The price of the wine is very high.

"More than 30 million is definitely an exaggeration, but even if this Han Di Mao Zi is not worth tens of millions, it must be worth several million."

"Good stuff, absolutely good stuff."

"If I wait until the New Year, I will take it back for my dad to taste it, it will definitely be awesome!"

Wu Liang was afraid that he would lose money because he changed four items into one.

Now it seems that he has made a lot of money.

Two bottles of Han Di Mao Zi are worth at least tens of millions.

Wu Liang certainly won't use such good wine to cash it out, he will definitely share it with others.

His father must be the first choice.

Knowing that his father likes wine, and now there is good wine, if he doesn't share it with him, wouldn't it be very unfilial.

"Hehe, when the time comes, I will wait until he finishes drinking, and then tell him the price, he will definitely be shocked!"

Let alone wine worth tens of millions, even wine worth thousands of yuan, Wu Liang's father has never drunk it.

Tens of millions of wine, I guess his father doesn't even dare to think about it.

But this matter cannot be done now.

At least we have to wait until Wu Liang returns to his hometown and sees his father before we can talk about it.

Now... everything that should be done is done, what else do you want to do if you don't sleep?

Should Wu Liang be left alone in this dark night... He has a girlfriend, although he hasn't reached that step with Murong Yan, but there is no need for it.


No words all night.

The next morning, Wu Liang woke up, and Lin Qiao had prepared breakfast as usual.

While eating breakfast, Wu Liang sent a message to Murong Yan.

"Yan'er, are you up?"

"I got up early. I'm already at the company."

"So early. You played so late last night. You don't sleep much. You're too busy with work."

"No way. I have a cooperation to discuss today. What are you doing?"

"I'm having breakfast..."

It seems that couples are all the same.

Although they chat from time to time, the topics are all meaningless.

However, after learning that Murong Yan is already in the company, Wu Liang's concern is still very sincere.

Murong Yan celebrated her birthday last night. Everyone did play very late. Murong Yan should be very tired. It's time to rest more.

While chatting and eating, Wu Liang had a delicious breakfast.

After he finished breakfast, he ended the chat with Murong Yan and went to the company.

Nothing special happened today. It was just some unimportant documents to sign.

Although it's not brain-burning, it takes time.

When Wu Liang finished signing the documents on hand, it was already noon.

While he was having lunch, Murong Yan sent him a message.

There was nothing special, just asking what he was doing and whether he had eaten.

Wu Liang replied to the other party, but did not receive any reply from Murong Yan.

I think Murong Yan is too busy, so Wu Liang did not bother her again.

They just got together and were in the stage of passionate love.

Many people like to be affectionate and wish to be together every minute.

But Wu Liang and Murong Yan both knew that they had their own things to do, so the situation that you don’t reply to me immediately and I will get angry will not happen to them.

"It’s almost time to get off work. Where should I go with Yan’er tonight?"

A day passed quickly.

As it was getting close to the end of get off work, although Wu Liang had not received any messages from Murong Yan since noon, he also began to plan his activities for the evening.

Although there is no need to be affectionate, there must be a date.

If you don’t meet each other all the time, it will be just a nominal relationship. What’s the point of being a couple!

Just when Wu Liang was thinking about where to go with Murong Yan tonight.

Should he go shopping, have a meal, watch a movie, or do something else after get off work like other couples?

His cell phone rang at this time.

"Is this a telepathic connection?"

Speak of the devil, the devil appears.

The person who called at this time was Murong Yan.

"Yan'er, what have you been busy with all afternoon? After I replied to your message at noon, you didn't talk to me again."

"I was just thinking about asking you out in the evening, and you called me. Did you miss me?"

After answering the phone, Wu Liang smiled and said softly across the phone.

"Yeah, I miss you."

"But I'm calling you not because I miss you, but because I have something serious to tell you."

Since the two of them are together, there is no need to pretend.


If you want to, you want to. If you don't want to, you don't want to.

Murong Yan didn't think so either. There was nothing wrong with it.

"Business? What is it?"

"My parents know that we are together. They want to see you!"

"What... your parents want to see me?"

Damn it!

After learning the real reason why Murong Yan called, the smile on Wu Liang's face disappeared, and he was a little confused.

To be more precise, he was a little nervous in an instant.

If it was before yesterday, Wu Liang would not have felt anything special when Murong Yan's parents wanted to see him.

Because the two of them were just ordinary friends, meeting their parents was just meeting, what could be wrong.

Murong Yan's ability to become the female president of the company was inseparable from her own ability, but she also had her family as a springboard and a starting point.

So her parents were definitely not ordinary people. There were only benefits and no harm in meeting each other. More friends mean more paths.

But now it's different!

Wu Liang and Murong Yan are already boyfriend and girlfriend.

The change in status destined the meaning of the meeting to be different from that of Gan Jiang.

But then again, he was not with Murong Yan, so why would his parents take the initiative to meet you?

"What? You don't want to meet my parents?"

"If you don't want to meet them, then I'll find an excuse to help you turn it down."

Wu Liang's reaction made Murong Yan think that he didn't want to meet his parents.

He responded calmly.

"No, that's not what I meant."

"You are meeting your parents. It's my first time as a big girl getting married, so I'm a little nervous."

"Hehehe... My parents are very nice, they won't eat you, why are you nervous!"

"But I can understand that it's too fast. After all, we were together yesterday. It was Shaoqiang, that stinky boy, who was too quick to talk, otherwise my parents wouldn't know."

Although Murong Yan's tone was calm just now, she was actually a little disappointed.

She is not a casual person. Once she recognizes someone, she naturally hopes to spend her whole life with him.

If Wu Liang didn't even want to meet his own parents, then does that mean something else, that he wasn't serious enough about this relationship?

So now when she heard that Wu Liang was nervous, she smiled.

Murong Yan's parents knew about the two of them so quickly, not because she was impatient to tell them.

But Chen Shaoqiang was too quick to let it slip.

Knowing that their daughter had a boyfriend, how could parents not want to meet him?

"If you know, you know. An ugly son-in-law has to meet his mother-in-law and father-in-law sooner or later, not to mention that I'm so handsome, so when will they meet?"

It turned out to be Chen Shaoqiang!

Next time he sees him, Wu Liang will have to teach him a lesson.

This meeting really caught him off guard...

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