It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 186 Eunuch Wei: Bullying the small with the big?

When the smoke appears, it is gradually condensed into words.

Zhou An waited patiently and let the bullets fly for a while.

After a moment, the smoke in front of him completely condensed, and the words were looming and slowly appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

[divination lv.5 (accuracy +4, deduction +4): 1/80000]

After the smoke emerged, it immediately turned into a large amount of information like flowing water, entering Zhou An's mind like a tide.

Zhou An closed his eyes and slowly absorbed the memories in his mind.

After about a few breaths, he opened his eyes again.

"It's okay." Zhou An commented on the skill of fortune telling.

The fortune-telling skills that have reached the fifth level have brought more powerful accuracy and deduction capabilities, allowing Zhou An to reduce the error while calculating the range of fortune-telling.

Zhou An is a skill user, and no one knows the fortune-telling skill better than him.

He has now roughly estimated that if he uses level 5 fortune-telling, then things that he could not calculate in the nightmare before can now be calculated perfectly.

"Probably, in the Xiantian realm, the fortune-telling skill is enough, but mistakes will occur in the psychic realm." Zhou An thought after thinking about it for a while.

It's not a big problem.

In addition to the bonus to skills, there is also a part of the improvement that comes from the Qi in the body.

After this wave of improvement, the Qi Ti villain's legs became longer.

Where the legs were originally, there were just two small bumps, but now they have reached the knees.

Not only did it bring stronger recovery power, but it also allowed Zhou An to obtain more pure Qi.

"With my current ability, as long as I reach the Xiantian realm, I can attack against all odds and kill the masters of the psychic realm." Zhou An secretly said: "Hahaha, you are a Dharma protector, right? Next time we meet, you old Bi If you go on board, it might fall into my hands."

He remembered that last time, that old Bidden looked arrogant because he had survived for a long time.

Now it seems that it is only a matter of time before I kill him.

"The next skill is to read hundreds of scrolls. At the same time, we need to improve the Holy Spirit Demonic Body and fortune-telling to achieve both." Zhou An had a plan.

In front of him, the proficiency of reading hundreds of volumes and the Holy Spirit Demonic Body appeared.

[Read Hundred Volumes lv.5 (Spirit +4, Understanding +4) 63513/80000]

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.6 (purification +8, dispersion +8, power +8) 85690/100000]

Due to Zhou An's reasonable allocation, he had been suffering for such a long time after the nightmare ended, so Yue Baijuan and the Holy Spirit Demon are now almost neck and neck.

Although one was at Level 5 and the other was at Level 6, Zhou An thought about it and estimated that after reading hundreds of volumes, he would have to give priority to reaching Level 6.

This is also in line with his plan. After all skills reach level 6, there will be no doubt about the power brought by all qualitative changes.

"The moonlight is just right tonight, let's continue."

With a new direction, Zhou An was happy.

But before that, he still tried fortune telling to see if he could figure out the situation between himself and Black Jade.

The answer is of course no.

Fortunately, the black mist on the black jade side has faded a lot, but the black mist on his side is still as deep as the earth, and it is impossible to see through it at all.

Of course, Zhou An didn't care either.

The skills are here, it just takes time. When the time comes, all the mysteries will be solved naturally.

Thinking of this, Zhou An didn't think much, and continued to pick up a book, reading hundreds of volumes.


The night passed quickly, and when the next day came, Zhou An had a guest here.

"Master Zhou, I apologize for disturbing you." Yang Jianxin clasped his fists at Zhou An.

The third prince's personal guard was looking excited and flushed.

"Brother Yang, it seems that he has challenged a lot of people recently." Zhou An said with a smile.

He brought Yang Jianxin into his home and made a pot of good tea.

When Heiyu saw the newcomer, he looked at him curiously, but didn't care. He took Zhou An's hand and stayed quietly beside him.

Yang Jianxin took a sip of tea and laughed and said: "Since the battle with Lord Zhou, I have benefited a lot. I am very good at love and good at swordsmanship. Now, after listening to Lord Zhou's explanation, I have entered the next level."

"Oh?" Zhou An became interested: "Which level?"

Zhou An was very familiar with the Yang Jianxin in front of him, and it left a deep impression on him.

