Bite! Detected that the host solved the "Murder Memories" case, changed the course of history, and rewarded the source point +8!

The Hwaseong County extraordinarily large serial murder case has been solved!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately shocked the whole country!

Countless people have spread word of mouth.

There are also reporters from major media who have rushed to the Hwaseong County Police Station.

All look forward to first-hand information.

And online on major social media.

The comments of netizens ~ are also boiling.

"Oh my God! Is the mega serial murder case in Hwaseong County really solved? "

"That's still fake, it is said that it was personally said by the substantive officer of Prosecutor Lee Seung-hwan!"

"That's awesome! Prosecutor Li has not been in Hwaseong County for three days, so this has solved the case? "

"It's just god-fast!"

"Nishihachi! I just said that the local police are all rice buckets! Rubbish! The investigation did not come out for a month, and as a result, prosecutor Li broke the case as soon as he went! "

"Exactly! My Oppa is the best! "

"Li Oppa is not only handsome, but also capable, what an ideal boyfriend in the world!"

"He is worthy of being an elite prosecutor of the Seoul Public Prosecutor's Office, I think he should be called the Seoul Tiger!"

"That's right, the speed at which he solves cases and arrests criminals is as fast and fierce as a tiger!"

"I declare that Lee Seung-hwan Oppa is my male god!"

"I've been a fan of him for a long time!"


Not just online.

In reality, the local citizens of Hwaseong County learned that the murderer had been caught, and they all sang and danced, ran to tell each other, and there were many people, driving to the Hwaseong Police Station to see what the murderer looked like, did he have three heads and six arms? Otherwise, why couldn't the police catch him so long before?

There were even many enthusiastic citizens who spontaneously wrote some short words of praise and words of thanks by hand, made them into pennants, and pulled up banners outside the police station.

It's a joy from the inside out.

Only the original officers of the Hwaseong Police Department lowered their heads one by one, extremely ashamed.

Others came and solved the case in two days.

They tossed and turned for a month and still had no clue.

Doesn't this just prove that they are a bunch of stupid pigs who only eat and do not work?

Among them, the worst mood is Yin Doojun, the chief of the Hwaseong Police Station.

He was drinking tea in the office.

Still thinking about how to trip Li Chenghuan, find some trouble, and interfere with the process of solving his case, it is best to let this kid retreat and get out quickly.

Who would have thought that it had only been two days, and the case would be solved by him, and the person would be found by him.

How the is this done?

Could it be that their entire Hwaseong Police Station, everyone is really a group of pig heads three?

After all, in his opinion, Li Chenghuan has not done anything in the past two days, except for having an unpleasant trouble with Xin Yingshuo, that is, he asked those police officers in the police station for some of the photos, files, autopsy records and the like that they investigated when they handled the case before.

These things are all turned over by their own people.

I didn't turn out any flowers.

He is a newcomer to the outsider, and what clues can be found in it.

In addition, he asked his substantive officers and search officers, as well as police officers brought from Seoul, to visit the victims' relatives and friends, as well as some nearby factories.

What an unusual way to solve a crime

They did the same before, but they didn't gain anything.

If the murderer could be caught so easily, then they would have already captured the person back.

Anyway, he firmly did not believe it.

This Lee Seung-hwan must be greasy!

If not, he's here for show!

In order to show their faces in front of those bigwigs in the prosecutor's office, let them win over themselves.

This most common officialdom routine is not unfamiliar to him.

Sometimes in order to increase your resume, some operations that should be done are very normal.

He speculated that Li Chenghuan must have been prepared before he came, pretending to investigate for a few days, and then pulled out the substitute ghost prepared in advance, let him do perjury, and take the responsibility.

In this way, the whole country will feel that he solved the case like a god.

Stepping on the face of their local police, fame increased.

What a calculation!

Yin Doojun slammed the teacup on the table, and angrily prepared to go to Lee Seung-hwan to settle the account!

That's when his cell phone rang.

At first glance, the contact is Shin Young-suk.

He immediately changed his face, nodded and bowed, held his mobile phone in both hands, and said in a respectful tone: "Young Master Xin? "

"I heard that Lee Seung-hwan's guy has caught the murderer?"

"Yes, yes, but I think there must be something tricky in it, our Hwaseong police have worked hard for so long, invested tens of thousands of police forces to investigate for a month, and have not found anyone, why can he get it in two days?"

"I don't care what kind of trickiness he has, you give me a test of his tone, knock on the side what he means, if he only targets the murderer and announces the closure of the case, then leave it alone, by the way, help me show him goodbye, indicating that the unpleasant trouble before is written off."

"What if he has to go deeper?"

"Then let him know what is the end of offending me!"

"Got it."

Hang up.

Yin Doojun took a deep breath.

Straight to Lee Seung-hwan's temporary combat command room.

At this time.

A group of police officers and search officers from Seoul are ready to celebrate.

The command room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

They followed Li Chenghuan over, and their mood was still a little apprehensive, thinking that if the case could not be solved, wouldn't they also have to bear some infamy.

It turned out that they clearly thought too much.

Minister Li's ability is too strong!

Coming from Seoul is not only not a coolie.

Instead, it's a credit pick-up!

As one of them, they participated in solving this huge case, and they are more or less credited.

