Zhou An was a little doubtful whether he heard wrongly.

Just now, Shi Xiyuan seemed to have asked himself to go fishing?

And it seemed like they were talking about fishing at the same time.

He even said the words "How wonderful would it be?"

Seeing Shi Xiyuan marveling at him around the pool and walking back and forth, Zhou An finally determined that Shi Xiyuan had a very special identity in addition to being the apprentice of the national master.


That's right, the way Xi Yuan looks now is exactly like a fishing guy.

Thinking of this, Zhou An couldn't help but think of the legend about the fishing guy in his previous life.

According to legend, there is a group of people who are passionate about fishing and never tire of it.

Some people have even evolved because of this and have become a being who throws his pole when there is water.

They are addicted to fishing day and night, as if everything in their eyes is only water and fish, and apart from that, everything is empty.

And in this industry, there is also a very special group, which simply means two words - the Air Force.

Most fishermen cannot catch fish.

But they can catch everything but fish.

What's more, you can even catch corpses.

And there is another point. Apart from not being able to catch fish, this group of fishermen know astronomy as well as geography.

As long as there is something you don't understand, go to a fishing bar and ask. The fishing guy can explain it to you from beginning to end.

Even if it is a new species, the fisherman can explain it clearly.

Zhou An used to be a frequent visitor to the fishing bar. He doesn't like fishing, but he likes to stay in the fishing bar.

Because he feels that the old fishing guy is a nice person and speaks nicely.

So seeing his teacher Xi Yuan's current appearance, Zhou An felt as if he had gone back to fishing in a dream.

Ever since, Zhou An asked a question subconsciously.

"Master, have you ever...never caught a fish?"

This was a completely subconscious question.

But what Zhou An didn't expect was that after hearing this, Shi Xiyuan's expression suddenly changed.

It was obvious that Zhou An understood it without even having to speak to Shi Xiyuan.

The fishing guy in front of me has never caught a fish before.

"I'll definitely catch it this time!" Shi Xiyuan gritted his teeth, looking like he was gritting his teeth.

"Mr. Zhou, please wait here for me. I'll buy some fish and we'll talk while fishing!"

After the words fell, before Zhou An could say anything, Shi Xiyuan disappeared like the wind.

In the yard, only Zhou An and the woman in black were left looking at each other.

"Forget it, wait." Zhou An said helplessly.

The woman in black looked confused, obviously not understanding what was going on with Shi Xiyuan.

In her limited perception, she had no idea what Shi Xiyuan's character meant.

Because in her opinion, there is no need to pay attention to the pool of water, just the chair.

However, Zhou An didn't say anything, and the woman in black waited patiently.

Fortunately, Master Xiyuan's speed was not slow, and he came back with a large basket of fish in only half a stick of incense.

At the same time, three fishing rods appeared in his hand.

"Come on, one for each!"

As if Shi Xiyuan wanted to prove himself, even the woman in black was given a fishing rod.

The woman in black looked at the fishing rod in her hand, her face full of confusion.

Zhou An fell into deep thought: "What a pole!"

He doesn't know how to fish, but he has the skill of making one's own body. He is already ahead of most people in forging.

Zhou An could tell at a glance that these three fishing rods were not ordinary goods. Even using such materials and forging techniques to forge fishing rods seemed a bit luxurious to Zhou An.

"That's right!" Master Xi Yuan didn't feel extravagant at all, and said proudly: "I begged the craftsmen in the capital for a long time to build these fishing rods for me. When they were building them, they all had expressions on their faces. It’s such bad luck, I don’t understand, why can’t I use a fishing rod?”

The corners of Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly. Obviously, now is not the time to argue about this.

"Come on, come on, Mr. Zhou, I'm not polite!" Teacher Xiyuan happily put all the fish into the pool.

Not to mention, these fish picked by Master Xiyuan are all huge.

After doing all this, Master Xiyuan threw his pole directly into the water.

Zhou An felt that at this time, he had become interested.

Catch a catch!

Thinking of this, Zhou An directly threw out the fishing rod.

The woman in black also followed Zhou An's example and threw her pole into the water.

Soon, the three of them each held a fishing rod, looking very harmonious.

