It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 179 Skill improvement, Youlongbu’s qualitative change


As soon as these two words were spoken, everyone present in the Ye Dao Sect fell into deep contemplation and shock.

Zhou An also had the same expression.

Whether it was a nightmare or not was another matter, but he had a weird feeling now.

The other party is now talking about how to deal with him, but he, the real owner, is listening at the scene.

Very exciting.

Especially since this group of people have been talking for a long time without knowing that the person they are talking about is here.

Of course, excitement is excitement, and Zhou An began to recall various information about nightmares in his mind.

Nightmares are actually weird.

There is also some information about nightmares in the books given by the Emperor of Chu.

The so-called nightmares are weird things that evolve from dreams.

As we all know, strange things are caused by the accumulation of resentment, but it is not limited to changes after death.

In this world, whether it is a flower, a tree, a grass or a stone, it is possible to absorb resentment and turn it into something strange.

For example, not long ago, Zhou An encountered a strange gathering. It was a strange gathering that evolved from the gathering.

The same goes for nightmares, which evolve from dreams.

This weirdness is very special. The special thing is that everyone encounters weirdness differently.

People eat all kinds of grains. There is a saying that goes like this: All kinds of rice can feed all kinds of people.

Some are upright, some are evil, some are hardworking, and some are lazy.

Women love beauty, men love sex.

These are all kinds of personalities that are different from others.

The same goes for dreams.

Most of the dreams that everyone has are different.

But whether it is a nightmare or a sweet dream, even an erotic dream may give birth to a nightmare.

Nightmares are similar to guilds, and there are some signs before they break out.

But nightmares are different too.

The symptoms of nightmares are few and far between, and unlike the Coven, they don't target those in the trade.

The nightmare targets everyone who dreams.

As long as you dream, you may have nightmares, and everyone's dreams are different, and the nightmares turn into weird things.

Another point is that the Nightmare, like the Coven, cannot be killed.

As long as people dream, this type of weirdness will always be there.

"Use nightmares to deal with me. I want to know how to deal with me." Zhou An hid in the dark, touched his chin, and thought secretly.

He was becoming more and more interested.

While he was thinking, everyone else also cast their gazes on the one-eyed old man.

Obviously, everyone is waiting for the one-eyed old man to explain.

When the one-eyed old man saw everyone's gaze, he knew that his idea had been achieved.

After everyone looked over, they nodded and spoke slowly.

"Everyone knows that nightmares are weird and there are very few signs of them, but our Ye Dao Sect has a way."

"We have studied this weirdness a long time ago. Although it seems to happen irregularly, everything is traceable."

"Now that I have activated the nightmare, it won't be long before the entire Maplewoods State will fall into the horror of the nightmare, and no one can escape it."

Having said this, the one-eyed old man felt proud, as if he had done the greatest thing in the world.

The people from the Ye Dao Sect present looked at each other, and they could all see the shock in each other's eyes.

If a nightmare really breaks out, you can understand the consequences just by thinking about it.

That's a nightmare!

The scary thing about nightmares lies in their diversity.

The so-called diversity means that everyone's weirdness is different, which means that it is very complicated and more difficult to deal with.

"But, what does this have to do with us dealing with Zhou An? Zhou An is so strong, even if he encounters a nightmare, he can't deal with it, right?"

At this time, a man from Ye Dao Sect stood up, raised his hand and asked.

As the man from the Wild Sect spoke, everyone nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

Is the nightmare awesome?

There is no doubt that it is cattle.

But what about Zhou An?

That's bull on bull.

Although many people don't know Zhou An, I just heard the one-eyed old man say that Zhou An is a person who can kill the innate realm with his first-class realm.

So what if such a person is a nightmare?

In the face of absolute power, everything is in vain.

Even if Zhou An is dragged into the nightmare, Zhou An can chop the nightmare over with one knife.

When the one-eyed old man heard this, he shook his head and sneered: "A nightmare is indeed difficult, but what about the entire Maplewoods State?"

After the words fell, the crowd was in an uproar.

The greater the strange resentment, the stronger the strength.

For example, the Yuejiang encountered by Zhou An was strange, and the resentment of the entire Yuejiang was condensed into the strangeness. Even Zhou An at the time had a great time fighting it.

