It's Not Easy To Love

Chapter 5 - Red Eyes

While looking out the window in a daze I realised a voice screaming my name...

Scarlet!! Scarlet!!

I turned my head to see it was Andrea's voice, I went outside my room and saw sis in the kitchen cooking dinner..

I looked at her annoyed and asked why are you shouting.. she looked at me and smiled and giggled and in a happy voice stated that I am admitted in Florence High and it's gonna be my senior year, I was dumbfounded for whole one minute and realised what she was saying..

yes guys it's me I have been living with Andy for a month now and she gave me a name that is SCARLET JAMES..

I am actually excited and nervous hearing her words, I am going to be a student, well I never expected that.. but I am still happy..

Scarlet, Scarlet, I again heard my name and came back from daze and saw her pointing towards the sofa where lied my new school uniform..

A green mini skirt, white shirt , green tie and a blazer.. Kinda smart I liked it instantly and decided to give it a try i took it to my room and wore it..

I stood in from of my mirror and saw myself, my waist length brown shinny wavy hair, my green eyes, fair complexion and with perfect figure.. I was kinda looking very pretty and I liked it..

I rushed out my room to Andy to show my uniform, she got so exited after looking at me and hugged me.. it felt wonderful, she is a really nice person and I love her...

It's midnight suddenly I felt a adrenaline rush through my body and sudden hunger rose inside me it was terrifying.. My whole body started burning, I moved from bed to call sis but suddenly I smelled something, something tempting, that feeling was so demanding I rushed towards the window and jumped out , I was on 20th floor and landed perfectly in the empty street and started moving towards the smell..

I reached an alley and saw a man harassing a woman.. she was bleeding a little , I smelled the blood it was mesmerising.. I moved towards both of them and looked at them it was dark but I was able to see them clearly.. The man pointed his knife towards me and shouted at me to leave, the woman was crying.. I rushed towards the man and hold him by his neck and screamed at the woman to run off..

After the woman left I stared at the man and suddenly I heard his veins pumping blood and I wanted it,, wanted it bad , my teeths started aching and fangs came out and I dugged them into his neck...

His blood was rushing in me as his life was drained out of him..

I felt exited like the most tempting dėsɨrė anyone can have.. I looked at that man after finished with him, he was lying on street.. I stared at him for a while and left..

when I reached my room I saw myself in the mirror my eyes were red and their was blood on my mouth at that very moment I came back to my senses and realised that something is not right..

I remembered what I did just now a sudden sense of satisfaction arise in me..

That scared me to my bones..

I opened my ŀȧptop to search about blood thirsty predators and came around vampires..

"I Am a Vampire"..

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