"Tell me about it." Zhou An looked at the fish swimming in the pool and knew that it would be impossible to take the bait for a while, so he started to ask about serious matters.

Master Xiyuan is an experienced fisherman. Although he has never caught fish, he is still very experienced.

There is a saying that if you haven’t eaten pork, you haven’t seen a pig running.

Teacher Xi Yuan also knew that this fish should be caught slowly.

Thinking of this, Shi Xiyuan was about to get down to business.

But at this moment, a handful of water splashed from the pool.

In the surprised eyes of Zhou An and Shi Xiyuan, the woman in black's fishing rod moved!

Because of the pool, the water inside is very clear, and you can see the fish inside at a glance, and they have already bitten the hook.

In the sight of Zhou An and the two men, the woman in black pulled the pole hard, and a plump grass carp was pulled up by the woman in black.



The first question mark was raised by Zhou An. He didn't expect the woman in black to catch the fish so quickly.

The second exclamation point expressed Shi Xiyuan's mood at this time.

As a fisherman, even a famous fisherman, Shi Xiyuan feels that he has seen all kinds of wind and waves.

But he really didn't expect that someone would successfully catch a fish when the rod was less than half a stick of incense.

Shi Xiyuan felt that his self-esteem had been severely hit.

He was in pain.

"Ahem, Master, this is normal. It's the novice's protection period." Zhou An also noticed it, so he reminded him.

The so-called novice protection period does exist in fishing.

Those newbies are outrageous.

Some even hold a branch and tie it with a fishing line to catch fish.

Teacher Xiyuan didn't know what the novice protection period was, and he was very sad now.

Because he felt that his dignity had been crushed alive.

Of course, the sadness doesn't end there.

Because the next scene made Shi Xiyuan collapse.

I saw the woman in black throwing the pole again after taking down the fish.

It didn't take long before another fish was caught.

The woman in black still looked the same, with a confused face.

She didn't understand. What was so fun about this? It wasn't as fun as a chair.

Those fish insisted on biting her hook, which made her feel embarrassed.

Shi Xiyuan looked at the bewilderment of the woman in black, especially the luster reflected by the fish in the sun. His bewilderment was no less than that of the woman in black.

Not just confused, but more helpless.

That's right, from this moment on, the famous master Xi Yuan, a disciple of the majestic national master, felt a deep sense of confusion.

What a bully!

This is too bullying!

"Isn't this your first time fishing?" Shi Xiyuan asked through gritted teeth.

He wanted a definite answer.

But he was disappointed.

Because the woman in black answered him with a blank look in her eyes again.

This look is already very clear.

That is, the woman in black is indeed fishing for the first time.

Shi Xiyuan collapsed.

Zhou An could even feel that Shi Xiyuan seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

Just when Zhou An was about to say a few words of comfort, Shi Xiyuan unexpectedly recovered quickly.

In front of Zhou An, Shi Xiyuan became confident again.

"I will definitely catch fish!" Shi Xiyuan looked like he was working hard.

At this moment, the woman in black's fishing rod moved again.

Another fish was caught by the woman in black.

Zhou An: "..."

Teacher Xiyuan: "..."

"The novice protection period is so scary."

Zhou An, on his side, is lamenting that the novice protection period has arrived.

On the other side, the confidence that Master Xi Yuan had just regained collapsed again in an instant.

Shi Xiyuan silently threw the fishing rod aside, and then looked at the woman in black one after another, his whole person in a state of numbness.

I’ve seen a lot of fish caught, but I’ve never seen anything with such speed.

The time of burning an incense stick is very short, but for Master Xiyuan, it is ridiculously long.

After all the fish were caught, Master Xiyuan looked at Zhou An with numb eyes.

"The fishing is over..." Shi Xiyuan said in a very depressed tone.

Zhou An said with a smile: "Master, don't be too uncomfortable, this fish will always be caught."

He didn't know how to comfort Shi Xiyuan, but he felt that he was very comfortable.

Especially when I saw the woman in black catching a fish in front of the Air Force, I felt more excited than catching it myself.

The only regret is that he didn't catch it and didn't trigger his life skills.