The same is true for nightmares. The greater the resentment, the stronger the strength.

At this time, some smart people had guessed what the one-eyed old man meant, but they didn't speak.

The one-eyed old man did not intend to give in, and said slowly: "Let the entire Maplewood State fall into a nightmare. There are so many people in Maplewood State. The deeper the nightmare, the stronger the nightmare will be. Think about it. , what will Zhou An face when that time comes?"

Everyone was silent.

Apparently, they thought about it too.

If this is the case, then the final nightmare will definitely be a terrifying existence.

"What do we need to do?" someone asked.

The one-eyed old man said: "It's very simple. When the nightmare comes into play, even if there are few signs, it will still attract the attention of the Suppressant. Our purpose is to cause trouble at that time and make the Suppressor exhausted. Both sides It’s impossible to have both.”

"If they take care of the Nightmare, we will massacre the people. If they take care of us, the Nightmare will flourish. By then we will be scattered, and it will be even more difficult to control the Suppressors."

Speaking of this, the one-eyed old man seemed to have anticipated that at that time, the Suppressing Secret Service would be stretched thin.

The scene was quiet, no one spoke, only the one-eyed old man was fantasizing here.

At this moment, a man from Ye Daomen suddenly stood up.

"But if this is the case, won't the people of Maplewood Prefecture die without a burial place? We are indeed a Ye Dao Sect, but when you asked me to join, you promised that the people would identify with the Ye Dao Sect. Now even the people are not Already..."

The man didn't finish the rest.

Because there was no need to say anything, everyone already understood what he meant.

This time, the people who suffered the most were definitely the people.

The one-eyed old man narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed: "That's why I called everyone here. If there are people who don't want to, you don't need to participate. Let's see what everyone wants first and vote. If most people don't want to, then we can Change your plan."

Everyone looked at each other and remained silent.

The one-eyed old man continued: "Now, those who don't want to can stand up and I will make statistics."

As the one-eyed old man finished speaking, a dozen people actually stood up.

But these people don’t even have one tenth.

More people, with a sense of bloodthirsty cruelty.

They have all become wild sects, what else is there to say?

The dozen or so people who stood up sighed and were about to say something.

Who knew that before he finished speaking, the one-eyed old man spoke again.

"Very good. Since there are only a few people, we can continue. Besides, if you don't agree, keeping it will be a disaster and it will easily affect everyone."

After the words fell, a black stream of water appeared behind the one-eyed old man.

This water flow actually has the sound of thunder.

In just a moment, it flowed along the ground beneath their feet and reached the feet of these dozen people.


The sound of thunder and electric current sounded, and the black water enveloped all these dozen people.

Screams came from the black water.

The dozen or so people couldn't be seen because they were all blocked by the black water.

There were bursts of green smoke, accompanied by thunder in the black water, slowly drifting out.

After a while, the screams disappeared.

The black water gradually faded away, leaving only a dozen charred corpses.

"Haha, they are all wild sects, and they have a lot of lives in their hands. Now they are worried about the common people." The one-eyed old man said disdainfully: "What did you do earlier? Become a bitch and build an archway."

Everyone was silent.

Indeed, the people of Ye Dao Sect have lives on their hands, and no one is a good person.

The dozen or so people just now were not actually concerned about the lives of the people. Everyone knew this.

They are just worried that all the people will die, which will have an impact on their propagation of Taoism.

In the crowd, Zhou An sighed when he saw this scene.

He just wanted to say, what a damn yin!

The nightmare has been drawn out by Ye Daomen using special techniques, and it is specially used to deal with him.

According to the one-eyed old man, if they were to gather together, it would be extremely terrifying.

This is just one of Ye Daomen's methods to deal with him.

They still have means, and they even worry about suppressing the traitors.

They also gathered so many people specifically to make the Suppressor focus on one thing and not the other.

To be honest, from Zhou An's point of view, Ye Daomen's plan is very powerful, even very good.

But...he heard the whole thing.

I heard it all, so don’t even think about it.

The nightmare has been brought out by you, so there's nothing you can do about it.

But you still want to make an attack in the east and west, or even want the Suppressant to focus on one thing and ignore the other, and then use all your strength to create a nightmare to deal with me. That's embarrassing.