After all, no one would fall in love with a sword like Yang Jianxin.

In this situation, compared to the original poster who has unresolved feelings, it is no less generous.

When Yang Jianxin mentioned this, he spoke quickly as if he had opened up a chat box: "Master Zhou, in the past, I only focused on superficial communication with swords. Now, I pay more attention to in-depth communication, and after practice, I feel and have a deeper understanding of the sword.”

Speaking of this, there was a sense of emotion in Yang Jianxin's words.

At the beginning, if it hadn't been for the battle with Mr. Zhou, he wouldn't have made such progress.

I lost miserably in that battle, but it also allowed me to make new progress in the way of swordsmanship.

So for Yang Jianxin, he was very grateful to Zhou An.

But what he didn't know was that his words made Zhou An feel extremely horrified.

"You and your sword have had an in-depth communication, and even through practice, has it gone deeper?" Zhou An took a deep breath, with a terrifying feeling, and his eyes changed when he looked at Yang Jianxin.

Good guy, people in this world are so weird.

Forget about the unresolved feelings between people, what should people and swords do to achieve in-depth communication.

Wait, is it possible...

"Brother Yang, tell the truth, are you the one who goes deep, or the one who is penetrated?" Zhou An couldn't help but ask.

Yang Jianxin: "..."

For some reason, he felt that the way Zhou An looked at him gave him a creepy feeling.

What does it mean to be penetrated deeply?

Yang Jianxin used his only brain cells to finally come up with an answer: "To be precise, they should go deep into each other..."

Zhou An gave a thumbs up: "Strong!"

Yang Jian was stunned.

What kind of situation is it? Isn't it normal to go deep into each other? How can this be so powerful?

Next to him, Hei Yu also imitated Zhou An and gave a thumbs up: "Strong."

This look made Yang Jianxin even more speechless.

Fortunately, the topic didn't stray for long, and we quickly got back on track.

Zhou An picked up the tea on the table and asked, "Brother Yang, you came here this time because you have something to do, right?"

Yang Jianxin nodded: "It's true that I have something to do. Of course, I'm just on my way here this time. I just happened to come to thank Mr. Zhou."

"What's the matter?" Zhou An asked.

Yang Jianxin organized his words and said: "His Majesty's birthday is approaching, so the third prince asked me to collect His Majesty's birthday gifts."

At this point, Zhou An also understood.

It turns out that the emperor is celebrating his birthday, so as a prince, he naturally has to prepare carefully.

If the congratulatory gifts you send can please the emperor, then you will naturally gain a higher favor in front of the emperor.

After all, the important moment of establishing the crown prince is approaching, so it is normal for the three princes to plan to perform well on this birthday.

"It seems that the third prince has already made up his mind and knows what gifts to prepare." Zhou An said casually.

"That's natural, and this matter must be kept secret. After all, we are afraid that the other two families will cause trouble." Yang Jianxin said: "Besides, I stopped by to give something to Mr. Zhou."

While talking, Yang Jianxin took out a pocket.

This bag was also made by a blacksmith and has a storage function.

But compared with the pink money bag on Zhou An's body, it is much rougher.

Yang Jianxin didn't waste any time and took something out of his pocket.

Zhou An took a closer look and found that it was actually a letter.

"Master Zhou, you can just see for yourself." Yang Jianxin said.

Obviously, this letter is very secret and Yang Jianxin cannot read it.

Zhou An touched his chin, opened the letter, read it carefully, then crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the brazier next to it to burn.


What was written in the letter was actually related to the emperor's birthday.

Since last year, the emperor has held a birthday celebration every year.

In this year, the emperor not only celebrated his birthday, but also granted amnesty to many places.

In fact, this is also easy to understand.

Either to demonstrate virtue or to appease people's hearts.

Of course, this kind of amnesty is not all like this. Otherwise, if everyone commits a crime and looks forward to the amnesty every year, everything will be chaotic.

There are several situations that are excluded.

Crimes such as treason, treason, treason, murder, disrespect, unfilial piety, etc. cannot be amnesty.

In addition, there is a very special form.

The emperor would invite officials with good governance or meritorious service to the capital to receive rewards.

And this letter focused on the invitation and reward.

The third prince estimated that Zhou An was likely to be invited to the capital, so he gave a reminder in this letter.

