The blood test is quick.

Results can be obtained in up to half an hour.

Except for some necessary time.

Lee Seung-hwan two hours later.

At the same time, he received a report from Zheng Hyunwoo and Ma Dongti.

By testing the remaining third-party blood on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th victims, the results showed that they were all type O blood.

It is very different from the murderer that the Hwaseong police thought was type B blood!

This result undoubtedly proves that Lee Seung-hwan's speculation is correct.

Other than that.

After supervising all the workers of the brewery to draw blood, Ma Dongti also submitted the blood sample to the identification department for testing as soon as possible.

At this moment, everyone, including Li Chenghuan, gathered outside the identification room, anxiously waiting for the test results.

A minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Eight minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed!

Because it is a special case, only Li Chunzai's blood type needs to be tested first, and the detection speed of the appraiser is much faster than usual.

Less than 15 minutes.

They walked out with the test results.

"How is it, what blood type is Li Chunzai?"

Li Chenghuan stepped forward and asked.

"It's type O blood, Minister Li guessed correctly." The inspector said.

"I know!"

Li Chenghuan shook his fist heavily, and said in a somewhat excited tone.

Zheng Xianyu and the others' faces also showed excitement and surprise.

"Minister Li is really a god!"

"What a kid!"

"It is worthy of Minister Li, and the result is exactly the same as your reasoning!"

"Hahaha, the murderer was finally found out by us!"

"Let's quickly arrest someone, Minister Li, don't let him run!"



130 The crowd opened their mouths one after another.

Li Chenghuan looked at Ma Dongti and nodded, "You can arrest it." "


Ma Dongti immediately called several subordinates who remained outside the winery.

"Minister Li said, arrest people!"


Several police officers in civilian clothes got out of an SUV in front of the distillery and ran straight inside the distillery.

At this time, Li Chunzai, who knew nothing about danger, did not know that he had been exposed.

He was still like a nobody, talking and laughing with his colleagues about what to eat at night.

The result is the next second.

"Don't move!"

A boom sounded behind him.

Immediately afterwards, several big men rushed out and grabbed Li Chunzai's two arms and buckled them behind him.

Li Chunjae and several co-workers were confused by this sudden scene.

Not sure what happened.

Hurriedly shouted: "Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! "

"You caught the wrong person!"

"I didn't break the law at all!"

"Why are you arresting me?"

"I've been wronged!"

Li Chunjae kept shouting injustice.

Several police officers who caught him smiled coldly: "Wronged you? "

"When you get to the interrogation room, you will know that you are wronged!"

"Take away!"

Finish speaking.

A few of them were in full view of everyone, escorting Li Chunzai into the police car and roaring to the police station.

Interrogation room.

Lee Seung-hwan pulled out a chair and sat in front of Lee Chunjae across the cage.

Looking at this thin middle-aged man with a bad appearance and an ordinary face, he said lightly: (BBBI) Tell me, how did you kill your wife, and how did you start to take revenge on women and commit multiple murders in a row? "

Lee Chun-jae is still there shouting injustice.

"Wronged, officer!"

"I have no idea what's going on!"

"What kills wives, what revenge on women, why don't I understand?"

"Officer, you didn't catch the wrong person?"

"I worked well at the winery, I didn't have time to go out at all, and my co-workers could testify for me!"

Li Chunjae defended himself.

Li Chenghuan smiled.

He lit himself a cigarette.

Take a deep breath.

Spit the smoke ring into Li Chunjae's face.

Then slowly spoke: "You and your wife have been married for many years, but you have never had children, you think it is the reason for your wife, usually beat and scold her for domestic violence, plus you work in the winery all year round, rarely go home, and the relationship between husband and wife is indifferent." "

"Your wife firstly can't bear loneliness, and secondly, in order to take revenge on you, she chose to cheat, and as a result, the adultery was quickly revealed, and she was caught raped in bed, and things were raging, you became a clown in the eyes of the neighbors, a waste man with no skills, these rumors even reached the winery, you couldn't raise your head in front of your co-workers, you were angry and vowed to take revenge."