"Kill them all." Zhou An thought for a while and said calmly.

Although his voice was small, it was the clearest at this time, especially when the one-eyed old man finished speaking and the whole place was silent.

The people present were all people in the industry, and they immediately turned their attention to him.

Some people are very confused and don't understand why this colleague suddenly said such a sentence at this time.

But there are still some people who have some information, and even know what Zhou An looks like.

"Zhou...Zhou An!" Someone couldn't help it and spoke subconsciously with unparalleled shock.

When these words were spoken, they spread like a plague to the entire audience instantly.


In just a moment, everyone distanced themselves from Zhou An, looking wary.

No one is unwary.

No one would have thought that the person they were dealing with in secret would be here listening to them.

I even listened to it all!

What's the difference between this and loud conspiracy!

Zhou An said with a smile on his face: "Don't panic, everyone, we are all going to die soon. I hope everyone here can die in a peaceful way."

At this time, the one-eyed old man also reacted, pointed at Zhou An with trembling hands, and shouted.

"kill him!"

Even the one-eyed old man didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

He had obviously made a plan, and he could even see Zhou An dying with a look of horror on his face.

But who would have thought that this scene would appear at this most important juncture?

Not only did the real owner come, he also heard all the plans and even wanted to kill them.

The one-eyed old man was not only panicked, but even a little frightened.

After all, the person in front of me is a being who can overcome adversity.

As these words came out, many people from Ye Dao Sect were ready to go.

There is no way, now that we are here, we have to fight no matter what.

Who would have thought that after these words were spoken, Zhou An didn't even draw his sword, but held the hand of the woman in black and used a little strength.

"Kill them." Zhou An said calmly.

This group of people was too weak, so weak that he didn't even want to take action.

Even the one-eyed old man is just an ordinary innate state.

The purpose of this group of people is not to actively confront themselves, but to act as a troublemaker, so their strength is not very high.

Zhou An was not interested in taking action, but there was a woman in black beside him.

It just so happened that, except for the last time at Fuhu Villa, Zhou An rarely saw the woman in black take action, so he took advantage of this time to understand the strength of the woman in black.

As someone who has been favored by Zhou An for a long time, the woman in black said that she is already in a shape that Zhou An can control.

When Zhou An said these words, the woman in black took action instantly.

A burst of pale white light appeared from the feet of the woman in black.

After the light appeared, it instantly turned into a huge Bagua, covering the entire mountain.

This mountain is very tall, but the gossip can easily cover it all.

The woman in black had a blank look on her face, obviously, it didn't take much effort.

At the same time, when the Eight Diagrams appeared, the world where this mountain was located underwent tremendous changes.

Within the gossip, the woman in black became the leader.

She is the leader of this sky.

Under the arithmetic of the universe, every flower, every grass, every tree, every stone, even birds, beasts, fish, insects, earth, fire, water, and wind, are all within the calculation of the woman in black.

Every second contains countless lives, as well as five kinds of death.

There was a man from Nodao Sect who moved a little bit.

At this time, the light of Bagua flashed.

The man from the Ye Dao Sect felt severe pain coming from him. Before he could make any move, he lost consciousness and turned into ashes on the ground.


Those present could only think of these two words.

Because of the horror, some people trembled.

But just such a tremor immediately caused the effect of the pale white gossip.

There is no doubt that these trembling people instantly followed suit and turned into ashes on the ground.

Now, I ask you if you dare to move?

Everyone dares to move.

But just because these people didn't dare to move, it didn't mean that the woman in black didn't move.

The woman in black held Zhou An's hand and took a step forward.

After taking this step, Bagua changed from calm to ferocious.

If the initial gossip was a lake, then the current gossip is a deep ocean full of murderous intent.

In front of Zhou An's eyes, the group of people from the Wild Dao Sect exploded one after another.

There was no bloody scene, it simply exploded and turned into ashes all over the ground.

Compared with meat sauce expert Zhou An, the woman in black is more elegant.

Of course, these elegances are terrifying in front of the enemy.

Time has not passed long, if it had been longer, it would be rude.

In the blink of an eye, everything was dead.

Only the one-eyed old man was standing there, shivering.