But it doesn't matter, he is not Xi Yuan's teacher.

If you want skills, you can always find time to go fishing for a day.

There is no rush now.

"Haha..." Shi Xiyuan sneered.

Zhou An didn't mind either, after all, he was feeling sad.

After putting the fish aside, he asked: "Master, you see that you have caught this fish and that you have had enough fun. Do you think we can start talking about business now?"

It was enjoyable, indeed enjoyable, although only Zhou An and the woman in black were enjoying it.

The corners of Shi Xiyuan's mouth twitched slightly.

What a blast!

He felt like he had received 10,000 points of critical damage!

Of course, when it comes to business matters, Shi Xiyuan has no ink.

"It's like this, Mr. Zhou, in addition to the indulgence you provoked before, you also have a wild sect." Shi Xiyuan said slowly.

Zhou An nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

Last time at Fuhu Villa, he not only killed Zong Xing, but also the Wild Dao Sect.

After all, it is a hidden trouble. Only by eliminating the trouble can you improve your liver proficiency.

Zhou An has already guessed that Shi Xiyuan's trip should be related to Ye Dao Sect.

Sure enough, after Shi Xiyuan said this, he spoke again.

"Master Zhou, neither the Ye Dao Sect nor Zong Xing are so easy to deal with. The reason why I came here is to remind you that you must be careful, especially the Ye Dao Sect, which will be punished by the emperor."

After saying that, Master Xiyuan picked up the fishing rod with doubts on his face.

Why can't he catch fish even though they are all fishing rods?

Zhou An did not go to supervise Xi Yuan and fell into deep thought.

In fact, just now, Shi Xiyuan had already made it very clear, and he came here specifically to remind him to be careful of the Wild Sect.

Whether in Anding County or today's Maplewood Prefecture, Zhou An actually didn't offend many people.

But those who are offended are all difficult characters.

Such as vertical sex, such as wild door.

These two forces can still survive in the cracks between various countries. Each force has something to offer.

Zhou An was also very clear about Shi Xiyuan's reminder.

"Don't worry, Master, I will naturally be careful." Zhou An said.

In fact, Zhou An has been prepared for these forced things.

After all, judging from Zhou An's temper, it's best not to mess with him.

But if he insists on messing with me, then I'm sorry, I'll kill them all.

What I need is an absolutely quiet and stable environment to practice my skills.

Once it affects your liver proficiency, you will become your enemy.

"It's good that Mr. Zhou understands. Also, if you encounter something that really can't be solved, you can talk to the Supervision Department. If nothing else, the Supervision Department will never stand idly by." Shi Xiyuan said.

Zhou An nodded and said that he would definitely do it.

At this point, the matter of Shi Xiyuan has come to an end.

He had no intention of staying, especially after seeing the fish next to Zhou An and the woman in black. Only he knew the sadness in his heart.

Staying here is just asking for trouble for yourself.

Thinking of this, Shi Xiyuan left quickly and stayed away from this sad place.


Watching his teacher Xi Yuan leave, Zhou An also sighed.

He knew that his trip was a heavy blow to Shi Xiyuan. After all, it was a good thing that Shi Xiyuan didn't vomit blood after returning home with a full load in front of the Air Force guys.

After Shi Xiyuan left, Zhou An touched the head of the woman in black, looked at a pile of fish on the ground, and said with a smile: "I want to eat fish tonight."

The woman in black looked confused and didn't understand what Zhou An meant.

Shi Xiyuan told Zhou An about the possible revenge of Ye Daomen, and also brought a lot of fish to Zhou An.

Zhou An made a special fish feast tonight and had a hearty meal with the woman in black.

After eating, Zhou An had no intention of continuing his liver proficiency.

In fact, according to his opinion, now he should learn about the Holy Spirit Demonic Body and fortune-telling, and also teach the woman in black how to speak and read.

But after the visit of Master Xi Yuan today, Zhou An's mind changed.

He no longer thought about liver proficiency, but about wild things and sexual indulgence.

Zhou An has always believed that he is not a passive person, on the contrary, he is a proactive person.

No matter when or where he is, he will never be passive. Even when he is doing indescribable things, he does not want the other person to be on top of him.

