Jayden couldn't understand what Apple had in mind to get him to go to a place like this. And, what was she doing here anyway? This made no sense at all, even to Jayden.

Was the girl playing tricks on him?

If that was the case, shouldn't Jayden refrain himself from falling into her trap willingly like this and find another way to catch the bad girl?

But instead, Jayden followed her game and let the girl lead him to a corner of the city that he himself had never visited before.

Jayden realized how conspicuous his appearance was among the people there and this was not a good sign.

Tsk! Why did Apple have to do this to him? He didn't understand her mind at all.

Then after a while, he caught her figure turning at a corner and chased her there.

It was a narrow alley with a pile of garbage left and right.

"Apple!" Jayden called aloud. At this point, he no longer cared about his appearance and was more worried about the girl.

This girl was crazy to dare venture into an area like this, no normal girl he had ever met would want to go to places like this, even when she was angry.

Jayden quickened his pace when he saw Apple turning into another alley. He even shoved some of the men blocking his way there and got a few swear words which he simply ignored.

It was clear that Apple knew that Jayden was following her there, but she still wouldn't stop, even deliberately slowing her pace when Jayden lost track of her. She purposely lured him to follow her and Jayden had no other choice but to follow the girl.

Jayden should have listened to Pyro's advice a long time ago, because the man had said in passing that his daughter would be very hard to beat and if she got upset then you should stay away from her.

Jayden ignored the suggestion because it was clear that Pyro didn't really approve of his relationship with Apple, so he wouldn't take advice from someone who totally disapproved of their relationship.

For some reason, Pyro didn't seem to like it when he approached Apple, even though he had explained to him that he would take full responsibility for the girl.

However, it seemed that Jayden's 'ignoring Apple for about two-weeks' strategy had produced far worse results than he had expected.

"Apple! Wait!" Jayden shouted furiously and quickened his footsteps when he saw the girl turning back into the other corner of the alley, which was becoming increasingly deserted.

He bumped into a man walking with two of his friends and they cursed at him, but as before, Jayden ignored them and tried to grab Apple.

"Stop!" Jayden exclaimed, finally grabbing Apple's wrist and making the girl stop and turn around rapidly. "Did you know that this place is dangerous? What are you doing here?!" Jayden looked annoyed that he was worried about the reckless girl in front of him, while Apple didn't look scared at all.

"Oh, thanks for warning me, but I've been to this place a few times, so there's nothing to worry about," Apple replied casually. She even pushed away Jayden's hand that gripped her arm fiercely. "You know you shouldn't be here, don't you?"

Apple glanced at their quiet surroundings and smiled naughtily.

"Whatever you want to say, but we have to get out of here now," Jayden said angrily, he then grabbed Apple's hand and was about to take her away from there. This was not the right place to talk at length. Jayden could nag her later in the car once they had left.

However, it didn't seem like things were going the way he wanted, because before the two of them could even take a step, a group of people had gathered at the side from where Jayden had come. They looked at Jayden and Apple with very hostile eyes.

"I told you no, that you shouldn't have come to this place," Apple said in a light voice.

Without Jayden having to see the expression on her face, he knew that this girl was not at all afraid of how they would turn out, maybe she had even predicted this beforehand.

This girl was really hard to control.

"What do they want?" Jayden asked as he watched the five people move closer.

"Of course they want you." Apple then gave a look full of judgment while looking at Jayden from head to toe. "Don't you realize that by looking like this you will become a target for pickpockets and bandits?"

"Of course I know, but I'm more worried about you hanging around in this kind of place," Jayden muttered honestly and this impressed Apple quite a bit with the way he rambled on even under these circumstances.

Well, not bad…

"Oh, thanks, but for your information, I can protect myself, you don't have to worry about anything unnecessary," Apple replied in a casual tone.

She then was about to stand beside Jayden to face the five men.

"I'll take the skinniest guy, while you can deal with the rest," Apple said, as if she had proposed a fair share. One for herself and four for Jayden. Fair enough.

But, it turned out that Jayden actually had other thoughts, he actually asked Apple to hide behind his body and stay away from this fight.

"You're going to face them all?" Apple asked to be sure.

"Of course, I wouldn't let you face these men alone," Jayden replied firmly. "You'd better stay away from here."

"Where should I go?" Apple nodded to the other side of the alley which was covered by a very high iron fence, while the other side had the five men, which meant they were trapped here. "We're stuck here."

"Stay behind me," Jayden said.

"Okay," Apple replied nonchalantly then walked back to a barrel and sat on it.. "Don't take too long, I'll be waiting."

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