"Stay alive!" The woman in black pointed at the one-eyed old man excitedly, and moved her head over to touch him as if taking credit.

Zhou An touched the head of the woman in black and said with a smile: "Well done."

This time, he also wanted to see the strength of the woman in black, but Zhou An did not expect that the woman in black was also ridiculously strong.

Not to mention anything else, this arithmetic skill is really powerful.

And he also knew how to stay alive, proving that his short-term teaching was really useful.

Thinking of this, Zhou An walked towards the one-eyed old man.

Now that you have someone alive, let’s give it a try and bring it back to Zhensi Si. First, let the one-eyed old man go to Zhensi Si’s dungeon to play. He should be able to ask a lot of questions.

At this time, the one-eyed old man had recovered from his trembling.

The scene just now was too terrifying.

The one-eyed old man even believed that as long as he moved a little, there would be endless murderous intent waiting for him.

Now, watching Zhou An walking towards him, the one-eyed old man understood in his heart.

It wasn't because he was too strong that he didn't die, but because Zhou An wanted to stay alive.

As for what to do after being left alive, the one-eyed old man knew clearly.

It's nothing more than torture.

"You won't get anything!" the one-eyed old man gritted his teeth.

Then, he activated the Qi in his body.


Amidst the roar, the one-eyed old man turned into a bloody mess.

The people of Ye Dao Sect have done many evil things, especially the one-eyed old man.

He knew very well that it was simply impossible to survive based on the things he had done.

It was nothing more than being tortured and then dying miserably.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to commit suicide.

Zhou An was not surprised by what the one-eyed old man did.

For these desperadoes, perhaps this is their final path.

"Let's go back." Zhou An said calmly.

The woman in black looked at Zhou An blankly, wondering what Zhou An was thinking.

But she knew the word "go back" clearly, and her blank eyes became excited.

Zhou An led the woman in black and left this deep mountain.


The journey back was uneventful.

After Zhou An returned to Fenglin Prefecture, he did not go to his home, but went directly to Zhenguisi.

That's what happened, the nightmare had been unleashed before.

In this case, Zhou An doesn't plan to do it alone.

The nightmare is different from ordinary weird ones. It covers a huge area. Even Zhou An is unable to do anything at all.

So the role of suppressing spies comes into play.

In fact, this is what should be done to suppress the spies.

Zhou An came here to give information to Zhen Gui Si.

The town is still as usual, even late at night, the lights here are always on.

Various members of the Suppression Division were busy shuttling inside.

Zhou An stands out, especially with the woman in black.

When he arrived at Zhenguisi, several Zhensisi members immediately spotted Zhou An.

A member of the Zhensisi came up and said, "Mr. Zhou, are you coming here in the middle of the night to find Hou Sizhou?"

The commander of Maplewood Prefecture is already used to Zhou An coming over.

Moreover, Zhou An actually holds a very important position in the hearts of this group of members.

Many of the people who suppress Guisi are warriors in the martial arts world. They have the aura of officials, but they also have the aura of the martial arts world.

If they were a literati, or those mysterious and mysterious Qi practitioners, these members of the Suppressing Spies might not have so many ideas.

But Zhou An is different.

Zhou An rose up in Anding County, and he was a man who struggled in the world.

In the hearts of many members of the Suppression Division, that is quite admirable.

If nothing else, I can't help but admire him for being able to get to this position from the bottom.

Zhou An smiled and said, "Please pass this on."

This is something Zhou Anrang respects among all the members of Zhengui.

Others reach the sky in one step, and they wish their faces could fly to the sky.

Zhou An is different, he is even approachable.

Of course, it would be better if the identity of the meat sauce master could be eliminated.

The members of the Suppression Division quickly pointed to the upstairs: "Master Zhou is here, just go up directly, no communication is needed."

"Aren't you worried about running into secrets?" Zhou An said.

After he finished speaking, he didn't talk much and walked upstairs.

After following the stairs to the second floor, Zhou An saw the door to Hou Sizhou's room open.

At this time, Hou Sizhou was reading a letter.

Hou Sizhou has been very busy lately, but not really.

The reason for being idle is that nothing particularly important happened.

The trouble is that in their position, they have a lot of chores to deal with.

Maplewood State's recent performance is very good and the situation is calm.

