Chapter 825

There were more and more people around Li Xingzai. Mu Baishi was in charge of guarding the Turtle Island and naturally cultivated a group of cronies.

At this moment, they quietly surrounded them, their hands hanging in the position where they could pull out their weapons at any time. Chessboard Island is not a place that cares about killing people, and the big fish in the sea can often eat fresh meat.

The reason why they haven't done anything yet is simply because they are afraid that Mu Baishi is being held by Xu Wentian.

There were too many people around him, and they were all enemies. At this time, Xu Wentian was also a little bit afraid. After all, two fists can't match four hands, no matter how strong you are, you can't escape from this island wrapped in the ocean.

Yu Wushuang is a little gloating now, and he has to see how this young master Chu, who has always been smiling, escapes.

The smile on Li Xingzai's face has been retracted, and his brows are slightly wrinkled. Yu Wushuang was startled, this expression was obviously not fear, but... anger.

Li Xingzai was indeed a little unhappy, and he came all the way with full sincerity. Even if Chessboard Island wants to give himself a blow, once or twice is enough. The other party provoked again and again, but he was too ignorant of his free king.

He stood there and said loudly, "It's a guest from afar. Could this be the way of hospitality on Qipan Island? If Madam really doesn't want to meet you, then I can't help but be a friend of Qipan Island."

Either friend or enemy.

Li Xingzai turned his head, and the way back was blocked. Now he was surrounded by pirates from Chessboard Island, and most of them had sneers on their faces, as if mocking Li Xingzai's ignorance.

What is this place, is the island of the chessboard. Tens of thousands of people wearing armor have been rampant in this sea area for many years. If it is said to tear their skin, they are the least afraid of doing so.

In other words, Li Xingzai was not worthy of their serious treatment at all. Killing is killing. After killing, whether to feed the fish or bury it in the soil to fertilize the field is something that needs to be considered.


A crisp voice suddenly sounded, and a woman in a Luo shirt separated from the crowd and approached Li Xingzai. She came to Li Xingzai, clasped her fists and saluted, "Young Master Chu, Madam has a request."

This woman was Mrs. Donghai's valet. Li Xingzai had come all the way and had seen many female soldiers in formation. This is a unique scenery on Qipan Island. Even in Liangzhou controlled by Cheng Dalei, the female soldiers only do some logistical work, and it is not their turn to go to war.

The woman turned to the surrounding pirates and said, "Young Master Chu is Madam's guest. Madam has orders to charge forty battalions to those who collide with Young Master Chu."

A group of pirates are like eggplants beaten by frost, and everyone is downcast. Li Xingzai watched this scene with a cold eye, the punishment for the forty military sticks was definitely not light, but no one refuted it. Madam Wang Sunli of the East China Sea, is a woman so powerful in Qipan Island?

The woman bowed to Li Xingzai and said, "Young Master, please."

Li Xingzai retracted his thoughts and said with a smile, "Please ask the girl to lead the way."

The woman led the way, Li Xingzai and Xu Wentian followed behind. Go further, and no one dares to stand in your way. Going through the gate of the castle, Li Xingzai finally got to see the true face of the castle.

Most of them are based on boulders on which wooden buildings are built. On the small bridge in the castle, there are actually a few strange beasts that are not common on land grazing leisurely.

There were gardeners pruning the branches, and most of the people serving in the castle were women. From walking in until now, Li Xingzai had not seen a single man.

The woman led Li Xingzai and the two to a side hall and said, "Young Master, wait a moment, Madam will come over immediately."

"Excuse me, girl."

Li Xingzai smiled and sat down, Xu Wentian stood behind him. A maid served tea, accompanied by a few fresh fruit snacks.

Li Xingzai appeared calm on the surface, but was secretly surprised in his heart. There is a saying that three generations wear clothes and five generations eat. Li Xingzai himself was the master he had seen before, but he was still shocked by the decorations that Mrs. Donghai brought out.

The tea cup is a small kiln of fine porcelain, known as the jade in the fire, inch porcelain inch gold. The taste of Jiwei dim sum is also very good, and it does not have the style of stacking taste of ordinary rich people.

Looking at the decoration of this side hall, it is also elegant, everything is of extraordinary origin, but it does not have the temperament of the nouveau riche showing all their wealth.

It is said that Wang Sunli was born as an ordinary fisherwoman. Could this vision really come from her mother's womb?

At this time, footsteps sounded behind the screen in the side hall, and Li Xingzai immediately sat up straight. A woman walked out from behind the screen and said slowly, "Excuse Master Chu to wait for a long time, please forgive me."

"Ha, you're polite, girl, and I haven't been waiting for a long time."

Li Xingzai raised his head following the voice, and he was also curious about the appearance of Mrs. Donghai for a long time.

When he saw the face of the other party, Li Xingzai was suddenly stunned.

I saw that the other party was wearing a plain-colored robe, with long hair pulled behind his head, and he was slim and graceful.

Beauty is in the bones but not the skin, and there are many vulgar fans in the world, but this woman is a first-class beauty no matter what.

The reason for Li Xingzai's shock was not the beauty of the other party. He had experienced a lot, and he had never seen any kind of beauty. Not to mention that when you see a beautiful girl, you will be confused.

The key is that the other party is too young.

Wang Sunli had followed four men before and after, and the real age was unknown, but even an old lady over sixty years old, Li Xingzai was not at all shocked.

The woman in front of her was around forty years old, of course not young, but definitely not old.

Shocked only for a moment, Li Xingzai immediately calmed down, cupped his hands and said, "Madam, you will lose your mind in the next moment, please forgive me."

The woman smiled, like a deep spring falling, refreshing. But her next words really made Li Xingzai's heart drop halfway.

"I'm not Wang Sunli."

"Uh..." Li Xingzai was really stunned.

"Can you ask your companion to leave?"

Li Xingzai nodded to Xu Wentian. Xu Wentian walked out of the side hall and stood at the door to wait. At the same time, no one was allowed to approach here.

"You are not Chu Yunsheng either."

The woman's second sentence made Li Xingzai unable to sit still. He folded his fists and saluted, "Ask the girl's name?"

The woman also saluted at the same time and said, "I have seen Your Excellency King Xiaoyao."

Since his identity was revealed, Li Xingzai had nothing to hide. He opened his mouth and said, "Forgive Xiao Wang's stupidity, please ask the girl to clarify your doubts. Where is Mrs. Donghai now, doesn't she want to see me?"

"Wang Sunli is dead." The woman said calmly, "I killed it."

"Uh..." Li Xingzai opened his mouth wide and was able to swallow an egg.

Now he seems to be in a fog, completely confused about today's situation.

"I'm Wang Sunli's younger sister." The woman said, "My surname is Wang Sun, and my name is Lishan. I sent you the letter in your hand."

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