It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 822 An Overseas Country

Chapter 824

The woman stood wet on the deck, dripping from her hair to her feet. She wore a padded jacket today, and it was very heavy after draught. Thanks to her good water ability, she would not drown in the water.

But the icy cold water could not extinguish the anger in her chest. His chest rose and fell violently, even more so.

"Do it."

The woman suddenly drank, took out a short knife from her waist, and stabbed Li Xingzai. Although Li Xingzai did not expect that he would move out of Mrs. Donghai, this woman would still do it to herself. However, he would not be stabbed by this knife.

As soon as he stepped back, he avoided the blade. The right hand stretched out lightly, grabbed the woman's wrist, exerted a little force, and the short knife fell to the ground with a clang.

It is this trick that already has the three-point charm of Cheng Dalei's housekeeping stunt "Have a Consonance in the Heart".

"Girl, that's not how knives are used." Li Xingzai said leisurely.

At this moment, Xu Wentian had stopped in front of Li Xingzai, his back was like a big mountain.

"Don't kill anyone." Li Xingzai leaned on the boat with a light expression.

When the big boat came over desperately just now, Xu Wentian was full of anger in his heart. Even if Li Xingzai didn't tell him, he already wanted to do it. And he understood the meaning of Li Xingzai's words, not allowed to kill, meaning that he could hurt people at will.

Li Xingzai is so high-profile in his work, it is obvious that he has no intention of being a man with his tail between his tails this time.

The pirates of Chessboard Island could be said to be tough, but it was a pity that they were facing Xu Wentian. When one charged with a big stick, the oar in Xu Wentian's hand had already been smashed out.

There were more than ten pirates on the other side, and they immediately surrounded Xu Wentian. Each ferocious god is evil, with a ferocious face, like a yaksha on the sea. But obviously, the most vicious people on this ship today were not them, but Xu Wentian.

He just used the oar in his hand as a weapon to protect the three steps in front of him. There are many pirates, and no one can get close to him. A reckless man rushed over and was directly knocked to the ground by his oars. In a short moment, four or five people fell to the ground.

The rest of the people finally felt the horror of Xu Wentian. Although their faces were still hideous, there was already a hint of timidity in their eyes.


Li Xingzai clapped his hands lightly, walked in front of the crowd, and said, "We are Mrs. Donghai's guests, and fighting against guests shouldn't be the way of hospitality on Qipan Island, right?"

He looked around and landed on the woman's face. With a smile on his face, he took out a handkerchief from his arms and handed it to the woman.

"The girl forgives her sins, and I will make an apology for the girl."

This woman's name is Yu Wushuang. Although she is not an important figure in the power center of Qipan Island, she can lead a ship to sea alone, and her identity is naturally not simple.

Li Xingzai held his hands in front of him, his eyes fixed on Yu Wushuang. Yu Wushuang recalled the experience of being humiliated just now, and waved his hand on the back of his hand.

The handkerchief broke free from Li Xingzai's hand, and was blown by the sea breeze, and it swayed into the sky.

"Tsk." Li Xingzai sighed, "It's a pity that one side is so good at Shu embroidery."

Li Xingzai was not a person who was very particular about food, clothing, housing, and transportation, but that didn't mean he didn't know how to be particular. Growing up in a deep palace since childhood, naturally, he never tires of eating fines and delicates. Taking out a thing at random may not be priceless, but it must have Li Xingzai's unique taste.

Yu Wushuang was startled, slightly avoiding Li Xingzai's gaze, as if he had done something wrong in a trance.

Li Xingzai didn't care at all, he looked away from her, clapped his hands and said, "Let's start the boat."

First of all, Xu Wentian, the evil star, has already boarded the ship, and everyone on the ship may not be his opponent. Second, everyone is also looking at it, waiting for the board island, and then think of a way to take care of the two people who don't know the importance.

The wind ripped the sails, and the boat opened the waves, following the tide, gradually approaching the Chessboard Islands.

As the island gets closer, there are more and more boats along the way, and there is a lively scene coming and going. Various flags are displayed on ships, but without exception, a black flag can be found on every ship.

This is the sign of Qipan Island. Hanging the black flag means that it is protected by Qipan Island, and correspondingly, a certain protection fee must be paid to Qipan Island. And ships that fail to fly the black flag will naturally be looted by pirates in the surrounding waters.

Finally, the boat docked at the pier of Turtle Island, and Li Xingzai and Xu Wentian went ashore.

Li Xingzai glanced forward and saw a towering castle standing in front of him. Li Xingzai was secretly shocked, since Qipan Island has been running such a family business for decades, financial and human resources should not be underestimated.

As soon as the boat docked, several sailors left quickly. Only Yu Wushuang was still with Li Xingzai.

Xu Wentian gestured to Li Xingzai with his eyes, and there was some worry in his eyes. Li Xingzai shook his head, motioning him to stay calm.

Yu Wushuang's expression towards Li Xingzai was still unkind, but he did not draw his knife to kill on the spot. She led the way ahead, leading Li Xingzai to the castle.

Li Xingzai carefully observed the scene along the way and passed many people along the way. Most of these people are soldiers of Qipan Island. They are in a team of ten and have uniform clothes.

However, they should not be regarded as pirates gathered by a rabble, strict discipline, daily training, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are an overseas country.

As they were on their way, they suddenly saw a group of people rushing over in front of them. The head of the group was in their thirties, and they looked at Li Xingzai with anger and raised eyebrows.

When he came to Li Xingzai, he waved his hand without saying a word: "Someone, tie me up."

"Tsk." Li Xingzai sighed and whispered to Xu Wentian, "Take him."


Xu Wentian spat out a word, strode forward between the lightning and flint, waved his hand and grabbed the other's collar. Carry it over and smash the opponent directly on the ground.

This person's name is Mu Baishi, and he has been coveting Yu Wushuang for a long time. As soon as the boat docked, someone told him the news. Mu Baishi is in charge of the defense of Turtle Island and has thousands of soldiers under his command. It is also considered a high weight on Chessboard Island and is invincible.

But his arrogance was underpinned not by his position, but by his father. His father was a veteran who fought the world with the old island owner. There is also a gossip that Mu Baishi's father secretly had an affair with Mrs. Donghai.

This lady of the East China Sea is famous and famous, and no one knows that she is not as good as she is. As for whether this gossip is true or not, no one has the guts to confirm it.

Mu Baishi was thrown to the ground, and his bones were sore. Xu Wentian picked him up again and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "Can't you speak?"

"court death."

Although controlled by the opponent's hands, Mu Baishi gritted his teeth and spat out two words. He couldn't understand why these two people were so bold, and they dared to be so presumptuous on the Turtle Island.

Li Xingzai laughed, his face unchanged: "We are friends of Mrs. Donghai, and I have said it more than once. So, is it too disrespectful?"

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