For them, calm weather is the best performance.

"The salary will be larger by then, and the extra money will be distributed to the families of the brothers who died in the war." Hou Sizhou put down a booklet and thought to himself.

The Suppression Division itself is an extremely dangerous organization. Every time it takes action, there is a risk that its members will die in battle.

To use a saying in the world of martial arts, the status of Zhensi Si is deserved, because it is earned through life and death.

Dachu State has done a good job in this regard and will provide high pensions to the families of members who died in the war.

Because of this, it has also eliminated a lot of worries for many members.

Hou Sizhou has a habit of using his extra money to give to the families of members who died in battle.

In his opinion, those brothers who followed him through life and death would definitely not treat him badly.

"Master Hou, you're disturbing me."

Just when Hou Sizhou was thinking this, a voice suddenly sounded.

Hou Sizhou was stunned for a moment when he heard this familiar voice, then he came to his senses and smiled: "Master Zhou, welcome."

He stood up and went to the table next to him to refill the tea.

Zhou An also walked into the house, first let go of the woman in black and asked her to play aside, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

The woman in black was also very obedient and ran aside obediently.

At this time, Hou Sizhou asked: "Master Zhou, what's the matter with you coming here this time?"

In fact, Hou Sizhou was no longer surprised by Zhou An's arrival.

Every time Zhou An comes over, there must be something going on.

In fact, this is also normal.

Who goes to town Guisi all day long?

Zhou An put down the teacup and told Hou Sizhou what happened in detail without leaving any ink.

After Hou Sizhou listened silently, he frowned: "Yedaomen, Nightmare, things are a bit complicated."

How could Sizhou, as the Suppressor, not know about nightmares?

Hou Sizhou didn't even drink tea and was lost in thought.

Zhou An also knew that nightmares were really difficult to deal with, so he didn't bother Hou Sizhou.

After a while, Hou Sizhou came back to his senses.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for reminding me. Next, I'll leave it to Zhen Guisi."

Zhou An asked: "I would like to ask, how does Mr. Hou plan to deal with it?"

Regarding how to deal with nightmares, there is actually information provided by the emperor.

That is to solve one problem after another. As long as the nightmare time passes, the nightmare will disappear.

As for how long it took, the longest one only lasted a month.

But one thing you need to pay attention to is that it must be resolved as soon as possible.

Because after falling into a nightmare, you will not die immediately, but will gradually deepen as time goes by. The deeper the nightmare, the stronger the nightmare.

All nightmares have something in common. To use a very simple analogy, if there are 10,000 nightmares in this area, if one of them is strengthened, the other nightmares will also be strengthened.

And if Ten Thousand Nightmares are strengthened, then the ending will be self-evident.

The most important thing is that this thing is really difficult to do.

The difficult part is the people.

If ordinary people were caught in a nightmare, they would think it was just a nightmare at best.

Having a nightmare or something, that was a common thing, and wouldn't even be mentioned.

But as time went on, the nightmare became stronger and stronger, and in the end it was as if it was a disease that couldn't be shaken off.

"What else can we do? We can only use conventional methods. Mr. Zhou has already solved the Ye Dao Sect, and we can allocate manpower." Hou Sizhou said with a wry smile.

The so-called conventional method is to spread out all the members of the Maplewood Prefecture, including the subordinate prefectures and counties, and pay close attention to the movements of all people.

They even asked the yamen to cooperate and conduct surveys every day, street by lane, house by house, to question the dreamers.

As soon as it is discovered again, it will be dealt with immediately.

The method of dealing with it is simple and straightforward, which is to make the victim dream.

When dreaming, use special tools to enter the dream and then solve the nightmare.

This is experience and the best way to deal with nightmares for a long time.

Zhou An nodded, knowing that this kind of large-scale weirdness could only be solved through this method.

"Master Zhou, this is the dream incense. After encountering nightmares, you only need to light it to enter their dreams. And there is no need to worry about danger from the outside world, because the dream incense will dissipate at the slightest sign of trouble and return to reality in an instant. Hou Sizhou took out a few sticks of incense and handed them to Zhou An.

Zhou An took it and looked at it carefully for a moment, and found that the incense looked the same as ordinary incense.

