It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 851 Come in a hurry, go in a hurry

Chapter 853

When the news of the defeat came into the tent, Lei Tianyin's eyes went black and he almost fainted on the spot.

The person who went out to face the angry brows tiger was a number of generals under his command, and he was as famous as the marksman Lu Changya.

In other words, who did Lu Changya die in...

Thinking of this, Lei Tianyin's liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and it was another burst of heart-wrenching pain.

A general heads-up is a rare event in battle. One is that it is unnecessary, and the other is that it does not have much effect. The outcome of a battle will not be greatly changed by the level of martial arts of the generals of the two armies.

But the Rong tribe dared to put on such a scene, it was obvious that the coalition army had 100,000 horses. First frustrate your spirit, and then the army will swarm up, come to catch the turtle in the urn, and wipe you out completely.

Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. Losing a game or winning a game actually means nothing. But it's so deceiving... that the clay figurine still has a three-point earthiness, not to mention that there are people on the field who hold soldiers and horses, and can cover the wind and rain with a wave of their hands.

Li Xing sat behind the handsome case, with a sullen face, and said, "Who can make the head of a tiger with angry eyebrows?"

They are all from the military, with a passion for blood. At this juncture, everyone also put aside their intrigue and became the same enemy.

"My subordinates are willing to go out to meet the enemy, and thank you all with angry heads."

Speaking of Zhou Wu from Jiangnan, Li Xing knew what he was capable of.

"You are allowed to go out, this battle can be won or unbeatable, if you lose, it's your question."

Zhou Wu was ordered to leave the tent, dressed neatly, and stepped out of the gate to meet the enemy.

Li Xing breathed a sigh of relief: "I am very aware of Zhou Wu's ability, and I think it is not difficult to win."

"It is an honor for my generation that the leader of the alliance has a lot of talents." Jizhou Wang said.

Li Xing has a bright face, where does the face come from? It comes from victory after victory. As long as you keep winning and keep winning, sooner or later, you will be able to have the prestige sweeping the world.

"The Rong tribe is a group of people who drink blood and have hair and horns. I don't think it's a good climate..."

Li Xing stood up with a smile on his face, but the sound was still on the ground, and a captain hurried into the big tent.

Kneeling down on his knees, he said in his mouth, "Report, report... General Zhou fought against that angry brow tiger, and he was smashed off his horse within three hours."

There was silence in the tent. Li Xing, who had just stood up, fell down, and subconsciously spit out two words: "What..."

"My subordinates are not talented, I would like to meet the general of the Rong clan for a while."

At this time, there was a military commander who came out to ask for an order. This man is a subordinate of the King of Jizhou, his name is Yuan Hai, he is used to drawing a halberd in the sky, and he is very good at it.

The King of Jizhou stood up: "Be careful not to compromise the prestige of our army."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, if you go to a certain family, you can go back."

With that said, Yuan Hai went out with a weapon. Everyone was waiting in the big tent, waiting for his news. It didn't take long before someone reported that Yuan Hai and Angry Tiger were smashed to the ground before they fought for a few rounds, and the end was no better than Zhou Wu.

There was silence in the big tent, and the needles could be heard at this time. In the end, it was Li Xing who broke the silence and said, "That angry brow tiger is not well known, how could he be so talented?"

The King of Yuzhou said: "Xiao Wang has also heard about the name of this angry brow tiger. It is said that when he was thirteen years old, he was able to hunt a colorful tiger, and his left eyebrow was cut by the tiger's sharp claws. Come."

The name of the Rong people is very strange, and it is rare to have a surname inheritance, often referring to the sky as the surname and the earth as the surname. However, those who dare to use tiger as their surname must at least have the ability to do it firsthand.

"Could it be that there are no people in our army who are better than angry brows and tigers?" Li Xing was not asking, but sighed.

The empire is very large, with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but the Rong people cannot be underestimated because of this. They fought against heaven, earth, and beasts on the grasslands, and they were able to invade the empire several times, and it was not without reason.

Three generals were killed in a row, and the morale of the Rong tribe was high, and the angry brows and tigers showed off their might in front of the two armies.

Xu Wentian gestured to Li Xingzai with his eyes. He was also practicing Sanjiu in winter and Sanshu in summer, eager for a chance to become famous in front of the world.

Li Xingzai signaled to him to calm down and not be impatient. One hundred thousand coalition troops and several princes, not one of them could win against Furious Brows Tiger.

"Can someone dare to fight against the angry brow tiger?" Li Xing glared at him, already a little angry. The situation of the empire to this day is helpless not for one person or two people, but for everyone.

Li Xingzai nodded lightly.

Xu Wentian has been waiting, and now he finally waited, he stepped out of the queue and said: "Xu Wentian in the lower East China Sea, may..."

Before I could say it, the first captain rushed into the big tent: "King Qi, there is a man flying on horses to fight against the angry brows."

"Who is so daring to go into battle without military orders?" Li Xing shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes... it's Liangzhou Guanyu."

"Naughty, that angry brow tiger is very capable, even beheading three generals of our army. What kind of ability does he dare to go into battle without authorization? Isn't this going to kill him. It doesn't matter if he dies, it will damage our army's morale in vain." Lei Tian The voice was desperate.

"Come on quickly, how's the battle going?"


Guan Yu was dressed in a green robe and flew out on a flying horse. He sat on the red rabbit horse, and saw a cold saw in his hand. He sat on the horse without anger, and he was as awe-inspiring as a god.

The king of the Rong clan was sitting on the chariot, with a Qingluo umbrella on his head, with eight treasures embedded in it, and Hongju guards guarding him. At this time, he was drinking slowly, and the victory was in his hands, so he didn't have to worry.

Accidentally raised his eyes and glanced, his expression was startled, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Bai Wushuang, who was beside him, was stunned: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

"Why is he here?" The king of the Rong clan snorted, and his face suddenly changed: "Quickly order the angry eyebrows to retreat, he is not this person's opponent."

"Your Majesty, the Angry Brow Tiger General has cut three people in a row, and there may not be anyone in the Imperial Army who can beat him."

"Confused, how do you know who he is, who is he..."

Bai Wushuang was a little confused, thinking to himself: Who is he...

The Rong Wang Ye Yuanhuo wanted to make the angry brow tiger retreat, but the red rabbit came too fast, it was too late.

Angry Tiger was riding on his horse, and he was complacent at the moment. Suddenly I saw a similar red cloud, pounced on me. Holding the sledgehammer, he said carelessly: "Wu that boy, sign up for the name, this general will never die without a nameless ghost."

The "Red Cloud" came quickly and urgently, and in the blink of an eye, a touch of white appeared in the red cloud. The whiteness of Qinglong Yanyue, the whiteness of sword light...

The two horses thought wrong, but in an instant, the head of a good adult rolled to the ground. The angry brow tiger's mount, carrying the headless corpse, also ran a dozen feet away.

Guan Yu jumped off the horse, picked up the human head on the ground, and got on the horse. He really came and went in a hurry.

The soldiers of the two armies were terrified.

At this moment, the face of the king of the Rong tribe calmed down. He sighed helplessly and said, "Order the three armies to retreat ten miles to camp."

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