Because of Zhou An's influence, the current third prince's situation has improved.

The third prince was worried that Zhou An would be tricked by his other two brothers when he came to the capital.

"It turns out that my name is so easy to use, and you, the third prince, have benefited a lot." Zhou An said.

Yang Jianxin didn't know what was written in the letter, but after hearing what Zhou An said, he still replied: "Master Zhou is not only a master of swords and pots, but also the object of worship of doctors. Ever since Master Zhou got close to the third prince, the third prince has been under the doctor's guidance." I got a lot of support.”

"That's it. By the way, Brother Yang, let's have a meal together, and I will help Brother Yang wash away the dust." Zhou And said.

Since you are here, it is normal to treat yourself to a meal.

Yang Jianxin clasped her fists and declined, "You're welcome, Mr. Zhou, I'm leaving now. After all, there are still unfinished matters for the third prince. Besides, children of Jianghu, don't worry about these details."

After saying that, Yang Jianxin was ready to leave.

Having said this, Zhou An naturally did not stop him and left Yang Jianxin.

After Yang Jianxin left, only Zhou An and Heiyu were left in the room.

"Keep going!" Zhou An just thought about it for a moment before preparing to continue his liver proficiency.

As for things like the emperor's birthday, it's still early, so there's no need to think about it.

Nothing can make Zhou An more excited than proficiency.

Thinking of this, Zhou An started to read hundreds of volumes.


On one side, Zhou An was busy reading hundreds of volumes, and on the other side, he was in Tiancheng Mansion, which was far away from Fenglin Prefecture.

At this moment, a young man dressed in casual clothes and dressed as a scholar was holding a book, lying on a chair, basking in the sun.

The young man's eyes were half-opened, looking like he was sleeping but not sleeping, as if his attention was not on the book.

Beside the young man, there were two detectives guarding him.

"Is the matter done?" the young man asked, but his eyes did not leave the book.

Next to him, the detective nodded, looking extremely frightened.

"Ever since Mr. Yu had an epiphany and entered the first class, the people from those big families have been completely convinced. They have taken out all the wealth and anointing they have looted in recent years."

As he spoke, the detective handed over the account book in his hand.

In addition to awe, there was more admiration in his eyes.

The Lord Yu Hangyu in front of me can be said to have a fierce reputation in Tiancheng Mansion.

Since taking over Tiancheng Mansion, with his unique style and extremely strong skills, he has built the entire Tiancheng Mansion like an iron barrel.

He even wandered among the major families in Tiancheng Prefecture, hoping to get back the wealth and anointing of these wealthy families.

He even made a big bet with this group of people. If they could reach the realm of first-class masters in a short period of time, these people must obediently hand over everything.

Finally, it’s done.

Not long ago, it reached first-class status.

This is something the detectives have to admire.

There is no evidence for the rich people's wealth and wealth that those wealthy families have plundered.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

So if you want to start with the laws of Da Chu, there is really no way.

Unexpectedly, Yu Hang succeeded in making a bet easily.

Yu Hang looked at the account book, suddenly chuckled, and handed it back: "I only paid 70%, but it is enough. Use this money to build people's livelihood and make the people live a better life."

The detective nodded, and then he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it.

Yu Hang said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

The detective gritted his teeth and asked out his doubts: "Master Yu, why are they willing to bet with you? We have no evidence. They have no need to bet."

Yu Hang shook his head: "You don't understand, this is just to give them a step up. The reason why they bet is because of my status as a disciple of the Prime Minister's sect. The reason why I want to bet with them is to give them a step down."

The policeman was stunned and seemed to understand.

Yu Hang said nothing more, but narrowed his eyes.

Only he knows that as the official becomes bigger and bigger, there are more and more ways inside.

Such as this time.

He originally wanted to act vigorously and use his own methods to deal with these wealthy families.

However, upon investigation, it was discovered that this group of people was intertwined and extremely complicated, and each person was connected to many things.

Even if you are a disciple of the Prime Minister, you must consider this aspect.

Therefore, Yu Hang gave this group of people face, and these people were willing to pay for their own face.

The money he got can also be used by more people.

It is equivalent to using the fastest method to solve this people's livelihood issue.

Later, he will take his time to deal with these people.

