The fish float moved.

The onlookers dared not make a sound, and could only hold their breath and watch carefully.

Wu Liang and Gao Sheng, the parties involved, did the same at this time.

When both of them felt that the time was almost right, they began to pull the fish up.

"It's a big one!"

Gao Sheng felt his hand sink and the fishing line was pulled violently.

He knew that the fish he caught this time was not small.

Yes, his fish hook model was there, and the small fish could not bite his hook at all.

With joy in his heart, Gao Sheng adjusted his body center of gravity and began to exert force with his arms.

When he pulled the fish hard, a strange sound suddenly sounded.


Wu Liang, who was not far from him, was also pulling at this time.

But compared to Gao Sheng, Wu Liang was much more relaxed.

He pulled hard, and the water surface splashed, and a fish was pulled up directly.

"How could it be? How did he do it?"

Looking at the fish that was pulled out of the water by Wu Liang and thrown onto the shore, Gao Sheng's eyes were shocked.

If it was a small fish, it would be fine if it was pulled up directly.

But what Wu Liang pulled up was indeed a big carp.

No one knows how heavy it is without weighing it.

But Gao Sheng judged from his own experience that the weight of this big carp must be at least 15 or 16 pounds.

Such a big carp has great power in the water.

With the fishing rod and fishing line that Wu Liang is using now, it will not be torn apart by the big carp, but it will not be pulled up so easily.

At least the big carp needs to splash in the water to release its strength, so that the fisherman can pull it up little by little.

But Wu Liang pulled it up in just one go.

"Oh my god, what a big carp."

"Awesome, such a big carp was pulled up in one go, this guy is really strong."

"Strong, really strong, such a big carp normally needs to splash in the water for several minutes, or even more than ten minutes..."

When Gao Sheng was surprised, the people around him were also amazed.

The people here, whether they are fishing enthusiasts or people who experience fishing.

They were all surprised to see Wu Liang catch such a big carp.

Not only because of the fish, but also because of Wu Liang's strength.

Only Murong Yan was not surprised by this.

Because she was the one who knew Wu Liang's strength best among the crowd.

"Ziteng, help me put the fish in the fish guard."

"Okay, Mr. Wu."

A big carp weighing more than ten pounds has great strength in the water.

But no matter how strong it is, can it be stronger than a thousand kilograms?

Wu Liang can lift a 600-kilogram barbell, so it is not easy to catch such a small carp.

After Du Ziteng helped Wu Liang take the carp off and put it in the fish basket.

Wu Liang put the bait on the hook again and started the second round of fishing.

A small carp weighing more than ten kilograms is not his target.

While Wu Liang was waiting for the fish to be hooked, Gao Sheng also pulled up the fish he caught.

It was a silver carp and bighead carp weighing about ten kilograms.

Normally, this fish is not small.

But in front of Wu Liang's carp, the silver carp and bighead carp here are not worth mentioning.

So Gao Sheng lost the first fishing.

Although it was a small loss, it was still a loss.

After letting a follower take his silver carp and bighead carp off and put it in the fish basket, he also started the second round of fishing.

In the following time, Wu Liang and Gao Sheng's luck was generally good.

Both of them caught a few more fish one after another.

What they caught now were all big fish.

It was really good to catch a few fish in more than an hour.

But neither of them showed a happy look on their faces.

Gao Sheng was unhappy because he was always suppressed by Wu Liang.

Whether it was the number or the size of the fish he caught, he lost to Wu Liang.

As for Wu Liang, he was not satisfied with the fish he caught.

Although he was in the upper hand now, the biggest fish he caught was roughly estimated to be a silver carp and bighead carp weighing more than 30 kilograms.

This weight was still light in his opinion.

He wanted to catch a bigger fish.

"There is still half an hour left, I still have a chance!"

Fishing can't be rushed.

First, compete with strength, second, luck.

So far, Gao Sheng will not underestimate Wu Liang.

He admitted that Wu Liang's fishing skills were no worse than his own.

Otherwise, even if there were so many fish biting the hook, especially the silver carp and bighead carp weighing more than 30 kilograms, he would not be able to pull them up.

Then the next half hour would be a struggle.


Let's see if my luck is better or Wu Liang's.

Time passed by again.

Ten minutes later, Wu Liang caught another 20-jin herring.

But Gao Sheng didn't get anything.

"Is my luck really worse than his?"

I wanted to compete with him, but I couldn't beat him.

Now, Gao Sheng was a little depressed because his luck was worse than his.

But Gao Sheng couldn't give up until the last moment.

He stared at the float on the water, and he believed that he would not lose like this.

"It moved, there's a fish."

People have to have confidence in themselves.

When Gao Sheng saw his float move, he was happy, but his eyes tightened again.

Because he saw that his float was pulled into the water.

"Did it swallow the hook?"

"It must be a big fish!"

Gao Sheng, with a tight look in his eyes, was not disappointed, but overjoyed.

Because he found that not only was he swallowed by the hook, but even the fishing rod in his hand almost slipped out of his hand.

This was because the fish he caught was too big.

He felt that it would at least not be worse than the silver carp and bighead carp that Wu Liang caught, which weighed more than 30 kilograms.

Although the total weight was not comparable, if he could catch a bigger fish than the other party, then he would not be considered a loser.

Thinking so in his heart, Gao Sheng grabbed his fishing rod and began to exert force with his arms.

But the fish in the water was too powerful.

He could no longer sit, so he could only stand up and pull the fish to the shore while walking it.

At this time, the fishing line was also shaking violently, making a squeaking sound, as if it was about to break.

The front end of the fishing rod was also very bent.

That's right, a big fish, and not just ordinary big.

Gao Sheng had never caught such a big fish before.

"Come and help, the fish is too big."

"Okay, Mr. Gao."

Like a tug-of-war, he was struggling with the fish he caught.

Gao Sheng not only failed to pull the fish ashore, but he kept getting closer to the river.

He was dragged away by the fish.

In desperation, he could only ask someone to come and help.

With the help of two followers, he finally stabilized the fishing rod.

A large black shadow gradually emerged from the water.

"Oh my god, what a big silver carp."

"Wow, this big head, it is estimated that this silver carp must be more than 50 kilograms."

"Caught it, help together, hurry up, don't let it run away..."

The fish head began to emerge from the water, attracting a cry of surprise from the shore.

Some experienced fishing enthusiasts can judge the situation of the fish based on some characteristics without the fish coming up completely.

Gao Sheng looked at the big silver carp getting closer and closer to the shore, and his face showed a look of joy that could not be concealed.

This was the first time he caught such a big silver carp.

So this is not only a matter of winning Wu Liang, but also his own honor.

But the joy on his face didn't last long, and turned into anger...

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