In the depths of the endless sea of fire in the Purple Heaven Dao Domain

, a young figure sat upright, surrounded by endless divine Yan, all of which exuded a terrifying aura, as if they wanted to burn the void into nothingness.

That figure was like the lord of fire, no matter how terrifying Shen Yan was, he actually looked particularly docile when he touched that figure.

This person is one of the children of Destiny who has not been seen for a long time, Xiao Huo.

Today’s Xiao Huo is surrounded by colorful ancient divine fires, and a mysterious and ancient fire god pattern appears on his forehead, it is hard to imagine how Xiao Huo gathered at least nine innate divine fires in such a short time!

Such a terrifying heavenly fire condensed in the body, Xiao Huo’s strength skyrocketed to the extreme, actually not weaker than those top demons!

Xiao Huo slowly opened his eyes, there was a fire flickering in his eyes, and the endless sea of fire instantly retreated, giving way to a passage.

I saw a simple token appear in Xiao Huo’s palm, and then disappeared in place.


The headquarters where the Tianji Pavilion is located in the legend of Tianji Peak is also one of the most mysterious places in the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

Here the divine light is shining, the fairy mist is shrouded, the sea of clouds rises, the crane rushes straight into the sky, emitting a burst of cry, listen carefully, but it seems to be expounding the avenue, which makes people endlessly memorable.

A crane stretches its gray feathers, like wings of the sky, covering the sky, and is also like a beautiful picture, outlining the magnificence of mountains and rivers.

“Tianji Gongzi, the time has come”

The crisp and pleasant sound came out of the fairy crane’s mouth, like large beads and small beads falling on a jade plate, which made people feel refreshed.

The boundless immortal mist dispersed, revealing a white-clothed figure, his hands clenched into fists, the entire void made a creaking cracking sound, behind him there was a majestic god image phantom manifestation, it was above the firmament, stepping on the void, billions of stars and rivers hunched on its back, and the universe trembled.

This person is Zhou Xuanji, who once obtained the opportunity of a heaven and earth auction, and now he has successfully stood out from the three thousand Tianji disciples with the resources of the Heavenly Court and that terrifying exercise, directly becoming the divine son of the Tianji Pavilion, and has obtained the eternal secret of the Tianji Pavilion.

Tianji Pavilion originated from an immortal!

and Zhou Xuanji even obtained an immortal ultimate inheritance.

“It should be… was born”


At the same time, in the Divine Desolate Dao Domain, a wisp of sword light from the Heavenly Sword Holy Land cut through the sky, leaving an indestructible sword mark in the void.

In the Holy Land of the Great Sun, golden crows rise, burning the heavens and pearl seas, and annihilating all things.

The Feather Holy Land was filled with immortal clouds, and a burst of Dao sounds were emanating.

In the Desolate Holy Land, a strange beast roared, and the vision that belonged to the barbarism continued to rise.

There are girls holding swords, a sword cuts off the North Sea, there are young horizontal swords, hundreds of millions of mountains turn into nothingness, there are red-haired young people who walk out from the middle of the sea of blood, confident and invincible in the world, and the curtain of the world officially opens with this magnificent scene.


The prefecture

is now different, an ancient mansion that is enough to span the river of time stands above the firmament, and there are countless great figures in the mansion, swallowing and breathing, the law of chaos is wrapped, and the terrifying extreme aura spreads.

Beneath that ancient mansion, countless star domes surrounded, and masked members of the prefecture closed their doors in order to go further.

Gu Lingtian and Tianshan Venerable, oh no, they can now be said to be Tianshan Saints.

Relying on the resources obtained in the Heavenly Demon God Domain, Gu Lingtian and the Tianshan Sage obtained the cultivation qualification to be able to enter the closest link to that terrifying mansion.

Feeling the aura of law that even the skin can feel, and the terrifying immortal qi that is comparable to the immortal treasure elixir between swallowing, Gu Lingtian’s cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and now he is only one foot away from the quasi-saint.

Gu Lingtian looked at the terrifying mansion that was filled with an extremely Dao aura, and his eyes showed a longing expression.


heard that in the depths of that mansion, there are real demons of the prefecture hidden there, and it is even more cultivated by the president of the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce, and it is even more recognized to be able to cultivate in it.

Gu Lingtian clenched his fists and secretly vowed

, “Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, I, Gu Lingtian, will definitely become a core member of the prefecture one day!”

As long as Gu Lingtian could perform well enough in the Flying Immortal Pavilion, it would not be difficult to enter that mansion.

He is not the only one who has the same idea as Gu Lingtian, and those who can enter this space to cultivate will not be simple people, there are Yang An summoned, and there are also local Tianjiao.

However, if the local Tianjiao wants to enter here, the qualifications are at least purple level.

Only the purple-level qualification can give Yang Angao a glance.

And in the depths of that mansion, a purple-clothed figure stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes were open, just standing there quietly, as if blending with heaven and earth, every strand of hair was like supreme divine gold, with a Dao rhyme flowing.

Around that purple-clothed figure, there was endless golden light surrounding it, setting it off like a supreme immortal emperor who ruled over all living beings, which was indescribably expensive.

The sons of all the great fortunes are making progress, and Yang An, who owns the system and the great earth mansion, will naturally not stand still.

The endless golden light that surrounds it, in another system, is… The power of merit!

This is one of the things Yang An has planned.

Now this heaven and earth have been fully promoted to the divine realm, can accommodate immortality

, and have the qualifications to condense the heavenly way! This endless merit is the original power of the heavenly way, and using it to improve cultivation will not have any side effects, if it is given a weapon, it does not need any rare materials, enough to make an ordinary weapon have immortal characteristics, even if it is held by mortals, the slaughter emperor is not vain.

Even together with Yang An’s system, none of them were eligible to exchange the Origin of the Heavenly Dao.

“Name: Yang An

Age: 19

Cultivation: Early Stage Talent Potential of the Heavenly Emperor: Red Talent: Lord of Heavenly

Destiny (Red) Immortal Emperor Reincarnation (Red) Dao Ancestor Fate Personality (Red) Martial Emperor Reincarnation (Gold) Broken Delusion Immortal Pupil (Gold) Terran Holy Body (Gold) Congenital Haoyue Holy Body (Gold) ……

Summoning character

: slightly holy

point: slightly divine point: slightly luck point

: 830 billion items:

True Immortal level guard summoned once, Immortal level guard summoned once”

After feeling that this side of the world has been able to accommodate the immortality of the peak of true immortals, Yang An looked at the inventory.

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