Therefore, Zhou An decided to take action first.

As for how to take action, it's very simple.

No, now there is a fortune-telling skill.

Although I can't even count this skill, that's because I'm too strong.

Some people in Ye Dao Sect are not so strong.

So Zhou An decided to try fortune telling to see if he could find anything useful.

At this time, the sky had begun to turn dark.

The woman in black swayed from side to side on the chair next to her, not feeling tired at all.

Zhou An raised his right hand and circulated the Qi in his body.

This time, he was not counting himself, but directly counting Ye Daomen.

The calculation is also very simple, just look at the traces of Ye Daomen.

This algorithm may be very difficult for ordinary divination methods.

But Zhou An's fortune telling is not difficult.

The reason is simple, it was brought about by Goldfinger.

No matter which skill it is, it is like a bug, and there is no logic at all.

For example, the pot method, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, or other skills.

I've already cheated, and I'm still talking about hammer logic?

Golden gossip kept floating in front of Zhou An's eyes.

As Zhou An circulates the Qi in his body, the Golden Bagua begins to change positions continuously.

In front of his eyes, a golden connection suddenly appeared.

Only Zhou An can see this connection, because it is a fortune-telling skill used by Zhou An.

Zhou An also knew what this connection represented.

Just now, he tried to calculate the positions of Nodaomen and Zongxing.

The only one who guides him now is Ye Daomen.

Although the fact that fortune telling is only at the third level does not mean that there is no manipulation, what has been found out is what Zhou An needs now.

Because Zhou An calculated it based on his connection with Ye Daomen.

In other words, this wild sect will definitely find trouble for itself, but it was discovered in advance by myself using fortune telling.

And this thread represents that after getting rid of this disaster, nothing will happen in the short term.

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected, I have developed the fortune-telling skill correctly." Zhou An thought to himself.

He now has to attack and attack, defend and defend, recover and recover, and has various skills.

Now, add the skill of fortune telling.

Zhou An feels that now he has the ability to turn passive into active.

"When I take the initiative, can you still play?"

"Now that we've found out everything, let's play with you." Zhou An took out the Cold Marrow Knife.

"Let me see, your reaction after seeing me, it's really wonderful."

Thinking about this, Zhou An didn't stop. When the meal was over, he took the woman in black and chased towards the place where the golden light emerged.


At this time, in a deep mountain far away from Fenglin State.

At this moment, although it was already the time when the moon and stars were dimming, there were still many people rushing towards this deep mountain.

If you look carefully, you will find that these people are not ordinary people.

Everyone is dressed differently, but one thing that stands out is that these people all move very quickly.

Even if ordinary people try their best to run, they can't keep up with the pace of these people.

From all sides of this deep mountain, all kinds of people are gathering silently.

Gu Chuping is one of them.

In the arena, Gu Chuping's reputation is not prominent, and not many people know about him.

Even those who knew him well only knew that he was an ordinary Taoist priest.

The profession of a Taoist priest is actually very complicated.

Taoism is a large group, with many Taoist temples of different sizes mixed in, and Gu Chuping is the master of one of the small Taoist temples.

On the surface, he is unremarkable.

But in fact, only he knows that he has another identity, that is, a member of the Wild Sect.

Many years ago, Gu Chuping was also a practitioner of wild Taoism, and he even arrogantly believed that his wild Taoism could even outlaw orthodox Taoism.

In fact, this is what many people who practiced wild Taoism thought at the beginning.

Because at that time, the Taoist sect did not appear in public very often.

But then, they discovered that they were wrong.

Only after the Dao Sect completely decided to put aside their relationship did they realize what kind of behemoth the so-called Dao Sect was.

Those who practice wild Taoism will never forget how the Taoist sect was liquidated.

It would be fine if there were some who had no harmful intentions, but those who had harmful intentions were basically eradicated, and only some of them survived.

That kind of terrifying strength and foundation made Gu Chuping know that wild Taoism is always wild and it is impossible to shake the Taoist sect even a bit.

But Gu Chuping was not convinced, and many people were as unconvinced as Gu Chuping.

