It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 847 That fish, what fish?

Chapter 849

It is Qi Jiguang who is in charge of contacting Guan Yu. On this expedition, Li Xingzai did not carry many people. Qi Jiguang was in charge of the three armies, and Xu Wentian was in charge of Li Xingzai's personal guard.

"General Guan, the commanders of the various armies are here, what needs to be done is what you tell them to do." Qi Jiguang.

"The situation is urgent, so Guan will not be humble."

After Guan Yu walked to the handsome case, he glanced at the people in the tent. Qi Jiguang was rarely good-natured, and he didn't say anything about Li Xingzai's handing over military power to outsiders. But the generals under his command may not have such a good temper. They all thought in their hearts: Who is this person named Guan, why should I obey his command?

The key is that Guan Yu is too young and not well-known, so it is difficult to convince the public.

Guan Yu opened his mouth slowly and said, "Let's talk nonsense for a while, Guan will send orders at the beginning, and those who do not obey will be executed immediately."

Everyone looked at Qi Jiguang, and Qi Jiguang looked at Li Xingzai. Li Xingzai said calmly: "General Guan's words are my words. The one who lost my face, General Guan can tolerate you, and I want you to be headed first."

Everyone had to put away their own thoughts, no matter what Guan Yu was, at least Li Xingzai had to listen.

Guan Yu picked up an arrow: "Hua Rong listened to the order, you ask General Qi for a team to inquire about the movements of the Rong clan. Find out how many troops the enemy has, when they will arrive, and who will lead the army."

"Subordinates obey orders."

Hua Rong went out with an arrow in his hand.

"Shan Xiong listened to the order, you lead someone to clear out the Rong spies near the coalition camp, it is best to catch a living and interrogate them clearly."

"As ordered."

One after another, the arrows were passed down, and Guan Yu knew and trusted the people from Toad Village. Most of the 500 Liangzhou thieves made arrangements.

Li Xingzai was a little impatient: "General Guan, what are my people doing, you obviously don't believe me?"

Having gained military power in a hurry, Guan Yu also has his difficulties. The difficulty is that the generals do not know the soldiers, and the soldiers do not know the generals. After all, it is not one of his own people, so it is not handy enough to use.

He bowed his hands to Li Xingzai and said, "There will be General Lao Qi next, how should the army be fortified."

Guan Yu can arrange for the order, but it is up to the troop to carry out the order, and Qi Jiguang's opinion must be consulted.

How to arrange the army and dig horse pits on the front line, time is tight, and all arrangements must be completed before dawn.

When Guan Yu laid it out, Qi Jiguang couldn't help but look at it with admiration. In such an urgent state, Guan Yu can also reasonably arrange manpower, allowing some people to raise their spirits and save their physical strength for tomorrow's decisive battle.

In the battle of generals, the courage of a man is enough. However, the commander of an army must consider the whole situation. There are not so many tricks and tricks in this kind of battle. The key is how to boost morale and allocate manpower.

At this point, Guan Yu has done quite well.

Li Xingzai said something right, Liangzhou is too small, and there is no stage for Guan Yu to display his talents. Only today will he have the opportunity to try his edge in front of the heroes of the world.

After the arrangements were made, Guan Yu also left the tent. After all, he didn't know the soldiers in Li Xingzai's hands, so he had to go to the front line to take a look and see how good they were. If it is really a bunch of mud that can't support the wall, then Guan Yu is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

After that, Guan Yu looked at Li Xingzai or Qi Jiguang with admiration.

Ten thousand people, everyone obeyed the military orders, and carried out the orders thoroughly and quickly. With a strong enemy in front, it can be considered to be fighting alone, but morale has not been affected much. Still mustering up his courage, sharpening his knives, and getting ready for the coming battle.

Guan Yu looked at Qi Jiguang, thinking in his heart: This person is not under his own ability to train troops. If he can win over Toad Village, he is a rare talent.

One is unparalleled in training, and the other is like a god. The cooperation between the two can be said to be very tacit. There is a kind of handy, like a duck in water.

Before dawn, Hua Rong rushed back first, and he immediately came to Guan Yu to report the news: "General Guan, his subordinates have made inquiries. There should be 5,000 cavalry in the Rong tribe, and they are the troops of the Rong tribe's fox clan."

Hua Rong paused: "There are three thousand people after that."

Thanks to the work of the Xizi team, Guan Yu was not ignorant of the situation of the Rong tribe. Of the eight tribes of the Rong tribe, the wolf tribe is good at raiding, and the fox tribe is cunning and likes guerrilla warfare the most.

"It's good." Guan Yu took a deep breath: "Check and explore again."


Guan Yu faced Qi Jiguang: "General Qi, the strong enemy is in front, and you have a job."

Qi Jiguang clasped his fists with both hands: "Only General Guan will follow his lead."

In such a situation, it is natural that the armor will not be disarmed, the soldiers will not leave the sword, and everyone will mobilize all their energy to prepare for the upcoming battle.

When it comes to rushing an army, there are few armies in the world that surpass the Rong clan. When the fish's belly was white in the east, the army flag of the Rong tribe could already be seen on the horizon.

A flaming red flag with a black fox tattooed on it is the symbol of the fox tribe of the Rong tribe.

"Come." Guan Yu spit out two words, and then ordered: "Drum."

The drums were beaten, and the three armies could hear them clearly. This drum sound seemed to have an inexplicable magic power, clasping the heartbeat, and everyone's originally panicked heart gradually calmed down. Grasp the handle of the knife tightly, hold the spear, and look forward to the frontal contact with the Rong tribe.

The drums got louder and louder, gradually overshadowing the hoofs. The morale is growing little by little, like a monster gathered above everyone's heads.

The Rong tribe and the Imperial Army, two monsters facing each other, bared their teeth, ready to pounce on each other at any time.

The march of the Rong tribe was held down, and there were horse pits of different shades in front of them.

Habits are formed gradually, and they have played against the Imperial Army several times, and they are already familiar with their fighting style. The enemy's will to fight is often a joke in the Rong army.

It's really hard to grow up against such an opponent.

This time, what they had planned in advance was that 5,000 people would attack the imperial army and defeat the main coalition army. However, instead of seeing the Imperial Army fleeing and leaving their backs to the enemy, they saw an enemy that had been lined up for a long time, ready to face it head-on.

A real enemy army.

Guan Yu waved his flag down and ordered an attack.

The first to be dispatched were heavy equipment such as catapults and bed crossbows, which could kill the enemy at 1,200 paces. The boulders fell from the sky, the crossbow arrows penetrated the horses, and the Rong army was so dense that dozens of people fell off the horses and died in an instant.

The fox general Tuoba Changkong gritted his teeth: Miscalculation, the enemy did not become a bereaved dog this time, but instead became a tough sheep.

He ordered the soldiers to disperse, look for places not covered by the horse trap, and rush to break through the enemy lines.

The Rong tribe is worthy of their unparalleled equestrian skills. Under the attack of the trebuchet, they still quickly dispersed the formation. After that, the heavy equipment prepared by Guan Yu could not cause mass casualties.

Tuoba Changkong wanted to see who the enemy commander was. After breaking the army, Grandpa Tuoba will definitely use your head as a chamber pot.

Looking into the distance, you can see the word "fish" tattooed on the flag opposite?

That fish, what fish...

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