It has also received the attention of the people of the whole country.

He showed his face for a while.

No promotion and salary increase this time?

Reaching the pinnacle of life?

The most important thing is that they hugged Minister Li's thigh, as long as there are similar cases in the future, follow Minister Li closely!

Minister Li eats meat, and they can drink soup along with it.


As Yoon Doo-joon approached.

He also heard laughter coming from inside.

His face became even more gloomy.

Push open the door. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The laughter inside suddenly stopped.

Everyone looked at the uninvited Hwaseong police chief, not knowing what he was going to do.

Yoon Doo-joon, on the other hand, went straight to Lee Seung-hwan's office.

Knock knock.


"Come in."

After getting in.

When he saw Li Chenghwan sitting squarely, he looked at him with a hint of curiosity in his eyes: "It turned out to be Director Yin, looking for me... Hiss...... What's going on? "

While speaking, Li Chenghuan reached out and pressed it under the table silently.

Yin Doojun did not doubt him, but said with a serious face: "Minister Li, you said that you have caught the murderer, is this true?" "

"Of course, Yin... Belch...... What does Director Yin want to say? "

"Minister Li, this is not a trivial matter, you must not play child's play, I came to confirm your arrest process, and how can I prove that the suspect you caught is the real murderer?"

"To be honest, we have also caught several suspected murderers before, whether it is appearance or other conditions that are very consistent with the characteristics of the murderer, but it turns out that we caught the wrong person."

"I don't mean anything else when I say these words, just to persuade Minister Li not to be too anxious, for the sake of Haikou, which was previously boasted, he promised to solve the case within 5 days, resulting in chaos and mistakes in chaos."

"If you accidentally catch an innocent person by mistake, if the real murderer jumps out to commit the crime again, won't you hit yourself in the face, and then I am afraid it will be difficult for you to explain to the people of the whole country!"

Ask for flowers

After listening to Yin Doojun's words.

Lee Seung-hwan probably understood what he meant.

Suspect yourself of fake!

Suspect him for show!

Feel like he came over to gild.

Warn him not to fool around.

Ostensibly for his good.

In fact, doubts about his abilities.

Why are you?

Everyone is, why did you solve a case that we can't solve in a month in two days?

Isn't this a slap in the face?

Although we already have no face.

But you say that the case is broken, this is not good!

Definitely fake!

There are many people who hold this mentality.

Anyway, if you want to die everyone dies together, you have to be scolded and everyone is scolded together, on what basis you snatched it away.

Let's be scolded bitterly?

Lee Seung-hwan smiled disdainfully.

"Director Yin means I'm cheating?"

"Put on a show in front of the whole country?"

"Just find a substitute for the dead ghost, just say that the case is solved?"

"Is that what you mean?"

This blunt statement.

The expression on Yin Doojun's face was slightly unnatural.

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, Minister Li don't be surprised, I'm just kind enough to remind you, after all, the speed of your solving the case is too fast, I think it's a little incredible." "

"More importantly, I am curious about how the case was solved, and to be honest, I also want to know how Minister Li caught the murderer, can you tell me about it, so that I can learn some experience."

What to learn?

Learn how do you kneel and lick chaebol?

Or learn your corpse vegetarian meal, stupid like a pig?

Li Chenghuan sneered: "This is also thanks to your Hwaseong police, who did not do things well and got the murderer's blood type wrong!" "

"The murderer is obviously type O blood, but you say that he is type B, and the direction at the beginning is completely wrong, of course, no one can be found!"


As soon as these words came out.

Director Yin changed color in vain.

His eyes widened in disbelief.


In an instant, countless fragments flashed through his mind.

In the end, I couldn't laugh bitterly.

He muttered, "It turned out to be so! "

He didn't expect it.

Their people turned out to be so careless that they could get such an important thing as the murderer's blood type wrong.

They deserve to be unable to catch anyone.

If you have to blame, you can only blame themselves!

And Li Chenghuan murdered people again: "Moreover, your Hwaseong police do not want to take the initiative to investigate the victim's interpersonal relationships." "

"From beginning to end, I thought about how to squat in the area where the murderer frequented, and let the police officers pretend to be a lone woman to go fishing in that area in the evening, in a vain attempt to wait for the rabbit, calling me the stupidest method!"

"And I first visited the home of the first female victim through the command search officer, and successfully learned that the deceased was often subjected to domestic violence by her husband before her death, and the deceased had cheated on her, speculating that the murderer was most likely her husband!"

"After that, it's about finding evidence, testing blood types..."

"And through the latest blood type verification, finally, we locked the deceased's husband and confirmed that he was suspected of major crimes!"

"In addition, during the recent interrogation of the suspect, he has personally confirmed that he is the murderer, whether it is human evidence or a confession signed by the murderer himself."

"It can be proved that he is the murderer himself!"

"I wonder if Director Yin still has doubts?"

Say something in a word.

Yin Doujun's face turned red and white.

Helplessly bowed his head.

"Minister Li's ingenuity, wonderful reasoning, and reasoning, I am indeed far inferior!"

He totally understood.

He was also convinced by Li Chenghuan's meticulous mind and the reasoning process of his mind like a demon.

It turns out that this is the truth!

It's simple to say.

But why didn't they think of it before?

Or are they really a bunch of rice buckets??

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