Because they feel that although we are under the guise of Taoism, we are all exploring our own cultivation methods, and we are just borrowing the name of Taoism.

Why do you do this to us?

Ever since, Ye Daomen appeared.

Gu Chuping was reluctant at first, because when he was first liquidated, he actually did a lot of evil things, and even some harmful things, but he was lucky enough to avoid them.

He didn't even dare to come out and only dared to stay in his shabby little Taoist temple.

However, after the Ye Dao Sect persuaded him one after another, Gu Chuping was moved and joined the Ye Dao Sect.

Not only him, but many people are like this.

Today, he received a mission, saying that he had to deal with a person.

To be honest, he has taken on a lot of tasks like this.

Ye Daomen has never been a good bird, and his emphasis is on retribution.

Gu Chuping didn't take it seriously.

If you have a task, just do it.

But he never expected that this time he would secretly activate Ye Daomen's extremely secret channels in Maplewood State and send them all in.

You must know that this channel was hidden by Ye Daomen at great cost, but now it is being used.

Gu Chuping knew in his heart that this situation only represented one possibility.

——The enemy is very strong, so it is necessary to expose this channel.

Apart from that, he couldn't think of a second possibility.

"I don't know what kind of enemy it is." Gu Chuping murmured in his heart as he hurried on.

While he was muttering for a while, many people from the Wild Sect passed by him.

No one said hello, not even eye contact.

This is normal, there are only a few people with good character who can enter the Wild Way Sect.

Gu Chuping was not surprised and continued on his way silently.

At this moment, suddenly, two people passed by.

Originally this was normal, and Gu Chuping didn't even take it seriously.

But what he didn't expect was that the two people stopped.

"Brother Taoist, it's quite boring to see you traveling alone. How about we come together?"

What followed was a male voice.

Gu Chuping was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked towards the source of the sound.

He saw a man and a woman standing in front of him.

The man was very handsome, and there was a faint evil aura surrounding him. It was obvious that there was a lot of blood on his hands.

The woman was wearing black clothes and was holding the man's hand tightly, with a confused look on her face.

But these two people appeared in such a dark night and deep in the mountains. Gu Chuping instantly became nervous and vigilant.

It’s impossible not to be vigilant.

No one who joins Ye Daomen is a good person.

Gu Chuping was not a good person either, so he became even more vigilant.

"Who are you and what do you mean?" he asked.

Zhou An smiled and said: "Brother Taoist, you don't have to be like this. It hasn't been long since we joined the Ye Dao Sect. We just want to be with Brother Taoist."

Gu Chuping was not fooled by this sentence, and continued to say cautiously: "We are all walking on the road to the sky. Why should we go together?"

Zhou An continued to smile: "Brother Dao, if you see so many people coming here, there must be something important. At that time, one person will inevitably be unable to support himself. If we need help, we can help each other."

When Gu Chuping heard this, he understood.

This should be for a partnership.

Thinking about this, Gu Chuping also felt that the other party was right to say this.

Because if it is an important task, someone needs to be with you.

Let's form a team now. It's not a very strong team, but at least we can have a helper.

Of course, in Gu Chuping's view, this kind of team formation is only in name only.

After all, if the opponent's strength is too low, he can give up at any time.

It's not a big deal to have a companion for a while.

Thinking of this, Gu Chuping nodded and agreed.

"You're right. After all, no one knows what the mission is. It's much better to work together. But I made it clear in advance that if we don't want to work together, we will break up early." Gu Chuping said.

Zhou An touched his chin when he heard this: "It turns out that no one knows what the mission is..."

Gu Chuping was slightly startled: "You don't know yet? We were all temporarily formed. We only know that we are dealing with an insidious villain. No, how come you don't know?"

He realized something was wrong, because it was impossible for the other party to know anything.

Zhou An took a look and saw that they were already lagging behind due to the conversation, and no new people came from behind.

At this time, only Zhou An, the woman in black, and Gu Chuping were left in front of them.

Zhou An pulled out the cold marrow knife and slashed it out: "I should be that insidious villain."

As soon as the words fell, the sword came.

Gu Chuping didn't even have time to react and turned into ashes.

There is no need to even destroy the corpses and eliminate traces.

