Chapter 848

Liu Guanzhang and the three walked out of the camp at the same time, with fast footsteps and serious expressions.

There is still a chill in the wind in early spring. Campfires are lit everywhere in the continuous camp. Looking at the quiet camp, you can smell the uneasy restlessness in the wind.

The first one the three of them went to look for was Li Xingzai. Li Xingzai was also eagerly walking out of the gate, and the two collided.

There was unease in each other's eyes.

"Have you got the news?" Li Xingzai.

Guan Yu nodded: "What are your plans?"

The various princes are not a group of pigs getting together. In the past days, everyone did not quarrel every day, and did not do anything.

From the day they set up the camp, they each sent spies to move around the war zone to monitor the movements of the Rong clan and Chang'an, but if there was trouble, they would immediately report back.

Guan Yu got the information early enough, but it was not too late for other princes to know the news.

"Can the news be confirmed?" Li Xingzai asked.

"I have to guard against it, I don't know what the prince has plans?" Liu Bei.

There is no way to place the spies in the Rong camp, and they can only judge based on the apparent movements of the Rong. With the mobilization of the Rong army, it is not impossible if the attack on Chang'an City is postponed and the coalition camp is chosen instead.

The key is that Chang'an is not easy to fight. If the Rong tribe spends all their strength to attack, it is not impossible to fight, but the price required is too high. And food and grass have always been the weak underbelly of the Rong tribe, but there is a lot of food and grass in the coalition camp, so they may not come to grab a piece of it.

But the news still shocked everyone. The coalition forces have not yet decided on the next strategy, and the Rong tribe actually took the lead in provocation.

Fighting everywhere is really the style of the Rong people.

Li Xingzai and Liu Guanzhang went to the main unit of the coalition army, and Li Xing's place was already in a mess.

The princes from all walks of life have almost arrived, and everyone is discussing how to retreat. Which soldier goes first, which soldier is responsible for blocking, where should we evacuate, and how to avoid the edge of the Rong tribe...

Everyone is arguing about these things, after all, no one wants to stop the Rong clan, thinking of being the first to evacuate.

Guan Yu's face changed, his muscles tense. When he thought about it, everyone gathered together to think about how to fight against the Rong, whether to retreat or fight. Unexpectedly, everyone skipped this stage directly, and it was time to think about how to retreat.

"No retreat." Guan Yu finally couldn't hold back his temper, took a step and raised his voice.

Almost no one paid him any attention, and everyone was still arguing.

Li Xing is a little bit overwhelmed now. Although he is the leader of the coalition, he encountered such a situation as soon as he competed for this position. Although the coalition is dominated by him, who would listen to him at this time?

It happened that he noticed Guan Yu's words, waved his hand to suppress the chaotic voices around him, and said, "General Guan has something to say?"

"You can't retreat, you will lose if you retreat, and you will die if you lose." Guan Yu took a step forward and stood in the sight of everyone.

"Little Huangkou, think twice about what you say, the Rong clan rushed forward, and the edge is sharp. It is the best policy to avoid its edge for the time being." Yanzhou Wang Lei Tianyin said disdainfully.

Guan Yu ignored him and walked to the handsome case. Holding the battle map in his hand, he said loudly: "The coalition army is about 120 miles away from the Rong clan. With the marching speed of the Rong clan, if you march quickly, you will be able to arrive before dawn. And our army has a lot of baggage, if you retreat, How far can we retreat before dawn. If the Rong clan bites its tail, the army will be devoured by the Rong clan little by little."

Everyone gasped, and Yuzhou Wang Lintao said, "If you can stop the enemy from the enemy, and buy time for the army to retreat, does General Guan think it is feasible?"

Guan Yu shook his head: "The 100,000-strong army still sees the Rong and retreats. How long can the soldiers of the whole army stop the enemy?"

"Does General Guan have a strategy to retreat from the enemy?" Li Xing asked.

"No retreat, face the enemy head-on." Guan Yu said slowly: "The armored soldiers are in the front, the archers are behind, the catapults are behind the archers, and the cavalry guerrillas harass the enemy. This is a raid battle, and the troops and horses mobilized by the Rong tribe. Not too much. As long as our army can block the first battle, the morale of the enemy will be weak, and if we take advantage of the victory to counterattack, we will be able to strangle this army cleanly."

Speaking of the last sentence, Guan Yu's eyes were wide open, and his face was a bit hideous.

Everyone's heart was stunned, and they realized just now that Guan Yu's tactical purpose was not simply self-protection, not to seek safety. He wants to win, he wants to wipe out the enemy.

No one spoke in the tent for a while, shocking the young man's ambition.

In fact, Guan Yu still considered them for them. Knowing that although the coalition army is numerous and powerful, the people are not in harmony. If his fish-character army was here, Guan Yu would have taken the initiative to attack, and would have a solid encounter with the Rong tribe.


There was a crisp applause in the tent, and Lei Tianyin clapped his hands and said, "The young man is right, but I just ask you, what if you can't stop it?"

Guan Yu raised his head and met his eyes.

Lei Tianyin took a step and said, "If you can't stop it, the entire army will be wiped out. Young man, are you gambling with the lives of 100,000 people?"

Everyone was stunned, thinking in their hearts that Lei Tianyin's words were not without reason. Even if the battle is won, the loss of troops will be severe. But once it fails, it is the end of the whole army. In contrast, it is safer to retreat quickly.

Guan Yu clenched his fists. If he was in Liangzhou, just relying on Lei Tianyin's words, Guan Yu would be pushed out and beheaded by Guan Yu. But this place is not Liangzhou, the right time and place are not in my hands, and I am also determined to kill thieves and unable to return to heaven.

More or less, Guan Yu could understand Li Letian's difficulties.

"Our army is the vanguard in this battle." Li Xingzai said suddenly, "You can stay on the sidelines for now, see how we play, and then make plans."

Guan Yu raised his head and glanced at Li Xingzai gratefully. Although he is arrogant, he is not ignorant.

Li Xingzai put the token in both hands, and said, "General Guan, I have thirteen thousand people under my command to be mobilized by you alone. Those who violate the order and do not obey will be executed."

Guan Yu took it with both hands, and said in his mouth: "The lord can trust Guan, and Guan will give the lord a victory."

Li Xingzai smiled, like the beginning of melting ice water, breaking the seriousness in the tent.

"You have been bored in Toad Village for too long. Now, it is time for the world to know your names."

Cheng Dalei is devoted to being his king of the mountain, living his own life with peace of mind, and is reluctant to start the war lightly. In doing so, it did bring a period of peace to Liangzhou. But invisibly, many heroes were buried.

People like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, in this chaotic world, should have become famous and made great achievements. Leaving a legacy in this world...

However, until now, these people are still unknown.

With the military order in hand, Guan Yudun showed a domineering attitude. Time is urgent, and he has no time to grumble with these princes, so he needs to save as much time as possible to deploy.

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