After a while, the two of them finally found each other.

Wu Liang and Zhou Ying went through all the luggage stores in the China World Trade Center before choosing the Chanel VIP limited edition four-piece collection box in front of them.

Although neither he nor Zhou Ying were gold members and did not have the right to purchase, it was not impossible to buy it.

So this collection box still belonged to Wu Liang before he finally decided not to buy it.

So what was the behavior of this strange young man now?

It was completely robbery!

And what did the look in his eyes when he looked at Wu Liang mean? Was he looking down on him?

"Put it down! I was the first one to see this VIP limited edition four-piece collection box."

"No one is allowed to move until I say no."

Wu Liang was very dissatisfied with the young man's behavior.

The look he gave him made Wu Liang very unhappy.

When he stopped the young man, Wu Liang's tone was naturally a bit angry and cold.

"Heh... Don't move? Who do you think you are!"

"Didn't you hear what I said? This is a product that only Chanel members above the gold member level can buy."

"I am a diamond member with a higher level than the gold member. You are a guy who doesn't even have the qualifications to buy it. Why are you pretending to be with me?"

"I want this, swipe the card!"

The young man laughed sarcastically.

In his opinion, Wu Liang's anger was a complete joke.

Because he didn't even have the qualifications to buy it, but he didn't let himself buy it. This was just a naked occupation of the toilet!

But when the young man took out his bank card and asked the cashier to swipe the card, the cashier didn't dare to take it.

"Sir... what do you think?"

At this time, the most uncomfortable person is the cashier.

Because Wu Liang and the young man in front of him are completely the kind of people who have their own reasons.

Wu Liang took advantage of the first-come-first-served principle and chose the collection box first, but he was not eligible to buy it.

As for the young man, he was eligible to buy it.

But before Wu Liang finally decided not to buy it, the cashier could not sell it to him, otherwise what if Wu Liang really had a way to buy it later?

So she could only ask Wu Liang first.

The imaginable.

"I said, no one is allowed to move before I say no."

If the young man came over and talked to him in a good way, Wu Liang might be able to talk to him.

But the other party's attitude with a bit of contempt and no courtesy at all was really annoying.

So even if Wu Liang knew that he was not completely right at this time, he still did not give in.

I just occupied the toilet and didn't shit, so what!

"I'm back, I'll see you later... What happened?"

At this time, Zhou Ying, who had finished making a phone call outside the store, came back.

As soon as she arrived at the cashier, she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

She looked at the cashier in confusion, but the cashier just smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.

Looking at Wu Liang again, Wu Liang was about to speak, but the young man next to him spoke first.

"Beauty, he wants to buy this bag for you, right?"

"I remind you, don't be fooled by some people. There are many people pretending to be rich these days, so you have to be careful."

"Don't think that some people wearing famous brands and driving luxury cars must be big bosses. These things can be rented."

What does the young man mean?

Is he saying that Wu Liang is a liar?

I think Wu Liang is trying to trick Zhou Ying and win her favor, but he actually has no money, so he chose the Chanel VIP collection box that cannot be purchased.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's just a few hundred thousand. Our Mr. Wu doesn't care about it."

"Mr. Wu, I've already made the call. Someone will come to deal with this matter soon."

The young man's words were definitely well-intentioned.

The situation he said is not uncommon in today's society.

Unfortunately, his good intentions today are destined to be in vain. Zhou Ying will not thank him.

Not only will she not thank him, but she will also say a few words to him.

"Okay, then wait."

The matter will have a result soon, and Wu Liang doesn't want to continue to say anything more to the young man.

Nodding to Zhou Ying, he ignored the young man directly.

But the young man was very unhappy at this time.

"Hehe, Mr. Wu? You still don't care about hundreds of thousands."

"After all this, you are playing a double act here!"

"If you want to play, you can continue to play by yourselves. I don't have time to play with you."

"They are not eligible to buy the collection box. Why are you wasting your time? This is my diamond membership number

, wrap it up for me immediately, or I will complain to you! "

Whether Zhou Ying's words were true or false, the young man didn't know, and he didn't want to find out.

He felt that there was no point in arguing with Wu Liang, so he simply put all the pressure on the cashier.

Hearing that the young man wanted to complain, he checked that the other party was indeed a diamond member. Although the cashier was still embarrassed, he looked at Wu Liang with some apology:

"Sir, I'm really sorry, you really don't meet the purchase rights, so this set of collection boxes, I can only..."

Wu Liang's first come first served is useless in the face of purchase rights.

In the case of choosing one of the two, the cashier still chose the young man.

But just as she was about to apologize, she started to collect the young man's money and help him pack it.

A person ran out of a small room in the store and came to the cashier.

"Mr. Wu, I'm really sorry that I couldn't meet you in person."

"Mr. Zhu has already called me, and I understand the situation. I will solve it now. ”

“Upgrade this lady’s membership level to diamond membership directly, and then help Mr. Wu pack all the selected bags, quickly!”

“Ah…Okay, Manager Liang.”

The person who came over was the manager of this Chanel store.

The phone call Zhou Ying made just now was to Zhu Hong, the general manager of the property.

After learning what happened, Zhu Hong contacted the store manager immediately.

If Zhu Hong had not left the China World Trade Center after signing the contract with Zhou Ying, he would definitely come here in person.

“What are you doing? You are operating in violation of regulations.”

“I want to complain to you, complain to you!”

The store manager has spoken, and the cashier must do it.

The collection box that was about to be obtained slipped away from his eyes.

The young man was so angry that his face turned red, but he also knew that he could not change anything, so he could only complain as a vent.

“Dear guest, due to some special reasons, and the collection gift box was indeed chosen by Mr. Wu first, so…I am really sorry. ”

“If you also like this VIP limited edition four-piece collection gift box, we can immediately transfer the goods for you from other stores. When the goods arrive, we can personally deliver them to your home.”

Hearing that the young man wanted to complain, Manager Liang was not afraid.

Because she had sufficient reasons to do so, even if the headquarters asked, she could answer well, so there would be no problem at all.

But as a diamond member of Chanel, she couldn't really offend the young man, and still had to take care of him.

It's just that some things are not easy to say.

“What the hell! You just wait for me to complain!”

The young man really liked the collection box, but is it time to ask for it now?

Face, face, don't you understand?

The young man said something about the quintessence of Chinese culture in frustration, and then left directly...

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