"Let's go." Zhou An held the woman in black and continued walking towards the mountains with an expressionless face.

In fact, Zhou An met many people from the Ye Dao Sect along the way.

He knew that there were a lot of people coming this time, and they were all here to deal with him.

Zhou An is not a reckless man. On the contrary, he is very cautious at certain times, such as now.

He is indeed here to kill danger, but that doesn't mean he is brainless.

He wouldn't just come over and start killing, because doing so would easily alert the enemy.

So Zhou An decided to get some information first, so he found Gu Chuping.

As for why we found Gu Chuping, who made Gu Chuping the slowest?

Slow means there are fewer people behind.

So Zhou An ran over and asked.

As a result, most people didn't know about this mission, they only knew that they would deal with one person.

In this case, Zhou An has no need to keep Gu Chuping.

"However, his situation gave me a good idea. I can sneak in first." Zhou An thought to himself as he hurried on his way.

Since everyone didn't know each other and didn't know the specific tasks, they didn't even say hello.

If he didn't get involved in this situation, Zhou An would feel that a great opportunity was wasted.

After sneaking in, then look at the situation. If the environment is good, then no one will be left, and they will all be destroyed!

Zhou An licked his lips, feeling that the situation was getting more and more exciting.


The mountain is very deep and rarely visited because of the night.

Zhou An and the woman in black drove all the way and soon reached the top of the mountain.

At this time, a large number of people were gathering on the platform at the top of the mountain.

Zhou An and the woman in black came from behind and stood in a circle outside.

Zhou An roughly estimated that there were probably hundreds of them.

"I can be silent, but with so many people gathered, it seems that Ye Dao Sect hates me very much." Zhou An thought to himself.

In front of the crowd, there were hundreds of people. Everyone was dressed differently, but without exception, they were all members of the Ye Dao Sect.

After Zhou An and the woman in black arrived, no one continued to come in.

Although Zhou An is far away, with his strength, he can naturally see clearly.

At the front of the crowd, there was an old man in his seventies sitting cross-legged on a boulder.

No one said anything, and all looked at the old man's position.

The old man was wearing a Taoist robe with many traces of sewing on it, making it look extremely worn.

But the old man's appearance gave people a chill.

There is a very deep black hole in the old man's right eye, and the eyeball has disappeared without a trace.

Especially the old man has a cold aura that makes people feel cold all over when they get close to him.

As if aware of everyone's gaze, the one-eyed old man finally opened his intact left eye and looked around with an indifferent gaze.

No one looked at the old man, and everyone who was caught by the old man looked away.

At this time, the old man recovered from sitting cross-legged and slowly stood up.

A sound like a broken gong came from the old man's mouth.

"Everyone is here?"

Still no one answered.

The old man didn't seem to care and continued: "In that case, let's get started. The target of this mission is Zhou An in Maplewood State."

There was still silence.

The old man seemed to have been accustomed to this kind of silence for a long time, and said slowly: "As far as I know, although Zhou An has first-class strength, he can kill the innate. One of the innate masters of our Ye Dao Sect died because of this."

As these words came out, the people present finally made some movement.

There was a hint of surprise on everyone's face.

The few people at the front couldn't help but speak.

"Master Tao, our group of people can barely deal with a first-rate master. How can we deal with the Xiantian realm? Moreover, I have heard of Zhou An's reputation. He is an official in Maplewood State. Zhou An is not the only one in Maplewood State." Masters, there are also Zhenguisi and Yamen..."

The words were full of disbelief.

In fact, not only these people, but most of the people present thought so.

Zhou An thought the same way.

He stood outside and could see clearly.

This group of people is not very strong, at least Zhou An doesn't feel the pressure.

Just these rotten sweet potatoes and rotten eggs are really not enough.

It's only a matter of one or two swords. If it's more, it would be rude.

As someone started to speak, the discussion began.

They felt that the words of the one-eyed old man were very unrealistic to this group of Ye Dao Sect people.

The one-eyed old man felt the buzz gradually increase and sneered: "Who told you to confront me head-on? Of course I have a plan. Have you ever heard of nightmares?" (End of Chapter)

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