Chapter 854

"Report..." A small school ran into the big tent out of breath: "General Guan goes out to fight, within one unit..."

Before Xiao Xiao could finish his words, Li Xing sighed: "I knew that General Guan's central dispatch was enough to be a handsome talent, but how could he be the opponent of the angry brows and the warriors. Alas, I have lost a lot of money in vain. General."

The small school was stunned and said, "It's not like this..."

"Little Huangkou, he is beyond his own power. In my opinion, he should die." Lei Tianyin felt proud at the moment, although Guan Yu was killed, it was not good for him.

There was a sigh in the big tent, no one cared about the small school reporting the news. He gritted his teeth and summoned the courage to raise his voice:

"General Guan went out on a horse to meet the enemy, and slashed the angry brow tiger under his horse within one unit."

Wan Lai was silent, and everyone seemed to be stuck in their necks. The most regretful thing is Xu Wentian: I can go, but I don't have the chance to play.

Li Xing was stunned: "General Guan is so amazing!"

"Report." Another commander who reported the news broke into the big tent: "The four-way army of the Rong tribe retreated and camped ten miles away."

People are no longer shocked, but shocked. It is incredible enough to be able to kill a general of the Rong clan with a single sword, but it can also make the army of the Rong clan retreat ten kilometers, which is simply not something a normal person can do.

After a long while, Lei Tianyin let out a long sigh: "It's really a god."

"Hurry up and invite General Guan."

The small school left in a hurry, and returned to the big tent in a short time. Li Xing couldn't wait to ask: "Is General Guan here, General Guan..."

"Report to Your Majesty." The captain of the newspaper reported embarrassedly: "General Guan has left the camp."

"What?" Li Xing was startled.

"The five hundred cavalry from Liangzhou have already galloped away, and now they are several miles away from the camp."

"Hey, why didn't you stop them?" Lei Tianyin said.

The small school hesitated to speak, and said in his heart: Who can stop it?

Li Xing sighed: "Why did you just leave?"

There was a lot of discussion, some admired Guan Yu's ability; some felt that they only had 500 people, how could they break out of the encirclement of the Rong tribe; some wondered if he had joined the Rong tribe...

With many people present, Li Xingzai could probably guess what Guan Yu was thinking.

The eagle should fight against the sky, and the big fish should swim in the sea. People like Guan Yu only admire real heroes and disdain to be in the company of chickens and dogs.

The various princes said that it was a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, and I was afraid that few would be seen by him.


Five hundred cavalry from Liangzhou galloped away from the coalition camp. Guan Yu rode on the red rabbit horse and took the lead. Zhang Fei's black horse followed closely.

Zhang Fei has complained all the way, and said: "Second brother, you are so inauthentic, let me play, and you can kill the thief of the Rong clan. You have taken up all the things that show your face like this, you are using the public for personal gain. "

Behind him, Shan Xiongxin, Shi Wengong and others all thought so, and nodded secretly in their hearts.

Guan Yu sat on the speeding horse, raised his head and laughed. As a general, you are naturally willing to kill enemy generals in a chaotic army, just like drinking a jar of strong wine.

"We haven't broken through the encirclement of the Rong clan yet, so we must not be careless and be careful." Liu Bei said.

Everyone nodded. This time, the five hundred people in Liangzhou were mostly people like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei who could stand alone. Even the most common little pawn can command three to five hundred people in Liangzhou, and he is the best among the middle-level officers.

They don't look down on the Rong clan too much, but they won't look down on any opponent. This is to despise the opponent strategically and to value the enemy tactically.

The flying horse galloped for thirty miles, the hooves churning behind him, and a group of Rong cavalry came after him from a distance.

Guan Yu suddenly restrained his mount and looked back. He saw that this Rong clan had about seven or eight hundred people, and they were aggressive, obviously chasing after him with the mission of annihilation.

"Brothers." Guan Yu held up the blue dragon Yanyue and shouted, "Don't say that Guan will not give you a chance to kill the enemy, and there are eight hundred cavalry behind him, maybe it will be broken?"

"Broken, broken, broken."

Five hundred people roared in unison, their morale condensed, like a giant beast roaring to swallow the sky.

"Come, come, kill the enemy with me."

Guan Yu took the lead, followed by 500 people, who fought back against the Rong who were chasing after him. Everyone wants to be the first, and no one wants to be left behind.

What is a partner, that is, I can give you my back, and you can give me my back. When you charge, I defend you against cold arrows, and when I wrap my body, you take care of my wife and children.

Five hundred people have no suspicion, no selfishness, and work together. Although there are only five hundred people, they can shake thousands of troops.

What's more, there are not thousands of troops in front of us, but only eight hundred cavalry.

Hua Rong rode on a galloping horse, opened a bow and shot arrows, and killed several people in a short period of time. Soon, the two teams collided.

The result was tragic, and it was tragic for the Rong people.

Shan Xiongxin's golden-topped Zaoyang lance, Yang Zhi's wrought iron spear, Shi Wengong, Hua Rong, Gao Feibao, Gao Feihu... It's hard to imagine that in a team of 500 people, the generals can reach such a density.

This is desperate for the Rong tribe.

In the time of a stick of incense, the Rong tribe was defeated, three or four hundred people were killed, and the others fled.

Who said that the Rong family would not escape, but they did not encounter a more vicious, cruel and powerful enemy than them.

After the victory, Guan Yu ordered everyone to collect horses, dry food, and water bags to replenish reserves.

After that, lead the team to continue heading north.

The coalition forces camped in the southeast of Chang'an, with their backs to the rear, ready to retreat at any time. That is to say, the farther south you go, the less Rong clan is and the safer it is. The further north you go, the area controlled by the Rong clan is the most dangerous.

If you draw a line along the direction of Guan Yu's retreat, you will find that he is not retreating. But in - attack.

Along the way, they defeated three waves of pursuers and wiped out more than a thousand people. After leaving the coalition camp for more than 100 miles, the pursuers were nowhere to be seen.

Although the seizures were full, they were also sleepy and lacking in horses. Guan Yu set up camp in a chosen place, making a group of people patrol and alert, and a group of people rested and quickly replenished their strength.

In the tent of the king of the Rong tribe, the king of the Rong tribe drank cup after cup of fine wine that was seized in the empire, and it was once worth a thousand dollars. But now when he drinks it, it tastes the same.

When he drinks to the point where it tastes nothing, he is not tasting wine, but pouring out his sorrows.

No one can imagine the pressure on his shoulders. He started attacking Chang'an last autumn and has continued to this day, but he has not achieved the desired results. The army was full of complaints and war-weariness.

Like a boulder rolling down from the top of the mountain, it seems to destroy everything and destroy everything. But everything along the way is giving it resistance.

Bai Wushuang walked into the tent with the information he had just obtained, and said, "Report to Your Majesty, the chasing enemy has returned, with heavy casualties and failed to leave the target."

Ye Yuanhuo drank a glass of wine and said, "If you don't leave it, you won't leave it. If you knew it earlier, you wouldn't be able to leave it."

If you don't hesitate to pay any price, you may not be able to keep Guan Yu. only……

Endlessly difficult.

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