"So you chose a rainy day, told your wife to discuss divorce with her, and the wife agreed, and then you found a reason to change shifts with your co-workers in advance, eat a bad stomach and go to the toilet, and quietly leave the brewery."

"When you arrived at the agreed place with your wife, you strangled her with her clothes without saying a word, then threw her into a nearby drain, and then returned to the factory without knowing it, and no one knew that you left."

"You can't live in fear for the first time you kill someone."

"But after waiting for a long time, no one found out, the police casually investigated and left, and no one took it seriously."

"This undoubtedly emboldened you, and you began to deliberately take revenge on those who had taunted you, especially women."

"So, those female victims who died are old women in their seventies, and she is most likely a long-tongued woman who once participated in spreading your wife's cheating and disgraced you, so you have to take revenge on her."

"There is another, it should be the wife or family of the wild man who cheated on your wife." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The other is that you kill crazy and start random revenge killing, you hate women, hate women, and think they all deserve to die."

"And the reason for all this is entirely because you are an incompetent man."

"You are infertile!"

"But you think it's the woman's fault!"

"So there is a perverted revenge mentality."

"Am I right?"

Lee Seung-hwan said.

Completely shattered Li Chunjae's inner defenses.

His originally innocent expression changed instantly.

It became cold, crazy, and fierce!

"Gee, you guessed it!"

"Although I don't know how you found out."

"That's right, since I've reached this step, I won't pretend!"

"I killed people."

"They all deserve to die!"

"All those who laugh at me, those who look down on me, damn it!"

"The thing I regret the most is that I failed to kill the woman who lied to me and let her run away, you must have found me through the evidence she provided, right?"

Li Chunjae sneered.

Only at this moment did he reveal his true face.

Insidious and cunning, cruel!

Li Chenghuan smiled disdainfully and mocked: "You are really a waste, and you spilled your anger on women without fertility." "

"Even if you take revenge on society, you only dare to attack women."

"Why don't you kill the men who taunted you?"

"And the man who cheated on your wife, isn't he still alive and well?"

"Don't you dare!"

"You didn't grow it!"

"You hit him!"

"You're afraid that people won't be killed by others, right?"

"So, you are such a trash, coward, scum!"

"Wait to die in prison!"

After speaking, Li Chunzai didn't look at him.

Gestured to Xin Yu beside him to take notes.

Directly turned around and left the interrogation room.

Behind him, there was a faint tearing roar.


"I'm not waste!"

"I'm not a coward!"

"I can't wait to smash that bastard's corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

"But he's so much stronger than me, I can't beat him!"

"I tried to settle accounts with him, but he humiliated me fiercely!"

"I really hate it!"

"Hate yourself for being incompetent! It's useless to hate yourself! "


Li Chunzai screamed bitterly, tears streaming down his face, like a crazy demon.

The police officers in charge of guarding outside the door shrunk their necks.

What a madman!

Minister Li is so powerful, just a few words let Li Chunzai break the defense!

This ability to gain insight into human nature is terrifying!

And Lee Seung-hwan returned to the temporary prosecutor's combat command room.

Facing Zheng Xianyu, he said: "Hyunwoo, get ready, I will hold another press conference to announce to people from all walks of life and the people who are concerned about this case that the case has been solved and the murderer has been arrested." "

Zheng Xianyu immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Yes!" "

All the police officers in the war room and the search officers also looked at Lee Seung-hwan with shock and admiration.

"It's worthy of Minister Li, the efficiency is too fast!"

"It only took two days for the case to be solved, it's just godly!"

"Then don't look at who leads us? With Minister Li here, even the most complicated case can be easily solved! "

"yes! Following Minister Li to solve the case is easy, just follow the command step by step! "

"I have a hunch that Minister Li will be canonized this time!"

They guessed right.

In the name of Jung Hyun-woo through Lee Seung-hwan and Hwaseong Police Department, an announcement was made to the outside world.

Hwaseong County extraordinarily large serial homicide case.

Under the wise command of Li Seung-hwan, Minister Li, wonderful reasoning, and intuition in handling cases.

It took less than two days to officially break it!

The murderer has been arrested!


He readily admitted what he had done!

Confessed all the facts of the crime!

As soon as the news came out.

The whole country was shocked!.

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