"Okay, this happened because of me. If you need anything, Master Hou, just say hello." Zhou An put away the Mengxiang and said.

This matter starts from my side, so it is normal for me to help.

But there are no clues yet, and Nightmare needs a lot of manpower.

Thinking about this, Zhou An even used his fortune-telling ability to see if he could get any clues from the fortune-telling.

As the golden gossip that only he could see appeared, Zhou An shook his head in disappointment.

Maybe it's because fortune telling is only at level three, so there's nothing unusual about it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou. Although this matter is caused by you, it is also within the scope of the responsibility of Zhensi. If there is really a need, I will tell Mr. Zhou." Hou Sizhou said.

The responsibilities are clear. You can't say who caused the incident and just ignore it.

Yedaomen itself is one of the targets for elimination by the Suppressing Spies.

Everything that needed to be said had been said, and Zhou An did not stay any longer, but left Zhenguisi and rushed home.

He plans to go back to liver proficiency. As for the nightmare issue, he will wait and see the progress of suppressing the enemy.


Back home, it was already late at night, and Zhou An also began to gain proficiency in the Holy Spirit Demonic Body and fortune telling.

Even though it was already late at night, Zhou An's allocation of time was extremely reasonable.

First, he used the liver holy spirit demonic body of the woman in black, and then asked the woman in black to play with the chair while he started to tell fortunes with the liver.

One night passed quickly, and there was a lot of growth in the Holy Spirit Demonic Body and the fortune-telling.

In the morning, Zhou An first took the woman in black out to have a meal, and then returned home without stopping, his liver moving like a dragon.

At present, Youlongbu is getting closer and closer to the qualitative change of level six.

Zhou An is also looking forward to what changes will happen after this skill reaches level six.

Time passed slowly like this.


Zhou An originally thought that the nightmare would start causing trouble within this short period of time.

What I didn't expect is that, currently, everything is normal.

A lot of news also came from Zhenguisi.

Most of them are about nightmares.

It's not calm, but it's all under control.

They discovered part of the nightmare and solved it.

Although it seems easy now, no one knows when the nightmare will erupt.

Zhou An also took advantage of this period of time to resume a regular life every day, and his crazy liver became more proficient.

Even though Youlongbu was getting closer and closer to the sixth level, Zhou An did not give up on the Holy Spirit Demonic Body and fortune telling.

Several skills are not said to go hand in hand, but they can be regarded as relaxed and relaxed.

Just like this, maintaining this progress, finally, the rewards came.

In front of Zhou An's eyes, a line of smoke appeared. After the smoke disappeared, it turned into a line of text.

What comes first is the fortune-telling skill.

[divination lv.4 (accuracy +2, deduction +2): 1/60000]

When the words turned into smoke disappeared, they turned into a large amount of information and entered Zhou An's mind.

After Zhou An absorbed the information, he opened his eyes.

After reaching the fourth level of fortune-telling, his deduction ability is strengthened, which means he can calculate more things.

This change in attributes can be regarded as a small improvement.

Another part is the Qi in the body.

The Qi in the body has also changed slightly, and the bulge on the arm has grown a lot.

The purity and recovery abilities have also been slightly improved.

Now that fortune-telling has been enhanced, Zhou An did not hesitate to use the Qi in his body to try to calculate the situation of the nightmare.

Ever since he had this skill, he had to do calculations every day.

In front of his eyes, golden gossip appeared.

As Zhou An moved on, the Bagua began to gradually change.

A faint golden thread emerged, but unfortunately, the thread was too shallow and Zhou An couldn't see the clues.

"It seems that the skill level is still too low." Zhou An thought to himself.

After all, it is only level four, which is the lowest among all skills. It is normal for it to have no effect when encountering powerful enemies.

He didn't even think about counting the woman in black and himself, because it was useless to think about it.

Zhou An estimated that perhaps after reaching the sixth level of fortune-telling, he would be able to figure out some clues about the woman in black.

It took a long time, but Zhou An didn't panic at all.

He has plenty of time.

The Gan Emperor never dislikes short time.

And...there's something else.

Zhou An looked at the smoke that reappeared in front of him and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This time, it’s a dual skill upgrade.

In addition to fortune telling, there is also the qualitative change of Youlongbu. (End of chapter)

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