deliberately instigated it, thinking that Wang He will win, so he did it deliberately to stimulate Zhang Li to accept the PK, only the "spy" himself knows.

But does it matter whether there is one?

"Agree to PK, I will protect you!"

Anyway, Wu Liang doesn't care. He definitely supports Zhang Li's PK.

When Zhang Li saw what Wu Liang said, she also nodded.

"It's true that you are ungrateful."

"If you didn't have the support of the company, could you have become a broadcaster with millions of fans? Now that you've left, even if you're not grateful, you shouldn't slander me!"

"I've accepted your PK, now let's talk about the punishment."

Giving up the PK requires me to do something so excessive.

It's conceivable that if I accept the PK and lose the PK, the punishment will be too excessive.

But no matter what kind of punishment I have to accept, Zhang Li knows that she can't back down now.

This is not only because of the "I don't care" sentence, I will protect you, but also because of her own responsibilities.

Zhang Li is now the broadcaster of Yunshang Culture Media, and for the company, she has to fight.

"Whether I am slandering or not, everyone knows it in their hearts."

"Whether it is true or false, it is not up to you to decide."

"Let me tell you the punishment first. If you lose, first you have to post a pinned video and say what I just said in the video. You cannot delete it for a month."

"Also, I will scold you for ten minutes, pure green. As long as it does not violate the rules, you have to do it."

"The last one, if you lose, you are not allowed to live broadcast for seven days. Do you dare to accept it!"

It's not that Wang He doesn't want to be more ruthless.

It's just that DouLe's requirements are much stricter than before.

She didn't dare to do anything illegal, otherwise Zhang Li would be fine, but her account would be in danger.

So after talking about his punishment, Wang He still had a sentence in his mind, that is, "Good times saved Zhang Li."

Otherwise, if she lost the PK, Wang He would definitely kill her.

"Since I said I'm willing to fight you in a punishment match, don't tell me if I dare or not."

"Three punishments, right? Okay, I'll take it."

"My punishment requirements are the same as yours, a ten-minute green punishment, plus

You are not allowed to live stream for seven days."

"Then I will also ask you to post a video and keep it pinned for a month without deleting it. The content will say that you are an ungrateful villain, and that the words you said were revenge and were smearing Yunshang Culture Media. You also have to apologize to Yunshang Culture Media!"

When Zhang Li said the punishment, Wang He frowned immediately.

She was asked to admit that what she said before was a lie and that she was deliberately smearing Yunshang Culture Media.

If such a video is sent out, what will those who don't know think if they know it is a PK punishment?

At that time, I'm afraid Changyun Media will not let me off easily.

But Wang He thought about it again. There is no reason for him to be afraid?

Changyun Media gave him one million Chinese yuan in support. How could he lose?

With a cold smile, he agreed to Zhang Li's punishment.

"You are really a good anchor of Yunshang Culture Media. No wonder the company supports you as a newcomer so much. Now you are still thinking about how to whitewash the company. ”

“Okay, that’s it, reconnect in ten seconds, and start fighting once you’re connected.”

As soon as Wang He finished speaking, the connection was disconnected.

As soon as the ten seconds were up, reconnect.

“Family, fight for me, this round must be so hard that she can’t even see her health bar.”

“Let’s teach her a lesson later, fight for me!”

Both sides connected, and the PK began.

As soon as Wang He came up, he started shouting, calling on his fans to score points.

Xingchen gave out 99 big gold chains.

The unpunished person gave out a Porsche.

Lao Zhou 123 gave out 999 little hearts.

As Wang He called, her fans began to score points crazily.

But in just one minute, the score had already exceeded 100,000.

But this time, she really didn’t suppress Zhang Li directly.

Because Zhang Li’s fans were also giving out gifts crazily.

Rainbow 111 gave out 2 guardians of love.

Little Flying Dragon 99 beers were given away.

Running TT gave away 2 Lahong motorcycles.

With more than 100,000 people watching, Zhang Li is not short of people now.

For a moment, Wang He not only failed to suppress Zhang Li, but was surpassed by her score.

Looking at his score that was lower than the peak, Wang He was not worried at all.

Because it was just the beginning, and he hadn't really made a move yet.

When the PK was about to end, there was still one minute.

Wang He's score was more than 250,000, while Zhang Li's was more than 300,000, 50,000 more than her.

"Second uncle, it's time to start."

"Take down her health bar completely."

One minute has passed, and Wang He knew it was time to make a move.

Following her contact, Wang Qiang began to score.

Chang Yun gave away 99 colorful roses all the way.

Chang Yun gave away 99 hearts of the universe all the way.

Chang Yun gave away 99 Dou Le No. 1 all the way...

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