"Okay," Apple replied nonchalantly then walked back to a barrel and sat on it. "Don't take too long, I'll be waiting."

Apple didn't seem too concerned about the fact that Jayden might get a punch or two in the face or whether he could handle five people at once at a time like this.

"You're not worried about me at all?" Jayden complained when he saw how calm Apple was as she sat on the barrel and crossed her legs.

"You said you were going to face them all alone, right?" Apple reminded Jayden of this and was confused because he looked displeased.

"But you can at least pretend to be worried, can't you? I have to fight five grown men," Jayden reminded the girl.

"Are you being petty?" Apple snorted. "No, I'm not worried about you. If you can't handle them alone, just say so. I'll be happy to help you."

Jayden sneered at Apple at the answer and turned to face the men in front of him. "No thanks, I'm not that weak."

Apple rolled her eyes when she saw Jayden's reaction. "Boys and their arrogance..." she grumbled.

On the other hand, the five of them looked annoyed that neither Jayden nor Apple paid attention to them at all, both seemed busy talking to each other.

"Hey!" one of them with the largest body exclaimed. He walked forward to approach Jayden with four people very close behind him. "I'm talking to you!"

"Just a minute," Jayden cut him off by lifting a finger. "I'm talking to my girlfriend."

Apple could only raise an eyebrow when she saw this and ignored what Jayden was trying to tell her, because Apple thought this situation was so funny and she couldn't help but laugh.

Jayden wasn't used to being interrupted, but the situation they were in, of course it wouldn't be right for him to ask for time from people who wanted to rob him.

"You hear me don't you?" Jayden grumbled seeing Apple laughing, the girl completely missed all the words Jayden said and burst out laughing.

Meanwhile, the five men had lost their temper and they started moving forward to beat up Jayden for belittling and insulting them.

Actually, the gesture Jayden gave wasn't meant to insult them, he just wasn't used to being cut off when he was talking.

"Hey, you're making them even angrier," Apple said when she saw the movements of the five people.

The biggest man among them immediately grabbed Jayden's collar and shouted right in his face.

"How dare you act like this in front of me!" the man exclaimed angrily, but then a sly smile appeared on his lips as he glanced at Apple. "Hand over your things and I'll probably let you go after we've had some fun with your lover."

On the other hand, Apple who heard this could only raise her eyebrows. Well, it certainly could have happened with a note that they were able to overcome Apple and her bad temper.

However, Jayden who heard this was not as calm as Apple. How could he hear another man saying he would abuse his girlfriend right in front of his face and Jayden not doing anything? Of course, the Tordoff heir wasn't that kind to leave him alone after saying those impudent words.

Right after the big man finished his sentence, he roared in agony while bowing his body because Jayden kneed him right on the place where it hurt the most.

However, when he bent down, Jayden kneed him right on his face again. He literally grabbed the man's head hard and smacked it against his knee with a lot of force.

The man immediately fell to the ground with blood dripping from his broken nose. He groaned in pain, but was able to stand up again to fight Jayden.

But, Jayden didn't just stop, he then grabbed the closest man to him and immediately beat him too while the others were still shocked by what Jayden did to their gang leader.

"Touching my girlfriend? " he hissed viciously. In that instant, Jayden's terrifying and dangerous was back in the game, even the look in his eyes instantly turned cold and deadly.

In less than three minutes, he had already knocked down four of them. Two of them were already unconscious, while the other two could do nothing but roll on the dirty ground, howling and wincing in pain.

Meanwhile, the one man that was left looked terrified as his four friends fell to the ground without getting enough of a chance to fight back.

This man was very strong and fast and the look in his eyes…

The last man left the place without even saying anything, abandoning his friends without a second thought.

Seeing the fight finished quickly, Apple was quite surprised. She knew that Jayden was strong and capable of handling this problem well, but seeing it in person like this, it seemed that Apple had underestimated this man's abilities.

She too could get things done so quickly, but even she herself would find it difficult to deal with five men at once, but one thing was clear to Apple now.

"If you are this good at fighting, why do you need me to be your bodyguard?" D*mn! He was even better than most bodyguards he owned and he definitely didn't need Apple to replace Pyro.

However, the comments that Apple made received silent treatment from Jayden.

Apple thought they would be bickering as usual, with Jayden responding to her words with a sarcastic comment.

However, when Apple realized something was wrong, she immediately shifted her attention toward Jayden and found the man staring at her intently, looking very annoyed.

"What…? Why…?" Apple asked timidly. She  then jumped down from the top of the barrel when Jayden approached her looking at her with those dangerous and scary eyes of his. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked carefully.

"This is your last time in a place like this.." Jayden's voice sounded very cold as he warned Apple.

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