It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 824: Straight to the point

Chapter 826

Wang Sun Lishan.

It's a name with a strong voice, but it's very gentle in appearance. She stood there, expressing affection, making even rough men want to pretend to be polite.

Li Xingzai didn't ask, he didn't want to appear flustered. But he was really a little flustered in his heart, he took a sip of tea and tried his best to appear calm. I want to find a clear path from the confusing situation in front of me.

Wang Sun Lishan knew that Li Xingzai had many questions in her heart, but she did not explain. The two sides confronted each other, and whoever spoke first would lose.

No one spoke in the side hall, and there was a quiet fragrance of flowers. This is the fragrance of a red flower on the coffee table. It is inserted into a water-purifying porcelain vase, which contrasts with the king and sun Lishan in front of the screen.

"Miss Wangsun recognizes me?" Li Xingzai was the first to speak to break the silence, but what he said was a trivial matter.

"I've also heard the name of the sixth prince. A good person once sent a portrait of the prince. When I saw it today, I knew that what I heard was not as good as what I saw. The sixth prince is a little more dignified than the legend."

"Just didn't expect to be lame?" Li Xingzai smiled.

Wang Sun Lishan also pursed his lips and smiled, and when he smiled, the red flowers in the house looked dull.

Li Xingzai said, "Why did the girl invite Xiao Wang to come over?"

"Wang Sunli is dead."

Li Xingzai nodded.

"I killed her."

Li Xingzai nodded again.

"The sixth prince doesn't want to know why?"

"Please ask the girl to explain?"

Wang Sun Lishan sighed, his expression a little sad.

Wang Sun Lishan's older sister, the lady of the East China Sea, Wang Sunli, is famous in the neighborhood. She has had four husbands, and will always play with men who are either vicious or cunning.

There is a saying that men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men.

Wang Sunli implemented this sentence very thoroughly. In the past 20 to 30 years, Qipan Island has become a force that no one can ignore in the East China Sea. Her four husbands have all passed away, and she herself has become the leader of this overseas country. actual controller.

It is not easy for a woman to gradually reach this stage after decades of hard work.

She interacts with different men, attracts important people on Chessboard Island, and weaves her own web of power, not just out of interest. In some cases, by nature.

Some people's toys are just toys, some people's toys are men.

A man's ambition is to conquer different women, Wang Sunli's ambition is to conquer every man. Make men jealous and fight for it.

As for how many men she has had in her life, and how many people on Chessboard Island have walked into her boudoir, I'm afraid she can't even count them.

Not long ago, King Donghai passed away due to a sudden illness, and no one can limit Wang Sunli's power. She spends time in the castle and plays with the teenagers who are just growing up. At the same time, the main characters on the chessboard island are eager to move, secretly coveting the position of the East Sea King.

After all, Wang Sunli is old and senile, and the years are merciless. No matter how charming she was in those days, once she gets older, it will be difficult to attract men.

She has the power of the entire chessboard island, but she may not have the prestige to suppress the tigers and wolves under her. Her age also makes it impossible for her to play with her appearance and tempt men to die for her.

After the old monkey king in the monkey group lost his power, he either left the group sadly and died of old age alone, or learned to flatter and please, and share some green peaches and rotten fruits.

With what Wang Sunli did, she couldn't imagine what would happen to her after she lost power. She naturally tried her best to avoid this from happening...

So, she turned her mind on Wang Sun Lishan. If she wants her to replace herself, repeat the path she has traveled, use her body to control a man, and help a man to ascend, she can still be the king of leisurely clothes and food in the castle.

But there are always people who don't obey.

Wang Sun Lishan has such a name that swallows the sky and the earth, and naturally he is not someone who will easily obey. The two sisters met on the cliff to talk secretly. During the quarrel, she accidentally pushed Wang Sunli into the cliff.

In this way, there is also today's scene.

Li Xingzai remained calm and listened carefully to the cause and effect of the matter. After a while, he said, "So, the people on Chessboard Island still don't know that Mrs. Donghai is dead?"

Wang Sun Lishan nodded.

"What if they knew?"

"I will die." Wang Sun Lishan paused, then added: "Or life is better than death."

Wang Sun Lishan seemed to be talking about something unrelated to him: "There are 19 islands in the Chessboard Archipelago. Except for the Turtle Island, each island has a person in charge. You can call them the island owner. The dead East China Sea Wang, was originally the owner of one of the islands. He became the king of the East Sea because he married Wang Sunli. Now that he is dead, I am afraid that many people want to repeat the path he has traveled. Wang Sunli is alive, everyone wants more or less Give him some face. If they know that Wang Sunli is dead, everyone is afraid that they will not even pretend to be peaceful on the surface. And I will definitely be the first to sacrifice, in the name of revenge."

Li Xingzai nodded and sighed helplessly. The situation on Chessboard Island is more complicated than I thought. The eighteen island owners resemble the eighteen princes of the empire. Really, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes.

"Miss Wangsun invited me here, what's the purpose?" Li Xingzai asked.

"The sixth prince is a smart person, why should he ask?" Wang Sun Lishan said: "In fact, Wang Sunli planned to cooperate with King Xiaoyao before his death. Although Qipan Island is powerful, it is still a lonely boat at sea. After I killed Wang Sunli, I found out that she was already doing this. So I pushed the boat and got in touch with the sixth prince."

"The girl really hurt Xiao Wang." Li Xingzai said with a wry smile.

Wang Sun Lishan smiled and said, "The situation in Luofeng City is not very good. The 100,000 army in Jiangnan surrounds Luofeng City. Once the city is breached, the sixth prince will have no place to stand in the world. From the sixth prince to the East China Sea. The world knows that the prince's plans are not small. If the sixth prince is really ready to take over the world, Qipan Island needs soldiers and soldiers, and wealth and wealth."

"If you want soldiers and soldiers, you want wealth and wealth?" Li Xingzai sighed: "It's a pity that it's neither mine nor yours."

"As long as the prince has the ability to take it, the soldiers, horses, gold and silver can be yours. Even the little girls can be yours." Wang Sun Lishan said: "Can you take the world, but can't take the little chessboard island?"

Li Xingzai laughed and said, "It makes sense, it makes sense, but Xiao Wang still has one thing that I don't understand, if I expose the truth, can I also borrow a group of troops from other island owners? "

Staring at Wang Sun Lishan intently, I saw the other party smile gently.

"Of course you can, but is the prince willing?"

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