The game was a climax, but the game was a success.

Wang He lost!

And the score difference was more than twice as much.

1320753 vs. 502345.

The tower was stolen in the last few seconds when Wang He was preparing to celebrate.

Such a defeat made her lose more painfully than being suppressed from the beginning.

Because it was like a person who was about to reach the peak, but fell from the peak just one step away.

"Sister He, it doesn't matter again."

"He swipes 100 volcanic eruptions in the last two seconds!"

When Wang He looked at the screen in front of her with some difficulty accepting it, the assistant's message was also sent to her private message.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... 100 volcanic eruptions, 1,314,000 gold coins, 131,400 Chinese currency, is money really so insignificant to you!"

"Why do you help her but not me? How am I worse than her!"

The assistant's message was within Wang He's expectations.

But this result made her very upset.

She had long thought that Wusuo would steal the tower, but she really didn't expect that he would do so when he had more than 500,000 points, and it was more than twice as high as hers.

100 volcanic eruptions, that's more than 100,000 Chinese currency.

Wang He was angry and jealous because she couldn't understand why Wusuo was willing to brush for Zhang Li but not for herself.

Because she didn't think she was worse than Zhang Li in terms of appearance or figure.

"It must be someone from Yunshang Culture Media, it must be."

"Yunshang Culture Media must have deliberately targeted me because I posted a video targeting their company, it must be like this."

"No, I can't be scared like this, I have to continue."

Wang He believes that she is no worse than Zhang Li, and even thinks she is more attractive than her.

She thinks there is only one possibility that "it doesn't matter" supports Zhang Li instead of herself.

That is, "it doesn't matter" is not a personal behavior, but represents Yunshang Culture Media.

Thinking of this, Wang He felt much more comfortable, and at the same time decided to continue with Zhang Li.

"Second uncle, we can't lose, help me keep charging money, I must defeat the opposite bitch today, and defeat Yunshang Culture Media."

If you want to continue PK with Zhang Li, it will definitely not work by yourself and relying on these fans now.

So Wang He sent a message to his second uncle Wang Qiang again.

"Do you want to top up more money?"

"Xiao He, I'm watching your live broadcast, why don't you just forget it."

"I've already topped up over 300,000 Chinese yuan. We just arrived at Changyun Media, it's not appropriate to continue to top up."

Wang Qiang's position at Changyun Media is still the manager in charge of the live broadcast business.

Although he has some power, he doesn't dare to be too presumptuous since he just came to work here.

He topped up 300,000 yuan for Wang He to PK, which is already very good.

Now that Zhang Li has a rich big brother, Wang He has lost two games in a row, and both were by a large score difference.

Wang Qiang felt that he couldn't continue.

"Second uncle, please help me, I don't want to lose this person."

"Please help me apply to Mr. Chang. The person on the other side must be Yunshang Culture Media. This is a competition between companies. Mr. Chang will agree."

"This... okay, then I'll try."

Looking at the message sent by Wang He, Wang Qiang frowned, and finally agreed to her.

On Wang He's side, while waiting for Wang Qiang to reply.

Zhang Li's live broadcast room was already in an uproar.

"Fuck, Wusuyi Boss succeeded in stealing the tower again!"

"100 volcanic eruptions, hundreds of thousands, awesome, Wusuyi Boss is definitely a super rich man."

"More than 1.3 million points, this second is a bit cruel, wasn't the opposite anchor very arrogant just now, why is he silent now? Is he scared!"

"Kneel down, kneel down, boss, you are so awesome, do you need a pendant on your leg, hang me up..."

Compared with the ten carnivals just now, Wu Liang brushed 100 volcanic eruptions at one time, which made the people in the live broadcast room admire, amazed, and envious.

One volcanic eruption is more than a thousand Chinese yuan.

On weekdays, if someone gives it, even if it is generous, it rarely reaches double digits, basically single digits.

Giving a hundred at once, this is really generous.

What he said earlier, "It doesn't matter if you are Huazi or not, I will protect you", made everyone understand that he was not bragging, he was really awesome.

At the same time, because Wu Liang suddenly swiped 1

00 volcanic eruptions, the system also gave an announcement.

"User Wusui sent 100 volcanic eruptions in Lili Xiangqian's live broadcast room."

As soon as this announcement floated on the screen, it immediately attracted many people.

After seeing the announcement, many people came to Zhang Li's live broadcast room, and the number of people in her live broadcast room exceeded 100,000+ in less than a minute.

Everyone came here to see what kind of anchor can attract such a generous big brother.

On the other hand, they wanted to see what kind of big brother would directly give the anchor a gift worth hundreds of thousands of yuan.

"I would like to thank Brother Wusui for the gift first, thank you for helping me win the PK, thank you."

"Thank you for coming to my live broadcast room, click the attention button in the upper left corner, and add the fan group."

"I will send you the largest red envelope in Doule, 10,000 gold coins, everyone participate."

Zhang Li is still very good at dealing with things.

Seeing the number of people in her live broadcast room rising by leaps and bounds, how could she let go of such a good opportunity.

With just these rewards, she can already get a lot of money.

A lucky bag of 10,000 gold coins is only 1,000 Chinese coins, so why should she be reluctant?

"Zhang Li is good, she knows how to seize the opportunity."

Listening to Zhang Li's words and looking at the lucky bags Zhang Li sent out, Wu Liang smiled with satisfaction across the screen.

Earlier, we talked about how to help Zhang Li increase her popularity and fans.

Tonight is just right, it's completely killing two birds with one stone, no, three birds with one stone.

Get the task reward, help Zhang Li increase her popularity and fans, and also hit Wang He.

"Lili, go forward, have you finished thanking her? If you're done, continue."

"This game is my mistake, dare you play another game!"

Zhang Li thanked the fans and chatted with them.

Wang He, with a look of joy that was hard to hide, started shouting.

She dared to shout like this, naturally Wang Qiang replied to her message, and it was good news.

Chang Yun approved Wang Qiang to continue to support Wang He, and also gave him a recharge limit of one million Chinese Yuan.

One million Chinese Yuan, ten million gold coins, she didn't believe she could lose this time.

"Fight her!"

Zhang Li hadn't responded to Wang He's words yet.

Wu Liang spoke.

Seeing Wu Liang's words, Zhang Li nodded.

"Okay, let's fight, who's afraid of who!"

"Okay, but this time, we have to play something new, we have to punish, do you dare?"

Seeing Zhang Li agreed to continue, Wang He smiled cunningly.

With Chang Yun's one million Chinese Yuan support, Wang He was full of confidence this time.

She was no longer satisfied with just PK to decide the winner, but wanted to add something, that is, punishment.

Whoever loses has to accept the punishment...

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