“Open a True Immortal Level Summoning”

Yang An did not hesitate to directly open the True Immortal Level Summon Card first.

“Congratulations to the host for summoning the guard who has reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm, you can check its information”

Yang An’s pupils shrank slightly, and a smile appeared on his calm face.

“Tongzi, you are really my intimate little padded jacket”

True Fairy Realm peak!

This level is considered the top in the Immortal Domain.

Every step of the immortal realm is extremely difficult, and the gap between a small realm may be even greater than the gap between the quenching body and the great emperor, and there are too many things involved to be indescribable.

The gap is desperate.

True Immortal Peak, that is, has the potential to become an Immortal King, whether or not it can eventually become an Immortal King, just by having such a glimmer of life, that is enough!”

“View Information

” “Name: Ten Thousand Law Dao Lord

Age: Unknown

Realm: True Immortal Realm Peak

Character Potential: Gold

Character experience: Born in a vast world, originally a mortal, but has an eternal life, in a hundred years of unintentionally stepped into the cultivation world, got the cultivation method, but the qualification is too poor, even if there is a method in hand, it is slow to practice.

So it took a hundred years to cultivate the basic methods of the cultivation world, and spent thousands of years to cultivate it to Dacheng, and so on, under one era after another, constantly hiding in all parts of the universe, cultivating ten thousand laws, condensing ten thousand ways, until the destiny of a certain life was born and pushed across the present generation, preaching the great emperor.

After that, with the advantage of longevity, they survived one ancient existence after another, took their Dao as their own, and after billions of calamities, they became immortals and finally preached immortality.

After that, with great perseverance, he was favored by an immortal emperor and accepted as a disciple, and after endless years, he finally became the peak of a true immortal, with a ray of hope to preach the immortal king. ”

The Dao Lord of Ten Thousand Laws is more like the protagonist of the mortal immortal stream, a mortal body and life, but accidentally obtained the immortal golden finger, and finally surpassed countless Tianjiao and preached immortality.

However, this is also a lord with a black belly, never exposing himself, hiding in the shadows, waiting until generations of Extreme Dao Emperors Shouyuan are exhausted and come out to take away their Dao.

It is difficult for mortals, it is even more difficult for mortals to become immortals, not ruthless, I am afraid that even if you have an immortal golden finger, you have long ago not known that it is buried under that piece of land and turned into fertilizer, how can you become an immortal at the peak of a true immortal?

As for the other immortal-level guard summoning, Yang An did not intend to use it directly now, and after the sword mark in the Chaos Sea dissipated, he would bet on a guard above the true immortal level.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the guards of the Immortal Dao Domain for the first time, the system has been upgraded, and the summoning of characters in the Immortal Dao Domain has officially opened] [The currency required for the summoning of the Immortal Dao Domain

is Destiny Points, and the host can view a person’s Destiny Points by purchasing Destiny Items in

the system] [Destiny Points are both the system lottery currency and the transaction currency, which need to be arranged by the host] [

The more destiny points are invested, the stronger the strength of the guards summoned, the highest can summon the Exhaust Immortal Emperor, and the minimum summoning amount is 100 million destiny points]

After hearing the system’s prompt, Yang An smiled bitterly helplessly, and it was really not so simple to summon the immortal level.

For the existence of the Immortal Dao Realm, this kind of item is no different from the stone on the ground, and the final return of qi luck is the distribution of heaven and earth, but at the immortal level, the impact of qi luck is basically minimal.

Destiny became a higher currency.

Yang An had planned to use the opportunity of the prefecture to trade with the major Tianjiao, which was also a kind of fate transaction.

For example, some Tianjiao who can step into the immortal king in the future, no matter what kind of crisis they encounter on the road, they will eventually become the immortal king, and they are destined to be immortal kings in the future, if there is an unpredictable crisis, other time and space themselves will have the means to correct the chaos and turn their timeline into the correct timeline.

If you want to break through the Immortal Emperor, it is even more related to fate, transcending the long river of time, and the heavens are one.

And the consequences of the lack of fate are also extremely serious.

Tianjiao, who was originally able to preach the immortal king, will lack fate from the root, that is, erase the future self from the root, and the heavens will become the only one, if they cannot become the immortal king in this life, they can only disappear in the vast ancient history.

Fate is too lacking, and he will never be able to transcend the long river of years and realize the unity of the heavens, and he will eventually be unable to set foot on the Immortal Emperor Fruit position.

It’s not easy to get people to trade their fate.


the system mall” Yang An wants to see how the current system mall has changed, and it is worth the system to reopen a channel of destiny.

【Spirit Stone


Mall】【Destiny Mall】”Open Destiny Mall” ”

One copy of Heavenly Dao Origin: 100,000 Destiny Points Immortal Immortal Body Origin: 100,000 Destiny Points Immortal Body Origin: 150,000 Destiny Points Thunder War Immortal Body Origin: 150,000 Destiny Points Supreme Immortal Pupil Origin One: 180,000

Destiny Points


One copy of the origin of the Avenue of Destruction: one copy of the origin of the Origin of the Avenue of Creation: one copy

of the origin of the Avenue of Destruction: 100 million Destiny Points

…” Yang

An looked at the system mall, and couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart

, “Lie in the groove!”

He felt that his tattered system would not be able to say that the Origin of the Heavenly Dao could not be obtained, and it was waiting for him here.

Yang An was exhausted to let this side of heaven and earth advance to the Dao God Realm, and he only obtained a copy of the Heavenly Dao Origin, but it was this Heavenly Dao Origin plus some divine objects in the system that forced his cultivation to the early stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Of course, being able to reach such a realm with just relying on a Heavenly Dao Origin, Yang An’s series of talents have played a big role, if there is no blessing of so many terrifying talents, I am afraid that it can only reach the emperor realm at most.

But this is also very terrifying, isn’t it?

There are no side effects, each realm is condensed to the extreme, perfect, even in the Immortal Domain, the origin of the Heavenly Dao is also extremely difficult to find, but it is much more precious than any immortal elixir.

The remaining Immortal Body Origin, Ten Thousand Tribulation Immortal Body Origin, etc. can be regarded as red talents when brought out separately, and when three red talents are added, their own potential will reach red.

The gap between red potential and gold potential is really too big.

With a golden potential like the Ten Thousand Law Dao Lord, I am afraid that he will not have any chance to break through to the Immortal King Realm in his life.

And the red potential is not only destined to become an immortal, but also the probability of breaking through to the Immortal King Realm will be greatly increased.

Not to mention what Dao Origin behind, Yang An is even more unheard of, but don’t think about it.

Destiny Point… Steady!

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