There will always be evidence.

As for the first-class realm, he has indeed made a breakthrough.

I don't know why, but since he stepped into the threshold of being a scholar, troubles have piled up one after another, and he seems to be a natural trouble attractor.

But every time he solves a problem, he gains more.

Over time, one night, he actually broke through to the first-class realm.

"Zong Xing, you should also pay attention. Although it is a job to suppress the traitors, if it threatens the people of our Tiancheng Mansion, we still have to do what we should do." Yu Hang said again.

The detective nodded repeatedly.

He didn't understand what he said at first, but he didn't need to listen anymore.

He figured out that these things were matters for big people, and they, small characters, wouldn't think too much about them.

Yu Hang seemed to see what the police officer was thinking, and shook his head: "Think more, read more, and learn more, so that you can climb higher. Just like my brother Zhou An and I, we were just police officers in Anding County at the beginning. The real situation is worse than yours.”

There are some things that Yu Hang still has to come and pick up in person. There is no way around it.

What he wants is not a yes man, but a subordinate with his own ideas.

He is slowly cultivating this thing himself.

When the police officer heard this, he smiled bitterly and said: "How can we compare with Mr. Yu, let alone Mr. Zhou? Mr. Yu and Mr. Zhou have their own achievements and are close friends. It's really a good talk."

They all knew that Yu Hang had already achieved a transcendent status, and they even knew that Zhou An's reputation was more powerful than Yu Hang's.

In Jianghu, you may not know Yu Hang, but you must know Zhou An.

After all, he is the representative of doctors in the entire Chu Kingdom.

He is also a person who was targeted by Zong Xing and Ye Dao Men at the same time and still lived happily.

These two brothers are both outstanding in their respective fields, and it has naturally been rumored in the world for a long time.

When Yu Hang heard what the policeman said, he sighed with emotion: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Lao Zhou for a long time."

The most recent time was when I went to study in Beijing and I passed by.

It's been a long time since that time.

Yu Hang naturally misses her very much.

To be honest, every time he thinks about Anding County now, the two of them brag to each other about the days they spent eating, and feel envious.

Now, Yu Hang has achieved his dream and is one step closer to a bigger dream, and his good brother has gone further than him.

But there are fewer days to get together.

The police didn't dare to disturb him.

Because every time Yu Hang thinks about his brother, he has this expression.

The interruption once caused Yu Hang's anger.

So at this time, the policeman was silent.

After a while, Yu Hang came back from his thoughts.

"By the way, His Majesty's birthday is coming soon. I think Lao Zhou will also go there. You go help me prepare gifts and I will bring them to Lao Zhou." Yu Hang said.

The detective nodded repeatedly and asked, "Master Yu, what do you need to prepare?"

"Lao Zhou loves to eat, so prepare some specialties from Tiancheng Prefecture, and also prepare the best wine from Tiancheng Prefecture. I want to get drunk with him before we stop!" Yu Hang said with a smile.

The policeman agreed and left quickly to prepare gifts.

After the police officers left, Yu Hang picked up the book and began to read again in a state of sleepiness.


Capital City, Imperial Palace.

Emperor Xingwu was sitting in his imperial study, holding a memorial and reading it carefully.

Nowadays, Dachu State is going all out to fill the loopholes after rapid development.

By now, a lot has been filled.

Although there are still many shortcomings, with the current courage of the Chu State, these shortcomings are still being repaired.

The envelope in his hand contains information about people who have made great contributions in various fields.

Recently, his birthday is approaching. In addition to amnesty, he is actually more concerned about rewards.

In fact, Emperor Xingwu rose to prominence at the end of his career, and he rebelled angrily because he could not stand the oppression of his previous dynasty.

Even he didn't expect to reach this point.

At first, he just wanted to live a better life.

Now, sitting in this position, I have many worries.

For example, now, he is very troubled.

"How can I reward you for making so many contributions in a short period of time?" Emperor Xingwu looked at the fold in his hand and said helplessly.

What is written on the booklet is the recent incident about the Maplewood State Nightmare.

The Suppressant reported the nightmare, and a name was written on it - Zhou An.

When Emperor Xingwu read all the contents, his head began to hurt.

When it comes to nightmares, Zhou An is almost always responsible.

