The two of them were still busy, but the business was not to be neglected.

Before the formal meeting and entering the house, Murong Yan helped Wu Liang to tidy up his clothes.

After she felt that there was no problem, she suggested going in again.

"Okay, let's go, go in."


Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are determined by God.

Previously, Wu Liang was nervous when he thought about meeting Murong Yan's parents, although he refused to admit it.

But as he was about to enter the door, he thought it through.

He looked more casual and natural.

Seeing this, Murong Yan was more satisfied, and more convinced that such a Wu Liang would make her parents more satisfied.

Because self-confidence itself is a manifestation of charm. If you don't even believe in yourself, who will believe in you?

"Sister, brother-in-law, you are finally back."

"My uncle, aunt and I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Shaoqiang? Why are you here?"

Going back to your own home, there is no need to knock on the door.

But when Murong Yan was about to open the door, the door was pushed open from the inside, and Chen Shaoqiang appeared in front of her and Wu Liang.

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

"If it weren't for me last night, would you and your brother-in-law be together? If I hadn't told my uncle and aunt, would they want to see my brother-in-law?"

"Now that my brother-in-law is here, of course I can't be absent. Do you think it's my brother-in-law?"

People are all two-sided.

When in front of outsiders, Chen Shaoqiang always has the arrogant posture of a second-generation ancestor.

But in front of his family, he completely changed his face.

How can he say at this time? He is very arrogant.

If I were to describe him in one word, it would be "cheap".

Because he looked really cheesy now.

He was totally different from the rich young master who looked very cool.

"Should I thank you?"

Whether it was at Murong Yan's residence last night or in front of him.

The feeling Chen Shaoqiang gave Wu Liang was completely different from the first time he raced.

It was a bit of a subversion of his impression.

He looked like he was taking credit, to be honest, Wu Liang actually wanted to punch him.

Chen Shaoqiang did have a credit last night. Without his instigation, Wu Liang would definitely not have confessed to Murong Yan, and the two would not have been together.

But it was his fault to tell Murong Yan's parents about this.

It's not that this matter cannot be said, it's just too early.

To put it bluntly, it's just forcing Wu Liang to do something.

How can a couple meet their parents just after one day together!

"Brother-in-law, we are all family, why are you still being polite to me?"

"If you really want to thank me, just lend me your Porsche 918spyder for a few days."

I really don't know whether Chen Shaoqiang is attracted to Wu Liang as a person or his Porsche 918spyder.

Anyway, he always wants to drive Wu Liang's Porsche 918spyder whenever he has the chance, which makes people suspect that he sold his cousin Murong Yan just for a sports car.

"Anyway, I won't drive it recently, so you can drive it if you want."

"I will give the car keys to the nanny, and you can take it anytime."

It doesn't matter if it's a merit or a demerit.

If you count it, the merits and demerits will offset each other.

Chen Shaoqiang really likes his Porsche 918spyder. He wants to drive it, and Wu Liang will help him. After all, he is Murong Yan's cousin and his brother-in-law.

It's a piece of cake for him to satisfy this wish.

And just like Wu Liang said, he has not driven the Porsche 918spyder since he bought the Lamborghini.

It will just gather dust if it is left there, so why not help others do their best?

"Really, thank you, brother-in-law!"

"You finally got what you wanted, so why don't you get out of the way?"

"Hey, cousin, brother-in-law, please come in!"

Looking at Chen Shaoqiang, Murong Yan smiled and shook her head helplessly.

Please come in again.

Those who know that this is her boyfriend back home, those who don't know that she is visiting Chen Shaoqiang's house.


"Uncle, aunt, hello, I am Wu Liang."

"It's our first meeting, this is a little gift from me, I hope you like it."

Chen Shaoqiang would open the door before Murong Yan opened it, knowing that the two had arrived.

Murong Yan's father Murong Feng and mother Ye Lan, how could they not know that Wu Liang was here.

Although the two were very good to Wu Liang,

Curious, want to see what kind of man can be favored by Murong Yan and be willing to be her girlfriend.

But the two did not run to the door to greet him like Chen Shaoqiang did.

It's not that the two did not value Wu Liang. On the contrary, they attached great importance to meeting Wu Liang.

But on the one hand, it was the habit of being in a higher position, and on the other hand, they were Murong Yan's parents. When they met for the first time, they should still act like elders and be calm and composed.

"Well, sit down."

"You are here, why bring a gift? You are so polite. Sit down, sit down quickly."

Murong Feng and Ye Lan, who were sitting in the living room, listened to Wu Liang's self-introduction and nodded, asking him to sit down.

But from the expressions of the two, Murong Feng seemed more serious.

Ye Lan was relatively enthusiastic.

Wu Liang didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

A normal family, normal parents, isn't it like this?

One is a red-faced man and the other is a white-faced man. Fathers are usually strict, while mothers are gentle.

So after hearing the two asking him to sit down, Wu Liang sat on the sofa opposite them.

Chen Shaoqiang also sat next to him, and as for Murong Yan, she sat next to Ye Lan.

"Wu Liang, I have heard from Shaoqiang about some of your situation. You run a company, right? What company is it?"

"A media company, a security company, and..."

"You are not very old, but you are in charge of several companies. Not bad, not bad."

"You are not a local of Lincheng, are you? Where is your family from? Our Murong Group also has some partners outside of Lincheng, and maybe they have cooperation with your family."

Why did Murong Yan's parents ask Wu Liang to come and see?

Really just to see what he looks like? Then why not look at the photos?

They want to meet Wu Liang, and the key is to understand him, from his personality to his family background, to see how he behaves, to see his abilities, and so on.

After hearing that Wu Liang had several companies, although he didn't ask for the specific names, whether it was Ye Lan who didn't say anything but just smiled and nodded, or Murong Feng's praise, it was obvious that the two were quite satisfied with him in this aspect.

As for why Murong Feng directly said that Wu Liang was not a native of Lincheng, the reason was very simple.

Whether the rich circle in Lincheng was big or small, Murong Feng basically knew it.

Not to mention how many companies Wu Liang had, just the fact that he bought Villa No. 8 on the left bank of the river.

If he was someone in the circle of Lincheng, Murong Feng should have known it long ago.

"Yes, I'm from Chuncheng."

"But I think Murong Group and our family should not have cooperated."

Is it a trick? Murong Feng was definitely tricking.

But unfortunately, he tricked the wrong person.

Cooperation? What kind of cooperation?

My parents are farmers, unless Murong Group went to their village to purchase agricultural products.

"Chuncheng? Wu family?"

Chuncheng is close to Lincheng, and Murong Group has many projects in Chuncheng, but there is really no Wu family.

Murong Feng muttered to himself, frowned, and was about to ask a few more questions.

The doorbell of the villa rang...

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