Logically speaking, Emperor Xingwu should be happy.

But he was a little helpless.

Because Zhou An was promoted so quickly, he couldn't think of anything to reward him.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, it is just a reward and not a big deal.

But there are also opportunities.

This birthday is about to begin, so why don’t you invite Zhou An?

Not invited?

Zhou An has done so many great things, and if you don't let them come over, wouldn't it mean that you are offending others?


When was this?


The three princes will all be back by then.

In this situation, Zhou An is now in the limelight, and Emperor Xingwu can even imagine what the situation will be like.

As the emperor of the Chu Kingdom, Emperor Xingwu could certainly see Zhou An's character.

That's called a person who eats soft things but not hard things.

Maybe something bad will happen by then.

And there is also the Prime Minister.

It is said that when someone mentioned Zhou An in front of the prime minister, the prime minister just snorted.

Emperor Xingwu knew very well that the prime minister didn't seem to like Zhou An very much.

As an emperor, Emperor Xingwu must take care of everything. Just because he is the emperor does not mean he can ignore everything.

The emperor is not that easy to be.

Next to him, Eunuch Wei had his hands in his sleeves, looking very old.

But the corners of Eunuch Wei's mouth couldn't stop turning upward.

Why does it go up?

Isn't that normal?

He was optimistic about Zhou An and even made an exception to serve as a background for Zhou An.

Now, Zhou An has lived up to his expectations, which is really impressive.

In fact, Eunuch Wei had already secretly taken action before this happened.

The matter of Zongxing Dharma Protector's action will naturally be investigated clearly later.

When Eunuch Wei heard this, he became angry on the spot.

What kind of thing dares to bully the young?

If you send the same master over, our family won't care, but you, a master in the psychic realm, actually want to go over and bully the person our family likes.

That's not okay.

So Eunuch Wei went to the Imperial Master and asked for a hexagram, based on Zhou An.

The Imperial Master was originally unwilling.

Things like fortune telling, especially those related to Zhou An, are too laborious and thankless.

But I can't bear to owe Eunuch Wei a favor.

Ever since, Eunuch Wei took action.

One day, Eunuch Wei turned into endless yin energy, covering the sky and the sun.

One day, a head appeared in the sky.

Now, the head still hangs in Eunuch Wei's mansion.

It is said that Eunuch Wei was waiting for Zhou An to come to the capital and gave Zhou An a special gift.

Of course, a certain liver emperor who did not want to be named did not know that the person he wanted to kill had already been decapitated by Eunuch Wei.

"Are you still laughing? I think you have been living too leisurely recently!" Emperor Xingwu looked at Eunuch Wei and snorted coldly.

Only then did Eunuch Wei realize that his expression control was a bit out of control and he hurriedly restrained himself.

But the more he restrained himself, the corners of his mouth just couldn't be moved back.

"Okay, okay, don't do this. It looks ugly. Tell me how much trouble Zhou An will cause by then?" Emperor Xingwu asked.

In the palace, Eunuch Wei spent the longest time with the emperor.

Hearing this, Eunuch Wei said: "Come here casually. Although Zhou An is crazy, he will not take the prince's life. As for the prince dealing with Zhou An, there is no need to worry, because with the help of the people under the prince, I'm afraid... ahem , can't hurt Zhou An at all."

This is the truth, without any adulteration.

Emperor Xingwu frowned: "But if Zhou An goes too far, I'm afraid it will damage the majesty of the royal family."

To be honest, the emperor didn't care if Zhou An caused big troubles. In his opinion, his sons should indeed be disciplined.

But for now, if the discipline is excessive, it will indeed damage the majesty of the royal family. Emperor Xingwu must take these things into consideration.

Who would have thought that after Emperor Xingwu finished speaking these words, Eunuch Wei shook his head.

I saw Eunuch Wei put his hands in his sleeves and pulled it in hard, and then said: "Your Majesty has thought too much. This is not a matter of our royal majesty, but the rise and fall of the Great Chu Kingdom."

Emperor Xingwu pondered: "Why do you see it?"

"Your Majesty, you want to choose a prince, not someone who only knows how to manage the royal majesty. What the prince wants is not the so-called royal majesty, but the ability to handle all matters in the court."

Eunuch Wei paused for a moment, organized his words, and continued: "Apart from the weirdness and those charlatan monsters, the situation is actually not clear now. For example, the relationship between countries seems to be like a lake, but there are undercurrents."

"Your Majesty, the prince you want can handle these relationships well. What you want is for the Chu Kingdom to continue smoothly and protect its people, so this is not the time to talk about royal majesty."

"To put it harshly, the flowers in the greenhouse will never be as vital as the strong weeds. Only after being suppressed and emerging from the suppression can they be of great use."

When Emperor Xingwu heard these words, he fell into deep thought. After a while, he shook his head and said: "What Eunuch Wei said is to remind me that it seems that I have almost followed the old path of the previous emperor. How can I do it at this time?" It’s time to worry about the royal majesty.”

Sometimes, when you have been doing something for a long time, you will fall into a misunderstanding. Others are doing it, and if you take a unique approach, you will be deviant.

Now when Emperor Xingwu heard what Eunuch Wei said, he felt that this was really the case.

Because sometimes, he would refer to the practices of emperors of other countries.

For example, now, he would think about what other emperors would consider, but it was not based on the current situation of the Great Chu Kingdom.

Eunuch Wei smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you have so many things to do all day long, and naturally you sometimes fail to take care of them, so it is normal for you to make mistakes. After all, no one is perfect, but I have something I don't know whether to say or not."

Emperor Xingwu did not answer, but looked at Eunuch Wei with calm eyes, his meaning was self-evident.

In this imperial study room, there are only two of them, and they can talk about anything.

Eunuch Wei thought for a while and said: "To be honest, I still can't see through the Prime Minister, and I don't know what he is thinking. But if you want to bully the small, then I'm not that kind of person." It’s easy to offend, I hope your majesty will pretend you didn’t see it when the time comes.”

Emperor Xingwu smiled: "You guys have experienced life and death, but until now, no one can tolerate anyone else. Forget it, you can do whatever you want."

Eunuch Wei said no more, and the room fell into silence.

At this time, a gust of wind blew through the window. Emperor Xingwu came to the window and looked at the bright moon outside the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

There are undercurrents surging in various places, and many people have already foresighted and are preparing gifts for the emperor's birthday.

At this time, Zhou An seemed unaware that he had fallen into a state of liver emperor.

He doesn't care about his birthday, strength is the most important thing now.

After all, in this world, if you don't have strength, everything is nonsense.

Every day, Zhou An maintains this routine and constantly works on his proficiency.

The three skills of reading hundreds of volumes, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, and fortune-telling are all rising upwards in a stable and balanced way.

Under Zhou An's guidance, his proficiency has grown rapidly.

Zhou An now feels like he is dreaming back to Anding County.

At that time, he was also so enthusiastic.

"It's a pity that my aunt is not here. She would be very happy if she saw how successful I am now."

In his spare time, Zhou An missed the touch that his aunt gave him.

In this nostalgic and stable moment, there was another change that surprised Zhou An.

As he uses the Holy Spirit Demonic Body to gain proficiency on Black Jade every day, Black Jade's IQ seems to be gradually opening up.

Although it's still a blank slate, I still feel a lot smarter.

For example, when Black Jade learned to go out, he squatted in front of Zhou An, put his hand on his chin, and looked at Zhou An with a pitiful look.

Even when shopping, she used a tactful way to guide Zhou An to buy what she wanted.

Even at certain moments, Black Jade looked at Zhou An with a look that doubted his IQ.

For example, when Zhou An suddenly got excited and started cooking one day, he had that kind of expression.

Of course, whenever Zhou An said that Bai Yu had become smarter, Bai Yu would look at him with a stupid look, as if everything Zhou An said was wrong.

Pretending to be stupid is actually a sign of intelligence.

Fortunately, Black Jade is still as usual, and Zhou An feels there is nothing wrong with becoming smarter.

And even if he becomes smarter, Black Jade is still very sensible and will not disturb Zhou Angan's proficiency.

Today is a special day, because for Zhou An, it is a good day of double happiness.

After his reasonable and effective allocation, Yue Baijuan and the Holy Spirit Demonic Body began to reach the next level of standards.

A burst of smoke appeared in front of me, gradually turning into words... (End of this chapter)

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